Gary Neville

That doesn't mean you cant miss a penalty. doesn't. But if you hit it low and hard in the corner and the keeper saves it, then you tip your hat to him. Of course the top corner is unsavable, but there is also a lot of risk as we have seen several players over the years blast it over the net. The expression "you can never hit it under the net, but you can easily hit it over" was something my old coach used to say, and if one of our players took a penalty and put it high, he never took another penalty. Even if he scored. I take penalties for my team and in my 40 years of playing I have only missed one penalty and that was because I hit the post. I have never had a keeper save a penalty other than the one time I tried to be cheeky and I chipped it up the middle on a keeper that didn't move. Low and hard, even if the keeper guesses right, if on goal, I always scored. I just watched a bunch of Milner penalties on youtube and there are plenty of examples of the keeper guessing right but not saving it. That's because 9 times out of 10, he hits it low. Keepers dive out and towards the ball at the exact height that Pogba takes his penalties. It's the easiest to save and it's the reason why Pogba has had 4 penalties saved in the past year... doesn't. But if you hit it low and hard in the corner and the keeper saves it, then you tip your hat to him. Of course the top corner is unsavable, but there is also a lot of risk as we have seen several players over the years blast it over the net. The expression "you can never hit it under the net, but you can easily hit it over" was something my old coach used to say, and if one of our players took a penalty and put it high, he never took another penalty. Even if he scored. I take penalties for my team and in my 40 years of playing I have only missed one penalty and that was because I hit the post. I have never had a keeper save a penalty other than the one time I tried to be cheeky and I chipped it up the middle on a keeper that didn't move. Low and hard, even if the keeper guesses right, if on goal, I always scored. I just watched a bunch of Milner penalties on youtube and there are plenty of examples of the keeper guessing right but not saving it. That's because 9 times out of 10, he hits it low. Keepers dive out and towards the ball at the exact height that Pogba takes his penalties. It's the easiest to save and it's the reason why Pogba has had 4 penalties saved in the past year...

I agree that bottom corner is probably the best place to hit a penalty because most likely if it is on target it will go in as Keeper's struggle to get down low.

But I don't think everyone can do it. Milner is a penalty specialist. I have seen people try it and fluff the ball because they dont get enough purchase on it.

In my eyes, everyone has their own way penalty technique, as long as you aim for sides and power, most times I think it will go in.
Neville's comments are absolutely unrelated to racism, lets not get stupid about this....

But... I was really disappointed in Neville last night. His emotions got the better of him, and he started speculating as to all sorts of problems from the manager down. We played really well last night, particularly in the first half, and we probably should have won the game... Playing a team as good and well organised as Wolves, with a homer ref, a team with the average age of 24, and we still almost took 3 points... having thumped Chelsea last week.

We should be talking about how much better we look than last season, but instead we're going on about who takes our penalties. Did he even mention that Martial is looking every inch the Manchester United #9? I don't know because I couldn't listen to him anymore.
He was a breath of fresh air when he first became a pundit but now is becoming as cliche riddled and narrative driven as most others.
He has to accept some responsibility for the abuse Pogba recieves.

Sadly this is what happens when you clearly have an agenda against a player like he does with Pogba .

He never misses a chance to have a go at him and he always makes it about Pogba's commitment to the club and how he feels Pogba only cares about himself .

He may not mean it in a racial way but surely must know that continued abuse of a player he dislikes leads to other idiots doing the same and worse online

People here keep trying to defend Neville for "doing his job " grow up people this is clearly not about simple analysis on a football match . This has been a prolonged series of attacks on an individual from the Instagram posts he clearly didn't make to last night.

He is starting to make Souness sound fair-minded

Maybe he isnt racist and just doesnt like Pogba because he can be quite unlikable at times?
I agree that bottom corner is probably the best place to hit a penalty because most likely if it is on target it will go in as Keeper's struggle to get down low.

But I don't think everyone can do it. Milner is a penalty specialist. I have seen people try it and fluff the ball because they dont get enough purchase on it.

