General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
But it is this need to appease that is the problem. I don't see a desperate PM coming out and giving stirring speeches on the importance of LGBT rights when they have to keep their openly homophobic friends onside, regardless of the fact policy is devolved.

They won't expect her to repeal gay marriage but I doubt we'll get particularly strong condemnations of homophobia from our government.
I see the point, though I don't think the DUP are likely to pull the plug over something like that when there's money to be made from this alliance and knowing that forcing another election could never produce a more socially conservative government.
I feel a full on rant coming on..

Let me start by saying that i am not gay, i have had a child out of wedlock though so i'm going to hell according to your warped, out of date logic.

God doesn't exist, the reason the catholic, protestant and every other church exist in the first place is for control of the population. Lets be honest, it worked really well for 1960 or so years until those pesky scientists appeared with their pesky evidence to completely disprove the myth.

So i usually get told that it's the message that counts and it's a moral guide at this point. To which my answer is simply that it's 2017 and anybody using that out of date mantra as your moral guide should probably find new morals.

I can't get my head around how anybody can deny two people of any gender who are in love the right to marry and spend their lives together. I believe that as long as the couple in question are good people with the ability to provide? They should have the full adoption rights of any straight couple as well.

Let's pretend for a second that god does exist, if he/she/it denies the rights and passage to heaven of good people who he made based on the fact they were born homosexual, then as far as i am concerned he/she/it can strike me down and then go and feck himself.

Take this to the religion thread.
I know it seems harsh and I'm being the devil's advocate to an extent.

I just think there's been a huge shift in public opinion re Brexit, which worked to his advantage. All the talk of doomsday scenarios after "hard Brexit" shat people up (we've been hearing about #Bregret from day one) and the election was a chance for the > 50% of population that didn't want Brexit at all to make themselves heard.

When you combine that with May's risible campaign it's hard not to wonder if a more credible candidate for PM could have gone on to win the election. And I'm speaking as someone who wasn't even a historic Tory voter.
Agree to an extent on Brexit, but in the vox pops with the general public you still had weirdos saying they voted Brexit 'for a better future for their kids', god knows how. He was weak on Brexit, I'd argue, so that wasn't a key driver behind his surge.
Maybe a stronger leader could've beaten the atrocious May, but who? Burnham, Cooper, Chuka?
Tories are equally thin if Boris and Davis are the two favourites. God help us all.
Europe offer us absolutely no deal worth having. Everyone realises this, including Europe. The pressure on UK Gov to have another referendum must be enormous. I'm guessing Europe would probably go along with this.

Everyone knows negotiation of a soft Brexit isn't going to happen, even if they are pretending it might (on all sides). As I said before, once that is out in the open, everything changes again.

This is why (it seems that) no one wants May's job atm.
I'm not blaming him for the loss, I'm saying he was shit in the campaign. Something plenty of his supporters agreed with last year.

And given McDonnell was on TV saying we had to leave the single market this morning, I'm not sure they were particularly bothered anyway.

And I'll repeat he was kept away from it because he was, wrongly, not seen as an asset. He didn't fit the mould, wouldn't have spent every press conference repeating 3 inane phrases
Europe offer us absolutely no deal worth having. Everyone realises this, including Europe. The pressure on UK Gov to have another referendum must be enormous. I'm guessing Europe would probably go along with this.

Everyone knows negotiation of a soft Brexit isn't going to happen, even if they are pretending it might (on all sides). As I said before, once that is out in the open, everything changes again.

This is why (it seems that) no one wants May's job atm.

The EU said that we can decide to rip everything up and stay at any time during the negotiations.
yes the majority of the 2%.
That's called democracy. Or shall we continue having votes and referrendums until the party that we want gets the vote? That seems to be the theme of recent time tbh which is quite sad.

The majority of the country votes for brexit. What happens? Everybody that did was labelled racist or told that they didn't know what they were doing, and there was repeated calls for another referrendum. Oh and lets not forget the criticism that anybody over the age of 50 got because they somehow spoilt it for the young people. It's not conceivable that those people may have a bit more wisdom than a teenager.

The majority of Scotland votes to remain in the union. What happens? Nicola Sturgeon decides that there will be another referrendum.

The Conservatives get the most number of votes and seats than any other party. What happens? There is a call for another election.

Let's just keep having re-elections and re-runs of referrendums shall we until the liberals are happy with the result.

Ironically ive just been reading an interesting article about how the Labour party repeatedly tried to strike a deal with the DUP in 2010.

How do those people criticising the Conservative government for doing a deal with the DUP feel about this? Or is it somehow different?

