General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
what was great is how long may had to stand their while all the result where read out, she looked more and more akward.... was really funny
If the Scottish Tories prop up a hard Brexit, surely that would go against the will of the people up there?
Someone please educate me about the DUP.
Hear they're detestable.
May will have to pamper to the right of her party and new friends DUP. So hard Brexit looks likely.
Looks like May will hang on for now but the 1922 committee will call a leadership election within the next 3 months.
Rumours that much of the cabinet yet to hear from May. Has she fired the lot or is she considering her position? Does she really have the stomach for this all and the Brexit negotiations? We saw during the campaign that she's hardly up for a fight. However long this government lasts it'll be a very, very, very hard slog on a scale unimaginable since the second world war. Is that May's bag?
A Tory/DUP alliance is going to be a shambles as far Brexit is concerned, re: Ireland. On top of that, the Tory party's already divided on Brexit. That's why May held the election in the first place.
If Brexit is the main reason for forming a government then all of a sudden a minority labour government becomes a realistic proposition.
Actually, I can see Brexit being postponed and yet another election held which is solely fought on Brexit.
Cameron, thank you for leaving the country in this shambles!!!
It should mean that May's 'vision' of Brexit is dead. If the 'magic of democracy' is working then the people have spoken and told the politicians that May's assertion that 'no deal is better than a bad deal' is bollix. But of course now we are faced with the appalling vista of the DUP propping up a Tory government; the ultimate 'no dealers' from NI will keep this Tory charade going. It's a bit like Trump in truth; while it's a kick in the teeth for May we still have the lunatics running the asylum.
What a dreadful situation... why can't we just have another referendum on Brexit. :(
Someone please educate me about the DUP.
Hear they're detestable.

Fundamentalist Christians, young earth creationists, climate change deniers, homophobes, oppose playing football on Sundays (yes really) oh and they have been responsible for several of Northern Ireland's biggest financial scandals in recent years.
Someone please educate me about the DUP.
Hear they're detestable.

They are a bunch of slimy, middle class, fundamental Christians who are desperate to keep Northern Ireland years behind the rest of the UK. Also more than a hint of corruption with their constant scandals and they don't give two flying fecks about working class Unionists despite them voting for the DUP in droves. Other than that they're alright.
I am clueless. Is there even a slight possibility that the other parties can give labour the vote of confidence for labour to form a minority??
May will have to pamper to the right of her party and new friends DUP. So hard Brexit looks likely.

With 13 Scottish Tories and people like Ken Clarke and Anna Soubry, I am not quite sure it'll be that easy.
If the Scottish Tories prop up a hard Brexit, surely that would go against the will of the people up there?

I honestly think it's just a phase with the Scottish vote. People were sick to death of the SNP and if they soon realise what they've just voted for and the Scottish tories start supporting austerity like measures or whatever hideous plan the main party comes up with then they will begin to lose votes again. I think this vote is peak Tory in Scotland and if an election was held in say 2 years it would go more lib dem or labour.

I don't think May has it in her to make this minor majority work. Her party is full of snakes dying to see the back of her. They will rebel on any hard brexit terms as they're now aware of it being unpopular and don't want to put their own necks on the line.
Fundamentalist Christians, young earth creationists, climate change deniers, homophobes, oppose playing football on Sundays (yes really) oh and they have been responsible for several of Northern Ireland's biggest financial scandals in recent years.
Republicans basically
The DUP will ensure no post-Brexit border controls between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. Which only leaves Southern Ireland. I hope to god I'm wrong but it's going to get nasty again.
What does this mean for Brexit? Can they get whatever they want through parliament?
I guess no one knows

Parliament is meant to be getting another vote on the final Brexit deal. If enough Tory Soft Brexiters through their dummies out the pram, it could be interesting.

But at the same time, the Tory Government will be full and backed by hard brexiters now.
From my own point of view I'm disappointed in the sense that it seems that Corbyn won't be going anywhere for the time being, I'm not a huge fan of his although would be churlish not to admit his performance was far better than I would ever contemplate. But from a card-carrying 'Remoaner's' point of view I'm delighted that this really has put a spanner in the works of that smug, smirking, arrogant prick David Davis and his approach to the EU negotiations that was beginning to look terrifyingly cavalier.
If the tories hang on without another general election they'll ruin their chances at the next one in 5 years.

Especially if they're with the DUP, that can and should be used against them.
I understand why Corbyn supporters are buoyed by the result but in our electoral system share of the vote is akin to football managers boasting about possession. Nice and you'd want more than less but to the bottom line often fairly meaningless.
The DUP are soft brexiters.
In theory. In that, they don't want a border between them and the south.

In practice? They wanted Brexit.
The Democratic Unionist Party has always been Eurosceptic in its outlook. At every stage in this European negotiation process we had hoped to see a fundamental change to our relationship with Europe.

In our view we see nothing in this deal that changes our outlook.

Therefore we will on balance recommend a vote to leave the EU.

Importantly, however, the decision on whether the United Kingdom should remain in or leave the EU is fundamentally not one for parties but for every individual voter across the nation to determine.

As every voter has the opportunity to express a view we fully expect that DUP members and voters will hold a range of differing personal views as to what is in the best interests of the United Kingdom.

They are fully entitled to do so during what will be a momentous political debate about the direction of travel our nation chooses.

We want to see a campaign that is positively run. We want to make sure that the case made for the United Kingdom outside the EU, is a case made for a United Kingdom that values its friends, welcomes them and seeks to co-operate positively and fairly with them.

There have been far too many scare stories already in this debate. People want clarity. They want facts not spin.

I hope that, on both sides, the scare stories will now stop as we get down to the serious business of debating our future relationship with Europe.

Obviously in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and London elections will take place at the same time as the referendum campaign. This is deeply regrettable but we must accept it and move on.

The Assembly election should focus on who has the best vision and plan to lead Northern Ireland forward. For our part, we will be campaigning on every doorstep in Northern Ireland, setting out our vision for the future of Northern Ireland.

When we turn to the EU, we will be addressing its countless unresolved failures and the crises still to come.

Regardless of the outcome of the referendum, it is clear that the problems involved in the very nature of the EU will continue.

They would be quite happy with any hard brexit, that didn't put up a border, I think. Although they've campaigned to have "no special treatment".