Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

Duh because fanservicey scenes like Podrick going back with a couple of lady friends and Brienne/Jaime having sex are way more important than Jon telling his sisters that he's not actually their brother.

How isn't Jaime & Brienne sleeping together important? The sexual tension between the two of them has been part of both their character arcs for years at this point. Bringing those arcs somewhere is hardly fans service, it's basic writing. I'm not sure what else you'd expect a TV show to do with that. Really odd thing to criticise, especially when there's so much actual poor writing to focus on instead.
How isn't Jaime & Brienne sleeping together important? The sexual tension between the two of them has been part of both their character arcs for years at this point. Bringing those arcs somewhere is hardly fans service, it's basic writing. I'm not sure what else you'd expect a TV show to do with that. Really odd thing to criticise.

Has it? I always viewed it as Jaime just being a cocky cnut who knew it made her feel awkward, and that developed in to him genuinely respecting her as a warrior, I never saw Jaime as having actual sexual feelings for Brienne.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they never touch each other in the books and it's just another d&d move because the fans shipped them.

I definitely never saw the relationship they had becoming a conventional romance. They never made sense whatsoever as a pairing, but each to their own if you saw genuine sexual tension.
Has it? I always viewed it as Jaime just being a cocky cnut who knew it made her feel awkward, and that developed in to him genuinely respecting her as a warrior, I never saw Jaime as having actual sexual feelings for Brienne.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they never touch each other in the books and it's just another d&d move because the fans shipped them.
Gonna have to agree with sully on that one - I didn't see it as Jaime being cocky at all, I thought it was indeed supposed to show he did develop legitimate feelings. Particularly the bathing scene some seasons ago where Jaime exposes his back story to Brienne was a major part of that. I never got the sense he was playing her in some kind of way - quite the opposite - more to show how Jaime had changed as a human being - without that I think him running to KL would have also been far less meaningful.
How isn't Jaime & Brienne sleeping together important? The sexual tension between the two of them has been part of both their character arcs for years at this point. Bringing those arcs somewhere is hardly fans service, it's basic writing. I'm not sure what else you'd expect a TV show to do with that. Really odd thing to criticise, especially when there's so much actual poor writing to focus on instead.

I dunno, it still isn't important enough to bump Jon's reveal to Sansa/Arya though. Not that I personally have a problem with it, but that is an example of a bit of fan service. I mean no matter what, it'a not going to change any plot or outcome is it?

And yet the show's biggest and most deluded fans will make you believe that somehow not including the reaction of the Stark sisters made sense. Some of my friends have been bewitched by GOT

Yeah I do agree on that. It's a little odd people make excuses for them not showing Sansa/Arya's reaction to the biggest secret in the show considering they both have played such a huge role and likely will at the end.
Gonna have to agree with sully on that one - I didn't see it as Jaime being cocky at all, I thought it was indeed supposed to show he did develop legitimate feelings. Particularly the bathing scene some seasons ago where Jaime exposes his back story to Brienne was a major part of that. I never got the sense he was playing her in some kind of way - quite the opposite - more to show how Jaime had changed as a human being - without that I think him running to KL would have also been far less meaningful.

I agree, but then we already knew that. The sex stuff added nothing. Again, not that I had a problem with it myself, but I can see the frustration a little when that time could have been used better.

That being said, I personally enjoyed the drunken party :lol:
How isn't Jaime & Brienne sleeping together important? The sexual tension between the two of them has been part of both their character arcs for years at this point. Bringing those arcs somewhere is hardly fans service, it's basic writing. I'm not sure what else you'd expect a TV show to do with that. Really odd thing to criticise, especially when there's so much actual poor writing to focus on instead.
Before they decided it was going to happen this season, I found hardly anything between them sexually charged. It would have made sense within the context of Jaime's character arc of becoming estranged from Cersei... but then they have him declare in the very same episode how he is forever her slave. For Brienne's character it does nothing, at least nothing positive. For both of them, we do not get any idea if this has been a relevant experience in any way, and whether it has changed their view of each other, or of other persons (for example, Jaime - Cersei). They could have had him failing at sex and realizing he could only ever love Cersei, then this scene would have been somewhat useful.
Has it? I always viewed it as Jaime just being a cocky cnut who knew it made her feel awkward, and that developed in to him genuinely respecting her as a warrior, I never saw Jaime as having actual sexual feelings for Brienne.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they never touch each other in the books and it's just another d&d move because the fans shipped them.

