General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I thought the turd sandwich was the least terrible option.

It wasn't.
Even Cameron had the integrity not to do any deals with the DUP. Think this may backfire for May.
In terms of redcafe's internal race, there was no real competition this year. Reigning champion @Ubik wins again at a landslide, with by far the most posts in the thread. Robocop just edges out Dobba in the race for second. And despite the Labour dominance, it's great to see a range of parties supported by our own 'big four'.
Blimey, I thought I was safely in second when I called it a night.
So to Some up:

  • Labour did better then expected but still lost
  • Conservatives did worse then expected but still won.
  • We have a choice between letting a PM who now looks like a complete idiot go into the biggest negotiations since world war 2 ended, Or replacing her, which could take months and cause utter disarray in those negotiations putting us in an even weaker position.
  • The only people who have won are the DUP, who are against Abortion and Gay Marriage, who want a hard Brexit except with an open border with Ireland (which may take the biscuit the most impossible and contradictory set of policies i've heard all election), and these guys now have a strong voice in parliament....
  • Ow and the Scottish seem to rebel against themselves and do the opposite to whatever they voted for last time.

I think ill have nap before work.
Tory Lord Lamont saying on BBC that austerity wasnt nasty its unavoidable :rolleyes:
In what respect Nick?

The cycling scheme is a source of continuing animosity and resentment, with money wasted and lives made more difficult by Labour specifically. However this result would tend to suggest that those with the luxury of distance couldn't care less. The Labour council has also over time, screwed up the town centre too. Then there is Chase Farm Hospital, for which Labour began the closure of services (not soon forgotten).

Objectively, i can understand how a London constituency might have a Remain swing, but based on their actions Labour were not deserving of a reward. People could have accepted a shock win for the LIb Dems i think, as they would be new to the position. Charalambous is a creature of the local party for years as well, so he isn't this radically liberal candidate who might have fringe benefits for someone like myself.

My pre-election prediction wasn't far off in the end, which does at least rule out the authoritarian stuff.
The cycling scheme is a source of continuing animosity and resentment, with money wasted and lives made more difficult by Labour specifically. However this result would tend to suggest that those with the luxury of distance couldn't care less. The Labour council has also over time, screwed up the town centre too. Then there is Chase Farm Hospital, for which Labour began the closure of services (not soon forgotten).

Objectively, i can understand how a London constituency might have a Remain swing, but based on their actions Labour were not deserving of a reward. People could have accepted a shock win for the LIb Dems i think, as they would be new to the position. Charalambous is a creature of the local party for years as well, so he isn't this radically liberal candidate who might have fringe benefits for someone like myself.

To be fair, everything you've raised seems insignificant in the grand scheme of how our lives are affected by Tory rule. With the prospect of the NHS going down the toilet, the arms sales to Saudi Arabia, being prepared to walk away from Brexit with no deal whatsoever, the dementia tax and cuts to winter fuel allowances and the cuts to the policing I would burst out laughing if someone told me they wouldn't vote Labour because of a cycling scheme. It would seem like the height of ridiculousness. People voting on little minor issues like this instead of looking at the bigger picture is one of the reasons Brexit happened to begin with. Short sighted tunnel vision with no regard for the overall impact. It should be a consideration, not a determining factor.
In terms of redcafe's internal race, there was no real competition this year. Reigning champion @Ubik wins again at a landslide, with by far the most posts in the thread. Robocop just edges out Dobba in the race for second. And despite the Labour dominance, it's great to see a range of parties supported by our own 'big four'.

For comparison, 2015:
Wow, late surge. Had no idea. Staying up till 4am was wot won it.
I should really stop posting about politics. Also wtf, I was only on 600 when DOTA posted last night.
We come at things from very different directions but you've made a hell of a lot of good posts. Cheers!
It feels like I've lost an old friend in David Winnick. I first voted in the General Election of 1987. I voted Labour. Every election since I have voted for the same candidate I voted for in that first election. He's been an MP as long as I've been alive first in Croydon South and since 1979 in Walsall North.

He was a candidate that I never had a problem voting for even in the Blair years as he was old Labour through and through and that kept my vote because of shared political values. He has served Walsall and the UK well and I hope if he now he has a happy long retirement. It's just a shame that he could go out on his own terms.
So they're just going to enter into discussions now with the DUP.

Why has May gone and gotten permission to form a government, when there's always a slim chance the talks with the DUP could break down?

Wouldn't the logical thing be to make a deal and then go to the palace?
We come at things from very different directions but you've made a hell of a lot of good posts. Cheers!
Even a stopped clock etc :lol:

Thanks though bud, genuinely delighted for you and others like you that your longstanding faith and positivity was rewarded.
2010 - F**K the Lib Dems, I'll never forgive them for forming a coalition with the Tories.
2017 - Help us Lib Dems, save us from the DUP
Interesting that John Major's Conservative government started out with a majority of 21 in 1992 but was a minority government by the 1997 general election.
Old people. Statistics have shown that if only young people voted, Labour would win in an absolute landslide. Perhaps we'll see Labour more and more popular now that young people actually stepped up to vote this election. At the last election their representation was very low which skewed the perception of Conservative support as something like 80% of over 65s turned out to vote.
Damned old people. Always voting, always conservative.

Probably too simplistic to assume that all 19 LGBTQ Conservative MPs would be publicly opposed to a deal with the DUP but a fair chance that at least a few would be.

Probably too simplistic to assume that all the 19 LGBTQ Conservative MPs would be publicly opposed to a deal with the DUP but a fair chance that at least a few would be.

When you consider this, along with the MP's opposed to Brexit, May's going to face a lot of problems.
So they're just going to enter into discussions now with the DUP.

Why has May gone and gotten permission to form a government, when there's always a slim chance the talks with the DUP could break down?

Wouldn't the logical thing be to make a deal and then go to the palace?
Parliament will reject it.
Looking at it the uk hasn't elected a left wing government since 1974, 'New Labour' where at best a centre party, though i'd argue they started off slightly right wing and by the end of Blairs time in office where basically in line with the Torys.
I guess you have to conclude its very hard to win an election with left wing polices in this country, a large part of that is probably down to a lot of people still remember the winter of discontent (1979-1978) lots of people of a certain generation still count the tories and thatcher as saving the country(which personally i think is debatable), so when a party comes forward with left wing ideas they link it back to then.
I guess as we go forward and that generation passes on, their will be more opportunities for a left wing party, but right now its still very hard to win a majority with that generation staying so stubbornly right wing.
Only winter of discontent I ever heard of was from Shakespeare :p What was it?
Even a stopped clock etc :lol:

Thanks though bud, genuinely delighted for you and others like you that your longstanding faith and positivity was rewarded.
Yup, the arguments made by the Corbynites in the two leadership campaigns were largely proven right last night. Great campaign from Jez, well done to him and all of his support.

Hope that a newly confident Jez is able to reach across the party and get a better front bench going forward. Potential for the party looks very good, for the first time I think I expect them to win the next election.

But then in saying that, I feel like I'm almost guaranteeing it won't happen. I've such a terrible record at predicting politics. :lol:
To be fair, everything you've raised seems insignificant in the grand scheme of how our lives are affected by Tory rule. With the prospect of the NHS going down the toilet, the arms sales to Saudi Arabia, being prepared to walk away from Brexit with no deal whatsoever, the dementia tax and cuts to winter fuel allowances and the cuts to the policing I would burst out laughing if someone told me they wouldn't vote Labour because of a cycling scheme. It would seem like the height of ridiculousness. People voting on little minor issues like this instead of looking at the bigger picture is one of the reasons Brexit happened to begin with. Short sighted tunnel vision with no regard for the overall impact. It should be a consideration, not a determining factor.

So local jobs don't matter in elections, or the health of residents and Labour's NHS record here? If you came on here and gave specific examples of Conservative or Lib Dem incompetence in your area, i wouldn't dismiss your concerns as unimportant. Naturally, we can't all be tolerant and and empathetic in our approach to life, you're probably quite reasonable in other circumstances.
Yup, the arguments made by the Corbynites in the two leadership campaigns were largely proven right last night. Great campaign from Jez, well done to him and all of his support.

Hope that a newly confident Jez is able to reach across the party and get a better front bench going forward. Potential for the party looks very good, for the first time I think I expect them to win the next election.

But then in saying that, I feel like I'm almost guaranteeing it won't happen. I've such a terrible record at predicting politics. :lol:
You'd think they've got little choice, particularly after their chosen candidate had the balls to admit he was wrong about Corbyn last night. But Jess Phillips wouldn't get booked on This Week whenever she wanted if she agreed with the party leader.
Will reject the queens speech?
Yeah, if the DUP and Conservatives can't work together after all.

But there is no way Labour can govern. It will Tories and someone, or Tories alone, or another general election.

Labour 261 + SNP 35 + Lib Dems 12 + Plaid Cymru 4 + Green 1 doesn't get to the Tories 318
So local jobs don't matter in elections, or the health of residents and Labour's NHS record here? If you came on here and gave specific examples of Conservative or Lib Dem incompetence in your area, i wouldn't dismiss your concerns as unimportant. Of course, we can't all be tolerant and and empathetic in our approach to life.

Of course they matter, I don't think I said at any point in that post that they didn't? I said that there are much bigger and more daunting things facing all of us that need consideration. What you alluded to would be cutting your nose off to spite your face. Fixing a small local problem by changing the entire country and fecking yourself over in 7 other areas cannot be described as anything but short sighted. General elections are supposed to be about changing the country, not just about changing your local area. That's what local elections are for and I know you're smart enough to know that.
Yeah, if the DUP and Conservatives can't work together after all.

But there is no way Labour can govern. It will Tories and someone, or Tories alone, or another general election.

Labour 261 + SNP 35 + Lib Dems 12 + Plaid Cymru 4 + Green 1 doesn't get to the Tories 318
Apparently the fixed-term parliament act dictates that if a government can't be formed, new election has to take place in two weeks :nervous:
So local jobs don't matter in elections, or the health of residents and Labour's NHS record here? If you came on here and gave specific examples of Conservative or Lib Dem incompetence in your area, i wouldn't dismiss your concerns as unimportant. Naturally, we can't all be tolerant and and empathetic in our approach to life, you're probably quite reasonable in other circumstances.
Tories have rightly fecked up my local area, but will still get in every year. I can give examples if you like.

I know that's not the point you were making to Zarlak. But maybe National and Local should stay separate?