Gun control

Right wing gun control fantasy played out in Texas. Woman in white shirt drawing a pistol on a purse snatcher who´s been subdued, suddenly thief escapes and gun wielding woman decides on a death sentence. She misses from point blank, not quite fulfilling the fantasy. Then calmly walks away . . . all in a days work. I love the ironic camera shot at the end . . . "Welcome to America"

Some newbie call my attention she didn't shoot the guy, she shot a warning shot to the air and watching the video again he was right.
Some newbie call my attention she didn't shoot the guy, she shot a warning shot to the air and watching the video again he was right.

That's even fecking worse, barros! Are we under the impression that those bullets go up to heaven where they are caught lovingly by god?

'Be sure of your target and beyond' is a central tennet of responsible firearms use. That woman should be barred from carrying and given a hefty fine.

"[Police] say the man brought a 'long gun' as well as multiple items into the clinic," reports Colorado Public Radio. Citing Colorado Springs Police spokesperson Catherine Buckley, the station adds, "The scene will remain active while explosives officers investigate the other items. Buckley says the scene is complicated and will 'take hours, possibly days.' "

Those items, which included several propane tanks, were secured and no longer a threat as of Saturday morning, police say.

Evidently abortion by means of a rifle or propane tank is acceptable to this nutter and incarnation of evil.
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That's even fecking worse, barros! Are we under the impression that those bullets go up to heaven where they are caught lovingly by god?

'Be sure of your target and beyond' is a central tennet of responsible firearms use. That woman should be barred from carrying and given a hefty fine.
I know that was wrong and stupid but again that's Texas

I saw that comment and thought that it was interesting to witness the idiocy of some people. If I'm not mistaken even in the us you can't take a gun with you everywhere and 24/7, especially not at a concert venue. So how not being allowed to purchase and carry arms would have changed anything to what happened in Paris?
Thoughts and prayers and piles of cash

waiting time for one. How guns are kept...rules I mean. Also doctors signing off?

also no gun show loop holes.

We really only have a wait time initially but it's about three months when you do your courses and apply for your posession and acquisition licence. Once you have the card there's very little wait time, mainly depending on what class of firearm your are purchasing and whether it is from a retailer or a private sale.

Doctor sign off is something I've not had to go through but it might be employed if you indicate on the application that you have received treatment for mental illness.

Definitely no loop holes.

Dwayne. Do you need to have weapons registered over there?

Handguns and semi-auto rifles with barrels less than 18.5" are registered. Long guns (hunting rifles and shotguns with barrels over 18.5") aren't required to be registered anymore.
you lot are obviously doing somethings right.

The key is what can we do to prevent people who should not have a weapon getting one.

I like the last line about Registration.

I think out of everything we implemented storage requirements have had the most positive impact and it would be a real eye opener if the US went there.

Our licencing system works well, holders are essentially subject to criminal background checks 24/7 365. If you feck up, expect to have it revoked.

I'm not that sold on registration, though. It's one of things that makes people feel better but it doesn't really stop crimes from happening.
Oh, an interesting thing is that guns are technically banned in Canada, in that it is a criminal offence to possess one. Licence holders are obviously exempt from this.
The thing I like about registration is it places the onus on gun owners to be responsible for their own firearms. If it gets stolen say, they are obliged to report it. Otherwise as you say. Keep them under lock and key.

That's a fair point, for sure.

I really don't understand why people leave loaded guns hidden about the place. Get a shoulder holster and wear it around the house, lock it up when you can't supervise it directly.
common sense rules. They can be implemented if politicians are not more concerned about getting money from the evil NRA so they can get relected at the cost of so many lives.

btw I deleted my post wishing death on these same....

they will have to Answer to God some day.
Is it in general a common thing for people to have Guns of some type in the U.S? I mean for example in a country like India majority of the common people would genuinely have no idea about what is the procedure to get a gun license.

WASHINGTON -- One day after 14 people were killed in a mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, Senate Democrats pushed through votes on measures to strengthen gun control laws. Republicans succeeded in blocking every single one.

In an effort to apply pressure on their GOP colleagues, Senate Democrats tried to change the focus of legislation aimed at repealing Obamacare and defunding Planned Parenthood on the Senate floor Thursday. Their package attempted to strip out the text of the underlying bill and replace it with three measures that would have blocked individuals on terrorist watch lists from purchasing guns, expanded existing gun background checks, and increased funding for mental health services and treatment for substance abuse disorders.

"Our thoughts and prayers are not even close to enough. This country is dangerously close to falling into a new normal," said Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), the Senate's third-ranking Democrat. "Is this the kind of country we want to be? Senate Democrats are not waiting one more day."

Democrats offered the package during a vote-a-rama on the GOP Obamacare bill. While every amendment failed -- they each needed to secure 60 votes -- Schumer said earlier in the day that the point of it all was to ensure the entire country knows where every senator stands on the issue. He predicted a "good number" of Republicans were "dreading" the votes.

Regardless, the amendment meant to improve funding for services treating mental illness and substance abuse disorders failed in a 47-52 vote. The measure blocking individuals suspected of terrorism from purchasing guns and explosives failed 45-54. In what was primarily a party-line vote, a couple of senators defected. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) voted with Republicans against the amendment, while Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) joined Democrats in supporting it.

The final gun control-related measure pushed by Democrats failed in a 48-50 vote. The amendment, offered by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), would have expanded background checks for people purchasing firearms at gun shows and on the Internet. It was the same bill Manchin introduced with Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) in 2013 in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting. Four Republicans, including Toomey, joined Democrats in voting for the measure on Thursday: Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine), John McCain (R-Ariz.), and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.). Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) didn't vote.