Henry Winter: Rashford spent the summer getting supremely fit, reporting early for training | Wants to stay as he loves the club

It has everything to do with it. No idea why anyone would support a club based in a city they've never even visited, let alone lived in. It's a mystery to me. Each to their own, though, I guess. To me, it's about community and civic pride and family (every time anything significant happens with United, I think of my grandad, a diehard Mancunian Red who died far too young). The stories my uncles and my mom told me about the Busby Babes, about Munich, about how it felt to be in Piccadilly Gardens when the newspapers blared the awful headlines, about redemption ten years later against Benfica, about crying as a kid when we were relegated then celebrating our return to exciting wing play under the Doc. And on a more mundane level, about getting on that bus every other Saturday to cross South Manchester to Old Trafford and pay my two quid at the Stretford End turnstiles.

I realize not everyone was fortunate enough to experience all of this, and that's fine, but this is why I won't call out any players, let alone fellow Mancs who play for United, period. You call it "tosh" (which is astonishingly disrespectful, frankly); I call it what it feels like to be a lifelong United fan born in that great city to a family who lived and breathed the club.

I mean absolutely no disrespect to any of the great memories your family and you have experienced in Manchester.

Just a reminder that the United your family experienced and the United post Fergie are not the same.

Do not give a feck that Rashford is a born Man United fan who got to fulfill his dream crap. If he himself doesn't show it on the pitch or in his mannerisms.

If he actually respected the club, you would see him tracking back, put in the effort to galvanize his team as one of the senior players at the club and not go for these booze trips wrecking cars.

Instead of that, you see how PR articles about how he loves the club. Nothing on the pitch.

It's this God like status for these type of normal players that gets them to think they have achieved a lot because their parents had sex and gave birth in Manchester and they got to play for the club closest to their house.
Many modern fans don't have an emotional or even geographic connection with Manchester. Most couldn't pinpoint Wythenshawe on a map.

I didn't actually see this post. :lol:

Top Red stuff.

Any more stories about how your whole neighborhood cried and mourned when the roof at Old Trafford started leaking?
So you're another one of those loons that think that only people from Manchester should support the club? Or you have to have been to Manchester a certain amount in your eyes or what? I haven't been over in about 15 years I think because I simply can't afford it anymore, does that make my support of the team worse somehow? Does it mean I'm not allowed the same opinions on players and the team etc?

I've been a fan for over 30 years and I won't be talked down too by someone like you, being all high and mighty, just because you happen to be born in Manchester. It doesn't make you a better fan than me, and I think it's disrespectful to even think that, if you do. If that is what you think then I couldn't be arsed conversing with you any further.

"Loons"? Why are you taking personal potshots? I was literally answering a specific question about Marcus Rashford posed by @TsuWave:

I don't know why Manchester United fans seemingly dislike him so much. I just don't get it.

My answer was only partial, in that I think some of it comes from a lack of connection to Manchester and how important local players are to our club. That's all I said. The rest you've conjured out of thin air. I've never said or thought that only Mancs should support United. That's honestly ludicrous. How on earth have I "talked down" to you? I welcome all fans. I was answering a very narrow question, and I expanded on it based on my own personal, subjective experiences of being a United fan, trying to give context. You've gone off on your own little tangent here, I'm afraid, attributing to me things I've never said or believed. Maybe you have some dark "top red" straw man in your head, but that ain't me, I'm afraid. Try to calm yourself and look back at the actual conversation.
Fitness isnt his issue and improving it wont fix what was wrong last season. Needs better decision making
Amen. He's never had a fitness issue. The issue is all attitude and decision making.
"Loons"? Why are you taking personal potshots? I was literally answering a specific question about Marcus Rashford posed by @TsuWave:

My answer was only partial, in that I think some of it comes from a lack of connection to Manchester and how important local players are to our club. That's all I said. The rest you've conjured out of thin air. I've never said or thought that only Mancs should support United. That's honestly ludicrous. How on earth have I "talked down" to you? I welcome all fans. I was answering a very narrow question, and I expanded on it based on my own personal, subjective experiences of being a United fan, trying to give context. You've gone off on your own little tangent here, I'm afraid, attributing to me things I've never said or believed. Maybe you have some dark "top red" straw man in your head, but that ain't me, I'm afraid. Try to calm yourself and look back at the actual conversation.
Nah I don't agree, I see exactly what you were trying to say. I'm done with you now, good luck.
So you're another one of those loons that think that only people from Manchester should support the club? Or you have to have been to Manchester a certain amount in your eyes or what? I haven't been over in about 15 years I think because I simply can't afford it anymore, does that make my support of the team worse somehow? Does it mean I'm not allowed the same opinions on players and the team etc?

