Red Dreams
Full Member
some democrats voted against these amendments too. Its very disheartening when politicians are unable to set aside politics to save lives.
How do these people sleep at night.
How do these people sleep at night.
Well done GOP, you fecking bunch of utter cretins.
It's like they actually want their future to be exactly like the movie Robocop.
@senorgregster i never meant to imply those deaths were irrelevant or meaningless, just that in terms of the conversation being had, you can't group everything together to try and solve the problem. Understanding the cause of the shooting is beneficial to trying to figure out a solution. Just blindly grouping them all into one category doesn't do that. I agree that any loss of life is tragic, especially for some that are so young and born into that cycle of gangs and drugs.
Also to your other point, there have been over 40,000 incidents, but the numbers @Rado_N quoted were just the deaths I believe.
Do other countries have the same mentality and culture of the U.S.? You can't just compare broadly across the World and say this works here, so it will work here.
I'm pretty sure plenty of gangs like MS-13 use machetes and other weapons, and there's plenty of drug cartels here that I don't think function in the Australian Outback.
How many of these people that were arrested on mass shootings had explosives at home?theres no reason to think that if they're as hell bent on causing injury and death that they wouldn't use those instead. They wouldnt even need that trusty fork you seem to have armed them with instead.
Are guns part of the problem? Sure. But like I said above, the distinct lack of respect for human life is the bigger factor IMO. With the media in this country pushing their own agenda for views and ratings, they perpetuate the cycle of violence.
These things can't be half-arsed, banning certain accessories and types of firearms isn't going to cut it.
Make them entirely illegal, hold an amnesty for them to be voluntarily handed in, after that if you're caught with one you're in the shit.
I'm not for one moment saying it will be easy, there will be uproar and it will take time, but you have to start somewhere and in a few generations people will look back on this like the Old West.
I've moved these 2 posts over from the San Bernardino thread:
Mentality and culture of the US or not Skizzo, there's a vast difference between the cold, almost detached action of pulling a trigger and the up close and personal brutality of stabbing or bludgeoning a person. Not to mention the sheer physical exertion needed to commit a mass murder with a simpler weapon.
Knives, clubs and axes are also far less likely to result in accidental or crossfire injuries when used. In the gangland situations like you've mentioned, you remove the issue of stray bullets hitting kids who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when you take away firearms.
These guys have gone so far as to create the "Dickey Amendment" (apt name) which bans any federal funding of research of gun violence. These feckers are serious. I guess there is a group of physicians, along with some members of congress, trying to overturn this "public health challenge" that may soon surpass automobile accidents as the leading cause of death in the country. Everyday, 89 people die from gun related violence.
I don't think we're disagreeing here, really. I said the removal of guns would probably see a downturn in deaths, but the incidents would still occur. Gangs would still kill each other, mentally deranged/terrorists would still find ways to hurt and kill people.
Not to mention, there's absolutely no way the U.S. Can compare to Australia in how the gun removal could happen. For one there's a ridiculous number of more guns, the government doesn't have the power here that Australia's had, and the NRA didn't involve themselves in Australian dealings. It would likely set off something close to a civil war trying to disarm the people with these hundreds of millions of guns.
I've never said guns ARENT the problem, just not the only problem, or biggest problem IMO.
Why aren't the police unified in wanting more guns banned and better regulated? Surely it will lessen their chances of getting shot on the job.
I looked again. Suicides are by far the largest number. So it is 32000 deaths per year total. His number was just homicides and excluded the suicides and likely accidental deaths. As you point out, these numbers should not be ignored as well.
I completely agree with this in a perfect world. But the dream of actually enforcing it is an impossible one.
Who would enforce it? Half the police officers charged with delivering on it would be against it. You'd have 50-60 million homes, spread across the US, many in remote rural areas who would be adamantly against it. A portion of them violently so.
Short of engaging the military to go house to house and risking a civil war, I can't see a way it would work. The people who would honour the amnesty are the people who could probably be trusted with guns anyway while those you want the guns taken from would ignore it.
Sorry but "it'll be too difficult" isn't good enough.
Like I said earlier, it'd be complicated and very difficult but it's a situation that can't (or at least shouldn't) be allowed to continue.I am in complete agreement with you that the idea of regular citizens needing firearms on their person or in their house is absurd. But I think the idea that their government can simply take away those weapons now is naive. It's not an issue of too difficult, but whether it is in fact possible and at what cost (in lives not money).
The mentality of so many over there towards their right to bear arms is such that an attempt to ban and retrieve guns, could well instigate the very same "rising up against a tyrannical government" that they use to justify their weapons.
You want to ban and retrieve guns in order to save lives, but can you justify it if the actions taken to do so risk even more lives than the status quo? decent people feel sorrow and righteous fury about the latest slaughter of innocents, in California. Law enforcement and intelligence agencies are searching for motivations, including the vital question of how the murderers might have been connected to international terrorism. That is right and proper.
But motives do not matter to the dead in California, nor did they in Colorado, Oregon, South Carolina, Virginia, Connecticut and far too many other places. The attention and anger of Americans should also be directed at the elected leaders whose job is to keep us safe but who place a higher premium on the money and political power of an industry dedicated to profiting from the unfettered spread of ever more powerful firearms.
