General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
How can you be happy with creationist, homophobic, religious fundamentalist climate change deniers being brought to the table?

We don't know that yet, and honestly I don't know enough about the DUP to comment, but if they have those policies/opinions they are mostly still irrelevant, they are hardly going to be the ruling party.

The key to everything is Brexit and making sure we don't leave with no deal which would be disaster for the country.
Too hungover to think it through properly, but this strikes me as a good result. Well done to Jeremy for an excellent election. May is toast, worst prime minister in my lifetime by a mile.

Really wish Rudd/ Goldsmith/ Farron/ Hoey went. There seemed to be rumours about all during the night.
How can you be happy with creationist, homophobic, religious fundamentalist climate change deniers being brought to the table? There are lots of positives for the future as a result of this election but there's not much to be happy about right now.
Maybe he's a religious climate change denier.
We don't know that yet, and honestly I don't know enough about the DUP to comment, but if they have those policies/opinions they are mostly still irrelevant, they are hardly going to be the ruling party.

The key to everything is Brexit and making sure we don't leave with no deal which would be disaster for the country.

You don't need to know enough about the DUP to comment at this second, you can go and find all of that out with a 10 second Google search if you were truly inclined. I fear that a lot of people are going to simply choose not to do that because they won't want to face facts.
I don't understand Irish politics as such, but from the little I know the DUP are extreme/militant?
You don't need to know enough about the DUP to comment at this second, you can go and find all of that out with a 10 second Google search if you were truly inclined. I fear that a lot of people are going to simply choose not to do that because they won't want to face facts.

But none of these hardline policies make any difference to anything, they aren't going to get any changes in those areas.
It was a similar result to what Brown achieved in terms of the important bottom line of seats won. Far better than expected? Impossible to deny. But I do think some are getting a little carried away. It's a great result from the expectation base that was anticipating annihilation. However when they lost in 2010 if you told me that in two elections time Labour supporters would cheer winning pretty much the same number of seats as that defeat, I wouldn't be blowing up the party balloons.

Seats won 2010 mirrors 2017 give or take. One seen as a disaster, the other a huge triumph. I can't logically see that as progress.
You have a good point, its weird that the results mirror 2010, which was seen as a good night for conservatives and a terrible night for labour. This election we have simlar results, yet it seen as a terrible night for conservatives and a great night for labour.

i guess it all down to expectations.
But none of these hardline policies make any difference to anything, they aren't going to get any changes in those areas.

That's irrelevant. You are condoning that those views should be present in our government when I'd hope any reasonable person would condemn them and state they should be as far from government as possible. Whether they will actually achieve change in those areas is irrelevant. I can't be happy that we as a people think it's acceptable to hand power over to people with such despicable backwards views instead of shunning them on sheer principle.
they have has eroded their power, and they will have to listen a bit more to other parties, but when it all boils down, the conservatives will still likely be in power and have by far and away the most sway of the direction the country goes.
Yeah, I don't think anyone on the left would see it as an ideal outcome but it stalls the Conservatives and, particularly considering the predictions a matter of weeks ago, it's a sign of huge progress.
Yeah, I don't think anyone on the left would see it as an ideal outcome but it stalls the Conservatives and, particularly considering the predictions a matter of weeks ago, it's a sign of huge progress.
I still think when the dust settles everyone will feel they lost except the DUP
That's irrelevant. You are condoning that those views should be present in our government when I'd hope any reasonable person would condemn them and state they should be as far from government as possible. Whether they will actually achieve change in those areas is irrelevant. I can't be happy that we as a people think it's acceptable to hand power over to people with such despicable backwards views instead of shunning them on sheer principle.

I have not condoned any such thing, nor do I. I just said I was happy with the result (relative to expectations), and that it should mean that the country does not end up with a hard Brexit, which is by far the single biggest issue facing us all right now.
I understand why Corbyn supporters are buoyed by the result but in our electoral system share of the vote is akin to football managers boasting about possession. Nice and you'd want more than less but to the bottom line often fairly meaningless.

Biggest gain since the 40's, that's some accomplishment given the predictions once the election was first called. I'm not happy with the result, but it's certainly a reason to be optimistic.
They are a bunch of slimy, middle class, fundamental Christians who are desperate to keep Northern Ireland years behind the rest of the UK. Also more than a hint of corruption with their constant scandals and they don't give two flying fecks about working class Unionists despite them voting for the DUP in droves. Other than that they're alright.

