General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Let's not get carried away, I think Jez is still going to be shit at PMQs. :lol:
Change in dynamic will be fascinating though, I expect Corbyn to project a lot more confidence now and May, as shit as she was already, to get even worse. Even in Corbyn's darkest moments he always knew he could fall back on membership support, May has absolutely nothing - no allies in parliament, only two trusted advisers whose names are now dogshit to her party, and a rejection from the electorate.
Don't get too worried about DUP - conservative coalition.

It's not sustainable thanks to English Votes for English Laws.

We're heading for another election before Christmas I think, as the numbers don't really let anyone form a lasting government.
The Tories surely have a massive majority in England?
But a majority of 2 requires essentially every MP to follow the whip in every single vote and as a few people mentioned (i have no idea about this whatsoever) there seems to be some variation in what the DUP votes count for with regards to english laws? or have i completely misinterpreted that. And i cant imagine every elected tory MP is down with some of the DUP's questionable social policies?
They don't need the DUP for English laws they have an English Majority.
Is there a reason why no Interviewers ever call out Candidates for dodging questions? They need to just keep repeating the question and demand a yes/no answer. Make them as uncomfortable as possible.
I'd quite like to see a meme video of Lotr where May and the Tories defend Helms Deep and the DUP ride in at the end and save them.

It would be pretty accurate because I imagine that most Tories think Labour supporters/poor people look like orcs.
Change in dynamic will be fascinating though, I expect Corbyn to project a lot more confidence now and May, as shit as she was already, to get even worse. Even in Corbyn's darkest moments he always knew he could fall back on membership support, May has absolutely nothing - no allies in parliament, only two trusted advisers whose names are now dogshit to her party, and a rejection from the electorate.

Said it before - but his message this morning seemed very, very statesmanlike. He projected a lot of confidence while retaining a certain thankful humility. Now he's going to have the backing of his own party and it'll be May who's inspiring no confidence in hers.

If there's no election again soon I fear we'll see a lot of the optimism regarding Corbyn wear off over time, but for now he's got an absolute feck-ton of momentum.
I really hope the DUP gaining traction doesn't do anything to the current peace in NI.
Is there a reason why no Interviewers ever call out Candidates for dodging questions? They need to just keep repeating the question and demand a yes/no answer. Make them as uncomfortable as possible.

I saw Nield interviewing May and she wouldn't answer so he said 'right you won't answer, onto the next one'. What else can they do?
Strong and Stable Government

First Past the Post gives strong governments

Coalition of Stability

what an absolute joke
Surprised that the youth turnout wasn't much higher. Sky had a exit poll saying it was around 53% which is a modest increase.

There was a figure being spread that it was 72%, but its been established that was a fake figure.
What Corbyn proved is he a is fantastic campaigner, and ideologies are great, and like how all the MPs from his own party are eating theirs words who were slinging shit at him but the amount of borrowing was to scary to vote for Labour, plus well Diane Abbott

Tories to arrogant with their policies.

So i wasted my vote on the Greens
Surprised that the youth turnout wasn't much higher. Sky had a exit poll saying it was around 53% which is a modest increase.

There was a figure being spread that it was 72%, but its been established that was a fake figure.
Detailed info from that exit poll won't be out for like another week so I'd take the 53% figure with a pinch of salt.

What Corbyn proved is he a is fantastic campaigner, and ideologies are great, and like how all the MPs from his own party are eating theirs words who were slinging shit at him but the amount of borrowing was to scary to vote for Labour, plus well Diane Abbott

Tories to arrogant with their policies.

So i wasted my vote on the Greens
What borrowing? The spending was wholly funded by tax generation and re-allocation as was spelt out in tedious detail in the manifesto.
its complicated, but basically in the winter of 1978/79 their was lots of problems with strikes causing all kinds of disruption.

You have period where British Industries where struggling to compete becuase it was cheaper to import, while the unions where demanding pay rises, their was also a lot of corruption in the unions at that time, and really the labour party had become really just a voice for the unions.

It all spiraled out of control and you ended up with things like the 3 day week, where large chunks of the country only had electricity for 3 days a week.

the fall out of which is the country, turned to thatcher, who stripped away the powers of the unions, in order to prevent further large scale strikes, she also decimated alot of the industries that where striking and privatised or simply shut down a large chunks of industry and services.

The short term of this was that things like electricity, waste collection where all returned to normal, and general those who worked in the private sectors life improved. However large areas of the country relying on things like coal mining and manufacturing where plunged into high poverty, a lot of these towns have never recovered.

But you speak to people whose industries weren't effected which to be fair was probably 3/4's of the country, and they view is that Thatcher saved the country from the unions, and it was ingrained in them that strong left wing parties and unions cause are a band thing and causes disruption.

I personally think that they way that crisis was handles is at the root of a lot of the problems the country is facing today. yes at the time the unions had too much power, but you can trace the erosion of workers rights and things like zero hour contracts back to those days. it was also the end of Britain having export Surplus and we have been reliant on imports ever since. Since that time the policy of the government (including new labour) has been support big corporations at all costs and hope the wealth trickles down.

Ill let you make your own mind up about whether the winter was of discontent was handled well or not, but i think its very telling that a left wing party has not won a general election since.
Thanks for the summary! :)
A shame it had to come to that. Erosion of worker rights and "trickle down" policies are terrible things.
Extraordinary big an influence Twitter and Facebook have in the world.
Surprised that the youth turnout wasn't much higher. Sky had a exit poll saying it was around 53% which is a modest increase.

There was a figure being spread that it was 72%, but its been established that was a fake figure.
The youth vote was tied to University Towns so it was high in some areas but nonexistent in some others.
Yeah but the next recount will probably start at 11. And then if labour still win the following recount will be at 3 or 4. #Hastings

:lol: Though the Hastings shenanigans was fake. Turned out there was only 1 recount ordered by Labour in the Rudd seat.
Are there any LGBT Conservative MPs?

Wait yes, Ruth Davidson

Could she derail this

The manifesto costings were deemed bogus by the IFS. Even with the most optimistic tax receipt estimates they found a multi billion pound black hole in it.
Can you link me to this? The article I found on the IFS website indicated that, although far from certain, it was entirely possible that the projected increase in tax outlined by the manifesto could be met.