General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Nothing suggests what's true? Don't you think the fact that Labour's best performance was in the strongest remain constituencies tells us something?

No, all you can say is people fought back against a hard Brexit or that there's a causality somewhere.

Polls have repeatedly shown there isn't the appetite to block Brexit, they just want to get in with it and have a sensible version.

I know we all want to reverse it but we're definitely not representative
The arms dealing vicar's daughter is going to the biggest council house in the country to seek permission to form government. The DUP are anti-abortion, anti-LGBT rights and climate change deniers - but there are also worries that the Tories might disagree with them on other policies.
I expect Trump to tweet, at any moment, that the UK's Electoral College is rigged.
No, all you can say is people fought back against a hard Brexit or that there's a causality somewhere.

Polls have repeatedly shown there isn't the appetite to block Brexit, they just want to get in with it and have a sensible version.

I know we all want to reverse it but we're definitely not representative

Polls seven weeks ago told us we'd have an overwhelming Tory majority. Brexit is Bollix. The people have spoken, again. Last summers vote was a protest vote, so is this.
Don't agree. It's a vote rejecting May's vision of Brexit as much as for JC's vision for Britain. Anyway, it's all a bit of a mess. So much for 'strong and stable government'.
I think Brexit was atacually massively over played in the election, think it was other issues that gave us this result.
So my Mum had two bets on, fair play to her, first bet still at risk though?

£20 on Labour Vote Share 40.01% or higher at 25/1
£25 on Labour Win in Weaver Vale at 11/2
Basically, DUP will be wearing the crown going forward.
i dunno, lib dems joined a coalitition with torys and got walked over. DUP vote similar to tory in lots of issues anyway

i think if anything a DUP coalition shifts the tory party slightly further right, and thats about it.
Blunkett calls for Corbyn to stay on. Says he's been impressed with his campaign and mobilisation of voters.
May did that by calling the election when there was no real need to, serving a manifesto that could crudely - but accurately - be described as a shit sandwich with nothing to really tempt voters to go blue to increase that majority and made the election about the one issue (Brexit). The smear campaign seems to have worked against them as well - as @Jippy alludes to.


Ultimately, nobody wanted another election and they paid the price by losing their majority.
Agree completely- opportunism that backfired. She's taking a while to get out and make a speech- wondering what we should read into that...
Hope the Queen tells her to feck off.

Has May been on TV to explain the results & her opinion on what's happened? Or will she send Amber to do that too??

Corbyn unassailable, which is great in a hung parliament. Labour can present a clear, consistent (and yes) stable opposition to an awkward coalition with the knives out for May, even as she staggers on.
I don't think the Brexit vote result was ever really about Brexit!
yeah totatlly agree, i think a large chunk of people to an extent just voted becuase they where angry, and the leave campaign offered change and a way to vent that anger.

i think corbyn to an extent created a similar movement, offering a new way to stick it to the elite and offering hope.

unfortuantly the problem deep down the same issue remains that on the whole the UK is quite a right wing country.
She surely can't just try and carry on as if nothing happened

I think Tories may be hesitant to force a leadership contest, because they dont want to force another election soon which would benefit Labour.

Though i am sure Boris is rubbing his hands in glee.
I think Tories may be hesitant to force a leadership contest, because they dont want to force another election soon which would benefit Labour.

They can feck off with these tactics though. She has no mandate.
Highest percentage of votes for Labour in Wales since 1997 according to Faisal Islam. And that was a place expected to be going blue a few weeks ago.

No one I know here in Wales believed that poll.