Anti-gay marriage, extremely, extremely conservative, care about no one but themselves and I won't even go into the secterian killings carried out by the loyalist paramilitaries they support. Oh and backed by the Saudis, and just google the RHI scandal, basically giving their Protestant farmer friends £1.60 of tax payers money for every £1 spent heating their sheds. On top of that, former leader Peter Robinson was involved in the NAMA scandal. I could go on.
Coalition of chaos sounds very apt.
I have not condoned any such thing, nor do I. I just said I was happy with the result (relative to expectations), and that it should mean that the country does not end up with a hard Brexit, which is by far the single biggest issue facing us all right now.

If you were unhappy with that prospect, then you would not be happy with the result. The two are diametrically opposed. In order to be happy with the result of the DUP and Tory government then you would have to either condone or be apathetic towards the DUP's views. If you condemned their views then you could not possibly describe your reaction to them as 'happy'. Also there are many many issues that face us right now, Brexit is but one of them.
But none of these hardline policies make any difference to anything, they aren't going to get any changes in those areas.

It's not just their hardline policies though, they have a very recent history of either complete financial ineptitude or actual corruption involving tax payers money.
Come on guys lets be positive for one day at least before shit hits the fan. I think this is the only time ive voted where its gone in the right direction
If you were unhappy with that prospect, then you would not be happy with the result. The two are diametrically opposed. In order to be happy with the result of the DUP and Tory government then you would have to either condone or be apathetic towards the DUP's views. If you condemned their views then you could not possibly describe your reaction to them as 'happy'. Also there are many many issues that face us right now, Brexit is but one of them.

As a country we were facing a failed Tory government with a big majority and a mandate to do pretty much what they wanted given the lack of content in the manifesto.

Now it is not certain what kind of government we will face (you seem to have taken a DUP deal as done which I am not convinced about), May is on borrowed time, and the Tories at very least have to reshape and rethink what they are going to do IF they stay in power. It is a better result than I was expecting. The views and policies of 10 MPs who may be in some kind of junior partner position is not as important as the overall position being considerably better than it might have been, especially as none of those views or policies will see the light of day.
Too hungover to think it through properly, but this strikes me as a good result. Well done to Jeremy for an excellent election. May is toast, worst prime minister in my lifetime by a mile.

Really wish Rudd/ Goldsmith/ Farron/ Hoey went. There seemed to be rumours about all during the night.
I think its a shite result. Leaves the UK in a weak uncertain position regarding Brexit and the Tories are going to end up in power with a bunch of neanderthals.
You got love Farron praises Clegg for joining a coalition, says at times of need politicians need to work together and praises Clegg for doing so.

Then lays out the challenges for UK going forward and how hard its going to be, but then says it wouldn't join a coalition..... after praising Clegg for doing the same in similar circumstances

err sorry Farron but your sort of contradicting your self.
We're in a better situation than if the election had never been called
With respect that is bollocks.

As a country we were facing a failed Tory government with a big majority and a mandate to do pretty much what they wanted given the lack of content in the manifesto.

Now it is not certain what kind of government we will face (you seem to have taken a DUP deal as done which I am not convinced about), May is on borrowed time, and the Tories at very least have to reshape and rethink what they are going to do IF they stay in power. It is a better result than I was expecting. The views and policies of 10 MPs who may be in some kind of junior partner position is not as important as the overall position being considerably better than it might have been, especially as none of those views or policies will see the light of day.

It's really not bollocks. You either agree with their views, you disagree with their views or you are apathetic to their views. Those are the only options. If you find them abhorrent then you cannot be happy with them being in a position of power. It's common sense. I would agree with you that this is a better result than I was expecting in terms of voter turnout, the shift back to Labour, the country seemingly rejecting the proposition of a hard Brexit but there's no way I can describe this as 'happy'. At the end of the day, we have the same failed government that we had before with the prospect of climate change denying homophobes being invited along for the ride just so that the failed government desperately manage to cling to power. You're right, that's a great result. You may not be convinced that the DUP are going to do a deal, but it's what is being reported at every source and the alternative is a Tory minority government which simply won't happen as the SNP and Labour will vote against anything they propose, or a Labour minority government which has even less chance of happening, or another general election which nobody wants.
going to the Palace because a lame duck led Government is better than no Government I think

she could still be gone by this time next week

they elect a new Leader - he at least has more authority than TM

fecking Boris though...