It was pretty blatant, going back quite a few seasons at this point. I mean if you didn't pick up on that then I guess I see why it seemed random but I don't think it was a surprise to many as it was really something you were supposed to have noticed.

I don't think it will happen in the books either, largely because book Brienne is genuinely unnatractive to the point where Jaime falling for her would be a bizzare turn. Not so with TV Brienne/Jaime.
Gonna have to agree with sully on that one - I didn't see it as Jaime being cocky at all, I thought it was indeed supposed to show he did develop legitimate feelings. Particularly the bathing scene some seasons ago where Jaime exposes his back story to Brienne was a major part of that. I never got the sense he was playing her in some kind of way - quite the opposite - more to show how Jaime had changed as a human being.

That didn't necessarily mean he loved her or wanted to have sex with her.

I agree that he began to respect her hugely as a person because she was everything he had never been - modest, brave etc but I viewed them as having a strong bond due to what they had been through. The back story bit I saw as Jaime not wanting someone who was as honest and good as Brienne to continue to think badly of him, so he felt the need to spill the beans.

Will be interesting to see how GRRM handles the relationship, I'd be surprised if it became sexual. I think the writers chucked it in because they know there's so many female fans who shipped them, so they made it happen.
We've got Sam, Bran, Jon and Danny's reaction to Jon's true parents. I didn't need to see it explained a 5th time.
Well it would have been quite interesting to see machiavellian Sansa's reaction to the revelation that he's the rightful king, and Daenerys, who she doesn't like the slightest, gets nothing by tradition.
It was pretty blatant, going back quite a few seasons at this point. I mean if you didn't pick up on that then I guess I see why it seemed random but I don't think it was a surprise to many as it was really something you were supposed to have noticed.

I don't think it will happen in the books either, largely because book Brienne is genuinely unnatractive to the point where Jaime falling for her would be a bizzare turn. Not so with TV Brienne/Jaime.

Doesn't seem to be just me who didn't see it *shrugs*.

I really thought it was very unlikely he would actually want to make a move. Maybe I was wrong and this was the plan all along, but I can't really shake the nagging feeling the writers put it in for a 'you go girl!' moment that certain fans could cheer.
I dunno, it still isn't important enough to bump Jon's reveal to Sansa/Arya though. Not that I personally have a problem with it, but that is an example of a bit of fan service. I mean no matter what, it'a not going to change any plot or outcome is it?

Yeah I do agree on that. It's a little odd people make excuses for them not showing Sansa/Arya's reaction to the biggest secret in the show considering they both have played such a huge role and likely will at the end.

When does character stop being character and become fan service though? People and who they fall in/out of love with is a part of most TV dramas.

It's not like they randomly decided to put them together to make fans happy, their relationship has been building to this across several seasons. It's part of the story. In fact their relationship with each other is one of the things that actually defines them as characters. It's particularly pertinent in the case of Jaime, whose entire character has been driven by who he loves and whose redemption arc has been linked to his relationship with Brienne from the start.
We've got Sam, Bran, Jon and Danny's reaction to Jon's true parents. I didn't need to see it explained a 5th time.

This is also my feeling. You can't keep having different characters react to a twist from a previous season over and over again, especially when the plot has already moved past it and on to the effect it is having on Jon/Dany.
When does character stop being character and become fan service though? People and who they fall in/out of love with is a part of most TV dramas.

It's not like they randomly decided to put them together to make fans happy, their relationship has been building to this across several seasons. It's part of the story. In fact their relationship with each other is one of the things that actually defines them as characters. It's particularly pertinent in the case of Jaime, whose entire character has been driven by who he loves and whose redemption arc has been linked to his relationship with Brienne from the start.

It hasn't necessarily been building to that though has it? They obviously had a connection, and as I said, I don't personally have a problem with it, but I get why people think it's uneccesary when so much else could have taken it's place.

As I said, if they wanted their arc to end in a truly meaningful way, they should have had her die saving him or perhaps even better with him failing to save her (would have been a better way to bring about his abrupt uturn again) Would have ended her character arc perfectly after the knighting. Now, if she does anything, it's likely end the show crying over his dead body or something "tv drama" like that.
This is also my feeling. You can't keep having different characters react to a twist from a previous season over and over again, especially when the plot has already moved past it and on to the effect it is having on Jon/Dany.

:lol: It's hardly just "a twist from a previous season" though. I understand your overall point, but your dismissal of what that means to these characters is a little bizarre.
I do definitely understand why some of you think the sex scene between Jaime and Brienne was unnecessary - it did feel slightly forced yes but imho not unexpected by any means either.

