General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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So pretty much as expected.

A few well known tw@ts lost their seats. Truss and JRM probably the funniest.

Labour get fewer votes than 2019. Low turnout.
Lack of inspiration and Reform taking Tory votes.

The two last constituencies in the UK where I lived are both still Tory.
Yes indeed, I agree with you, the ones who are ready to support killing/starving children all over the world are the ones who can be PMs. Sir Kid Starver joins the list with his idol Blair. People with morality can not be leaders in the UK.


just shows you how fecked the electorate is when a genocide supporting, bigoted, lying asshole like Starmer is apparently electable and a man with actual integrity and morals like Corbyn isn’t. The media has really done a number on people.
I'm already sick to death of Labour and the media talking about the mandate they have earned. They fluked a massive majority due to an undemocratic voting system. Nothing more. They've earned very little.

It's not even 10 am of the morning after the GE. You can have your own opinions on how Labour achieved power but it's a bit unrealistic to expect the media not to be talking about them having earned a mandate.
I take it you've never heard of The Five Whys?
The US is the most innovative nation in the history, thus has an extremely strong economy. Furthermore, there is a massive trust in the US market, which makes it to some degree a self fulfilling prophecy.

I think that pensions should be run at the benefit of people in pensions, not the government or even the state. Sure, injecting the pension money in the UK economy would give will improve the economy in at least short term, but those people will also likely have a smaller retirement nest. At the end of the day, the pension money belongs to people who are putting money in the pensions, so the priority should be to maximize their rewards.
I don't fully understand how it's supposed to work but having some direct state investment and support in small firms would be a good thing. Accelerator programmes can make a lot of money for private firms and, if they had more of a long term commitment than the VCs, the state could potentially do even better out of it in the long run. Plus of course, the state's investment comes back to them directly as well when workers are paid, goods are bought etc through taxation.

If they are actually trying to operate wind farms though, I really don't see the point. The state needs to intervene where private capital won't and isn't doing, not where it is working ok because the industry is already cost competitive.

VC's = venture capitalists?

I've been trying to piece together an understanding from interviews and the like and it does seem it will at least partially operate the way you hope it will. So there's a decent chance there will be some money for start ups and promoting promising technologies. Personally I remain a bit sceptical but it could turn out to be one of Labour's better ideas.
It's not even 10 am of the morning after the GE. You can have your own opinions on how Labour achieved power but it's a bit unrealistic to expect the media not to be talking about them having earned a mandate.
Why? All it would take is a quick glance at the vote share to realise very little has been gained.

just shows you how fecked the electorate is when a genocide supporting, bigoted, lying asshole like Starmer is apparently electable and a man with actual integrity and morals like Corbyn isn’t. The media has really done a number on people.

Rupert Murdoch has done an irreversible amount of damage to this country.
How do you know that? Have Starmer been in war one refugee camp to treat refugees as an unpaid Healthcare professional?

Is that a serious question? Try reading the whole of my post. He isn't a Healthcare professional, so can't do unpaid work as one. He's a lawyer and has done a lot of unpaid work as a lawyer, fighting for human rights. How much unpaid work have you done on behalf of those in need?
I suspect Starmer has done a hell of a lot more, personally, from a moral standpoint than you have (or ever will). Look at his cv. He’s spend many years of his life as a human rights lawyer, often working pro bono, defending the rights of those who stand up to power. How does your own contribution compare?

The centrist dad schtick is very boring. As of course is giving politicians "hilarious" nicknames.
Yes, While Starmer lost half his votes in his constituency while being promoted to party leader :D. Corbyn securing an incredible majority in a very safe Labour seat standing as independent is very impressive.

All of which won't even be remembered by the end of the day as Starmer is sworn in as Prime Minister.
Find it quite funny seeing Clacton on the news so much as I grew up around 45 minutes from there and went there a few times as a kid. No real surprise they've voted this way though as it is quite a deprived area, you've also got Jaywick just down the road from there which is one of the most poverty stricken places in Britain.
Why? All it would take is a quick glance at the vote share to realise very little has been gained.

Is this serious? Take a look at the seat count if you want to see what has been gained. That's what counts.
Is that a serious question? Try reading the whole of my post. He isn't a Healthcare professional, so can't do unpaid work as one. He's a lawyer and has done a lot of unpaid work as a lawyer, fighting for human rights. How much unpaid work have you done on behalf of those in need?

Yes, how do you know that? Do you know me to compare? it is objectively a stupid comparison, comparing a person you know to someone you do not know.

Also I find it insulting comparing me to a politician, specially the ones that will Siege children and turn off water and food on children.

So yes, morally I am miles better than him. At least I do not support war crimes.
Farage and Reform haven’t shown anything apart from shouting loudly and stating policies which were neither costed nor they were ever going to implement. All Farage the con man did was exploit migration for his own gains.

Farage pushed the tories to a brexit vote. He pushed them towards a hard brexit. He's helped push them into culture war nonsense and he's helped push them into seriously talking about absorbing him into the party.

This isn't about how good or sincere he is (he is a scumbag), it's about the effect he and his parties have had on the electoral landscape and the Tory party as a whole.

An effect the greens are yet to have on labour.
Yes, While Starmer lost half his votes in his constituency while being promoted to party leader :D. Corbyn securing an incredible majority in a very safe Labour seat standing as independent is very impressive.

Lost half his votes, gained over twice as many seats. I imagine he will cope.
At least we already know the outcome of the GE with the FPTP voting system, instead of potentially weeks of scrabbling around trying to put together an alliance for government like in some other countries. And that is fine by me.

About 25% of people in this country voted for candidates who will hold only 2% of the seats in parliament.

