Gun control

Sorry, never was the wrong word. Maybe once in a while at night I could be worrying about it, but 99% of the time it's not in my mind. It helps that I've never had a personal experience with any type of shooting.
That's fair, I'd imagine nothing like that would feel real until you experienced it first hand, even if it does happen in your own country. All the same, it's either being reported more or it's becoming a more common occurrence, either way it's about time those in charge did something about it.
That's fair, I'd imagine nothing like that would feel real until you experienced it first hand, even if it does happen in your own country. All the same, it's either being reported more or it's becoming a more common occurrence, either way it's about time those in charge did something about it.
They couldn't do a thing. The NRA is too powerful.
Genuine question. Are concealed weapon permits common or normal? On what grounds would they be issued.

Flipside of that question is do people with a normal or not concealed weapons licence have to therefore have it visible at all times, eg in a holster?

It varies greatly from state to state. In some states you don't even need a permit.
"Police reviewed store video to determine the shooting was accidental".

That's some top police work lads.
I feel so sorry for that young child. He'll grow up and be told at some stage, either by his family or some dickhead at school who knows, that he shot his own mother by accident.
Man, this sucks. I feel sorry for the little kid and its inevitable that one dickhead will let the kid know that he shot his own mum.
If the checkout attendant had a machine gun he could have taken the 2 year old down before he killed him mum etc etc etc
"Police reviewed store video to determine the shooting was accidental".

That's some top police work lads.
Well considering the age of the kid and that he probable could not tell them what happened and there may not have been other witnesses, checking the video was probably just to confirm what happened.
So are swords. I did fencing for many years and feel I should be allowed to walk around town with my sword for protection.
I never think about it, to be honest.

Do you not even slightly concerned about it?

when will the yanks ever learn?

After Sandy Hook when 20 elementary kids were killed I actually thought there would be real tangible gun reform but the NRA lobbyists silenced that. I lost all hope of things ever changing in the states.
When some crazy feck can massacre 20 kids with a AR-15 and nothing gets done....they couldn't even ban high capacity clips because of "freedom" and all that...they are doomed.

Until the USA gets big money out of politics they will continue to suffer.
I really don't get it, America in general is a safe place I assume? Even without having to arm yourself with gun? What's the odds of a commoner shopping at walmart ever need to carry a gun?

You can carry a gun in Walmart....just don't be black:

You can get killed in wal mart for just picking up an air rifle if you are the wrong colour.
Well here's a surprise...

Sometimes I wonder if this is just nature's modern way of weeding out the idiots.
And someone in that article says she isn't irresponsible? No, of course not, taking a lethal weapon to do grocery shopping is perfectly sensible, those carrots can be deadly, dozy bint
Just type "open carry" into your search engine and look at the images. Especially the feckin nutjobs carrying assault rifles in coffee shops and supermarkets. I bet they feel tough. But it's their constitutional right blah blah blah. Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Sometimes I wonder if this is just nature's modern way of weeding out the idiots.

Unfortunately not quick enough, and with guns it's usually the innocent people around who get hurt.
You can carry a gun in Walmart....just don't be black:

You can get killed in wal mart for just picking up an air rifle if you are the wrong colour.
Jesus, that's the first I've heard about that. Why hasn't this had any media attention when the rest of the recent killings have? Or have I just missed it?

Picking up a gun, in a store that sells guns, and he gets shot dead. Things are just going from bad to worse in America.
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this is why toddlers shouldn't legally be allowed to buy guns. America really needs to catch up with the rest of the world.