General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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This debate shows exactly why he was promoted so quickly in the Tory ranks. So good at staying on message in a believable manner, and so effective at landing that punch.
I much prefer Starmer but he does somewhat make you wonder why there is such a divide in the polls during these debates. Putting aside 14 years of Conservative crap of course.
I think there are no good choices in this election.

Because a man who gets jealous of success of those around him, while in charge, should never be given the power he is about to get.

It is absolutely unbeleiveable this is the choice we have. A grifter and a narcissist.

I think there are no good choices in this election.

Because a man who gets jealous of success of those around him, while in charge, should never be given the power he is about to get.

It is absolutely unbeleiveable this is the choice we have. A grifter and a narcissist.

Starmer is an absolute small time man.

Bangladesh is not even the top asylum seeker in the united kingdom.
They come 4th behind Albania, Afghanistan, Iran and India with only ca 3000 asylum seeker. How can fecking 3000 people destroy the worlds 6th largest economy.

all brown, mate.
I think there are no good choices in this election.

Because a man who gets jealous of success of those around him, while in charge, should never be given the power he is about to get.

It is absolutely unbeleiveable this is the choice we have. A grifter and a narcissist.

More popular than Starmer and having the audacity to do so whilst being black? There was only one outcome I'm afraid
More popular than Starmer and having the audacity to do so whilst being black? There was only one outcome I'm afraid

if you let one get away with it, they’ll all be doing it. people should only ever be allowed to vote for the establishment, otherwise the country will crumble.
This debate shows exactly why he was promoted so quickly in the Tory ranks. So good at staying on message in a believable manner, and so effective at landing that punch.

Repeating '£2000' incessantly doesn't make it any more believable or punchy I'm afraid
It’s amazing* how much racism good honest sensible centrists will apparently stomach quite happily when the victims are black or brown.

*it isn’t
It’s amazing* how much racism good honest sensible centrists will apparently stomach quite happily when the victims are black or brown.

*it isn’t
But it's the only way to win, don't you know?
I imagine no other candidates have been told to divert their attention to constituencies other than their own in the final 10 days of the campaign.
It’s amazing* how much racism good honest sensible centrists will apparently stomach quite happily when the victims are black or brown.

*it isn’t

But at least their economic policies aren't right wi...oh.
I imagine no other candidates have been told to divert their attention to constituencies other than their own in the final 10 days of the campaign.

Presumably he'll tell them to swivel on it? I wouldn't give up a chance of a fat MP expense account because some minge told me I was doing too good a job.
Presumably he'll tell them to swivel on it? I wouldn't give up a chance of a fat MP expense account because some minge told me I was doing too good a job.

He may do! However, being asked to canvas in other seats rather than your own, is something pretty normal for candidates to experience as parties decide where there battlegrounds are really going to be.

The Conservatives have experienced it in bigger numbers due to their position but they are shifting resources now as well.
He may do! However, being asked to canvas in other seats rather than your own, is something pretty normal for candidates to experience as parties decide where there battlegrounds are really going to be.

The Conservatives have experienced it in bigger numbers due to their position but they are shifting resources now as well.

Is the candidate in Clacton key to winning a random seat in the West Midlands? Does anyone know who he is?
Is the candidate in Clacton key to winning a random seat in the West Midlands? Does anyone know who he is?

I couldn't say? I can only tell you it is typical for campaigns to do this in the final weeks of a campaign. Maybe you have evidence to suggest otherwise.
I couldn't say? I can only tell you it is typical for campaigns to do this in the final weeks of a campaign. Maybe you have evidence to suggest otherwise.

Volunteers and stuff of course I can understand, an actual candidate who is doing ok but who nobody in the wider country knows, that's just silly.
I genuinely don't believe this is real. Whilst labour is going to have a crushing victory, im starting to worry that polling firms are going to prioritise sensationalism over accuracy. They want to keep getting headlines.

"Dozens of Labour candidates have been blocked from accessing the party’s canvassing systems, which help them drum up support from voters, because they were deemed not to be campaigning enough in target seats.

In some cases, candidates who have been campaigning every day in battleground seats they are twinned with – as instructed to by Labour HQ – in parts of the home counties and Essex, have still lost their access to key software as their seats are considered either very safe or simply not winnable.

“People in non-battleground seats who are working really hard to gain attention and secure non-Labour voters and could even potentially win have suddenly lost access to this,” a source said. “Some candidates have even been told to stop doing too much because their campaigns are gaining traction.”"

It may be bad strategy but it's seems to be more widespread than singling a candidate out. It's a shame as he seems to have campaigned very well in an extremely difficult seat.
Starmer is an absolute small time man.

Labour had no chance in Clacton, strikes me as a tactical ploy. I doubt anyone is that bothered by the retweets, especially considering alot of them are probably reformski bots.

Maybe stops farage winning in Clacton and if the candidate is so popular and engaging he might help push them over the line in marginal seats somewhere, seems a better use of resources rather than losing heavily in Clacton and possibly given Farage the win by the splitting the votes.
Christ just heard the Tory bastard on 5Live this morning, she gave a quick summary of the debate last night and you’d think it was a parody. To paraphrase- “Rishi came out fighting, he was spiky, he was punchy, he had energy and he really got his message across. In contrast Starmer was cagey, he stumbled his words often and he didn’t have answers for a lot of Rishi’s questions”.

I’m absolutely certain that she’s leaving the BBC after the election, she’s always been bad but recently she’s given up all pretence of impartiality and might as well be wearing a Tory rosette.

"Dozens of Labour candidates have been blocked from accessing the party’s canvassing systems, which help them drum up support from voters, because they were deemed not to be campaigning enough in target seats.

In some cases, candidates who have been campaigning every day in battleground seats they are twinned with – as instructed to by Labour HQ – in parts of the home counties and Essex, have still lost their access to key software as their seats are considered either very safe or simply not winnable.

“People in non-battleground seats who are working really hard to gain attention and secure non-Labour voters and could even potentially win have suddenly lost access to this,” a source said. “Some candidates have even been told to stop doing too much because their campaigns are gaining traction.”"

It may be bad strategy but it's seems to be more widespread than singling a candidate out. It's a shame as he seems to have campaigned very well in an extremely difficult seat.
I know it's shite for the candidate, but could they be trying to allow the Lib Dems a free reign, in seat they are more likely to win?
Reform candidate knocked on my door yesterday, I'm sure I traumatised him by the time he left :lol: wanker
Lib Dems as the official opposition would be a great result. Hopefully more shift from Labour to Lib Dems in key seats to make it happen.
Is Labour really so far ahead? I feel they’ve lost a lot of Labour voters. Will they really win so many Tory voters?
Lib Dems as the official opposition would be a great result. Hopefully more shift from Labour to Lib Dems in key seats to make it happen.
I’m making the shift. First time I’m not voting Labour. Their Palestine policy has been shocking. Plus my kids go to private school and the 20% VAT is shocking.
I know it's shite for the candidate, but could they be trying to allow the Lib Dems a free reign, in seat they are more likely to win?

I guess it would be a factor. He seems to have been a popular candidate but you only need to look at Clacton (and it's older constituency of Harwich) to see the odds he would have faced. A Lib Dem (or a Tory) has a much better chance of stopping Farage if the vote isn't split.
I guess it would be a factor. He seems to have been a popular candidate but you only need to look at Clacton (and it's older constituency of Harwich) to see the odds he would have faced. A Lib Dem (or a Tory) has a much better chance of stopping Farage if the vote isn't split.

The Lib Dems are predicted to pick up just 5% of the vote and lose votes there. No chance they swing that seat this point, I doubt they're even targeting the seat.
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