I've been a fan for over 30 years and I won't be talked down too by someone like you, being all high and mighty, just because you happen to be born in Manchester. It doesn't make you a better fan than me, and I think it's disrespectful to even think that, if you do. If that is what you think then I couldn't be arsed conversing with you any further.

The other point I was trying to make was that it's bewildering to me how many fans seem to enjoy insulting players on their own teams. It must be a social media thing, but as I asked, what on earth is to be gained from name-calling our players publicly? That's not a rhetorical question.
Nah I don't agree, I see exactly what you were trying to say. I'm done with you now, good luck.

"See exactly"? You might think you do, but you don't, especially since I elaborated. But hey, go ahead and continue to misunderstand me so you don't have to ask yourself why insulting our own players in a public forum is a good idea. But yeah. Done with you too. I have no time for disingenuous people who pretend to misunderstand someone's good faith answers in order to make some personal, tangential, and completely irrelevant point. Good luck to you too. :)
You guys need to give him a break. The same folks who advocated for Erik after a bad season last year are the same ones bashing one of our own and wanting him gone. An academy product and a local lad that has been our top scorer since SAF has left. He had a stinker last season but he needs our support. Season before last, he was the sole reason we made the Champions League and won the League Cup. Give him a chance.

He’s a fecking bellend, mate. Disciplined multiple times throughout the season whilst performing at an abysmal level, being one of our top earners.

Honestly, feck him off to the highest bidder. We don’t need the toxicity he brings with his dog shit attitude rubbing off on the squad any more than it has.

Chance? No. He’s had “chances”. No more.
Good for him i guess but I’m not falling for this crap again.
A local lad must always have to do more to impress. It is of course unfair but it's been like that since the dawn of time. For example videos were shown at La Masia of Paul Scholes games so the likes of Iniesta would learn from him and yet in England there's still debates whether fecking Lampard and Gerrard were better then him. That question was asked to a baffled Thierry Henry who was baffled from Carragher. It was asking Henry who was the better player between Alan Shearer and Emile Heskey sort of bafflement but I digress. This is not exclusive to the British BTW. Ravanelli, Di Canio and Zola for examples were essentially pushed out of the Serie A as no one wanted them there at that point of their career. Even the bible write about prophets not being accepted in their own hometown.

However the last thing Rashford need is more PR stunts of this kind. No one gives a toss what the lad does during summer. All they care about is how he's acting on the pitch. It's hardly difficult to impress at this point either. The minimum expected by a United player is to stop jogging around and chase the ball more. Less talk and more action

I am actually annoyed by Henry Winter. He knows Rashy well and he's considered as the don of football journalism in the UK. Surely a veteran like him knows how fans will perceive this PR BS. Why can't anyone tell him how poor he comes out whenever these sort of things are vomited in the media?
How any United fan can call a home-grown player who has already brought so much pleasure a "fraud" or a "bell-end" is genuinely beyond me. Yes, Rashford is streaky, but when he's on, it's thrilling to watch one of our own dismantle our rivals.

This. 100%

All for debate but the language used to describe Rashford at times is obscene.
He's a grifter. He'll be back to walking, slouch-shouldered around the pitch as soon as he thinks criticism has died down.

The unintended consequence of all this, is the suggestion that now he's working hard he's bound to have a great season. The implication being that he didn't work hard before? Oh he's trying now? Well that's nice to hear, isn't it?

But he can locate Wythenshawe on a map so we're duty bound to indulge him, I guess.
I feel like there’s an air of inevitability that he’ll have a great season, United fans will get their hopes up, just for him to be trash the following season. Would be very befitting of Rashford’s level of consistency.
We should move on from Rashford. He's had more than enough time to prove he can be consistent but the only time he provides a good output is when his position in the team starts being questioned and it doesn't last very long.

We don't really know if its issues with his attitude or application, but you cannot progress as a team when you have a player that goes from world class form to feeling like you're playing with 10 men for long stretches during a season.
You guys need to give him a break. The same folks who advocated for Erik after a bad season last year are the same ones bashing one of our own and wanting him gone. An academy product and a local lad that has been our top scorer since SAF has left. He had a stinker last season but he needs our support. Season before last, he was the sole reason we made the Champions League and won the League Cup. Give him a chance.
Erik has to do the same, he’s no different. Difference is even in a bad season he brought in the FA cup so I’m fine with giving him a little more time. Same for any player or coach to be honest, we can only judge what we see season to season.
All he ever needed to do was put in a shift for a few games. Instead we got that interview. He's the very worst of modern football and modern footballers.

