Yes I did, I didn’t have Sky TV growing up, sacrificed a lot.
Jokes aside, my parents did sacrifice and I’m not exactly the usual private school kid. I have been brought it with the attitude of investing in your kids. I was brought up the same way. If that mean a smaller house and minimal luxuries so be it.
My dad was an immigrant who came to the country with £20 sleeping on friends sofas etc. I’m more left, who believes public facilities should be the best although I do have some belief that if you can afford private health, education then save the government money and spend it yourself.
I’m also a huge supporter of the SME Business owner. A sector who have been treated like shit by the tories. Andy Burnham says the right things about this sector but Labour as a whole has put me off this time round.
I do hate the right wing politics as it usually involves racism, or closing doors on the opportunities my dad had when he was allowed in.
I’ll probably vote Lib Dem