General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
As a prod living in N.Ireland let's be clear - the DUP are cnuts of the highest order, backwards as feck and they do have links (providing support and sympathy) to loyalist terrorists. But they themselves are not terrorists. They're not the RA. Sinn Fein were literally the political wing of the IRA and have gotten over that.

It's a bit silly to make them out to be worse than they actually are. There's plenty to destroy the DUP over without calling them terrorists.

Although feel free to call them 'Irish' just to wind them up.

Members of theirs were a part of the Ulster Resistance weren't they? Their former leader for one.
Members of theirs were a part of the Ulster Resistance weren't they? Their former leader for one.

Well officially Paisley provided support and attended meetings. Paisley was smart to ever putting his hands on a gun - preferring to whip up hysteria from the mountain top.


Secretive DUP Brexit donor links to the Saudi intelligence service

The shadowy donor group that gave the Democratic Unionist Party £425,000 during the Brexit referendum campaign has links to the former Director General of the Saudi intelligence service – also the father of the current Saudi Ambassador to the UK – openDemocracy can reveal.
In practice it would involve the dissolution of the Northern Ireland Assembly and instead of that power sharing the UK government would rule directly.

The Unionists have a long record of spiking or trying to spike the Assembly

The DUP are pretty despicable. They deny evolution, climate change, want abortion banned and are the strongest Brexiters about. And fundamentalist Christian fanatics. What's not to like.
Well that would be a disaster, I'd want us to progress rather than regress with society. If anyone opposes this then itcould turn into a big mess. Well done Theresa. Strong and fecking stable.
Peter Robinson says hello.

I was referring to Peter Robinson rather than Ian Paisley.

To be honest I've no idea about Robinson one way or the other. There's photos of him posing with a rifle and he attended meetings dressed up in the gear unlike Paisley so it doesn't look great. I don't think there's ever been confirmation that he was going around shooting people.

Most of the stuff from years back seems to suggest he was a consultant of sorts to the loyalists in these groups and in jail.

Most people these days prefer to think of Robinson as the aul lad who's missus got fecked by a teenager. If not, then the lad who wouldn't mind a muslim going to the shops for him.
You need to brighten up a bit. We were (supposedly) staring down the barrel of a stonking Tory majority and instead Corbyn presides over the greatest increase in Labour's vote share since 1945

Miliband's defeat left Labour two elections away from power. Corbyn was supposed to take us even further back. Instead he has us perfectly positioned to win next time.
I'm not exactly a labour supporter though :nervous:

I want us to be part of Europe, reform the electoral system, have a global Britain, promote Green policies, invest in infrastructure and defend liberalism (even with authoritarianism if need be).

Give us all the government we need, and no more. Incentivise but not over-regulate. Create jobs, reduce costs. Legalise where possible, regulate where needed, educate as you go along.

Support our home-grown companies.

Create a fair and thorough British community, whether that's in mosques, pubs or private schools.

Stay open to Europe, but also open it up to the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Reduce immigration, if need be, using reverse financial incentives. Open up to the rest of the world slowly and carefully, but without fear or prejudice.

Move away from the benefits culture, move towards universal income. Always support those that need it, but always incentivise self-sufficiency.

I'm not a natural fit for Labour, but the antithesis of a Tory.

Come on coalition of chaos.
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To be honest I've no idea about Robinson one way or the other. There's photos of him posing with a rifle and he attended meetings dressed up in the gear unlike Paisley so it doesn't look great. I don't think there's ever been confirmation that he was going around shooting people.

Most of the stuff from years back seems to suggest he was a consultant of sorts to the loyalists in these groups and in jail.
He organised the "defence" force, but actively coordinated with the likes of the UVF.
Well officially Paisley provided support and attended meetings. Paisley was smart to ever putting his hands on a gun - preferring to whip up hysteria from the mountain top.
He was one of the vilest men to ever darken British Politics. he might not have picked up a gun but his hate inspired others to. We go on about radical Mullers today he was on a par with the worst of them.
He was one of the vilest men to ever darken British Politics. he might not have picked up a gun but his hate inspired others to. We go on about radical Mullers today he was on a par with the worst of them.

