General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Exactly the same as now - it has cherry picking Starmer all over it. To have the benefits of the Single Market and Customs Union you have to be in them and be subject to all EU regulations and law. Countries have access to the SIngle Market if they comply with EU laws and regulations.

A 'soft' Brexit means being in both without a say or a vote. Out of the EU but in the SM and the CU - this is just as insane and would be even less acceptable to the public (if they knew what it meant) than actually being in the EU.

Free movement etc (the four freedoms) is not in the 2017 manifesto nor is it now. The WTO stuff is what all countries do that are in the WTO, i.e. everybody nearly.

The UK have a brilliant trade deal now that no other country has but there's a few other things that Starmer would like to select from the menu. Like Research and Development (Horizon) which the UK were granted access to, as an Associate Member (they can't be a full member outside the EU), after they complied with the Windsor Framework. I don't think anybody's told him.

Of course they were going to be in it, that was the whole idea. You can't have SM and CU without subscribing to the rest of the movement of money goods and people that's EU 101.

They would have got some small concessions on the movement of people and hail them as a victory just like Cameron did.

Seriously some of you are completely bonkers with your thinking. If Labour said in 2017 we're not honouring the most stupid decision in our lifetime, they would have never got a vote.

On the contrary Boris never said we will stay in SM and CU, he said we're leaving and quite HARD and people voted for him.

Let' not discuss the stupid decisions of the past today is meant to be a joyous occasion.
You would very much hope Starmer/Labor have STF to get rid of the Tories and now will try to move to something much better. Even if they do have a secret plan/hope to get back into the EU (and I'm not suggesting that they do) I doubt it would be proposed in the next parliament.

Edit: or much further down the track :( although I guess it is phrased in a way that allows lots of future wiggle room.
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You would very much hope Starmer/Labor have STF to get rid of the Tories and now will try to move to something much better. Even if they do have a secret plan/hope to get back into the EU (and I'm not suggesting that they do) I doubt it would be proposed in the next parliament.

you'll see a lot of "regulatory alignment" chat. But actual membership is probably 15-20 years away.
I don't think anybody's told him.

You keep clinging onto this idea that Starmer doesn’t know what EU Membership rules are, not what Brexit was/is.

It’s honestly not worth saying anything if you believe that.

For all the fellas moral/political failings, there’s literally a zero percent chance that you understand more about the UK Governments relationship with the EU than he does.

He’s a poor communicator and clearly relies on focus groups for messaging. But the bloke is undeniably king of the detail. He’s not a blow arse Tory just coasting on through. He’s incredibly analytical, reads documents and is smart enough to digest them.

Again, not voting for him. But this drum you bash about him not understanding some pretty basic shit…. Why? Hit him with a bigger stick in a more vulnerable place.
I missed this yesterday. Sunak said his favourite meal is 'sandwiches':(

I'm not a big fan of sandwiches and rarely eat them, but I'd have thought even the most ardent sandwich fan wouldn't proclaim them as their favourite meal. In the shot of him in the background while they do a segment with 'Britain's most tattooed mum' he's clearly thinking what the feck am I doing here.

Rishi reveals his favourite meal is... sandwiches
Asked if he was planning a special meal for election night he told ITV’s This Morning: “My favourite meal, generally, is sandwiches.”
Yes, an additional problem could be that as Labour will be so far ahead (seat wise) and could have a very large majority, Starmer may well think that it is his own popularity that is the reason behind it whereas Labour , a day before the election has its worst rating in nearly two years. Things could turn very awkward for him very quickly. There are huge challenges ahead, just in the six remaining months of the year - the boats and the new regulations with the EU being a big part of that.
Unless you genuinely believe that the Labour press team censors all negative articles and any reference to his woeful approval rating in the media Starmer sees, like he's fecking Kim Jong Un, he will be well aware of the shallowness of both his and his party's support. Parties analyse this data to death.
Playing my own minuscule part in kicking these cnuts out of power later today is going to feel so fecking satisfying.
Playing my own minuscule part in kicking these cnuts out of power later today is going to feel so fecking satisfying.

Feels like I’ve been waiting in line to smack a cnut and I finally get to do it today.
What would you do if you really struggle to vote for this Labour Party but you also have the chance to vote out Jacob Rees Mogg and also the threat of a Reform candidate because it’s a major boomer area?
What would you do if you really struggle to vote for this Labour Party but you also have the chance to vote out Jacob Rees Mogg and also the threat of a Reform candidate because it’s a major boomer area?

