I'd like/expect him to follow the law.He's probably buying hot pockets, so what do you expect.
Unless he's in a state that allows a mag in the mag well when carrying slung, he should have been arrested.
I'd like/expect him to follow the law.He's probably buying hot pockets, so what do you expect.
In the words of our prophet, the great Jim Jefferies:
"There is only one reason of owning guns, it's not a good reason, but the only thing you have, and it is 'feck off, I like guns'".
Most of these Rambo wannabes, like that tool pictured above, probably haven't ever drawn blood from an animal that they consume for dinner, yet they think they'd save the day with their substituted penises when the day arrives.
In 'Freedumb' he said the day of the Paris shooting, he received hundreds of masturbatory letters to the tune of 'see, it happens over there too'.One of my Favourite stand up bits.
He's said many a time that he knows when a bunch of Americans have been killed as his Twitter Feed blows up.
- Mass Shooting
- Uproar ensues
- Someone posts his bit
- He gets mentioned in hundreds of thousands of tweets.
That's scary as all hell, all by itself.
No there isn't because it isn't insanely easy for people who shouldn't have them to get guns. And please realise I don't mean this as an insult, but celebrities and politicians are targets for people, you and I are quite frankly not important enough for anyone to want to target.Where do you live Sparky? Is there any reason for celebrities or politicians to have an armed security guard where you’re from?
A very small area but yes to a degree I can agree with that, but unless your living I the arse end of nowhere then my point stands.In a lot of countries that is true. However the US is rather large an it has a lot of remote areas and several animals that can attack humans. There is no need for firearms for the majority of Americans but there are definitely areas where you can make an argument in favor.
This is simply not true.In what world is just so easy to just up and move? I must live in a different world than you.
I'm well aware of what happens when people don't follow the basic rules of firearm safety... the consequences are the same as when people don't put poisonous things out of the reach of kids. In both instances, it isn't the inanimate object's fault.
As for the stuff about suicide, you act as if people only shoot themselves. If they want to die, they'll find a way.
That one is tougher for me. I've had a concealed carry permit for awhile, but even still, I wish they weren't allowed. Considering they are, I take the "better to have and not need than have not and do need" approach.
I don't know what you're getting at here.
If the military wouldn't attack their own countrymen, then surely civilians don't need guns even against a tyrannical government? If the military does not stand with the government then any uprising will be fast and bloodless.How does that fall flat? That just reinforces my argument
Wrong again. More US citizens do not own guns than those that do ( at most 30%) and i presume many of those are hunters or sports and target shooters.
The vast majority of US citizens want more gun regulation, up to 90% want increased background checks. 52% want a complete ban on assault rifles and only 27% support concealed carry so far less support open carry. So yeah you are in the minority. How can you consistently be so wrong? It must suck that facts keep getting in the way.
A seatbelt is very unlikely to accidentally kill you. Your kid won't be in grave danger if he accidentally finds your seatbelt and starts playing with it. It's very, very hard to commit suicide with a seatbelt. A seatbelt is not designed to cause harm to other living beings.It’s not paranoia. Is it paranoia to put on your seatbelt while driving, thinking that you’d like to survive a crash, if it ever happens?
I’ll discuss this with anyone, no matter how far you have you head shoved up your own....degree. Forget what type of education I have or the experiences that I have! You have a German historical degree...discussion over!
If the military wouldn't attack their own countrymen, then surely civilians don't need guns even against a tyrannical government? If the military does not stand with the government then any uprising will be fast and bloodless.
Please note that I do live in a country where an armed uprising did happen 60 years ago and it was brutally drowned in blood by tanks. Because it turns out those are stronger than handguns and rifles.
if you have public support, obviously the latter. If you don’t have it, both are pretty much pointless. Maybe you would know if you would ever have read a book.Private gun ownership, by itself, would not get rid of an oppressive dictatorship. But it at least gives the unwilling population some protection against an armed force.
Let me ask you another question. Let’s say the dictator has completely taken over. What’s the best (only?) way to fight back and start a revolution? Armed revolution or unarmed revolution?
Scaredy catsWho the hell carries a 10lb assault rifle around.
People who are likely to own guns (top) vs people who are likely to graduate college (bottom). I get that correlation does not equal causation but it's still an interesting stat.
Source - http://www.claritycampaigns.com/#models
Also I would be really interested where the data came from because in Florida its illegal to keep a list of gun ownership.
If only the police are allowed to carry, you can bet that it will end up being only police and criminals having guns. Where does that leave you?
It’s amazing how these morons make the same dumb arguments over an over again. It’s almost to easy.With one of the lowest murder rates in the world, around half as high as the UK and one tenth of the US.
OoopsWith one of the lowest murder rates in the world, around half as high as the UK and one tenth of the US.
that's a big hit, but he won't admit being wrong. He's too far into it. True delusion if he believes what he posts.
If he is just wumming then he is still acting like a dumb cnut and should be banned.that's a big hit, but he won't admit being wrong. He's too far into it. True delusion if he believes what he posts.
Brilliant response. Attack my intelligence and say that I have zero knowledge. You know nothing about me. Keep standing behind your degree and make assumptions about others instead of arguing the point.In regards to your enormously stupid argument, yes, it is. You are just an American with zero knowledge about what happened outside your borders. The notion that private gun ownership would have done anything to prevent Hitler is so ridicoulusly stupid and shows such an extreme level of ignorance I want to puke. How can a human being be so dumb.
Or bothyea, I thought he's wumming when he said that about Hitler...couldn't believe my eyes. Anyway, he's either very naive & delusional or an asshole.
Brilliant response. Attack my intelligence and say that I have zero knowledge. You know nothing about me. Keep standing behind your degree and make assumptions about others instead of arguing the point.
The Germans disarmed a segment of the population starting in 1931 then with the Gun Control Act of 1938, they seized weapons and disarmed, among others, the Jewish populace before rounding up the undesirables.
I didnt want this thread to be sidetracked by a WW2 discussion, so let’s go back to the original topic I wanted to discuss. Nobody has given my example any alternatives.
Please let me know how you would handle the situation if your love ones were threatened (death threats) while dealing with customers. Would you depend on local law enforcement to escort your loved one to and from her vehicle every day? Would you not want her to be able to defend herself?
Wait, is that an AK? Can't be real.Needed a gun at Target.
Aren't fully automatics banned in the US?Oh its real for sure.
If the law allows this, the situation is even worse than I imagined.I think it depends on the state and it can be a manipulated AK so it's only semi auto.
Aren't fully automatics banned in the US?
that kind of stuff alone is simply nuts
doesn't seem too hard to get full auto guns and even silenced ones..
Is that the crazy tool that owns hundreds of guns and lives by himself with the manikins?