Mason Greenwood, Marseille Footballer | Read the thread rules in the OP before posting


Has a Dutch member.
Jan 14, 2010

Marseille have signed forward Mason Greenwood from Manchester United until 2029 in a deal worth up to 31.6m euros (£26.6m).

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Updated: 27/08/2024
Last edited:
Decent fee. I’m assuming there will be some sell-on clause too.
‘So that’s it — after 20 years. So long, good luck?’

‘I don’t recall saying good luck.’
Dare I say we seem somewhat competent in the transfer market this year? Activity on both ingoing and outgoing.
Great deal for everyone really, all things considered. About as good as we could hope for, and all goes down as profit for psr
Great deal all round that. Good platform to start rebuilding a career, good fee for both clubs especially considering the sell on. Marseille get a 70m talent for less than half that and if he reaches anything like his potential they’ll recoup their outlay even when he moves on.
Expected us to be forced to release him on a free due to him seemingly being unsellable last year, so very impressed with the deal we ended up with.
Potential generation talent ruined his career. Sticking to football and just the football, hope he manages to make something of his career in France.
Glad to never have to think about him again.
Good fee for the club. I wanted closer to 40m but you have to be realistic, plus with the add ons and the sell on fee we might actually get something closer to that.

It’s good for both parties to actually close this chapter and move on without his links with United hanging over the club.
Shame his United career ended like this. But we've negotiated a good deal in the circumstances.

Good luck to him at Marseille. Hopefully he'll find his form and get a big move elsewhere so that we can further benefit from the sell on fee. Though read two different things as to whether it's 50% of any future sale, or 50% of just the profits. Obviously hope it's the former.
A lot more than I was expecting. I think he will do okay without setting the world alight at Marseille.
Good fee for the club. I wanted closer to 40m but you have to be realistic, plus with the add ons and the sell on fee we might actually get something closer to that.

It’s good for both parties to actually close this chapter and move on without his links with United hanging over the club.
Agree. It's a low fee for someone of his talent, but given what happened, we should be happy to get something. The sell-on clause is smart and the incoming will help with PSR.
There was always some daft estimations of what we'd get for him. Good to get something for him and move on.
If he could do well for a crap Getafe side, he will own that league.
Potential generation talent ruined his career. Sticking to football and just the football, hope he manages to make something of his career in France.
He is still young and will play in a good team and league. Could still return to a big club if he does well in the next few seasons.
For me only a matter of time before he moves for 60-70 millions to another club.
Glad that's over with - I bet he puts up big numbers there and maybe we end up with a lot more money down the line.
Good to finally draw a line under the whole ugly affair.

Lad had the world at his feet and properly fecked it up. He’ll probably have a decent career, but we know and I think he knows too that he could have had it all.
He's a £60m player really but oh well I'm glad we can finally put this grim saga behind us. He ruined his chance of becoming a United legend.
50% of any future profit. Brilliant. Let's hope he smashes it and Juve/Barca sign him for 70m one day.