General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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My vote will go where it always does... Green Party. Not that it ever makes a difference :rolleyes:
It will give them more Short money (assuming they win at least one seat).
They may lose Brighton, what with Caroline Lucas stepping down. The other candidate in with a shout there is one of the guitarists from Gomez standing for Labour.
They may lose Brighton, what with Caroline Lucas stepping down. The other candidate in with a shout there is one of the guitarists from Gomez standing for Labour.
Electoral Calculus has it as 74% Green hold, which I am probably putting too much faith into: Pavilion

Paviliion is an odd seat. Very very left wing in the south, and a Green Party stronghold, but also with a large, affluent homeowning Tory vote in the north, which prefers there to be a Green MP than a Labour one. We will see I guess.
Imagine being comfortable to say this on camera, this is where we are at in this country.

His views are abhorrent. 0% defending who he is.

But… (and I can’t believe I’m trying to find nuance)… Huge swathes of the UK populace think that the French are passing along the problem.

Rendering the boats unusable IS sensible. But shooting them is insane.

These people have no interest in sane solutions though. It’s bark at the moon insanity.
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Yes, the narrative is infuriating. And the Tories have been so bad that if the next government was just incompetent that would be an improvement.

Yes, an additional problem could be that as Labour will be so far ahead (seat wise) and could have a very large majority, Starmer may well think that it is his own popularity that is the reason behind it whereas Labour , a day before the election has its worst rating in nearly two years. Things could turn very awkward for him very quickly. There are huge challenges ahead, just in the six remaining months of the year - the boats and the new regulations with the EU being a big part of that.
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Paviliion is an odd seat. Very very left wing in the south, and a Green Party stronghold, but also with a large, affluent homeowning Tory vote in the north, which prefers there to be a Green MP than a Labour one. We will see I guess.

Didn't they kick out the Green cllrs over the Green's intention to restrict car traffic and parking on the beachfront?
Didn't they kick out the Green cllrs over the Green's intention to restrict car traffic and parking on the beachfront?

The Council covers all three parliamentary seats. Yes, the Greens lost a load of seats in Kemptown and Hove, but their remaining councillors are clustered in Pavilion:

So they have a base, and the votes they lost last year are in other seats (which is about the best spin I can put on those results).

Labour needs to pull out of Clacton

It already has. A week ago.
I’ll be voting Labour. I’m not massively enamoured with it but my view is that we need to just guarantee we get the Tories out as fast as possible after the amount of damage they’ve caused. The list of horrible, callous shit they’ve done is endless and makes me so angry.

In an ideal world I’d vote Green but in this current system it feels wasted. Labour aren’t ideal but we at the very least need to just change to something slightly less shit and go from there. I’ll just be delighted that the Tories will finally be fecked off. Long, long overdue.
I’ll be voting Labour. I’m not massively enamoured with it but my view is that we need to just guarantee we get the Tories out as fast as possible after the amount of damage they’ve caused. The list of horrible, callous shit they’ve done is endless and makes me so angry.

In an ideal world I’d vote Green but in this current system it feels wasted. Labour aren’t ideal but we at the very least need to just change to something slightly less shit and go from there. I’ll just be delighted that the Tories will finally be fecked off. Long, long overdue.
Where I am, if you told me in 2019 we’d be where we are in the next election (about to batter them) I’d probably have cried in joy, but now I’m very much feeling pretty dead inside about it. Probably because it genuinely feels like it’s a vote for mental far right tories or red coloured slightly more sensible tories. But I’m hoping we start somewhere and maybe other parties like LD can bring labour to the left.
You guys don't understand that Labour cannot win on left wing populist policies. They can implement them when they're in power but they can't win campaigning on them because voters are stupid. They'd cut their nose to spite their face just look at Brexit.

Give them a year and then come to judge.

The fecking lib dems were more right wing than tories when in power, I'm shocked at how anyone can trust a word they say. Their leader was complicit in direct loss of life through harsh austerity.
Come to peace with the fact I'll be voting Green in my Lab-Con battleground constituency, so my vote is wasted at a local level, but would like to boost the Green total vote count. Missus will be voting Lib Dem. Both of us have been lifelong Labour voters and previously members too, so this election feels a little somber for us.
Come to peace with the fact I'll be voting Green in my Lab-Con battleground constituency, so my vote is wasted at a local level, but would like to boost the Green total vote count. Missus will be voting Lib Dem. Both of us have been lifelong Labour voters and previously members too, so this election feels a little somber for us.

