Gun control

Owning a gun doesn’t automatically makes you a cnut, but it sure helps embolden the cnutish part.

Although, that girl doesn’t seem to be the most emotionally stable type. 2 replies in 2 separate days speak of certain insecurities, which, to be fair, is a given in light of the gun purchase.

Oh and scrolling through the replies :lol:

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Yet another shooting.

1 dead, 6 others hurt in Waffle House shooting

One person was killed, and 6 others were wounded in a shooting inside a Waffle House at 3571 Murfreesboro Pike in Antioch near Pin Hook Road.

The shooting took place at approximately 3:30 a.m. Sunday. According to police at the scene, a white man who was naked except for a green jacket went into the restaurant and started firing. They described the gun he used as an AR-15. Police are still searching for him at this time.

At least one victim was taken to Vanderbilt University Medical Center in critical condition.
Yet another shooting.

1 dead, 6 others hurt in Waffle House shooting

One person was killed, and 6 others were wounded in a shooting inside a Waffle House at 3571 Murfreesboro Pike in Antioch near Pin Hook Road.

The shooting took place at approximately 3:30 a.m. Sunday. According to police at the scene, a white man who was naked except for a green jacket went into the restaurant and started firing. They described the gun he used as an AR-15. Police are still searching for him at this time.

At least one victim was taken to Vanderbilt University Medical Center in critical condition.

Three dead now.
It seems most people posting here are for gun control.

If you're interested in hearing the opposing argument from a very smart and articulate conservative (and can get past the inflammatory title of this video), watch this -->
'Smart and articulate conservative' could be a copypasta at this point.
It says something about the state of American conservative intellectualism that a twerp like Shapiro is the default source they turn to in any contentious debate.

Or, to put it another way, there is no American conservative intellectualism.
Ad hominem?

Not really. He's not really that articulate nor smart and his views seem to change regularly. And many of his views are truly repulsive and purposely argumentititve.

Hunters, farmers and sports shooters i completely get, and I can see possible justification for owning handguns for self defence at home. Any other argument for guns is just bullshit imho. What they should really just say is "I like guns" and so much so I think my right to own one supersedes your right to life. Also because gun nuts are so backed in to a corner now their only real defence is reverting to the old needing guns to fight a tyrannical government which is not only laughable It's insane and irrational too. Complety batshit.
Thanks. I see, and you honestly believe Shapiro means that literally...?
Try to explain these away.

Shapiro’s thoughts about Arabs are all along similar lines. Usually conservatives are careful to draw a distinction: they are not condemning an ethnicity, but rather adherents to an ideology, namely Islamism. Not so with Shapiro: for him, the problem is not Islamism or even Islam writ large. It’s Arabs: “The Arab-Israeli conflict may be accurately described as a war between darkness and light. Those who argue against Israeli settlements—outposts of light in a dark territory—argue for the continued victory of night.” Arabs “value murder” while Israelis “value life,” and “where light fails, darkness engulfs.” Arabs are therefore, as an undifferentiated unit, a people of darkness. Palestinian Arabs are the worst of all: they are a “population rotten to the core… Palestinian Arabs must be fought on their own terms: as a people dedicated to an evil cause.” The “Arab Palestinian populace… by and large constitutes the most evil population on the face of the planet.” Since they’re “rotten to the core,” there’s no such thing as a good Arab: your evil is defined by your ethnicity, by being a member of the People of Darkness and Murder rather than the People of Goodness and Light. Again, it may just be my failure to understand Facts and Logic, but I am having trouble understanding how population-level generalizations about the moral characteristics of particular ethnic groups can be anything other than bigotry.
So, the Waffle House shooter is the same guy who snuck onto the White House lawn last year to have a meet and greet with Trump, and thought Taylor Swift was stalking him.

Secret Service took his guns away, gave them to his dad... and his dad gave them back to him. He then shot up a WaHo.

Politicians love to talk about gun control because it keeps people fighting each other and it gets huge amount of media time, leaving the more important issues with little to no coverage.

Obesity and mental illness pandemic should be way more of an issue than they currently are.