In my eyes, everyone has their own way penalty technique, as long as you aim for sides and power, most times I think it will go in.

I would certainly hope that at a professional level, every player can hit the ball low and hard. Sure, sometimes you don't hit it right and the ball gets a bit of lift, but for the most part, hitting the ball on the ground "should" be easy. I can do it and i'm not even close to being professional. But whether you hit the ball low or high, just don't hit it 3-4 feet off the ground. That's the level that penalties are most often saved...
Maybe he isnt racist and just doesnt like Pogba because he can be quite unlikable at times?

I never said he is racist that's not the issue. The point is he uses his platform for his own personal dislike of the guy .

Is that what people pay him for ? Not to talk about a match but instead vent his dislike of one person for show after show ?

Roy Keane criticises players all the time but you can tell it's not down to him personally hating on an individual or for his own personal agenda .

Neville though comes across like the snake he is . He's not doing it as part of the analysis or what he has just watched but instead for his own personal feelings on the guy .
I never said he is racist that's not the issue. The point is he uses his platform for his own personal dislike of the guy .

Is that what people pay him for ? Not to talk about a match but instead vent his dislike of one person for show after show ?

Roy Keane criticises players all the time but you can tell it's not down to him personally hating on an individual or for his own personal agenda .

Neville though comes across like the snake he is . He's not doing it as part of the analysis or what he has just watched but instead for his own personal feelings on the guy .
It's all about his personal agenda. Has always been like that but some people refuse to see this and take his words as a gospel.
The reality of the situation is this:

It's pretty obvious that Rashford was the designated penalty taker, which is normal practice for every club to have one, and that Pogba simply overruled him because he thinks he's the big star, and then missed. I'm not a United fan, it's just obviously the case. If it's not the case, it's simply preposterous for a team to have two penalty takers, for neither of them to have seniority, and for them to potentially be in a position of debating before every penalty who will take it, depending on who 'feels like it'.

In any sort of healthy club culture, Solskjaer would simply say to Pogba, as Ferguson would have done, "you've missed too many, you're not taking one again. I don't care how confident you are, or how much you want to be the centre of attention. Rashford is our penalty taker, and if he's on the field of play then he's taking them".

'Opposition' fans pretending to be neutral will never get old on this place :lol:

Your entire agenda has been pretty obvious, Pogba is big evil attention seeking twat in your eyes we get it. But, since you went full CSI allow me to break down few things to you:

1) Pogba was designated penalty taker for us last season, in fact he took 10 of them.

2) Only time Rashford took one for us in the game vs PSG, when Pogba was not on the pitch. Rashford had taken only one penalty in his Man Utd career and that too when the designated penalty taker was not on the pitch. Get that?

3) This season versus Chelsea, Rashford earns the penalty. Pogba approaches to take it (because he was penalty taker last season) but Rashford says since he earned it, he wants to take it and Pogba lets him. After the match, he'a asked on it and he gives weird explanation of club not having a designated penalty taker (which is obviously bollocks, it's Pogba) but since Rashford had came out and said it, Ole towed the line.

4) Last night versus Wolves, Pogba earns the penalty and takes it. This time he misses, and everyone including 'opposition fans' like you, media lose their minds.

If you want to adduce blame on some player for jumping the queue in pecking order, it should actually be Rashford who wanted to take the penalty since he earned it versus Chelsea. Obviously, one was converted and one wasn't so we have to listen to your bollocks about Pogba wanting to be center of attention.
He was a little shit even as a player, always talking trash and then hiding behind other players.

In his beginnings as a pundit, I thought that he was just trying too hard to be unbiased and ended up being a bit too rough on United. But it turned out that he was just being his usual shit.
Gary Neville thought the club was in a good enough position just a week ago right? so why the sudden negativity now then? gobshite.

When We beat a top four team, He'll be chirping about Ole masterclass again. And if We win the Europa League, He'll start spouting if United has the new Sir Alex.

