Gun control

It's everywhere, it's a sickness. This is a sick society.

I just can't comprehend how some people think. Had a conversation on gun control with my friend today. He was against raising the age to buy an AR15 to 21 because if you can buy a house/land at 18 you should be allowed to buy a gun to defend your property. :rolleyes:
One of the things that baffles me about the gun lobby is that they refuse to even add more regulations to the system of getting a gun. Surely its in the interest of everyone for people to have to have solid police checks before bwing allowed to purchase a high powered automatic rifle. I had to do a police check just to work in Australia ffs.

Also, Im no expert on the US constitution but surely anyone that would potentially shoot up a school or public area is considered a potential domestic terror threat. Wouldnt that have precedence over the second amendment? Im sure some shit hot lawyer could argue that heavier regulation of gun market was in the interest of national security?
Florida lawmakers considering a plan to allow teachers to carry in school:
  • Must do 144 hours of firearms and diversity training.
  • Voluntary program
  • Open to all teachers and school staff
  • Local Sheriff Department must agree to support the program
Florida lawmakers considering a plan to allow teachers to carry in school:
  • Must do 144 hours of firearms and diversity training.
  • Voluntary program
  • Open to all teachers and school staff
  • Local Sheriff Department must agree to support the program

Lunatics. I’ve said it before, but this will just make a whole bunch of parents insist that their children are taught by an armed teacher.
One of the things that baffles me about the gun lobby is that they refuse to even add more regulations to the system of getting a gun. Surely its in the interest of everyone for people to have to have solid police checks before bwing allowed to purchase a high powered automatic rifle. I had to do a police check just to work in Australia ffs.

Also, Im no expert on the US constitution but surely anyone that would potentially shoot up a school or public area is considered a potential domestic terror threat. Wouldnt that have precedence over the second amendment? Im sure some shit hot lawyer could argue that heavier regulation of gun market was in the interest of national security?
Not the interest of the gun manufacturers making money which is the only thing the NRA really cares about.
Not the interest of the gun manufacturers making money which is the only thing the NRA really cares about.

The ironic thing is lack of gun controls will ultimately bring the NRA and gun industry down. With each shooting and changing demographics public opinion is swinging away for the gun lobby. Sooner or later REAL change will occur that will devastate the gun industry as we know it today. However with some simple gun controls they could minimize the chances of mass shootings and bad public relations events.
As terrible as it sounds, I honestly am starting to think that the NRA hardliners in America just aren't bothered by mass shootings or gun violence.
As terrible as it sounds, I honestly am starting to think that the NRA hardliners in America just aren't bothered by mass shootings or gun violence.

They aren't. If anything many reap the benefits of them as gun sales always spike straight after and the NRA gets more exposure.

As @Grinner rightly said, the USA is a very sick society.
As terrible as it sounds, I honestly am starting to think that the NRA hardliners in America just aren't bothered by mass shootings or gun violence.

Some are, some aren't - but the prevailing sentiment among them is that its a matter of rules not being adequately enforced - combined with insufficient security (not enough guards and armed citizens to stop assailants).
“But are we going to ban fertilizer, which is what they used in the Oklahoma bombing?” Stargel asked. “Are we going to ban pressure cookers, which is what they used in the Boston massacre? Are we going to ban the multiple handguns that were used in other assaults? Are we going to ban the sawed-off shotgun as what was used in Columbine?”

Oh man. It starts off generically dumb, then quickly moves into the kind of batshittery that the GOP now specialises in.

That speech is like the one in Animal House... “Massacre?” “Forget it, she’s rollin.”

“Are we going to ban fertilizer like they used in Oklahoma City?”
— some states did pass new legislation regulating fertilizer sales and Honeywell developed a fertilizer blend that wouldn’t detonate when mixed with fuel.

“Are we going to ban pressure cookers like they used in the Boston Massacre?”
— the British soldiers didn’t use pressure cookers to shoot the colonists

“Are we going to ban sawed off shotguns like they used in Columbine?”
— sawed off shotguns are highly regulated at the federal level and banned by some states.
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Sat having lunch in a redneck area of Lakeland on the way home from the range on Saturday. There was four women in their 40s-50s talking about shootings in the booth behind me. They were blaming them on everything from video games to the breakdown of family values but no mention teh guns might be the problem. :rolleyes:
That speech is like the one in Animal House... “Massacre?” “Forget it, she’s rollin.”

“Are we going to ban fertilizer like they used in Oklahoma City?”
— some states did pass new legislation regulating fertilizer sales and Honeywell developed a fertilizer blend that wouldn’t detonate when mixed with fuel.

“Are we going to ban pressure cookers like they used in the Boston Massacre?”
— the British soldiers didn’t use pressure cookers to shoot the colonists

“Are we going to ban sawed off shotguns like they used in Columbine?”
— sawed off shotguns are highly regulated at the federal level and banned by some states.

Not that it's much less dumb but I'm pretty sure she was referring to the marathon bombing.
Weapons/guns for teachers at school:

I see the FL politicians have capitulated to the NRA on the assault weapons ban. This will just fuel the impending Dem wave this fall.
Sat having lunch in a redneck area of Lakeland on the way home from the range on Saturday. There was four women in their 40s-50s talking about shootings in the booth behind me. They were blaming them on everything from video games to the breakdown of family values but no mention teh guns might be the problem. :rolleyes:

I had a date last Halloween with a girl who was from Lakeland. She told me about she finds Lakeland to be rather unsafe? Rather random thing to be saying here, but that was the first thing I thought of when I read your post.

Trump administration's gun control measures are extremely weak after all the tough talk and bluster during his meeting when senators. So much for raising the age and all that. All talk, no action. Sad!