Anyone else find the whole concept of that whatsapp group kind of bizarre? Michael Gove should have replied with that gif of himself clapping.

What a load of bollocks, like that's a totally natural conversation, still treating everyone like idiots
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Europe offer us absolutely no deal worth having. Everyone realises this, including Europe. The pressure on UK Gov to have another referendum must be enormous. I'm guessing Europe would probably go along with this.

Everyone knows negotiation of a soft Brexit isn't going to happen, even if they are pretending it might (on all sides). As I said before, once that is out in the open, everything changes again.

This is why (it seems that) no one wants May's job atm.

Thing is, though, Labour's Robin Hood manifesto was so appealing, I bet even Theresa May would have been tempted to vote for Corbyn if he could have seriously pulled it off.
Taking from the wealthy and businesses and distribute to the less advantaged, and simply smile at the brexit negotiators in order to get a good deal, while having control of borders and free access to the single market.
The reason so many still voted for Theresa May is because the majority do not believe he could have pulled all this off. So in a sense, it was still a majority vote for brexit, because the Tory manifesto didn't offer much else that was appealing, did it?
That's called democracy. Or shall we continue having votes and referrendums until the party that we want gets the vote? That seems to be the theme of recent time tbh which is quite sad.

The majority of the country votes for brexit. What happens? Everybody that did was labelled racist or told that they didn't know what they were doing, and there was repeated calls for another referrendum. Oh and lets not forget the criticism that anybody over the age of 50 got because they somehow spoilt it for the young people. It's not conceivable that those people may have a bit more wisdom than a teenager.

The majority of Scotland votes to remain in the union. What happens? Nicola Sturgeon decides that there will be another referrendum.

The Conservatives get the most number of votes and seats than any other party. What happens? There is a call for another election.

Let's just keep having re-elections and re-runs of referrendums shall we until the liberals are happy with the result.

Ironically ive just been reading an interesting article about how the Labour party repeatedly tried to strike a deal with the DUP in 2010.

How do those people criticising the Conservative government for doing a deal with the DUP feel about this? Or is it somehow different?

I'd be saying a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since 2010 & it never happened. Actually doing it has (presumably) been a pile of poo, what's your point? Is what I'd be saying.
That's called democracy. Or shall we continue having votes and referrendums until the party that we want gets the vote? That seems to be the theme of recent time tbh which is quite sad.

The majority of the country votes for brexit. What happens? Everybody that did was labelled racist or told that they didn't know what they were doing, and there was repeated calls for another referrendum. Oh and lets not forget the criticism that anybody over the age of 50 got because they somehow spoilt it for the young people. It's not conceivable that those people may have a bit more wisdom than a teenager.

The majority of Scotland votes to remain in the union. What happens? Nicola Sturgeon decides that there will be another referrendum.

The Conservatives get the most number of votes and seats than any other party. What happens? There is a call for another election.

Let's just keep having re-elections and re-runs of referrendums shall we until the liberals are happy with the result.

Ironically ive just been reading an interesting article about how the Labour party repeatedly tried to strike a deal with the DUP in 2010.

How do those people criticising the Conservative government for doing a deal with the DUP feel about this? Or is it somehow different?

My point was a 42% - 40% split is a tiny majority and due to the democratic system on this country Tereasa May and the Tories aren't even definately going to govern yet, although there is a 99% chance they will.

As for the labour - DUP deal, i don't know how credible the source is but if it's legit and i understood it back then i would have been fully against it. I wasn't a fan of Brown and voted conservative in 2010 for the record.
That's called democracy. Or shall we continue having votes and referrendums until the party that we want gets the vote? That seems to be the theme of recent time tbh which is quite sad.
Unless you have some form of amnesia that's how democracy works. The winner doesn't have the right to rule forever, and should the country change it's mind on Brexit democratic norms would be with the remainers. Should the country vote for a party that was previously out of power, that party assumes power.
That's called democracy. Or shall we continue having votes and referrendums until the party that we want gets the vote? That seems to be the theme of recent time tbh which is quite sad.

The majority of the country votes for brexit. What happens? Everybody that did was labelled racist or told that they didn't know what they were doing, and there was repeated calls for another referrendum. Oh and lets not forget the criticism that anybody over the age of 50 got because they somehow spoilt it for the young people. It's not conceivable that those people may have a bit more wisdom than a teenager.

The majority of Scotland votes to remain in the union. What happens? Nicola Sturgeon decides that there will be another referrendum

This was the second referendum on Europe, not the first