Is there a mechanism for it?
- Yes. The Amendment Process could go into action and someone propose an amendment to repeal and then it go down one of the handful of avenues that amendments can go down for ratification.
- I’ve seen the 18th and 21st amendments brought up before, where the 18th instituted Prohibition and the 21st ended it. I think it’s important to note that the 18th took away a right, while the 21st reaffirmed it, and that the 18th is well outside the Bill of Rights. Which, when viewing the background of the Bill of Rights you find that it is created as an affirmation of Rights that exist with or without the presence of government and that they’re only being listed because the new US gov’t is codifying which Rights those are at the demand of the Anti-Federalists.
Alexander Hamilton on the Bill of Rights in Federalist #84...
His concerns are how we get the 9th Amendment in the Bill of Rights...
Basically, since it is impossible to list all of our natural rights (with or without gov’t existence), just because a right is not listed doesn't mean it can be infringed upon by the U.S. Congress