Yaaas Broncos!
It was too stupid to even begin formulating a response.Great reply Rado, but I was expecting you to answer his first question.I can understand why you didn't though.
It was too stupid to even begin formulating a response.Great reply Rado, but I was expecting you to answer his first question.I can understand why you didn't though.
There has to be a change, and it has to happen now. Repeal that arcane amendment and in a few generations the problem is gone.
Not everybody's civilizedPutting aside the bizarre nonsense about waiting in line and singing on trains, let's just look at the bold bit.
If Americans are all so civilised with their guns and your fantastic culture "teaches you to handle them like grown men" why are so many people being shot and killed?
Ironically your way of life denies a bunch of your own their way of life.We have our way of life and you have yours.
I don't know what this is but surely people volunteer to participate in a presumably dangerous race?You still have that deadly motorcycle race on the Isle Of Man, don't you?
The fact that you just compared voluntary entry to a dangerous motorcycle race to thousands of innocent people being killed by guns makes it pretty obvious that you are incapable of reason, much like many of your countrymen, which is why your laws will not change and why people will continue to die.While I understand what you are trying to say, I can't deny my amusement at being told by English people that we must give up our guns. Just a couple of hundred years too late.
Projecting your own values onto another culture is bound to lead to misunderstanding, and that's why we find your suggestion as ridiculous as you find mine. That's what I'm really trying to communicate. We have our way of life and you have yours. I always thought of English people as having a high regard for tradition and history and principle, and that's what we're getting into here. The very stuff that makes us who we are. You still have that deadly motorcycle race on the Isle Of Man, don't you?
Exactly, and you have to tailor your laws to deal with the least responsible feckwits in your jurisdiction.Not everybody's civilized
Just seemed like you´re making this huge generalization about the US. By far the majority of the population lives in urban areas and are not into guns nor getting their kids into them. I admit it´s probably bigger now that conservative America has made such a huge propaganda deal out of it and to get your right wing cred you need to be into to it.
I own guns and like I said before we need changes but not banning guns.Exactly, and you have to tailor your laws to deal with the least responsible feckwits in your jurisdiction.
The fact that you just compared voluntary entry to a dangerous motorcycle race to thousands of innocent people being killed by guns makes it pretty obvious that you are incapable of reason, much like many of your countrymen, which is why your laws will not change and why people will continue to die.
You keep dodging the facts and telling yourself that you're on the right side of the debate all you like, but remember this; your love for tradition and culture surrounding guns is costing people's lives.
those are serious errors. I wonder if it was laziness/arrogance or adrenaline/nerves that caused him to ignore basic gun safety protocols.
On those numbers we have terrorist attacks, people killed by police and killing by self defense, can you say the same about the countries on that list?![]()
America doesn't have a gun problem though, we're just generalising.
I own guns and like I said before we need changes but not banning guns.
It's actually quite similar, in that innocent spectators are killed and injured by the riders. I've always understood that the race was fiercely traditional and that's why I use it as an example. Where do you draw the line between individual liberty and personal safety? There is no easy answer.
On those numbers we have terrorist attacks, people killed by police and killing by self defense, can you say the same about the countries on that list?
Sure you don't like anything that show UK is more violent than the US, but guess what I live safer here than any of you in UK, besides the crazy bastards who kills to make "history" most of the murders are between gang members which most the people won't give a fecking fly about it.oh feck me, that list of 'reasons', that's it, I'm done, no sense will be found here.
oh feck me, that list of 'reasons', that's it, I'm done, no sense will be found here.
Driving small cramped cars causes people to become violent, I've heard it all now.
Indeed. The whole thing is a misleading pile of shite anyway, as proved in @senorgregster's link.
I agree, especially with the last part. It's a pointless argument anyway. I can't get my head around it at all, especially not after Sandy Hook. Little children and their teachers, killed at school where they should be safe and still nothing changes. Then you get the imbeciles saying that teachers should be armed to prevent more incidents like this. Two reporters shot on live TV and the same morons say they should arm reporters. You just know if a mass shooting happened in a Hospital they would be calling for Doctors and Nurses to be armed too. Where would it end? The people saying shit like that really would be all for everyone being armed all the time.Last time he provided stats like that, it had the UK full of con artists or something with the USA having near zero. How that relates to guns I don't know.
Many crimes are terribly underreported here in the US.
Now, perhaps the same underreporting goes on in the UK but it shows how little you can compare countries which have different methods.
Old age, bad luck (a round accidentally left in the gun) or who knows? Keeping the gun and bullets in separate places for safety also probably contributed yet keeping the gun on the top of a wardrobe didn't. Luckily it was just a soft tissue injury to the outer thigh. Nothing vital hit.
They are now selling the farm. Their kids have wanted them to sell for ages but not like this.
While it becomes clear that certain types of offenses are marginally higher in the UK than in the US (robbery and knife crime being more likely in the UK by an order of 1.1x and 1.27x respectively) a number of other, more serious offenses, are both marginally and substantially higher in the US. Rape of a female is 1.02x more likely in the US, while theft of a vehicle is 1.29x more likely. More disturbingly, burglaryis significantly higher at 1.52x more likely to occur in the US. However, it is at the considerably more, well, violent crimes that America really supersedes England and Wales into its own class. In the United States, you are 6.9x more likely to be the victim of aggravated assault resulting in serious injury than in the UK. You are4.03x more likely to be murdered than in the UK. And more staggeringly (though not surprising) you are 35.2x more likely to be shot dead in the Unites States than in the UK. Before anybody asks, no, these do not take into account justifiable homicide and other “acceptable shootings”, nor do murders for that matter:
DETROIT (WXYZ) - Police say a 17-year-old remains in the hospital in critical condition after the young father he tried robbing shot him several times.
It happened late Wednesday afternoon near the corner of Warren and Grayton on the city's east side.
Angela Lanier tells 7 Action News her 24-year-old son Joe fired his gun when the teenager tried robbing him while he was sitting in his car. She says he was on the job as an exterminator when the teenager pulled a gun on him for his sunglasses.
Joe Lanier says, "The boy tried to rob me, and I shot him. That's what happened."
He also went on to say, "That's why he's in the hospital and not me."
Lanier has a concealed carry license and his mother is an instructor herself, who says she's taught all of her sons how to responsibly operate a gun.
Her son fired his gun seven times. The windows of his car were blown out.
Police are still investigating.
who says she's taught all of her sons how to responsibly operate a gun.
Her son fired his gun seven times. The windows of his car were blown out.
Got my firearms insurance renewal in the post today.. they send you this
It's a different story in states where one is allowed to carry, of course.
Got my firearms insurance renewal in the post today.. they send you this
Several bullets flying around some neighborhood possibly killing anyone because he didn't want to lose his sunglasses.... "responsible"
Not commenting on whether it makes sense (IMO it doesn't, factoring in possible road rage, theft), but one can legally carry firearms in a vehicle in many states in the US.
Not commenting on whether it makes sense (IMO it doesn't, factoring in possible road rage, theft), but one can legally carry firearms in a vehicle in many states in the US.
Maybe they were RayBans
It's about what's safe and what isn't.... most of the things on that list are perfectly legal, just not a very good idea.
Driving around with a loaded pistol in your car isn't responsible, regardless of what his mummy says and regardless of what country you're in, IMO.
We also have very few gun deaths in Ireland.
Sure, but this is the United States we're talking about. Safe and guns go together like gays and church there.
Which, in a nutshell, is why they need tighter control.
Which, in a nutshell, is why they need tighter control.