I'm pro gun control, if it were up to me, i would probably ban all guns, but gun control in itself is hardly gonna solve anything.

My country (Chile) for example has strict gun control laws, yet the murder rate is up there almost as bad as the US. More than a gun control issue, maybe the fact both countries are a neo-liberal capitalistic society with high rates of social inequality represents a much bigger influence into why people is killing people?

ps. In a Waffle house i took the best shit of my life. The WC was fecking huge, sturdy, beautiful. Al Bundy would have been proud of it.
It seems most people posting here are for gun control.

If you're interested in hearing the opposing argument from a very smart and articulate conservative (and can get past the inflammatory title of this video), watch this -->

You're impressed easily.

So, the Waffle House shooter is the same guy who snuck onto the White House lawn last year to have a meet and greet with Trump, and thought Taylor Swift was stalking him.

Secret Service took his guns away, gave them to his dad... and his dad gave them back to him. He then shot up a WaHo.


You would think that this would be a pretty open and shut case in terms of someone who shouldn't have access to any guns at all, and yet... America, eh?

RIP to those who had their lives lost at the hands of this idiot, I saw reports that he was specifically targeting POC, but that isn't verified yet.
Wait, Ben Shapiro is considered a very smart and articulate conservative?

Feckin hell, says something about the state of conservatives innit :lol:
Wait, Ben Shapiro is considered a very smart and articulate conservative?

Feckin hell, says something about the state of conservatives innit :lol:

When it comes to verbal eloquence, I think Shapiro is up there with Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, the late Christopher Hitchens, and Peter Hitchens. They're as articulate as anyone I've heard in similar circles. You may disagree with Shapiro's opinions, but to deny he is articulate (and smart) is churlish and, I suspect betrays your disingenuity to any neutral observer.
When it comes to verbal eloquence, I think Shapiro is up there with Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, the late Christopher Hitchens, and Peter Hitchens. They're as articulate as anyone I've heard in similar circles. You may disagree with Shapiro's opinions, but to deny he is articulate (and smart) is churlish and, I suspect betrays your disingenuity to any neutral observer.
Articulate I will give you, but I refuse to classify someone with his political views to be something I'd consider smart. I'm sure he'd score well on an IQ test, but I think someone who for instance says:

"As a religious Jew, I think homosexual activity is a sin. As a leftist, you don't have to care. Get over it."

is a moron. As a conservative, you don't have to care. Get over it.

To be fair smart and intelligent might well mean the exact same thing in English in which case my point might be confusing.

By the way, we have our own Ben Shapiro in Holland, his name's Thierry Baudet :)
When it comes to verbal eloquence, I think Shapiro is up there with Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, the late Christopher Hitchens, and Peter Hitchens. They're as articulate as anyone I've heard in similar circles. You may disagree with Shapiro's opinions, but to deny he is articulate (and smart) is churlish and, I suspect betrays your disingenuity to any neutral observer.
Eloquence is a great way of disguising your lack of clothes. Especially if your audience can't be bothered going to Specsavers.
When it comes to verbal eloquence, I think Shapiro is up there with Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, the late Christopher Hitchens, and Peter Hitchens. They're as articulate as anyone I've heard in similar circles. You may disagree with Shapiro's opinions, but to deny he is articulate (and smart) is churlish and, I suspect betrays your disingenuity to any neutral observer.

Please. Mostly what he does is sugar coat bigotry in palatable terms and pick arguments with college kids. He knows how to argue with folks who are not good debaters, that's about it. I have never seen him deconstruct a complex topic and present convincing arguments and rationale for a position he holds. It is usually "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" and a bunch of cherry picked statistics to purposefully mislead his audience. Rinse and repeat for his other positions.

If an above average command over the English language is all it takes to be articulate and eloquent, then I'll give you he is.

To compare him with Hitchens is.... I can't find a word for it. He doesn't have the depth of knowledge, expertise or level headed critical thinking and not to mention command of language to lace Hitchens' boots.
Eloquence is a great way of disguising your lack of clothes. Especially if your audience can't be bothered going to Specsavers.
This is a great point. Something Jordan Peterson is very much guilty of this. The way he can over complicate something by using an endless stream of verbal diarrhea is amazing.