Lose the next game against Swansea however and all The players must leave, ashamed of themselves with only Daniel James and Rashford worth keeping. All while doing his nonsensical tactics analysis consisting of yellow arrows that point directly to Valencia in Spain.

The next time You come across an article about him, always remember Wayne Rooney's silent domination.
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The thing is, he realised his error BEFORE the ad break. This is why I have such a problem with it. His entire rant was hypothetical. He basically thought he should, from the beginning, share what his views WOULD have been if he hadn’t indeed already checked what happened at the Chelsea game, ‘which we’ll show you after the break’.

The Chelsea comparison has already been made before his very first outburst. Just not shared with the audience, but he referenced it in his opening statement. In other words, he had disproven himself before he even started his rant, however, in his hateful rage, thought he’d let us all know that the ‘only reason he’s holding back on Pogba’ is because he already knows he’s talking shite. Otherwise, he’d have gone on a rant about how it was ‘typical selfish Pogba’, but of course, he’s not actually going to do that now, because he’s wrong. He’ll just instead go on about how bad it would have been IF something else entirely happened.

His big retraction also included him, about 15 minutes later, saying that ‘he’s not saying Ole is lying to protect Pogba’ (just like he was NOT saying Pogba took the penalty from Rashford, of course). He was just laying what things would have been like, and how angry he would have felt about it, if his imaginary theory was true. But he knew it wasn’t, from the very beginning.

Excellently put. That is exactly what Neville did last night. Anyone who thinks he didn't know exactly what he was doing can only be a moron. Now I'm not saying those people are morons but if they don't think he knows then they would be....but of course that's not the they aren't but if they didn't they could be
'Opposition' fans pretending to be neutral will never get old on this place :lol:

Your entire agenda has been pretty obvious, Pogba is big evil attention seeking twat in your eyes we get it. But, since you went full CSI allow me to break down few things to you:

1) Pogba was designated penalty taker for us last season, in fact he took 10 of them.

2) Only time Rashford took one for us in the game vs PSG, when Pogba was not on the pitch. Rashford had taken only one penalty in his Man Utd career and that too when the designated penalty taker was not on the pitch. Get that?

3) This season versus Chelsea, Rashford earns the penalty. Pogba approaches to take it (because he was penalty taker last season) but Rashford says since he earned it, he wants to take it and Pogba lets him. After the match, he'a asked on it and he gives weird explanation of club not having a designated penalty taker (which is obviously bollocks, it's Pogba) but since Rashford had came out and said it, Ole towed the line.

4) Last night versus Wolves, Pogba earns the penalty and takes it. This time he misses, and everyone including 'opposition fans' like you, media lose their minds.

If you want to adduce blame on some player for jumping the queue in pecking order, it should actually be Rashford who wanted to take the penalty since he earned it versus Chelsea. Obviously, one was converted and one wasn't so we have to listen to your bollocks about Pogba wanting to be center of attention.
I don't have an agenda, nor do I support any PL club.

Throughout the entire time that I've been watching football, which is nearly 40 years, clubs always have a designated penalty taker. Surely you have noticed this, or has it passed you by completely?

If you don't have a designated penalty taker, and, as Solskjaer suggested, leave it to the players to decide based on whether or not they 'feel confident' then it (a) smacks of weak management, (b) leaves you open to looking completely ridiculous, as indeed United now look for having allowed Pogba to take this penalty for absolutely no good reason.

In my opinion, Pogba pushing himself to the front of the queue, when Rashford was clearly expecting to take it as he'd taken the ball, and also there was obviously some discussion taking place between himself, Pogba and James, was a selfish act. It wasn't for the good of the team, quite obviously. If he was concerned about the good of the team then he'd simply have allowed the person who scored last week to take it.

Neville may have been a bit strong, but the essence of what he was saying was correct, and has been echoed by virtually everyone that I've seen commenting outside of this forum. It's only on this forum where we have to pretend that it's normal for players to have an ongoing debate on penalty taking based on who feels the most confident.

