Gun control

So more pools is the answer! If every child had a pool, these deaths could have been prevented.
Yes! And larger pools. Deeper pools. Less regulations on pool safety measures like fences so fewer people don't use the pool by mistake. Allow sound muffling so we can't hear people drowning.

This was a good metaphor after all!
Just watched a documentary, where the tv crew went to some churches around Texas. They had now started to get a self defence instructor/minister to go around and teach the congregations and priests in the state how to handle an assailant. The instructor literally went down to the ground and told them to imagine having a chain between the ankles so that they could easier get up while shooting their gun at the attacker. In complete Rambo style. They interviewed a few other people including a poor woman who's in a wheelchair because she was shot by a school shooter 20 years ago. Not once during the show did anyone mention the possibility of banning guns. Everyones basic idea was to get more guns into churches and that Joe average should be armed and able to deal with a potential shooter.
It’ll never change, basically built a rod for their own back and it’s far to big of a buisness to now just stop it. NRA probably funds a lot of political parties as well or at least greases the right palms.

That video as well jesus. I don’t want to speak for everyone but to react like that would probably take some specific crisis training to be that calm and collected. I went to Nigeria for work once and had an AK pulled on me and wishing I had a gun wasn’t a priority on my list or even actually doing anything I was terrified and could barely get my thoughts together.
i don't know how anyone can do that woman's job. Having to try and pretend you believe the tribe that comes out of your own mouth must be nauseating.
I know. Kids are getting killed in schools and they still can't say a word to offend The Gun Lobby. To stand there and make out that these shootings are part of a crime wave is just staggering though.
As a responsible gun owner, I am disgusted and appalled at the NRA and GOP complete inertia on gun control. Despite the outrage after the Vegas shooting bump stocks are still on open sale. If Vegas and bump stocks didn’t get any traction, then nothing ever will.
Is that real? Is it an actual commercial? On TV?

NRA and nutter propaganda. I have friends that post that sort of nonsense on FB regularly.

The thought that your average Joe will go all Rambo and get into a gun fight with a psychopath is absolutely hilarious. The shooter is mentally prepared for what is about to happen. Without extensive training most people will poop their pants confronted with a shooter determined to kill and be killed. That aside its illegal to be in a many movie theaters with a firearm anyway.
NRA and nutter propaganda. I have friends that post that sort of nonsense on FB regularly.

The thought that your average Joe will go all Rambo and get into a gun fight with a psychopath is absolutely hilarious. The shooter is mentally prepared for what is about to happen. Without extensive training most people will poop their pants confronted with a shooter determined to kill and be killed. That aside its illegal to be in a many movie theaters with a firearm anyway.

Ok thanks for explaining. Thought that was actually a broadcasted commercial. I mean all people aren't mentally stable and a "commercial" like that wouldn't make things better rather the opposite.
Checking out the gun violence records for this year in the US, already over 1100 people killed!

NRA and nutter propaganda. I have friends that post that sort of nonsense on FB regularly.

The thought that your average Joe will go all Rambo and get into a gun fight with a psychopath is absolutely hilarious. The shooter is mentally prepared for what is about to happen. Without extensive training most people will poop their pants confronted with a shooter determined to kill and be killed. That aside its illegal to be in a many movie theaters with a firearm anyway.

I remember after the Charlie Hebdo attack happened, some American militia/gun group staged a simulation to try to prove that armed civilians would have stopped or hindered the attack. Their own conclusion was that the best case scenario resulted in no fewer deaths, and other scenarios actually led to more people getting killed.
I remember after the Charlie Hebdo attack happened, some American militia/gun group staged a simulation to try to prove that armed civilians would have stopped or hindered the attack. Their own conclusion was that the best case scenario resulted in no fewer deaths, and other scenarios actually led to more people getting killed.

