Gun control

That doesn't make the statement any less disingenuous though does it? Nor does it change their motives for spreading such bullshite.

I think they are making the calculation that coming out as supportive over banning bump stocks will appease the politicians who want to show their constituents that they're taking action after Vegas. Appearing flexible on this buys them a bit of breathing space so that they can claim they've been supportive of taking action and won't need to take any further action.
So they're allowed to straight up lie because, what, "ah feck it, no point"?

Banning guns is pure fantasy so its pointless to speculate about it imo. You have to first change the culture that allows guns to be legal before even starting a discussion about changing the law.
Banning guns is pure fantasy so its pointless to speculate about it imo. You have to first change the culture that allows guns to be legal before even starting a discussion about changing the law.

Are you even reading the posts you're replying to?
Below are the top 10 career recipients of N.R.A. funding – through donations or spending to benefit the candidate – among both current House and Senate members, along with their statements about the Las Vegas massacre. These representatives have a lot to say about it. All of these representatives are Republican. The highest ranked Democrat in the House is Sanford Bishop, who ranks 41st in career donations from the N.R.A. Among the top 100 House recipients, 95 are Republican. In the Senate, the top two Democrats are Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Patrick Leahy of Vermont, who rank 52nd and 53rd — behind every Republican but Dan Sullivan of Alaska.

This shows the corrupting influence of money in politics - not just on the gun issue but more broadly on any special interest where wealthy donors can donate their way towards getting policy of choice enacted into law. A complete desecration of the democratic process.
@Raoul so as I can be absolutely clear. Are you saying that because Guns arent obviously going to be banned saying something like "banning them wont solve gun violence (paraphrasing) " is a fair statement even if the statement it self is at best misleading ?
It's obvious to anyone with working cells in their head that guns are not going to be banned in the USA anytime soon. It's going to take generations of attitude and culture change and education, and unfortunately many, many more lives to be lost before an all out ban would even be considered. However, that doesn't mean that sensible change cant be worked and added to constantly. Start small and work up to the total ban. Assault rifles and shotguns have been banned before, it's not unthinkable they could be banned again etc.... BUT the point still stands that the NRA released yet another fallacy and dressed it up as the truth, their agenda/motives and shameless lies really need to be fought head on and people need to hear the truth. Much the same as the fake news and lies that come out the Presidents mouth need to be attacked and countered in exactly the same way.
@Raoul so as I can be absolutely clear. Are you saying that because Guns arent obviously going to be banned saying something like "banning them wont solve gun violence (paraphrasing) " is a fair statement even if the statement it self is at best misleading ?

Well they're definitely not going to be banned because doing so would require the 2nd amendment to be repealed, which would require 2/3 of both houses of Congress and 2/3 of ALL state legislatures, followed by ratification by 3/4 of all state legislatures. That is as impossible as it gets in today's highly divided political landscape, which makes the entire discussion of "banning guns" rather pointless - since it won't ever happen as long as we remain in the current political climate.

In order for things to change, the cultural climate that undergirds the culture of gun owner ship would need to organically evolve to where attitudes change and society views the pros and cons of gun ownership in a way where a new wave of politicians are elected for the purpose of repealing the 2nd Amendment to where Congress, the President, and state and local officials can regulate guns as they see fit. Until then its just not feasible.
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Well they're definitely not going to be banned because doing so would require the 2nd amendment to be repealed, which would require 2/3 of both houses of Congress and 2/3 of ALL state legislatures, followed by ratification by 3/4 of all state legislatures. That is as impossible as it gets in today's highly divided political landscape, which makes the entire discussion of "banning guns" rather pointless - since it won't ever happen as long as we remain in the current political climate.

In order for things to change, the cultural climate that undergirds the culture of gun owner ship would need to organically evolve to where attitudes change and society views the pros and cons of gun ownership in a way where a new wave of politicians are elected for the purpose of repealing the 2nd Amendment to where Congress, the President, and state and local officials can regulate guns as they see fit. Until then its just not feasible.
If we can get the culture and climate to change we can worry less about repealing the 2nd amendment and more about getting it interpreted in a way the allows for sanity in our gun laws
I know that is been said so many times here. But why people is so afraid of not to ban, but regularize guns? Gun license, you are fit or not mentally/physically to use them. Conditions when you can carry/storage. User exam. Background checks.

It happens with EVERYTHING that it can be misused like a car, boat, plane, "agressive" dog breeds, safety on foods, chemicals....etc. FFS
Agreed. Although, you then have to deal with the NRA since they will use the slippery slope defense.

the argument needs to be made by Dems that the the NRA is only interested in gun sales and are buying polititions to prevent public saftey.
The 2nd amendement which Is about state militias will for the time being be safe.

Small bites. Eventually we need to have strong gun controls.