Furthermore, Neville said exactly the same thing about Baines and Mirallas some years ago, as he pointed out himself, when exactly the same thing happened, with exactly the same result.

And if United continue with this absurd policy of letting players take penalties because they've earned them, or because they feel confident, or because they've debated it on the field of play, then they will continue to make themselves and Solskjaer look ridiculous.

Ferguson wouldn't allow it. Guardiola wouldn't allow it. When there was the Mahrez controversy, Guardiola made it 100% clear that he decides who takes the penalties. Not this wishy-washy nonsense about so-and-so felt confident, so he took it. It's a joke, and it will make you look like a joke if you allow it to continue, not least because you've just thrown two points away when you can ill afford to do so.
Was it Storey who reckoned Nevs original good run as a pundit was Sky’s analysts feeding him points, then he ditched them for the most part and has been all over the place since
I don't have an agenda, nor do I support any PL club.

Throughout the entire time that I've been watching football, which is nearly 40 years, clubs always have a designated penalty taker. Surely you have noticed this, or has it passed you by completely?

If you don't have a designated penalty taker, and, as Solskjaer suggested, leave it to the players to decide based on whether or not they 'feel confident' then it (a) smacks of weak management, (b) leaves you open to looking completely ridiculous, as indeed United now look for having allowed Pogba to take this penalty for absolutely no good reason.

In my opinion, Pogba pushing himself to the front of the queue, when Rashford was clearly expecting to take it as he'd taken the ball, and also there was obviously some discussion taking place between himself, Pogba and James, was a selfish act. It wasn't for the good of the team, quite obviously. If he was concerned about the good of the team then he'd simply have allowed the person who scored last week to take it.

Neville may have been a bit strong, but the essence of what he was saying was correct, and has been echoed by virtually everyone that I've seen commenting outside of this forum. It's only on this forum where we have to pretend that it's normal for players to have an ongoing debate on penalty taking based on who feels the most confident.

Furthermore, Neville said exactly the same thing about Baines and Mirallas some years ago, as he pointed out himself, when exactly the same thing happened, with exactly the same result.

And if United continue with this absurd policy of letting players take penalties because they've earned them, or because they feel confident, or because they've debated it on the field of play, then they will continue to make themselves and Solskjaer look ridiculous.

Ferguson wouldn't allow it. Guardiola wouldn't allow it. When there was the Mahrez controversy, Guardiola made it 100% clear that he decides who takes the penalties. Not this wishy-washy nonsense about so-and-so felt confident, so he took it. It's a joke, and it will make you look like a joke if you allow it to continue, not least because you've just thrown two points away when you can ill afford to do so.

Funny you talk about things passing me by when entirety of my post flew above you. We do have a designated penalty taker, it is Paul Pogba. He took it for the entirety of last season, 10 to be precise. Only time Rashford took one when Pogba was suspended for the said game in Paris. Why doesn't this go through your head? The game at last weekend versus Chelsea, it was Rashford who took the ball when Pogba was going to take it. So if anyone is jumping the queue, it is Rashford and not Pogba.

As for Oles' management, it is weak. No United fan is defending that. He's only talking about confidence stuff because that's what Rashford said in the media after the game versus Chelsea.

I could give zero fecks about what 'neutrals' like you think on this forum or outside. All I see is another rant from you where you failed to admit that you were in the wrong, if anyone was selfish it was Rashford over the last weekend at Chelsea. Where he wanted to take the penalty because he earned it, obviously neither the media nor you saw any problem with it. But when the designated penalty taker in squad takes the penalty and then subsequently misses it, then we have to put this non-sense about him being selfish, wanting to be star and loads of other shit from likes of you and the media. Take off the Pogba hate blinkers and maybe you'll start to look at things the way you pretend to be looking.

As for this stuff it is laughable and smacks of desperation to stick in the boot in Pogba. I changed it for you.

In my opinion, Rashford pushing himself to the front of the queue, when Pogba was clearly expecting to take it as he'd taken the ball, and also there was obviously some discussion taking place between himself, Pogba and James, was a selfish act. It wasn't for the good of the team, quite obviously. If he was concerned about the good of the team then he'd simply have allowed the person who scored last week to take it.