Is there a chance of a Tory win?
So why waste a vote on Green or Lib Dem? Why not ensure the Tory loss?
Yeah sorry but I'm not voting for the party of Stamer and his merry band of sycophantic husks, too many red lines already crossed and I don't want my conscience bearing that. And before you ask I think the Labour candidate here is a bit shallow too, doubling down on the pro Israeli rhetoric (its a heavily Jewish area so perhaps understandable). I might have been compelled to change my mind if we had slightly better local representation than that. Labour will almost certainly win here it if thats your concern.
You keep saying this, yet is just is not true.

Heres the same poll about why people voted for corbyn

Call it whatever you want it was a Brexit election and a key manifesto policy was a soft Brexit, one that ensured continued economic partnership.
Yeah sorry but I'm not voting for the party of Stamer and his merry band of sycophantic husks, too many red lines already crossed and I don't want my conscience bearing that. And before you ask I think the Labour candidate here is a bit shallow too, doubling down on the pro Israeli rhetoric (its a heavily Jewish area so perhaps understandable). I might have been compelled to change my mind if we had slightly better local representation than that. Labour will almost certainly win here it if thats your concern.
Good on you
Yeah sorry but I'm not voting for the party of Stamer and his merry band of sycophantic husks, too many red lines already crossed and I don't want my conscience bearing that. And before you ask I think the Labour candidate here is a bit shallow too, doubling down on the pro Israeli rhetoric (its a heavily Jewish area so perhaps understandable). I might have been compelled to change my mind if we had slightly better local representation than that. Labour will almost certainly win here it if thats your concern.

My main concern is about keeping the Tories out and maybe even out of opposition which would be the dream.

Go back in this forum on previous elections I always campaigned to get those blood sucking cnuts out and urged everyone to vote tactically to ensure the candidate with the best chance of beating the Tory got the votes.

The start is getting them and the cronies out. What comes next there's 5 years to judge on.
You keep saying this, yet is just is not true.

Heres the same poll about why people voted for corbyn

Don't think there's anything in this. The reasons for voting labour in 2017, are different to 2019, are different to 2024. There's more than one reason to vote for a party but this poll is seemingly asking you to pick one? How's that an accurate representation of peoples opinion? And it's disingenuous to compare it to those previous elections.
My main concern is about keeping the Tories out and maybe even out of opposition which would be the dream.

Go back in this forum on previous elections I always campaigned to get those blood sucking cnuts out and urged everyone to vote tactically to ensure the candidate with the best chance of beating the Tory got the votes.

The start is getting them and the cronies out. What comes next there's 5 years to judge on.
I understand your stance, but as much as I detest the Tories, I still have my red lines in regards to who I lend my vote for. I appreciate those voting for the lesser evil, heck I don't particularly like or rate Sadiq Khan but still voted for him the London mayoral elections considering the dire alternative, but Khan wasn't a candidate who seemingly wanted people like me purged from the party, nor a genocidal apologist.

I've accepted Labour as the new government come Friday morning and believe me its wonderful ending the Tory disasterfeck we've had to contend with, but I also want to (perhaps selfishly) protect my conscience from whatever anti-progressive measures he may instill in the coming years. Already regretted voting for him in the leadership campaign, don't want the same regret to persist over the next 4-5 years.
I’ll be voting Labour. I’m not massively enamoured with it but my view is that we need to just guarantee we get the Tories out as fast as possible after the amount of damage they’ve caused. The list of horrible, callous shit they’ve done is endless and makes me so angry.

In an ideal world I’d vote Green but in this current system it feels wasted. Labour aren’t ideal but we at the very least need to just change to something slightly less shit and go from there. I’ll just be delighted that the Tories will finally be fecked off. Long, long overdue.

Ideal scenario, Labour win by whatever. Lib Dems finish second.

If they finish 3rd by 5 seats, 5-10 pro-EU Labour MP’s defect to Lib Dems to make them the official opposition.

Tories are obliterated. They merge with Reform. They remain a noisy 20-30% party for my lifetime.
Ideal scenario, Labour win by whatever. Lib Dems finish second.

If they finish 3rd by 5 seats, 5-10 pro-EU Labour MP’s defect to Lib Dems to make them the official opposition.

Tories are obliterated. They merge with Reform. They remain a noisy 20-30% party for my lifetime.
Except now we have to contend with a far-right party with 30% of the vote share, inevitably shifting the Overton window further right, meaning Labour will continue to try and keep the gammon and bigot vote placated to stay in power, we can then kiss goodbye to any real measures on green initiatives, tackling austerity or closer ties with the EU, all the while young talented professionals inevitably feck off abroad to greener pastures where they'd be valued, spearheading a significant brain drain.
Except now we have to contend with a far-right party with 30% of the vote share, inevitably shifting the Overton window further right, meaning Labour will continue to try and keep the gammon and bigot vote placated to stay in power, all the while we can kiss goodbye to any real measures on green initiatives, tackling austerity or closer ties with the EU.