He was an awful representative of this country back in the day that's for sure.

I laughed watching an old Billy Connolly stand up show from the 70s taking the piss out of him to a London audience. He must have been a laughing stock to be that relevant.

A PM too weak to perform a reshuffle is not sustainable.
I'm more excited about Campbell getting pulled up for his comments on Corbyn and what the result means for people like him than any he might have for the Tories.
The centre/centre right of the party has to now move to the left or leave. Corbyn won a mandate for his wing's values. Not enough to govern, but more than enough to stay on and be strengthened.

A PM too weak to perform a reshuffle is not sustainable.

It sums her up. Greedy for power; will say and do anything to maintain it.

An aul bitch that should have been told to feck off from politics long ago.
Northern Ireland DUP hater checking in. I've changed my mind in the past hour, I'm looking forward to spotlight being shone on these ballbags, and the squirming their Tory bedfellows will do.
The centre/centre right of the party has to now move to the left or leave. Corbyn won a mandate for his wing's values. Not enough to govern, but more than enough to stay on and be strengthened.
I think there can be a place for some of them, maybe. It's not necessarily a bad idea to encompass a variety of views within the party. But if they can't fall into line, lend Corbyn their support and stop trying to oust him then you're right - they should just walk. Doubt any of them will though.
Anyone know when the first day back at Parliament is and when the first PM questions will be? Corbyn will wipe the floor with May
I had heard from someone close to a Manchester based Labour MP that there were quite a few Labour MPs (just below 100) signed up to stick the knife into Corbyn after the GE. They'd be suicidal to do it now though, they will surely have to wait until after the next election.
I had heard from someone close to a Manchester based Labour MP that there were quite a few Labour MPs (just below 100) signed up to stick the knife into Corbyn after the GE. They'd be suicidal to do it now though, they will surely have to wait until after the next election.
Any Labour MP that sticks the Knife in Corbyn now needs to leave the party :lol:

They've got a great chance of preventing the Tories from forming a government. Or undermining it within weeks.
I mean - this was utterly unnecessary, she just thought her popularity was sufficient and has found out it doesn't remotely stand up to scrutiny.

One Green and two Labour in Brighton and Hove :)
I think there can be a place for some of them, maybe. It's not necessarily a bad idea to encompass a variety of views within the party. But if they can't fall into line, lend Corbyn their support and stop trying to oust him then you're right - they should just walk. Doubt any of them will though.
I agree. The party doesn't have to all follow Corbyn's ideology completely but need some shared goal to move the party forward.
The centre/centre right of the party has to now move to the left or leave. Corbyn won a mandate for his wing's values. Not enough to govern, but more than enough to stay on and be strengthened.
Agree. Although the MP aren't just the only problem, it's the people who control things such as the Labour NEC and Labour HQ. The whole of the party needs to be democratised in favour of the members, plus introducing the Mcdonnell amendment.
Have a word with yourself, that's disgraceful.
This sort of comment makes me fecking spew. feck off. Wake the feck up!!!! You are an ignorant cnut assuming the high ground without any willingness to look under the pile of stinking garbage in plain sight.

Edit: If I am Banned for this post, please review when the truth about what May knew comes out.
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Agreed, future U.K. Tory Leader.

She's the only Tory that genuinely impressed me in the campaign. Concise and clear, let us hope she has the backbone to match it.

A PM too weak to perform a reshuffle is not sustainable.

But she formed that cabinet from a position of power (short leadership debate, surprising backing etc.) surely there must be dozens of Tory MP's thinking they'll be short changed if she insists on keeping it that way?
Northern Ireland DUP hater checking in. I've changed my mind in the past hour, I'm looking forward to spotlight being shone on these ballbags, and the squirming their Tory bedfellows will do.

I really hope they send Sammy Wilson to do a few interviews. His fat face going full beetroot when he's put on the spot on national TV.
The big question regarding the DUP is what the feck is wrong in NI that a bunch of tea party impersonators can actually gain seats?
Any Labour MP that sticks the Knife in Corbyn now needs to leave the party :lol:

They've got a great chance of preventing the Tories from forming a government. Or undermining it within weeks.

This was before the GE in fairness, when Labour's chances looked bleak.