Other than being the culmination of Jaime seemingly having changed - there is one major thing it definitely did which is adding far more of a dramatic effect to Jaime doing a 180 and leaving for King s Landing with Brienne wailing in the background...well it did for me anyway.

Its quite realistic too in a way.. Maybe even recognizable to many - you think you ve changed or are interested in someone else, moved on, whatever.. Only to then act on those urges and realize you re still you after all.
Doesn't seem to be just me who didn't see it *shrugs*.

I really thought it was very unlikely he would actually want to make a move. Maybe I was wrong and this was the plan all along, but I can't really shake the nagging feeling the writers put it in for a 'you go girl!' moment that certain fans could cheer.

You genuinely didn't see the sexual tension in scenes like this? Even when the writers had Bronn outright state that there was sexual tension between them and that Jaime would definitely feck her? It's not like they were being subtle about it. :lol:

You genuinely didn't see the sexual tension in scenes like this? Even when the writers had Bronn outright state that there was sexual tension between them and that Jaime would definitely feck her? It's not like they were being subtle about it. :lol:

Yeah, I fail to see the point that there wasn't any :lol:

I just personally think it should have ended in a less obviously tv drama way is all.
:lol: It's hardly just "a twist from a previous season" though. I understand your overall point, but your dismissal of what that means to these characters is a little bizarre.

It means something to every character as it's probably the key plot point of the whole series. That doesn't mean the show can do its own version of the GOT reaction videos, stopping to show everyone's jaw drop in amazement as they find out.

I mean they also didn't show us Tyrion or Varys' reaction, despite it (and the fact that they randomly believe it with zero evidence) suddenly leading them to talk treason against Dany, another pretty key plot point.

It quite genuinely didn't occur to me until I read it here that anyone would have any major issue with them skipping over the Sansa/Arya reaction as the story was now about what was happening between Jon/Dany.
It means something to every character as it's probably the key plot point of the whole series. That doesn't mean the show can do its own version of the GOT reaction videos, stopping to show everyone's jaw drop in amazement as they find out.

I mean they also didn't show us Tyrion or Varys' reaction, despite it (and the fact that they randomly believe it with zero evidence) suddenly leading them to talk treason against Dany, another pretty key plot point.

It quite genuinely didn't occur to me until I read it here that anyone would have any major issue with them skipping over the Sansa/Arya reaction as the story was now about what was happening between Jon/Dany.

I don't. But I understand why they do. I could say the same about why people would want a sex scene between Jaime and Brienne, even though we've had how many between characters before?

My point is, it's not exactly shocking considering the way they did that scene that people would question it. Of all the things to call people moaning out on, legit reasons, that one is a bit odd is all.
I don't. But I understand why they do. I could say the same about why people would want a sex scene between Jaime and Brienne, even though we've had how many between characters before?

My point is, it's not exactly shocking considering the way they did that scene that people would question it. Of all the things to call people moaning out on, legit reasons, that one is a bit odd is all.

See I would have said that of all the bad writing to call the show out on, genuinely awful writing, that one is a bit odd. Oh well, opinions. :)
Daenerys 'Jon, you can't let people know you are a potential heir to the Iron Throne because people might rally behind you whether you are loyal to me or not'

Also Daenerys 'Gendry, you are a bastard son of King Robert Baratheon aren't you? Well now I've legitmised you.' *I'm so clever cos he will be loyal*
As soon as Drogon falls Dany won't have shit on her side in comparison to Jon.
Daenerys 'Jon, you can't let people know you are a potential heir to the Iron Throne because people might rally behind you whether you are loyal to me or not'

Also Daenerys 'Gendry, you are a bastard son of King Robert Baratheon aren't you? Well now I've legitmised you.' *I'm so clever cos he will be loyal*
Hush.. Have you tried talking to Dany fans? They ll kill ya for less.
Are there any Dany fans?

I mean, after the first season maybe, it all went downhill from there.
Dunno about men but virtually every woman I talk to is squarely in her camp.. With a passion I might add. Blaming the men she s had for every cock up..especially Jon. Whatever you do, don't defend any of them.
I think Daenerys has been the most popular character for lots of show watchers.
and if they really have her go mad and Jon killing her, social media will probably go to full blown rioting.
I like Dany. Of the current realistic contenders for the throne; dumb honorable bastid Jon, Cruella De Vil Cersei and Dany, I feel like she has the most depth right now.

People talk about Lena Headey being an amazing actress but I feel like she's been 98% resting bitch face and wine glass prop work for the last few years.