Gun control

Although it then begs the question, what on earth have you done to have someone hell bent on taking you out at the risk to their own freedom and/or life?

That's why in most cases, guns are not needed. They just provide the illusion of being in control, because, despite all the training, you can never be sure what will happen when you have someone staring down the barrel of your gun, or vice versa.
Does it really beg that question? All murder victims have done something to make some one want to kill them?

I don't own a gun, nor feel the need to. I don't think most people need them for self defense. Just so you know.
I've read some dumb shit on here in my time but equating carrying a gun to wearing your seatbelt is probably the single dumbest thing the internet has ever seen.
I've read some dumb shit on here in my time but equating carrying a gun to wearing your seatbelt is probably the single dumbest thing the internet has ever seen.
I'm always trying to understand that kind of perspective and I can only rationalize it by thinking that if you truly were raised in such a way or something made you feel that gun ownership is the only thing to truly make you feel safe then the comparison doesn't seem that strange anymore. I would never get in a car and not put my seat belt on - not because I necessarily think I need it to save my life anytime soon (I'm an optimist) but I feel much safer knowing I have the protection if something were to happen. I assume many gun owners who have guns for self defense must believe it makes them safer. Where I agree with you tho is that a seat belt has clearly been shown to in almost all cases be an actual life saver and the situations where you might need one to protect you are far and away more likely to happen to you. Not to mention the odds of a seat belt being used against me or my loved ones or causing some other damage that either hurts, kills or maims resulting in either the ultimate price for me, the other person, or a conviction. That same logic doesn't seem to hold up in the case of gun ownership for self defense. Note I am not questioning someone owning a gun for hunting, as a hobby or whatever. I may not agree with that either, but that "need" seems a lot more rational.
Probably funded by the NRA. You get a $100 voucher towards a gun of your choice for watching it.

Why would the NRA need to found something like that? Seems an intuitively sensical decision given what by reading this thread appears to be a rising number of school shootings.
What's next , hello kitty Kevlar vests?


How about a care bear one instead?

How about a care bear one instead?
Thankfully it's a parody site.
NOTE: This site is a parody for humor purposes only. No actual weapons may be bought on this site. "Hello Kitty" is a trademark of Sanrio, Inc. You're taking the wrong drugs if you think that Sanrio would ever license the use of Hello Kitty for a firearm or weapon of any sort. "Disney Princess" is a trademark of the Walt Disney Company. "CareBear" and "Rainbow Brite" are trademarks of American Greetings Corporation and/or Hallmark. There is no such thing as "Sucking-Chest-Wound Bear."
Third fecking school shooting in THIS month and yet we are still discussing gun control. fecking pathetic!
Holy smoke, this fecking thread! If I believed in any kind of God, i would ask him/her to protect those so scared of the world they stock up lethal weapons; and to protect the school children.
That question goes back to something I pointed out earlier...

You don't know why they're in your house uninvited, and you don't have the luxury of asking them.

I've often heard/read/told that the sound of a shotgun pump action asks a certain question to which intruders do not stick around to answer.
Does it really beg that question? All murder victims have done something to make some one want to kill them?

I don't own a gun, nor feel the need to. I don't think most people need them for self defense. Just so you know.

We were discussing a specific scenario of a guy breaking in, set the alarm/dogs off and doesn't leave, instead set to work on trying to kill you at all cost.

Dude we’ve got meth heads. They just break in.

An 80 year old woman living about a quarter mile up the road from my parents was killed last year in the middle of the night... why? Because a meth head broke in and killed her when she woke up. Stabbed her something like 20 times.

Did that poor woman have an alarm system? Chances are even if she had a gun, it'd be of no use if she was caught surprised. The meth head didn't kill her for the fun of it, obviously he believed that killing her prevents him from being caught.

I lived in a pretty tough neighborhood growing up, you have ex-cons and the sight of syringes in some corners in the morning wasn't rare. Most people didn't bother having a dog and/or alarm. No one was ever killed. A couple of broke-ins happened but were swiftly dealt with by neighbours. The joy of a gun-free society.
Did that poor woman have an alarm system? Chances are even if she had a gun, it'd be of no use if she was caught surprised. The meth head didn't kill her for the fun of it, obviously he believed that killing her prevents him from being caught.
I’m not sure if she did or not, but I know that I do. My point of bringing her up is that she didn’t do anything to make the guy break in.

I also know that in that situation, I’m doing all I can to make sure my wife and I aren’t killed by someone trying not to get caught.
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We were discussing a specific scenario of a guy breaking in, set the alarm/dogs off and doesn't leave, instead set to work on trying to kill you at all cost.


so it of course must be the victims fault because criminals are always logical and sane.
Sorry yours was a dumb statement it really amounts to victim blaming.:wenger:
Thing I don't understand is, for someone outside the US like me it really doesn't look like the current policy on gun ownership is working out very well. The US is in general an educated country with similar values of Europe. 12 School shootings in a month, VR training for potential shootings... Something has to change. Is there no middle-ground to be found so most citizens are satisfied?

It honestly breaks my heart thinking of those children, school should be the safest place outside of a childs home. It's a human right and the government should do anything in their power to make it so.
Is there no middle-ground to be found so most citizens are satisfied?
There absolutely is. The problem with that is very political and the right sees giving up anything as a victory for the left and an attack on our inalienable rights. They, for the most part, won’t even listen to any suggestions. They just shoot them down right away and claim that once we give up something small, the gun control lobby has their foot in the door and it won’t be long before they take all our rights away.

If you want to understand the way gun nuts think, your starting point needs to be to learn the ancient art of ‘zero common sense’. The NRA gives classes on it I think.
YES, there absolutely is... but it isn't the citizens that must be satisfied, but rather Congress and special interests.

It's a democracy isn't it? Is this the view the majority of the american people have of their government? That's some dangerous grounds your treading if so...
It's a democracy isn't it? Is this the view the majority of the american people have of their government? That's some dangerous grounds your treading if so...
I don’t have a high opinion of the average American voter’s political efficacy.

Money controls our government. Those with the money control the message. The average American buys into the message.
It is time to revisit gun laws and its time for change. If people need a firearm for household security they only really need a low capacity round pistol and/or a shotgun. The problem right now the two sides are so entrenched at completely opposite ends of the guns or ad many guns as I want.
I don’t have a high opinion of the average American voter’s political efficacy.

Money controls our government. Those with the money control the message. The average American buys into the message.

Think most of the World runs like this sadly, it's not just the US. Hopefully our young will see through the lies.
I teach our young. As far as my little corner of South Carolina is concerned, they’ve taken the message hook, line, and sinker.

I had a similar civics teacher when I was young, told us to never let our guard down to what is right and wrong no matter what the people in power say, This was during the communist era of our country so now when I think back his teaching put him in great danger but he's a man I'll never forget. He formed me greatly to the man I am today. Visit his grave every year, even took my children there and told them about him.
so it of course must be the victims fault because criminals are always logical and sane.
Sorry yours was a dumb statement it really amounts to victim blaming.:wenger:
Nope. I'd be too busy in that scenario going 'feck feck feck some crazy cnut is trying to kill me', but after the fact I sure as hell would wonder why the feck that guy was so intent in killing me. If all you get from that is victim blaming then I don't know what to say.

Fact of the matter is normal people living normal lives don't have crazies breaking in their house trying to kill them at all cost. Criminals have self preservation instincts too, even Jack the Ripper. Of course you can draw the shittiest, shortest straw possible on that front, but just as we dont go out in a rubber suit everytime it's raining, packing heat just in case you get that worst of luck is a futile exercise and speak more about your state of mind than anything else.