That is a massive failure of democracy, whichever way you want to look at it.
The centrist dad schtick is very boring. As of course is giving politicians "hilarious" nicknames.

I'm coming across as a Starmer stan but I genuinely didn't know much about him until he turned up as the subject of a podcast I listen to. Two very experienced journalists go deep on various topics, trying to sift through the most valid sources possible to uncover the reality behind various topics. I'm half way through one about Starmer and his career as a human rights lawyer is undeniably impressive, in terms of his commitment to helping those in need. Actually made me feel quite guilty about how little I've done in comparison!

I'm more ambivalent about his career as a politician. He's said/done more questionable stuff in that context but his career before moving into politics would put a lot of people on here to shame, that's for sure.

just shows you how fecked the electorate is when a genocide supporting, bigoted, lying asshole like Starmer is apparently electable and a man with actual integrity and morals like Corbyn isn’t. The media has really done a number on people.

Yes, agree 100%.
Yes, how do you know that? Do you know me to compare? it is objectively a stupid comparison, comparing a person you know to someone you do not know.

Also I find it insulting comparing me to a politician, specially the ones that will Siege children and turn off water and food on children.

So yes, morally I am miles better than him. At least I do not support war crimes.

I don't. It was a genuine question. You don't have to answer it.
Maddening to know that myself, the missus and our close families in the area could have costed Labour a seat in our constituency. 15 votes!
I suspect Starmer has done a hell of a lot more, personally, from a moral standpoint than you have (or ever will). Look at his cv. He’s spend many years of his life as a human rights lawyer, often working pro bono, defending the rights of those who stand up to power. How does your own contribution compare?

as a former human rights lawyer he has a pretty poor understanding of human rights law.

he may have done some good work in the past but he's just another politician now, no integrity at all and just saying whatever he thinks it will take to win votes. another political slime ball.
The centrist dad schtick is very boring. As of course is giving politicians "hilarious" nicknames.
Pogue is centrist now?

To be fair that is improvement, before in Caf anyone to the right of Marx was right wing, now they're centrists.
Labour beat the Tories by 15 votes (no idea who's still voting Tory in this day and age). It was projected to be an easy Labour win, we all voted Green/Lib Dem :lol:
Wow, that's fascinating. Seems like one of those cases where every vote matters.
Yes, how do you know that? Do you know me to compare? it is objectively a stupid comparison, comparing a person you know to someone you do not know.

Also I find it insulting comparing me to a politician, specially the ones that will Siege children and turn off water and food on children.

So yes, morally I am miles better than him. At least I do not support war crimes.
But you have no problem defending human rights abusers. Get off your high horse.

as a former human rights lawyer he has a pretty poor understanding of human rights law.

he may have done some good work in the past but he's just another politician now, no integrity at all and just saying whatever he thinks it will take to win votes. another political slime ball.

Whatever, I can state with absolute certainty that it's a hell of a lot better than yours (and mine!).
Is Fareham and Waterlooville the nastiest place in the country? They've kept Braverman in and given 53% of the vote to her and Reform.

What the feck is wrong with people down there?
I can quite categorically say that between Fareham and Gosport that its pretty close to being the arse end of nowhere full of some of the worst people in existence. So yes, it suits Braverman to a tee
Whatever, I can state with absolute certainty that it's a hell of a lot better than yours (and mine!).

You can't, problem with people today is they talk in absolutes about things that they possibly cannot know
Yes, how do you know that? Do you know me to compare? it is objectively a stupid comparison, comparing a person you know to someone you do not know.

Also I find it insulting comparing me to a politician, specially the ones that will Siege children and turn off water and food on children.

So yes, morally I am miles better than him. At least I do not support war crimes.

I might be mixing you up but if I remember correctly you never did respond to my question about Gaddafi's actions against civilians in Benghazi
Farage pushed the tories to a brexit vote. He pushed them towards a hard brexit. He's helped push them into culture war nonsense and he's helped push them into seriously talking about absorbing him into the party.

This isn't about how good or sincere he is (he is a scumbag), it's about the effect he and his parties have had on the electoral landscape and the Tory party as a whole.

An effect the greens are yet to have on labour.

It’s far more easier to prey on people’s fears on immigration and culture war nonsense than the less exciting topic of green and the environment. He may have pushed on those areas but he was just exploiting the racism already present. You are less likely to get that from the Greens. The media has helped him in this regard.
The US is the most innovative nation in the history, thus has an extremely strong economy. Furthermore, there is a massive trust in the US market, which makes it to some degree a self fulfilling prophecy.

I think that pensions should be run at the benefit of people in pensions, not the government or even the state. Sure, injecting the pension money in the UK economy would give will improve the economy in at least short term, but those people will also likely have a smaller retirement nest. At the end of the day, the pension money belongs to people who are putting money in the pensions, so the priority should be to maximize their rewards.

Right so why were our pension funds acting so ludicrously as to invest in British companies and projects as recently as 2 decades ago if Britain is somehow inherently not innovative and untrustworthy? Or are we actually historically very innovative and trustworthy but have spent our time since the financial crisis actively pursuing mediocrity and corruption? That's the challenge, to reverse that trend in both reality and perception.
Is that a serious question? Try reading the whole of my post. He isn't a Healthcare professional, so can't do unpaid work as one. He's a lawyer and has done a lot of unpaid work as a lawyer, fighting for human rights. How much unpaid work have you done on behalf of those in need?

Hard to tell and measure, I would say I am happy with how much I have done, but the most important thing is (I have never supported cutting off food and water on children who are being slaughtered anywhere in the world). That makes me and you and anyone here automatically miles better than him morally.
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