Labour-Lib Dem-Green holding 70% of the electorate for 50 years is a DREAM SCENARIO. Insulating and progressive enough. And safe.
Come to peace with the fact I'll be voting Green in my Lab-Con battleground constituency, so my vote is wasted at a local level, but would like to boost the Green total vote count. Missus will be voting Lib Dem. Both of us have been lifelong Labour voters and previously members too, so this election feels a little somber for us.
There are another 7 votes across my family which have shifted from Labour to Green this time round. My parents are doing so in a Tory-held Labour target seat (although that could apply to any Tory seat at the moment).
I'll be voting Green. Southport is traditionally a battleground between Conservatives and Libdems but Labour is on course to walk it. I voted for Labour in the local elections because I like the candidate and the local councillors are very visible, but I won't be voting for them in the general election. I hope those who think Starmer's stance on virtually everything is a ploy to get into power are right, but I really think it's who he is. He's more of the same. No ideas. Just kick the can down the road a bit longer.

Really looking forward to seeing lots of crying, crushed Tory MPs (or ex-MPs) tomorrow night, though :lol:
I understand your stance, but as much as I detest the Tories, I still have my red lines in regards to who I lend my vote for. I appreciate those voting for the lesser evil, heck I don't particularly like or rate Sadiq Khan but still voted for him the London mayoral elections considering the dire alternative, but Khan wasn't a candidate who seemingly wanted people like me purged from the party, nor a genocidal apologist.

I've accepted Labour as the new government come Friday morning and believe me its wonderful ending the Tory disasterfeck we've had to contend with, but I also want to (perhaps selfishly) protect my conscience from whatever anti-progressive measures he may instill in the coming years. Already regretted voting for him in the leadership campaign, don't want the same regret to persist over the next 4-5 years.

What do you mean by purged? It is impossible to actually change anything without first getting power.

To get into power you need to appease to as many people as possible. This means swallowing some of your pride and principles in the process.

Judge the prime minister once he has had a chance to govern. But to get that chance he needs to win first.

I just looked back at the 2017 Labour Brexit Manifesto Policy and it was not a soft Brexit - just as insane as the current one.

In the very first paragraph - Labour accepts the referendum result and a Labour government will put the national interest first. We will prioritise jobs and living standards, build a close new relationship with the EU, protect workers’ rights and environmental standards, provide certainty to EU nationals and give a meaningful role to Parliament throughout negotiations. We will end Theresa May’s reckless approach to Brexit, and seek to unite the country around a Brexit deal that works for every community in Britain. We will scrap the Conservatives’ Brexit White Paper and replace it with fresh negotiating priorities that have a strong emphasis on retaining the benefits of the Single 0arket and the Customs Union – which are essential for maintaining industries, jobs and businesses in Britain. Labour will always put jobs and the economy first.

There are another 7 votes across my family which have shifted from Labour to Green this time round. My parents are doing so in a Tory-held Labour target seat (although that could apply to any Tory seat at the moment).

You need to three line whip them. Every vote counts if we're gonna get rid of the Tories for good.
In the very first paragraph - Labour accepts the referendum result and a Labour government will put the national interest first. We will prioritise jobs and living standards, build a close new relationship with the EU, protect workers’ rights and environmental standards, provide certainty to EU nationals and give a meaningful role to Parliament throughout negotiations. We will end Theresa May’s reckless approach to Brexit, and seek to unite the country around a Brexit deal that works for every community in Britain. We will scrap the Conservatives’ Brexit White Paper and replace it with fresh negotiating priorities that have a strong emphasis on retaining the benefits of the Single 0arket and the Customs Union – which are essential for maintaining industries, jobs and businesses in Britain. Labour will always put jobs and the economy first.

Exactly the same as now - it has cherry picking Starmer all over it. To have the benefits of the Single Market and Customs Union you have to be in them and be subject to all EU regulations and law. Countries have access to the SIngle Market if they comply with EU laws and regulations.

A 'soft' Brexit means being in both without a say or a vote. Out of the EU but in the SM and the CU - this is just as insane and would be even less acceptable to the public (if they knew what it meant) than actually being in the EU.

Free movement etc (the four freedoms) is not in the 2017 manifesto nor is it now. The WTO stuff is what all countries do that are in the WTO, i.e. everybody nearly.

The UK have a brilliant trade deal now that no other country has but there's a few other things that Starmer would like to select from the menu. Like Research and Development (Horizon) which the UK were granted access to, as an Associate Member (they can't be a full member outside the EU), after they complied with the Windsor Framework. I don't think anybody's told him.
We're literally replacing incompetent immoral tories with competent less grubby tories
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