It is a moral outrage and a national disgrace that civilians can legally purchase weapons designed specifically to kill people with brutal speed and efficiency. These are weapons of war, barely modified and deliberately marketed as tools of macho vigilantism and even insurrection. America’s elected leaders offer prayers for gun victims and then, callously and without fear of consequence, reject the most basic restrictions on weapons of mass killing, as they did on Thursday. They distract us with arguments about the word terrorism. Let’s be clear: These spree killings are all, in their own ways, acts of terrorism.
Opponents of gun control are saying, as they do after every killing, that no law can unfailingly forestall a specific criminal. That is true. They are talking, many with sincerity, about the constitutional challenges to effective gun regulation. Those challenges exist. They point out that determined killers obtained weapons illegally in places like France, England and Norway that have strict gun laws. Yes, they did.
But at least those countries are trying. The United States is not. Worse, politicians abet would-be killers by creating gun markets for them, and voters allow those politicians to keep their jobs. It is past time to stop talking about halting the spread of firearms, and instead to reduce their number drastically — eliminating some large categories of weapons and ammunition.
It is not necessary to debate the peculiar wording of the Second Amendment. No right is unlimited and immune from reasonable regulation.
Certain kinds of weapons, like the slightly modified combat rifles used in California, and certain kinds of ammunition, must be outlawed for civilian ownership. It is possible to define those guns in a clear and effective way and, yes, it would require Americans who own those kinds of weapons to give them up for the good of their fellow citizens.
What better time than during a presidential election to show, at long last, that our nation has retained its sense of decency?
I imagine because the majority of them across the country own them privately too.
Obvious who wrote this doesn't know shit about guns, I have a hunting rifle 30.06 and they could use that as well, only because a rifle looks like a military style rifle doesn't mean that shoots like one. For more damage they could use a shotgun with a short barrel (cut) loaded with buck shells.Editorial from the NY Times:
Massacre of children didn't, so I struggle to imagine.So people on no fly lists can legally still buy guns
What a crazy messed up system
I imagine it's going to become even more polarised and partizan through the election cycle but I doubt any progress will be made on gun control until both sides work together... I just dread to think what it will take to make that happen?
Yeah... Probably only a massacre on a scale so far unimaginable... 10 man shooting spree in disneyland with 1000+ kids dead for exampleMassacre of children didn't, so I struggle to imagine.
Yeah... Probably only a massacre on a scale so far unimaginable... 10 man shooting spree in disneyland with 1000+ kids dead for example
But yeah in the UK we have one mass school shooting and we ban handguns - nobody really grumbles and we don't have any more mass school shootings... Its unfathomable to me why they don't do something similar over there - you get the impression Obama would like to but he knows he can't get the legislation passed
And of course the obligatory yeah but if everybody in disneyland had A gun will get lots of 'taughts and prayers' though.
Ho ho ho . . . Christmas card from Republican Nevada state assemblywoman Michele Fiore.
. . . and a happy new year!!!
some democrats voted against these amendments too. Its very disheartening when politicians are unable to set aside politics to save lives.
How do these people sleep at night.
some democrats voted against these amendments too. Its very disheartening when politicians are unable to set aside politics to save lives.
How do these people sleep at night.
The US confuses me. How can such a large proportion of the country see that the availiblity of guns is a major factor in why there are so many homicides by gunshot and mass shootings. I know they like their guns and "It's their right to have their gun". I can live with that. Want a gun? Go nuts. Best of luck when your four year old accidentally shoots your wife. But to honestly believe that guns aren't a problem and to believe that more guns are a solution is actually mental.
Where is this good guy with a gun that's going to take down the shooter? That's what they're saying isn't it? If more people had guns, then they could stop these types of mass shootings. Well of the 350 odd mass shootings in the US this year, how many ended in the perpatrator being shot by a "good guy with a gun"? You'll see them argue that these people target areas with strict gun control, so that's why no one has a gun to defend themselves. Well half the fecking country has a gun. Surely some of those 350 mass shootings were ended by the "good guy with a gun"?
Then you have the "responsible gun owner" who locks his away and he needs three keys to get into his safe to get his gun. Well, great. Well Done. But your gun isn't for protection then. So either they're lying or their gun is good for nothing except killing a deer from time to time. Which is fine, but just nothing something I agree with.
I'm genuinely curious as to how the likes of Columbine, Sandy Hook and all of these mass shootings could have been helped by the "more guns" argument. Should kids and teachers be carrying? What about the Cinema Shooting in Aurora or the church shooting in Charleston, should everyone be packing when they go to watch a movie or say a few prayers. There were even some saying "Oh this wouldn't have happened if the public were aremed" after the Paris attacks. I know I definitely wouldn't want half the crowd carrying guns at any concert I was attending.
And what confuses me even more is that so many of the same people who are so pro-gun are also "pro-life", anti-science, creationist, Climate change deniers.
So people on no fly lists can legally still buy guns
What a crazy messed up system
I imagine it's going to become even more polarised and partizan through the election cycle but I doubt any progress will be made on gun control until both sides work together... I just dread to think what it will take to make that happen?