The club are partially to blame. We should have kept his feet to the ground when was was younger, but instead we helped tie them to a hot hair balloon.
Even if you're defending Rashford, you surely must notice the PR? And you're not tired of that aspect at least?
Trying to turn this debate into a “from Manchester/ not from Manchester” thing is a nonsense.
in May, Andy Mitten said he hadn’t met a single match going fan who wasn’t happy with him being sold at the end of the season. You only have to hear the crowds reaction when he doesn’t give maximum effort.
The entire fanbase has turned on him. And it’s not because he’s in poor form. No honest person can say Rashford has tried his best.
It’s even more damning and unacceptable when a local lad is accused of such. Rashford is allowed poor form but being lazy on the pitch should never be an accusation against a player that’s been at the club since he was 8.
No point getting 'supremely fit' if you don't run or jump for headers. I'll believe it when I see it.
He's due a good season looking at his recent history.


It is eight years since he broke into United’s first team as a teenager with a flurry of goals (eight in his first 18 appearances). He has scored 131 goals in 401 appearances in all competitions. It is a solid return rather than spectacular, but it has been streaky, as his totals for the past five seasons illustrate: 22, 21, five, 30, eight.
It doesn't really matter what is said or written about Rashford.
All that matters is how he performs for United over the complete season. He has a lot to prove after that terrible season just gone.
Rashford PR machine in full throttle. Supremely fit my ass. He's never played more than 2/3 of a season decently. Even his best season ever, he was shit after Februrary

Wish we could sell him, but we aint that lucky
This. 100%

All for debate but the language used to describe Rashford at times is obscene.

I think you are on a loser on this site lads, I have noticed how they get very defensive and touchy when you mention you are from Manchester, especially when you relate personal experience of life long support of the club. All the examples of getting the match bus from Aytoun Street, walking down Warwick Road (most wont know what it is) only bring childish name calling from some posters.

I agree fully with you about the abuse, its disgusting some of the abuse allowed , these players play for our club, but that doesn't mean they cannot be criticised or called out, personally I think Rashford, after his disrespect to club and fans last season needs to either leave or get back to a level of play that is acceptable.
I find it hard to watch the lad now after he went on the beer because he didn't fancy playing, on top of that he lied to his manager, club and fans, it was only when social media caught him out did he admit it. There's more I could say on Rashford but will leave it at that, If he stays I really hope he proves his love of the club.
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"Loons"? Why are you taking personal potshots? I was literally answering a specific question about Marcus Rashford posed by @TsuWave:

My answer was only partial, in that I think some of it comes from a lack of connection to Manchester and how important local players are to our club. That's all I said. The rest you've conjured out of thin air. I've never said or thought that only Mancs should support United. That's honestly ludicrous. How on earth have I "talked down" to you? I welcome all fans. I was answering a very narrow question, and I expanded on it based on my own personal, subjective experiences of being a United fan, trying to give context. You've gone off on your own little tangent here, I'm afraid, attributing to me things I've never said or believed. Maybe you have some dark "top red" straw man in your head, but that ain't me, I'm afraid. Try to calm yourself and look back at the actual conversation.

Give me a "not local" Cantona, Evra or Vidic over 10 local Rashfords any day
Rashford is fecking class - has a great attitude and it’s great to see him putting a shift in.

Some of you lot are fecking weird.
Yes of course I'm serious. Rashford has been fecking class for us overall, and despite having an average year last year - I fecking love the man.

The reactions are way over the top I agree. Especially considering the fantastic season he had the year before.
Rashford is a local academy lad who has done some amazing things in Uniteds shirt and I would love nothing more than to see him come back strong.
The reactions are way over the top I agree. Especially considering the fantastic season he had the year before.
Rashford is a local academy lad who has done some amazing things in Uniteds shirt and I would love nothing more than to see him come back strong.

Lyng - You are officially sound.
Yes of course I'm serious. Rashford has been fecking class for us overall, and despite having an average year last year - I fecking love the man.
He's had a fair few average seasons not just the last season and he doesn't appear to have a great attitude like you said in your previous post. If he did, he wouldnt out clubbing early into the morning to miss training the next day. Or jog around on the pitch without helping his teammates like he doesn't give a single feck. He was jogging around even when he was brought on as a sub with 10mins left in one game. I still remember his performances under Rangnick too.

He has given us some great memories sure but yea I don't really agree with what you said.

All he had to do was show his work on the pitch like I said earlier in this thread. Instead what we get is another PR article about him.
Yes of course I'm serious. Rashford has been fecking class for us overall, and despite having an average year last year - I fecking love the man.
Brilliant to hear he is committed to staying despite being mobbed and hated on by too many of our fans.
It appears that Rashford’s PR campaign is working pretty well, at least for some of our fan base from what I can see in this thread alone right now.