The current gerry manderiing challenge in the SC will in the not too distant future help should it prevail.
no need to ban guns.
start with assault weapons. That will be a good start.
Using the word “ban” will never work, we need to change some laws, here in NJ we have the 30 day waiting period, we cannot buy guns online, to apply for a permit we need to go to the police station to apply for one, you have a shit ton of police everywhere :angel:
Well they're definitely not going to be banned because doing so would require the 2nd amendment to be repealed, which would require 2/3 of both houses of Congress and 2/3 of ALL state legislatures, followed by ratification by 3/4 of all state legislatures. That is as impossible as it gets in today's highly divided political landscape, which makes the entire discussion of "banning guns" rather pointless - since it won't ever happen as long as we remain in the current political climate.

In order for things to change, the cultural climate that undergirds the culture of gun owner ship would need to organically evolve to where attitudes change and society views the pros and cons of gun ownership in a way where a new wave of politicians are elected for the purpose of repealing the 2nd Amendment to where Congress, the President, and state and local officials can regulate guns as they see fit. Until then its just not feasible.

Or get a Supreme Court that will alter its interpretation of the 2nd amendment.

It's not really practical, anyway. The key for gun control advocates is to organize themselves. The NRA isn't the biggest organisation, nor do they spend the most amount of money (the bloody Realtors' Association spend more than they do ffs). Their disproportionate political power comes from the high level of organisation and devotion to the cause, swarming/calling the offices of the representatives whenever a bill is introduced.

This is being warped into a party line issue which suits the NRA just fine, since they can link any attempt to an assault on the political identity of half the electorate. The majority of Americans do favour some degrees of gun control. Without organisation and representation from all walks of society, it will remain futile. Kimmel had it right in his appeal, stop clapping and get to calling your representatives. Pester your friends, your family to do so, repeatedly, instead of ranting on Facebook/Twitter. 5 minutes of your time everyday and if you get enough people to do that, changes will happen
Using the word “ban” will never work, we need to change some laws, here in NJ we have the 30 day waiting period, we cannot buy guns online, to apply for a permit we need to go to the police station to apply for one, you have a shit ton of police everywhere :angel:

Assualt weapons are at the least just dangerous toys.

Yes. They do not have a place in society other than the militarry and special police forces.

The gun debate is a reflection of where congress has evolved to.

Their obligation is to pass laws that serve the majority but not harm the minority. The prolifiration of guns harm the majority and only serve the wants of a minority.

Did the recent numerous 'health care' laws protect the majority? No. In fact it served to harm the vast majority.

And now Tax reform.

Good god.

When you scroll down after reading that article and realize...
that they repost and repost the very same article every few months with just the place of the latest mass shooting changed.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Maybe both.
An outright ban may not be possible (it is, but it isn't), but slowly removing rights is what governments are good at and would be the best way to do it, I would imagine. The problem is consistently being able to do this through multiple terms without it all reversing, so it couldn't be that slow. I can't see this starting with this idiot in charge of them either.
If someone anti-gun doesn't come in anytime soon, there needs to be a trigger, and a massacre obviously isn't going to be it at this stage. Can't help but feel the only way is if every American person who opposes them goes on strike, or riots. Feck knows how they'd even get that going, as these people tend to be passive and not loonies.

How do you even protect the ban once it happens anyway? That's why the attitude change is needed too. Patriotic America and the right to bear arms seems to come hand in hand with religion, so I imagine this side of things will only change when that dies out more....which could be 100 years off yet.
I said this on a FB thread, why are individuals allowed to stockpile weapons. Why does someone need 40 guns? Surely that should raise questions
I said this on a FB thread, why are individuals allowed to stockpile weapons. Why does someone need 40 guns? Surely that should raise questions
Was discussed on Fareed Zakaria GPS last night. The answer is simple.
It's a sickness. A small percentage of Americans have a fetish with guns.
3% of Americans own 50% of guns in America.
That's a crazy stat.
I said this on a FB thread, why are individuals allowed to stockpile weapons. Why does someone need 40 guns? Surely that should raise questions
But how many did he use? I'm not sure total is meaningful. I know several people who collect guns. 50 plus. I don't get it but none of them are dangerous people. To me it is type of gun. Who needs a semi automatic? Who needs a magazine beyond a small number? Start looking at them extremely closely.
UK: gun and drug smuggling gang captured, shock as 11 guns (mainly pistols - no ammo iirc) and additionally a small quantity of class-A drugs seized - makes Uk news, as guns are not everyday items in UK

US: single man kills himself, meh as he has 13 guns (mainly semi's - serious amounts of ammo) with additional 20+ guns elsewhere and also explosive material - makes worldwide headline news as guns are everyday items in US.
There was a shooting in Texas today. It sounds like a cop went into a student's dorm room who was smoking weed, arrested him without searching/patting down, then when the student got to the station he pulled out a gun and shot him in the head. wtf was he thinking? A warning or at worst short jail Texas, which I assume is death penalty or horrendous prison system. This is yet another situation where this person shouldn't and wouldn't have had a gun if the country caught on.
Thinking about the whole "false flag" thing. I've got absolutely no doubt that if momentum picked up behind bringing in strict gun regulations, the N.R.A would construct very specific false flag events that would tie perfectly into their narratives. "Gunman killed by hero Vet thanks to open carry laws"...