Obfuscation man, someone on here rightly called him.
When it comes to verbal eloquence, I think Shapiro is up there with Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, the late Christopher Hitchens, and Peter Hitchens. They're as articulate as anyone I've heard in similar circles. You may disagree with Shapiro's opinions, but to deny he is articulate (and smart) is churlish and, I suspect betrays your disingenuity to any neutral observer.

Being articulate is surely mediocre at best? Or have standards really fallen that low?

Why are we praising someone for being able to communicate clearly, especially if it's their native language?
Being articulate is surely mediocre at best? Or have standards really fallen that low?

Why are we praising someone for being able to communicate clearly, especially if it's their native language?

Well, if you compare him to the president of the United States he is the epitome of articulateness (that's not a word is it?). Pretty sure ol' Donny made the standard drop a fair few notches :)
When it comes to verbal eloquence, I think Shapiro is up there with Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, the late Christopher Hitchens, and Peter Hitchens. They're as articulate as anyone I've heard in similar circles. You may disagree with Shapiro's opinions, but to deny he is articulate (and smart) is churlish and, I suspect betrays your disingenuity to any neutral observer.

None of them are anywhere close to Hitchens imo.
Well, if you compare him to the president of the United States he is the epitome of articulateness (that's not a word is it?).

Which is sad, frankly.

Frying chips sounds more articulate than him.
This is a great point. Something Jordan Peterson is very much guilty of this. The way he can over complicate something by using an endless stream of verbal diarrhea is amazing.

Obfuscation man, someone on here rightly called him.

He does talk a lot at times doesn't he. A lot of his ideas are pretty sensical and he would do better by condensing his speech into more digestable bits.
He does talk a lot at times doesn't he. A lot of his ideas are pretty sensical and he would do better by condensing his speech into more digestable bits.
Yep, if he would stop trying so fiercely to sound smart he would actually sound smarter.
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Listened to the Shapiro speech you put up but I can't say he changed my mind about anything. The emphasis on the numbers is important so as to put things in perspective but as I understand it there are still around 9,500 gun related homicides, about 80,000 wounded and 500 deaths by accidents with guns per year, whereas suicide by shooting is responsible for about 20,000 deaths, two thirds of total of 30,000 in all.

For people into statistics, if the above statistics are correct, maybe more people have died in gun related incidents in the US in the last 50 years than in all the wars America has ever fought in. As for the constitution, change or amend it, it's a constitutional arrangement for the benefit of the people and the nation, not a covenant with God. The militias - was John Brown and his men a militia,were Quantrills' Raiders or the James gang a militia or the KKK, were The Weathermen ? An "armed virtuous citizenry" as a power to prevent tyranny ? Surley that belies where real power lies in America ? And in my opinion, a militia would most likey support a right wing authoritarian coup or help to uphold a government they are happy with than prevent tyranny.

Maybe the "armed virtuous" idea could be internationalised and become A Community of Nuclear Armed Virtuous Nations, just to keep foreign tyrants in check.
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It seems most people posting here are for gun control.

If you're interested in hearing the opposing argument from a very smart and articulate conservative (and can get past the inflammatory title of this video), watch this -->

Christ. I made it 11 minutes through before I turned it off.

You are uncaring, you utter moron, when you consider your right to bear arms more important than the lives and safety of your countrymen.

And no, hillbillies with guns in Texas won’t stop a tyranical government with drones if it comes down to it.

It seems he either can’t or just doesn’t want to understand, that that need to be able to defend yourself is multiplied x1000 when there are more guns than citizens in that particular country.

“When someone comes into your house, you need to be able to shoot them”. You don’t, actually. Works pretty well in every other civilized country.
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Comparing Shapiro, Peterson (or hell even Harris) to the level of Hitchens is hilarious.

Then again, Bill Maher did outrageously once suggest Milo was a young version of Hitchens. :lol: