General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I started reading this but it sounds like a poor attempt at justifying this ghastly woman's incompetence. I will celebrate when she gets tossed out of the job.

It's actually a step back from the social media hype world. Everything gets overplayed these days just to get some air time.

Sometimes you need to apply a filter and look through the crap.

The reason May is staying is the rest of the party are surely too nervous to bring in a new PM when Corbyn does have good momentum. It's smart on their part. Boris is actually one of the most intelligent guys on the planet, but is so lacking tact and credibility that much like early Corbyn it would take a real gamble to put him out there. There are a few other MPs worthy of note, but that maybe don't have the long term history.

May makes sense to continue, yes wounded, but she has 5 years to fix that and in the mean time if Conservatives are smart they will start profile raising some of the support staff to ensure there are other potential leader options to face off against Corbyn.

And even Corbyn still has a lot more work to do. He is by no means on a clean slate. He has scraped himself off the ground and fought a good battle, he is a great surviver and a great check and balance and opposition, but there would need to be a massive change in opinion for him to get a majority and without that a coalition of chaos would constantly be thrown at him.
You Northern Irish? They're the most backwards party around, on par or perhaps even worse than UKIP. Desperate times from the tories pairing with them.

I am Irish and live in the North. I do have a unique perspective also because I lived in a red state in the US for a decade and can tell you that the DUP and the far right fundamentalists who live in the deep south are literally cut from the same cloth. Lots of Ulster Scots heritage where I lived. The DUP would be considered Tea Party in the US and hard right Tories/UKIP in Britain.
I started reading this but it sounds like a poor attempt at justifying this ghastly woman's incompetence. I will celebrate when she gets tossed out of the job.

Have to admire those still willing to defend her now. It sure isn't the easiest of sells :D
It's actually a step back from the social media hype world. Everything gets overplayed these days just to get some air time.

Sometimes you need to apply a filter and
look through the crap.

The reason May is staying is the rest of the party are surely too nervous to bring in a new PM when Corbyn does have good momentum. It's smart on their part. Boris is actually one of the most intelligent guys on the planet, but is so lacking tact and credibility that much like early Corbyn it would take a real gamble to put him out there. There are a few other MPs worthy of note, but that maybe don't have the long term history.

May makes sense to continue, yes wounded, but she has 5 years to fix that and in the mean time if Conservatives are smart they will start profile raising some of the support staff to ensure there are other potential leader options to face off against Corbyn.

And even Corbyn still has a lot more work to do. He is by no means on a clean slate. He has scraped himself off the ground and fought a good battle, he is a great surviver and a great check and balance and opposition, but there would need to be a massive change in opinion for him to get a majority and without that a coalition of chaos would constantly be thrown at him.

I honestly can't figure if you're a troll or not
It's actually a step back from the social media hype world. Everything gets overplayed these days just to get some air time.

Sometimes you need to apply a filter and look through the crap.

The reason May is staying is the rest of the party are surely too nervous to bring in a new PM when Corbyn does have good momentum. It's smart on their part. Boris is actually one of the most intelligent guys on the planet, but is so lacking tact and credibility that much like early Corbyn it would take a real gamble to put him out there. There are a few other MPs worthy of note, but that maybe don't have the long term history.

May makes sense to continue, yes wounded, but she has 5 years to fix that and in the mean time if Conservatives are smart they will start profile raising some of the support staff to ensure there are other potential leader options to face off against Corbyn.

And even Corbyn still has a lot more work to do. He is by no means on a clean slate. He has scraped himself off the ground and fought a good battle, he is a great surviver and a great check and a great opposition, but there would need to be a massive change in opinion for him to get a majority and without that a coalition of chaos would constantly be thrown at him.

Nah, they're just establishing a holding position, which might even be sustainable short-term but there's pressure on TM coming from everywhere, her personal credibility is shot.

Let's say that anyway - who would your preferred successor be, Red?
Nope, that is null and void given Tories move earlier mate. It's a simple and easy counter swipe.
There is nothing chaotic about the largest voted party in Northern Ireland and the largest party in the UK excluding northern Ireland joining together. It actually makes a lot of sense.
I wish Lord Buckethead was PM, he's much more sensible.
1. The abolition of the Lords (except me).

2. Full facial coverings to be kept legal, especially bucket-related headgear.

3. No third runway to be built at Heathrow: where we’re going we don’t need runways.

4. Ceefax to be brought back immediately, with The Oracle and other Teletext services to be rolled out by the next Parliament.

5. Regeneration of Nicholson’s Shopping Centre, Maidenhead.

6. Buckethead on Brexit: a referendum should be held about whether there should be a second referendum.

7. Nuclear weapons: A firm public commitment to build the £100bn renewal of the Trident weapons system, followed by an equally firm private commitment not to build it. They’re secret submarines, no one will ever know. It’s a win win.

8. Nationalisation of Adele: in order to maximise the efficient use of UK resources, the time is right for great British assets to be brought into public ownership for the common good. This is to be achieved through capital spending.

9. A moratorium until 2022 on whether Birmingham should be converted into a star base.

10. Legalisation of the hunting of fox-hunters.

11. New voting age limit of 16 to be introduced. New voting age limit of 80 to be introduced too.

12. Katie Hopkins to be banished to the Phantom Zone.

13. Stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia. Start buying lasers from Lord Buckethead.

14. Prospective MPs to live in the seat they wish to represent for at least five years before election, to improve local representation in Parliament.

15. Free bikes for everyone, to help combat obesity, traffic congestion and bike theft.
6 and 7 are genius. :lol:
I still think when the dust settles everyone will feel they lost except the DUP
I guess we'll have to wait and see exactly how things pan out but, in terms of a football metaphor, these results for Labour, aren't that far from United's season. Not exactly where we'd like to be, but a big improvement on where we were not that long ago. After the overwhelming disappointment of the Brexit and Trump votes, this is definitely a relative high point.
How did people vote for this overrated woman to negotiate for our economic future?

I thought the turd sandwich was the least terrible option.

I guess we'll have to wait and see exactly how things pan out but, in terms of a football metaphor, these results for Labour, aren't that far from United's season. Not exactly where we'd like to be, but a big improvement on where we were not that long ago. After the overwhelming disappointment of the Brexit and Trump votes, this is definitely a relative high point.
i don't think its a 100% a negative result, but its far from a positive result either.

my take away is Labour did better the expected but still lost, Tory did worse then expected then still won.
Nah, they're just establishing a holding position, which might even be sustainable short-term but there's pressure on TM coming from everywhere, her personal credibility is shot.

Let's say that anyway - who would your preferred successor be, Red?

Post May in 5 years? As I said I'm honestly not completely clear. There were one or two local MPs touted last night, but unless you are in one of the hot seats I worry about getting sufficient draw. This next 5 years Conservatives need to think very carefully about this from a profile perspective.

I think it's a real shame that Boris hasn't grown any tact, as I just think he may have burnt that bridge forever, but intellect wise if you read about him or hear from some of the inner circles, he is supposed to be an absolute genius.

Corbyn I worry will always be just a nice guy with some good ideas. It's hard to hide from some of the questions over his credibility and strength of leadership, e.g. On Nuclear weapons, his failure to recall key information in interviews and his shockingly bad education.

As a centrist I'm never a million miles off the right PM for Labour pulling me over with the right centrist policies. I met Chuka Umunna and he is incredibly credible. Him dropping out of the Labour leadership was a real shame for the country. David Miliband also was about as sharp as they come. Labour have been on the fringes of brilliance with highly credible characters and those doors have shut.
I guess we'll have to wait and see exactly how things pan out but, in terms of a football metaphor, these results for Labour, aren't that far from United's season. Not exactly where we'd like to be, but a big improvement on where we were not that long ago. After the overwhelming disappointment of the Brexit and Trump votes, this is definitely a relative high point.

It might be a relative high point if Labour is your primary concern. If surviving Brexit is your primary concern though then it's rather less positive given that you seem to have elected a patched up hard brexit government whose current leader has just been massively undermined.
Post May in 5 years? As I said I'm honestly not completely clear. There were one or two local MPs touted last night, but unless you are in one of the hot seats I worry about getting sufficient draw. This next 5 years Conservatives need to think very carefully about this from a profile perspective.

I think it's a real shame that Boris hasn't grown any tact, as I just think he may have burnt that bridge forever, but intellect wise if you read about him or hear from some of the inner circles, he is supposed to be an absolute genius.

Corbyn I worry will always be just a nice guy with some good ideas. It's hard to hide from some of the questions over his credibility and strength of leadership, e.g. On Nuclear weapons, his failure to recall key information in interviews and his shockingly bad education.

As a centrist I'm never a million miles off the right PM for Labour pulling me over with the right centrist policies. I met Chuka Umunna and he is incredibly credible. Him dropping out of the Labour leadership was a real shame for the country. David Miliband also was about as sharp as they come. Labour have been on the fringes of brilliance with highly credible characters and those doors have shut.

His education means nothing. Part of the problem with modern Politics is career politicians. feck em.
I am Irish and live in the North. I do have a unique perspective also because I lived in a red state in the US for a decade and can tell you that the DUP and the far right fundamentalists who live in the deep south are literally cut from the same cloth. Lots of Ulster Scots heritage where I lived. The DUP would be considered Tea Party in the US and hard right Tories/UKIP in Britain.
Yeah, sorry. I've heard that line off my dad a million times, forgot!

I don't know that much about them, but some of their views on important matters and the things they involve themselves in really doesn't sit right with me. Worrying partner for the tories.
I wonder if Ruth Davidson will take a stand against the DUP. Probably not.
I mean, Jeremy's basically the definition of a career politician. :lol:

Depends on your definition I guess. I associate career politicians as people who go to the top Universities to study Politics, they all follow the same route into Politics and form their little gangs right from the get go. Correct me if i'm wrong, but Corbyn never went to University?
Possibly very ignorant question since I don't know the dynamics of NI politics very well, but if Sinn Fein actually sat in their seats, wouldn't that mean Maybot and her DUP mates would lose their collective majority?