For me, head over heart this time and do what actually might have an impact. But if you aren’t comfortable with that you’d have to decide yourself really.
My constituency has historically been quite close between the Tories and Lib Dem’s, so it’s a really easy decision for me - especially as the Lib Dem manifesto actually looks quite good. Means my vote isn’t just tactical.

That said, if it was Labour who were strong here then I would vote for them in a heartbeat. Getting the Tories out has to be the number one priority.
What would you do if you really struggle to vote for this Labour Party but you also have the chance to vote out Jacob Rees Mogg and also the threat of a Reform candidate because it’s a major boomer area?

Getting JRM out is too good an opportunity to pass up. Would be amazing if this cnuts voice isn't in the next Parliament helping to shape the tory direction over the next 5 years.
What would you do if you really struggle to vote for this Labour Party but you also have the chance to vote out Jacob Rees Mogg and also the threat of a Reform candidate because it’s a major boomer area?
Tactical vote every time. Anything to get that despicable sub-human piece of shit out of our lives even if that means swallowing my pride and voting for someone whose party I didn't believe in. Just hate the tory cnuts even more.
JRM said that the Grenfell victims lacked common sense…
What would you do if you really struggle to vote for this Labour Party but you also have the chance to vote out Jacob Rees Mogg and also the threat of a Reform candidate because it’s a major boomer area?
If you're forced to lick a shitty stick, I'd avoid licking the bit with most shit on it and vote Labour.
What would you do if you really struggle to vote for this Labour Party but you also have the chance to vote out Jacob Rees Mogg and also the threat of a Reform candidate because it’s a major boomer area?

I'd vote out Rees Mogg 100%. And I'm a big advocate for voting for (the closest to) what you want rather than what you don't most of the time. Imagine having the chance to metaphorically punt Rees Mogg in his tiny, shrivelled balls and passing it up!
JRM said that the Grenfell victims lacked common sense…
I've just got back from voting Labour, it's nice to know I'm making a difference instead of just posting on a soccer forum
I really like the recent phrase that I've read, changing Sunak for Starmer is like changing your shirt when you've shat your pants! Still, the Torres have had long enough and shown little so it's time for Labour to move in and we can all start talking about how they are all useless etc, the circle of life!
Voted Green, this place is a Labour landslide anyway so may as well signal policy preference in true democratic fashion.
I’ve also voted green and they have a really good chance of winning here.
Hoping to help turn the Isle of Wight (well, the new West constituency, anyway), red for the first time in my voting life today. Regardless of national picture, Richard Quigley, who's standing for Labour, is a lovely bloke who will genuinely look after islanders compared to Bob 'sausage' Seeley.

Slightly worried about silent Reform voters both here and across the country, but let's just hope they split the Tory vote and don't actually get seats beyond the expected three of them.
What would you do if you really struggle to vote for this Labour Party but you also have the chance to vote out Jacob Rees Mogg and also the threat of a Reform candidate because it’s a major boomer area?
In your position, I'd be voting for Labour as the lesser of two evils.
Done, Lib Dems. Half an anti the other parties vote, half their manifesto looks alright.

Obviously Tories need a complete clear out.

Labour let a few envy policies slip through into the manifesto as a sign of things to come if Starmer can't keep the nutters at bay, and simpletons like Rayner as Deputy PM? God help us.

Reform. Farage.

Greens. :lol:

We also had a Women's Equality Party on the ballot who I hadn't heard of before.
I really like the recent phrase that I've read, changing Sunak for Starmer is like changing your shirt when you've shat your pants! Still, the Torres have had long enough and shown little so it's time for Labour to move in and we can all start talking about how they are all useless etc, the circle of life!
Voted labour.

Seeing a lot of vote green on here and social media. Be very interesting what the results will be. Keep seeing this notion that it's a labour safe seat anyway so I can vote green. Surely if enough people do that you have a real chance of getting Tory?
AreaConLabSNPLib DemsPlaid CymruGreenReformOthersMajority
28 Jun – 2 Jul 2024Techne (MRP)The Independent5,503GB82461195503723Lab 272
19 Jun – 2 Jul 2024YouGov (MRP)Sky News47,751GB10243118723230Lab 212
24 Jun – 1 Jul 2024More in Common (MRP)The News Agents13,556GB12643016522122Lab 210
15 Jun–1 Jul 2024Survation (MRP)N/A34,558GB64484

Somewhere between 230 and 270 is my guesstimation for whatever is returned tonight/tomorrow. The Lib Dems being that close to the Tories across all polls, sometimes neck and neck, is the most interesting part. Labour virtually guaranteed its largest ever majority. Interesting day ahead. Hoping for the 260+ configurations with the Lib Dems and Tories neck and neck.
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