Due to the nature of my lifestyle, I spend great periods of my life detaching from assumptions and beliefs, and there comes a point in that process whereby you realise just how much you assume the truth of what is said on television.
Well, by the looks of it, I fear you may have become too detached for your own good. Because what you see as people refusing to accept counter narratives, I see as you failing to understand the completely natural and explainable actions of human beings in exceptional situations. For all your talk of others being susceptible to what the news tells them, you seem completely oblivious to your own susceptibility to see suspicious and dangerous motives in innocuous video clips, simply because the narrative being forced on YOU encourages you to do so..
I posted the Robbie Parker video initially as I find it to be a potentially massive piece of evidence of both media complicity and duplicity. If that is what it looks like, and it does indeed look very, very much like an actor getting into character in front of the media, then the implications of that could be absolutely enormous...
And, for what it's worth, I wasn't just putting the Robbie Parker video or what looks to be a Gene Rosen rehearsal out there: I think these are some very serious pieces of footage that need examining if we are to be trusting of the media.
I've watched these videos, and it does worry me... It worries me how shamelessly the micro reactions and easily explainable behaviours of traumatised people have been co-opted into something sinister with the very same media manipulation techniques you seem to decry. Anyone who thinks these amount to "potentially massive" pieces of evidence seems to me to have a very poor grasp of the human experience.
The idea that people looking bored, or nervous, or even smiling on live television after a tragic event is evidence of anything other than uncomfortableness, stress, shock or simply copying mechanisms displays a shocking lack of nuance and understanding about behaviour. One that seems to simply boil down to
"well, they're not acting uniformly like grieving people do in Hollywood films"...Have you never hidden your inner emotions with an outwardly calm exterior? Have you never felt the urge to giggle at a funeral?
I was with a friend of mine this very Monday, whose father had died the previous week. It might shock you to know that he was laughing, joking and occasionally telling slightly riske jokes about it. Does this mean the whole thing is a hoax? Perhaps it's just all a big ruse to get us to donate to Cancer Research? I better instantly slander him on the internet just to shake things up a bit.
Another thing you seem wilfully ignorant (or just dismissive) of, is the unusual situation of being interviewed on live TV, something that - unless you've been interviewed on live TV (which I have btw) - you may not realise is quite a stressful situation in itself. Fidgeting, looking bored, inappropriate laughing, etc are all perfectly common in that situation, even without the added stress of having to re-live a recent horrific event that you yourself might not have fully processed. You're actually encouraged to practice what you're going to say, because neither you nor your interviewer wants you rambling on unprepared, without getting your point across.
I'd even imagine that if you were an actor by profession, this would be second nature to you. And (go with me here..I know it's far fetched) I'd probably imagine that if your child had just been callously murdered by a madman with a gun, the point you'd like to get across would be one relating to gun control, and that even the slightest possibility of you messing it up, or seeming too emotionally compromised to take seriously, could lead you to think you were letting down your murdered kin. Failing their memory, etc.
So the notion that these parents have been "selling" Obama's legislation for him, for any other reason than a perfectly understandable personal one, seems more the product of a sinister mind than a sinister conspiracy.
I post these videos because I think people have become far too attached to their own belief system, and as a result I think that things need shaking up a bit.
Even if "shaking up a bit" includes slandering the grieving, traumatised families of dead children just to get some quotes on a football forum? There was me thinking you'd just re-posted some videos that you'd seen posted elsewhere. I didn't know you'd travelled to Sandy Hook and conducted your own thorough, in depth research with the families of these victims (families who've
even stated their desire to discuss and confront these conspiracies) or even the friends, co-workers, gardeners, teachers, bin men of these families...All of whom would've had to have been in on this to make it work... After all, you think it's
really important, don't you? Just presumably not important enough to weigh the potentially gigantic emotional cost on the families you're accusing against the middling cost of you're own half arsed bedroom investigation.
However, if there is an agenda to try and remove the American people of their guns, and a certain level of media complicity to facilitate that, I think that is a very important thing to discuss.
And yet, despite the enormous effort the government would've had to go to to set up this conspiracy, let alone sell it, they still couldn't manage to just...take peoples guns away?
Out of interest, are you actually for guns? Do you think we should repeal our own gun laws in the UK? Do you think every major shooting in the US (which had almost a shooting a day last year) was set up by the government to enact a law it hasn't even been able to pass? Because while you accuse us of buying into a narrative too easily, all you seem to have done is buy into another one, created specifically by people who do think that, entirely to undermine the perfectly reasonable case for Gun Control. Well done you.
So what is going on with this one? Is it footage of a drill, contrary to what the reporter has said? Do people believe that what was in the wheelchair was actually human? It absolutely does not look life-like to me.
I don't know, because it's just a video with minimal context telling me it's a hoax. It could be a drill, yes. It could be the wrong footage. It could be 1001 unsinister things, including even a potential body, assuming that neither you or I have the requisite medical experience to accurately assess whether it's displaying conclusively realistic corpse movement or not...though I'm sure a Youtube comment or two can clear that up for us.
On that note actually, have a look at the following:
Start at about 5:15. I find that to be pretty uncomfortable viewing, to be honest.
I find that pretty uncomfortable viewing too, to be honest. What kind of utter deluded cnut would create a video out of such an innocuous clip and imply it's part of some kind of sick conspiracy? What are we supposed to be outraged by here? Human beings? I'm beginning to think you haven't met any.