This is how the discussion over the Chelsea game would go down according to you but I don't seem to recall you making a post like this? Oh wait, the player in question wasn't Paul Pogba. :)
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He’s a bit thick isn’t he?
He is actually. He loves attention just like any other pundit but sadly he does it at the cost of united. Maybe he should realise to not go overboard while talking about united players.
Was it Storey who reckoned Nevs original good run as a pundit was Sky’s analysts feeding him points, then he ditched them for the most part and has been all over the place since

This makes quite a lot of sense actually. It would also explain why he was so good in the studio but talked constant shite when he was the co-commentator.
Neville also went on about Daniel James being the only one showing leadership against Wolves and how he tried to maturely handle the penalty "beef" between Pogba(the selfish and treacherous) and Rashford. :lol:

What the hell is wrong with this guy. Why is he fishing for dramas that don't even exist :lol:
I blame Sky Sports, they will just push the presenters to come up with crap like this as often as they can, and in Neville they have the perfect character to perform.
I blame Sky Sports, they will just push the presenters to come up with crap like this as often as they can, and in Neville they have the perfect character to perform.

I thought that last night

It’s almost as though part of the show has become scripted for ratings! Nice of them to talk about Wolves and interview Nuno post match.
The irony of this thread...

People abusing Neville for 20 odd pages on the internet. Then accusing him of creating an atmosphere where it's acceptable to abuse Pogba on the internet.

If that sounds like you, you're part of the problem far more than Neville ever could be.
I thought that last night

It’s almost as though part of the show has become scripted for ratings! Nice of them to talk about Wolves and interview Nuno post match.

It's getting more and more like that, sky sports news is unbearable nowadays, Dharmesh Sheth and Kaveh Solhekol bringing us massive 'breaking news' we have known about for the last 48 hours, whilst Jim White builds them up like two heavyweight wrestlers coming into the fight rink, it's pathetic.

Now they have Neville and co making up stuff that just never happened, and the numpties will lap it up, so job done I guess.
It's getting more and more like that, sky sports news is unbearable nowadays, Dharmesh Sheth and Kaveh Solhekol bringing us massive 'breaking news' we have known about for the last 48 hours, whilst Jim White builds them up like two heavyweight wrestlers coming into the fight rink, it's pathetic.

Now they have Neville and co making up stuff that just never happened, and the numpties will lap it up, so job done I guess.

Sky Sports have now adopted the theme used by Sky News and most media outlets in terms of creating news rather than reporting and analyse it. Add the twitter mob to it and it soon becomes toxic.
Was it Storey who reckoned Nevs original good run as a pundit was Sky’s analysts feeding him points, then he ditched them for the most part and has been all over the place since

Neville’s problem at this point is his analysis of on the pitch stuff cannot and should not be separated from his volumed narrative of United off the pitch. Talking about individuals who should not be at the club...players downing tools. He’s alluded to bad influences countless times. It clouds everything he says about United. Is Messi the best pen taker for FCB? He misses and still takes them. No one can be Eric.
Seriously? What a load of rubbish! Neville criticised Pogba, that was it. He didn't racially abuse him, didn't ask others too. Should he not criticise him, or any other black players, in future for fear a bunch of morons on twitter will start racially abusing them? Idiotic.
Totally agreed.

Gary Neville criticised Pogba, and Pogba fanboys are now deflecting by disingenuously conflating with racist tweets do defend their man. Absolutely crazy this conflation has been invented by Pogba fanboys.

In my opinion, Gary Neville is one of the most decent, conscientious and upstanding people in the footballing community, and has zero racist tendencies or behaviours whatsoever. Else, it would have been detected during his 30 years in the public sphere.
Also that's now Ole, Rashford and addidas that Neville has accused of lying to protect Pogba. Unless he's got factual evidence at what point will he stop because it's getting ridiculous