As someone that does own guns for purely sporting proposes I have spent a fair amount of time at ranges. The VAST MAJORITY of shooters you see at ranges are very unskilled when it comes to gun handling and shooting. Unless someone goes to extreme lengths in terms of training they will be a liability in active shooter situation. There are weekend type courses where you receive SWAT like training which a tiny minority do. Even if you did one of those courses now without regular follow up it would be limited use in several months. Plus another thing people overlook in a shooting incident is the other person is shooting at you. I was narrowly missed by a freak ricochet last year. It was a tumbling bullet from an adjacent range that whizzed past my head. I was unsettled for quite sometime afterwards. If I was under live fire my first reaction would take cover, rapidly followed by how the heck do I get out of there.
How does everyone feel about politicians and celebrities having armed security?

In Norway, it's not on. Politicians can have police/official protection, and I'm sure celebrities can as well if they feel threatened, but no one but the police is allowed or should be allowed to be armed in public (concealed or otherwise).

I agree, but then I'd argue that the common person, without the means to pay for a body guard, should be able to defend themselves, no?

Do you have any reason to suspect that you're in particular danger? Surely the reason to allow protection for politicians and celebrities is that they are much more likely to be targets. I don't think it is in society's best interest to allow people to carry guns in public.
This thread may as well die TBH. After Vegas there was a lot of talk about banning bump stocks. Even the NRA and most Republican politicians were behind it. Nothing actually got done and now there are more bump stock manufacturers popping up and the prices are dropping. So the whole tragic episode helped promote bump stocks to the masses. Madness.

I just don't see anything prompting any sort of gun controls.
The common person is not a wealthy celebrity at risks from kidnap of a random nuttier with a grudge.
I disagree. I think more "common" people get abducted each year, we just don't hear about it in People magazine. Nutters with grudges are everywhere.
My ex is a pharmacist and has had multiple people threaten her. Does she not have the right to defend herself? When walking out into a parking lot, then seeing the "nutter", I'd strongly argue that its way too late to have the police defend/protect you. The police will respond after the attack takes place.
In Norway, it's not on. Politicians can have police/official protection, and I'm sure celebrities can as well if they feel threatened, but no one but the police is allowed or should be allowed to be armed in public (concealed or otherwise).
If only the police are allowed to carry, you can bet that it will end up being only police and criminals having guns. Where does that leave you?

Do you have any reason to suspect that you're in particular danger? Surely the reason to allow protection for politicians and celebrities is that they are much more likely to be targets. I don't think it is in society's best interest to allow people to carry guns in public.
Like I responded to @Mike Schatner there are plenty of "common" or "ordinary" people in this world that can and will be targets. Politicians and celebrities should have the same rights as us, the common people. Don't elevate certain individuals due to class or position.
This thread may as well die TBH. After Vegas there was a lot of talk about banning bump stocks. Even the NRA and most Republican politicians were behind it. Nothing actually got done and now there are more bump stock manufacturers popping up and the prices are dropping. So the whole tragic episode helped promote bump stocks to the masses. Madness.

I just don't see anything prompting any sort of gun controls.
We have plenty of gun laws out there that just need to be enforced.
Like I responded to @Mike Schatner there are plenty of "common" or "ordinary" people in this world that can and will be targets. Politicians and celebrities should have the same rights as us, the common people. Don't elevate certain individuals due to class or position.

What world do you live in? I was a bad lad back in Manchester and never felt threatened to that level, and I now live in the US and still don't live in fear of shooters.
What world do you live in? I was a bad lad back in Manchester and never felt threatened to that level, and I now live in the US and still don't live in fear of shooters.

Just a few headlines from Florida:

If I had googled "road rage Florida" I could've listed pages and pages for you.
I have lived in Florida 17 years. Tampa has a decent crime rate and more guns that most places, and more CWP than anywhere. I drive through bad areas of town on my commute. In seventeen years I have yet to hear a gun shot (other that at range) or be near a crime involving a gun. I don't know anyone else that has been involved in a crime with a gun either.
Without extensive training most people will poop their pants confronted with a shooter determined to kill and be killed.
Sorry to keep disagreeing with you, but I also strongly disagree with this statement. There are countless stories and articles out there of very courageous people doing extraordinary things when faced with an armed shooter.