General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Practising is.

A very good choice, I'd suggest. But a choice.
If a government or person came in to tell me how I should be having sex, I'd feel pretty pissed off.

Can't imagine how LGBT people deal with it.

Europe offer us absolutely no deal worth having. Everyone realises this, including Europe. The pressure on UK Gov to have another referendum must be enormous. I'm guessing Europe would probably go along with this.

Everyone knows negotiation of a soft Brexit isn't going to happen, even if they are pretending it might (on all sides). As I said before, once that is out in the open, everything changes again.

This is why (it seems that) no one wants May's job atm.
Disagree. In the run up to the EU Referendum, tens of current and former EU figures were saying that if we did vote leave, we should use that as a platform to renegotiate with the EU. Whoever is in charge has the easiest job in the world with regards to negotiating with the EU, if anyone was brave enough to take it.

And even if not, we have a binary choice between a Norway Style deal, or a Canada style deal, or somewhere in between.
Thing is, though, Labour's Robin Hood manifesto was so appealing, I bet even Theresa May would have been tempted to vote for Corbyn if he could have seriously pulled it off.
Taking from the wealthy and businesses and distribute to the less advantaged, and simply smile at the brexit negotiators in order to get a good deal, while having control of borders and free access to the single market.
The reason so many still voted for Theresa May is because the majority do not believe he could have pulled all this off. So in a sense, it was still a majority vote for brexit, because the Tory manifesto didn't offer much else that was appealing, did it?

I think you're correct to some extent, yes. When the parties are the same on Brexit, what happens then? And a better Tory campaign as you say. Not so obvious Jezza gets an easy win next time.
You mean apart from it could destroy the peace process and bring back the violence and killing to Northern Ireland?
I live in the North, and while the DUP and Tories making a deal is a bad thing in my eyes, I can't see us plunging back into major violence here unless the DUP are allowed to use their position to openly discriminate against Catholics again and an open border in Ireland post-Brexit is an absolute necessity for the peace process.

Listen to Gerry Adams speech post election result and he has a very concilatory tone.
I live in the North, and while the DUP and Tories making a deal is a bad thing in my eyes, I can't see us plunging back into major violence here unless the DUP are allowed to use their position to openly discriminate against Catholics again and an open border in Ireland post-Brexit is an absolute necessity for the peace process.

Listen to Gerry Adams speech post election result and he has a very concilatory tone.
You can't have an open border in Ireland and free movement from the EU. One or the other but both can't be an option.
From BBC Live page...

Theresa May spread out the map of Northern Ireland on the cabinet table. 'So let me see if I’ve got this right,' she said to Nickanfi, her double-headed chief adviser. 'The green bits are held by Sinn Fein?'

Nickanfi nodded and hissed a little. 'And the reddish areas belong to our new friends and allies, the DUP, on whom our stronganstable leadership depends?' Another nod.

Then Mrs May saw a large blue area on the map. 'Aha,' she said. 'And I suppose this is where all the Conservative MPs are to be found?' Nickanfi cleared their throats. 'Not quite, prime minister,' they said. 'That’s Lough Neagh.' It had been a long and difficult night for Mrs May.

Patrick Kidd

Surely its the eu fault
Border needs moved back across the Irish Sea where it belongs.
I am not clear on Irish politics mate, i have watched a few documentaries in the past few nights and read a few articles and i am learning, but i'm not quite confident in my own knowledge yet to comment fully. I stand by the statement that free movement of people from the EU + an open border in Ireland is a disaster waiting to happen though.
I am not clear on Irish politics mate, i have watched a few documentaries in the past few nights and read a few articles and i am learning, but i'm not quite confident in my own knowledge yet to comment fully. I stand by the statement that free movement of people from the EU + an open border in Ireland is a disaster waiting to happen though.
You can't have an open border in Ireland and free movement from the EU. One or the other but both can't be an option.
What are you on about?
What are you on about?
Obviously if the south of Ireland remain in the EU, there is freedom of movement, so for example anyone from Romania or wherever can come to the south and with an open border can go straight into the north and technically are then in the UK.
I am not clear on Irish politics mate, i have watched a few documentaries in the past few nights and read a few articles and i am learning, but i'm not quite confident in my own knowledge yet to comment fully. I stand by the statement that free movement of people from the EU + an open border in Ireland is a disaster waiting to happen though.
You're right, its going to be messy and I honestly don't know what will happen.
I may have misunderstood the term 'open border' but i thought he meant no controls or checks between north and southern Ireland?

