General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Don't particularly think it would make that much difference to what we now have.
disagree, she resins, we have a few months of a leadership campaign, they then take a few months to work out where they want to go with Brexit and putting a team together, before you know it we've spent a year of the two years and we havn't even started talking yet......
disagree, she resins, we have a few months of a leadership campaign, they then take a few months to work out where they want to go with Brexit and putting a team together, before you know it we've spent a year of the two years and we havn't even started talking yet......

Not sure why you've plucked out a few months for each and especially dont understand why that then becomes a year.

Positions and cabinets are and have been done quickly.
Aye. Wonder why he never became an MP.

He's always been a behind the scenes man, I reckon. And for all his speaking talent and ability to operate politically, he's probably too tainted from Iraq to ever be a candidate for leader. Corbyn should utilise him, though. Might be unsavoury but worth it if he can win.
The best thing about Isabel Oakeshite is that you can find a tweet of hers completely at odds with literally everything that ever leaves her mouth. Plus she looks like Garth Algar when she puts those stupid glasses on.
The best thing about Isabel Oakeshite is that you can find a tweet of hers completely at odds with literally everything that ever leaves her mouth. Plus she looks like Garth Algar when she puts those stupid glasses on.

Aye she's very smug and not particularly great.
So Torys aligning with DUP goes to show that power is more important to them than any sort of morals, how could anyone have voted for them, I just don't understand!

How are they actually going to govern now? Surely everything they do will be met with an overwhelming gridlock?

How can May actually stay in charge, when surely her own party hates her?

Is there still any chance of another election? Or am I day dreaming?
Not sure why you've plucked out a few months for each and especially dont understand why that then becomes a year.

Positions and cabinets are and have been done quickly.
leader election generally take a few months unless thier is an obvious candiate, which their isn't in this case, it took May 6 months to even start to come up with a plan as to where she wanted to go on Brexit, and that wasn't even a fully fleshed out plan, doesn't seem like a push to think another leader would need the same time, or would go in completely unprepared.
leader election generally take a few months unless thier is an obvious candiate, which their isn't in this case, it took May 6 months to even start to come up with a plan as to where she wanted to go on Brexit, and that wasn't even a fully fleshed out plan, doesn't seem like a push to think another leader would need the same time, or would go in completely unprepared.

Do you think all these MPs haven't given it a thought :wenger:
Campbell struggling to commit to saying Corbyn should stay.:lol:
i think the people saying May can't resign right now becuase it would cause even more chaos are probably and unfortunately right.
PM staying on because she 'can't resign' is like a manager of whom all players know that he's about to be booted. Recipe for disaster.
Anyone who thinks the richest in our society can be taxed to a greater degree than they already are, which is the highest degree of total tax revenues (as a numver and a %) in modern hisotry... Is a fantasist.
Do you think all these MPs haven't given it a thought :wenger:
i think they've all given it lots of different thoughts and all disagree, and who ever came in would have to assemble a team, and agree on a plan, i dont think thats gonna be a quick thing
Fair play to Campbell, somewhat conciliatory. Id like him to be a huge media force for the positive.

This QT audience has a very wierd tone to it.
Hey Campbell, that centre ground you wanted the Labour party to reach for. It's that clueless cnut in the crowd just there, parroting the same Daily Mail bollocks you just condemned Oakeshite for. feck people like him and feck the centre ground. The fact this guy gets to represent Labour yet people were thrown out prior to the last leadership election for being in favour of Green Party policies makes me sick. feck off and start your own party.
Campbell would be a reasonable person if we didn't all know he's really an unreasonable, horrific cnut.
Hey look, another 'centre ground' cnut you want the Labour party to reach out to represent, Campbell.

This man isn't in the centre-ground, he's an absolute lunatic.