General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
While it's nice to see the DUP's views on equality, climate change, abortion and the like get so much negative attention, they aren't really relevant in a deal with the Conservatives because all those issues are devolved in NI. Whatever the DUP's demands are they're not going use the only bit of clout they'll ever have in Westminster on anything they can already control in the local assembly.
While it's nice to see the DUP's views on equality, climate change, abortion and the like get so much negative attention, they aren't really relevant in a deal with the Conservatives because all those issues are devolved in NI. Whatever the DUPs demands are they're not going use the only bit of clout they'll ever have in Westmnster on anything they can already control in the local assembly.

It's called honesty, I know it's unusual in a politician so you might not recognise it
At least make sure your arguments cohere, first you were blaming the rest of the party for not seeing him as an asset in the campaign, now he's to be praised for being apathetic about the EU.
While it's nice to see the DUP's views on equality, climate change, abortion and the like get so much negative attention, they aren't really relevant in a deal with the Conservatives because all those issues are devolved in NI. Whatever the DUPs demands are they're not going use the only bit of clout they'll ever have in Westmnster on anything they can already control in the local assembly.
This argument relies on May not being a tad nervous that anything she does that slightly pisses off the DUP could cause her government to collapse.
My point is that this "great campaign" which went "better than anyone expected" involved not winning an election. And when I point this out, I'm told it's because it's a great result considering how badly Labour were polling beforehand. As though the bad polling beforehand was down to events beyond his control. Which is, of course, nonsense.
As a historic Tory voter, I find that harsh tbh. He clawed back 30 seats, showed May's administration up for what it is and hopefully forced a change in direction, ie soft over hard Brexit, by getting the hung parliament.
It's a genuine achievement, particularly given his own party have tried to oust him twice.
At least make sure your arguments cohere, first you were blaming the rest of the party for not seeing him as an asset in the campaign, now he's to be praised for being apathetic about the EU.

The leader of the remain campain, Cameron, spent his life blaming the EU for everything. You're blaming the wrong person for the loss
So do you choose to be straight every day?
Every. Single. Day. That's why I avoid the Ronaldo thread, to make the choice that bit easier. Especially when he's rocking that abs device thing. Toned.
This argument relies on May not being a tad nervous that anything she does that slightly pisses off the DUP could cause her government to collapse.
I didn't mean the DUP aren't relevant, their views on those issues aren't relevant to this alliance. Any law passed in Westminster about same-sex marriage for example does not affect Northern Ireland, so they'd have no reason to pursue it even if May was desperate enough to appease them.
The leader of the remain campain, Cameron, spent his life blaming the EU for everything. You're blaming the wrong person for the loss
I'm not blaming him for the loss, I'm saying he was shit in the campaign. Something plenty of his supporters agreed with last year.

And given McDonnell was on TV saying we had to leave the single market this morning, I'm not sure they were particularly bothered anyway.
As a historic Tory voter, I find that harsh tbh. He clawed back 30 seats, showed May's administration up for what it is and hopefully forced a change in direction, ie soft over hard Brexit, by getting the hung parliament.
It's a genuine achievement, particularly given his own party have tried to oust him twice.

I know it seems harsh and I'm being the devil's advocate to an extent.

I just think there's been a huge shift in public opinion re Brexit, which worked to his advantage. All the talk of doomsday scenarios after "hard Brexit" shat people up (we've been hearing about #Bregret from day one) and the election was a chance for the > 50% of population that didn't want Brexit at all to make themselves heard.

When you combine that with May's risible campaign it's hard not to wonder if a more credible candidate for PM could have gone on to win the election. And I'm speaking as someone who wasn't even a historic Tory voter.
Donald Trump has apparently told May that he doesn't want to come to the UK until the public supports his visit and there won't be widespread protests. So, no Trump visit ever :lol:
I didn't mean the DUP aren't relevant, their views on those issues aren't relevant to this alliance. Any law passed in Westminster about same-sex marriage for example does not affect Northern Ireland, so they'd have no reason to pursue it even if May was desperate enough to appease them.
But it is this need to appease that is the problem. I don't see a desperate PM coming out and giving stirring speeches on the importance of LGBT rights when they have to keep their openly homophobic friends onside, regardless of the fact policy is devolved.

They won't expect her to repeal gay marriage but I doubt we'll get particularly strong condemnations of homophobia from our government.
Of course it is. Once someone believe's they are morally free to fulfil this desire, they will, unless they live in a country like Iran.
I feel a full on rant coming on..

Let me start by saying that i am not gay, i have had a child out of wedlock though so i'm going to hell according to your warped, out of date logic.

God doesn't exist, the reason the catholic, protestant and every other church exist in the first place is for control of the population. Lets be honest, it worked really well for 1960 or so years until those pesky scientists appeared with their pesky evidence to completely disprove the myth.

So i usually get told that it's the message that counts and it's a moral guide at this point. To which my answer is simply that it's 2017 and anybody using that out of date mantra as your moral guide should probably find new morals.

I can't get my head around how anybody can deny two people of any gender who are in love the right to marry and spend their lives together. I believe that as long as the couple in question are good people with the ability to provide? They should have the full adoption rights of any straight couple as well.

Let's pretend for a second that god does exist, if he/she/it denies the rights and passage to heaven of good people who he made based on the fact they were born homosexual, then as far as i am concerned he/she/it can strike me down and then go and feck himself.
Of course it is. Once someone believe's they are morally free to fulfil this desire, they will, unless they live in a country like Iran.
Being gay is as much of a choice as being born ginger.

You can hide it at work, pretend that you're not to your friends, but sooner or later you are going to want to be with someone you love.

Okay the analogy breaks down
Every. Single. Day. That's why I avoid the Ronaldo thread, to make the choice that bit easier. Especially when he's rocking that abs device thing. Toned.

Anyone else find the whole concept of that whatsapp group kind of bizarre? Michael Gove should have replied with that gif of himself clapping.

He definitely didn't leak that himself. Nooo no. Not loyal ol' Bozza.