If i misunderstood please accept my apologies.
Thats what I meant, thats the way it is now and no-one in Ireland in their right minds wants to go back to the bad old days of customs and checkpoints etc.
Hopefully Leadsom still gets sacked.
If a government or person came in to tell me how I should be having sex, I'd feel pretty pissed off.

Can't imagine how LGBT people deal with it.
It's quite fun when you can claim fecking constitutes fighting fascism though.
I may have misunderstood the term 'open border' but i thought he meant no controls or checks between north and southern Ireland?

If i misunderstood please accept my apologies.
That already happens. Do you think it doesnt?
Obviously if the south of Ireland remain in the EU, there is freedom of movement, so for example anyone from Romania or wherever can come to the south and with an open border can go straight into the north and technically are then in the UK.
Let me be perfectly clear

If we make EU27 nationals require a visa to come VISIT here, Brexit has utterly failed. Can you imagine needing to a Visa to go on holiday in Spain?

Working and visiting are two very different things

The UK has a robust system of checking work visas in place already. It is trivial to require a visa for work, and having a visa free border for the EU27 (or an open border).

Really dont know what the feck anyone is on about. The common travel area isnt going anywhere

Edit - jabemtwo veru? That didn't go well. Fixerd
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It's quite fun when you can claim fecking constitutes fighting fascism though.
"Do you know what we just did is illegal in 50 countries?

I intend to write to the Prime Minister about it."

Or something to that affect. Great film.
That already happens. Do you think it doesnt?

Let me be perfectly clear

If we make EU27 natuonals require a visa to come VISIT here, brexit has utterly failed. Can you imagine needing to a Visa to go on holiday in spain?

Working and visiting javemtwo veru different levels of control.

The UK has a robust system in place already. It ia trivial to require a visa for work, and having an visa free border (or an open border)

Really dont know what the feck anyone is on about. The common travel area isnt going anywhere
Honestly (perhaps naively) i assumed that because i needed a passport to travel from England to the republic that i would also need a passport to travel from the republic to Northern? And then i assumed by 'open border' it was meant that you then wouldn't need a passport to cross the north/south border.

Anyway, it seems i misunderstood. Told you i was learning :D

Conservatives: "We need to learn from out mistakes and start listening to the people"

Also Conservatives: "Jeremy Hunt will continue his deconstruction of the NHS.
So angry about jeremy hunt...that's essentially the end of the NHS as we know it folks. Once it's gone everyone who voted tory needs to take a long hard look at themselves.
Jesus Christ, Hunt is staying. Has she learnt nothing?
Honestly (perhaps naively) i assumed that because i needed a passport to travel from England to the republic that i would also need a passport to travel from the republic to Northern? And then i assumed by 'open border' it was meant that you then wouldn't need a passport to cross the north/south border,

Anyway, it seems i misunderstood. Told you i was learning :D
You don't need a passport to go to ireland (legally), although depending on how you get there, you might need at least a driving license, or indeed, your full passport for the carrier to check who you are

Also, technically non brits can go across the whole of the EU without a passport, even outside of Schengen (using their national ID cards) :)
Ireland isn't part of the Schengen area, is it ? In which case the hard frontier is between Ireland and the EU which, in theory I suppose, could be sold as a solid enough border control provided it's well controlled Not sure about the first point though.
Very little shuffling going on here.

She's now in a far weaker position than Gordon Brown ever was.
The "dementia" tax was privatisation by stealth, that's how it will continue. Absolutley no doubt about it.