Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

I think just the parent thing when he went and saw Jon's birth
And Sam figured out the marriage
Basically needed them both

And maybe to be night king bait :lol:


But even then, Jon knew they needed to kill the NK. Bran, again, was just a side character in that plot. Absolutely nothing in the entire series has changed because he's in it, after the window scene of course. That is the one and only time his character had a real point, and even then he could just have died via assassin.

But even then, Jon knew they needed to kill the NK. Bran, again, was just a side character in that plot. Absolutely nothing in the entire series has changed because he's in it, after the window scene of course. That is the one and only time his character had a real point, and even then he could just have died via assassin.

Yeah, hoping they at least have something for him. Guessing next episode is the war and the finale has bran doing something.
Bran was better in season 3

Also cant take Euron seriously. He should be some badass but comes off as a lucky good. Couldn't they make his character more like ... Anything else .

dany calls on Yara who takes him out
Either dany or Jaime take out cersei.
But Jon has to take out dany after being convinced by danys council after she burns the innocent people

Need to watch dany visions and bran vision again. Dany probably gonna be near the throne like in her vision and maybe be killed by a new queenslayer
Yeah, hoping they at least have something for him. Guessing next episode is the war and the finale has bran doing something.
Bran was better in season 3

Also cant take Euron seriously. He should be some badass but comes off as a lucky good. Couldn't they make his character more like ... Anything else .

dany calls on Yara who takes him out
Either dany or Jaime take out cersei.
But Jon has to take out dany after being convinced by danys council after she burns the innocent people

Need to watch dany visions and bran vision again. Dany probably gonna be near the throne like in her vision and maybe be killed by a new queenslayer

I think it's going to be even more basic than that, as I said last page or so.

The only slightly interesting role is how Sansa ends up.
This felt like one of the GoT episodes of old - in other words.. I enjoyed it mostly. I can't wait to see what a battle for KL is going to look like...i wouldn't be surprised if it is going to be far more epic than the battle for winterfell having it filmed with daylight probably helps.

By far the most jarring was the jump from Euron on a boat to Euron in KL.
This felt like one of the GoT episodes of old - in other words.. I enjoyed it mostly. I can't wait to see what a battle for KL is going to look like...i wouldn't be surprised if it is going to be far more epic than the battle for winterfell having it filmed with daylight probably helps.

By far the most jarring was the jump from Euron on a boat to Euron in KL.
few complaints apart I actually agree with this, this episode is a lot better than the previous few and better than most of season 7.
feck it dany for the throne seen as this show needs some sort of pay off. I genuinely can’t believe how bad some of the writing has gotten over the last few seasons. It’s very much spectacle over substance which detracts heavily from the spectacle.
Sigh I miss Tywin and Stannis.

Hopefully Tormund goes back north of the wall realises the WW have resurrected and they come back and kill everyone.
Awful, awful episode.

The pacing was just so off. More ridiculous "wow" moments like Eurons invisible ships and Cersei's show at the end.

Glad there's only a few hours left, if all we're going to see is shite storytelling.
I've come to the conclusion that a significant portion of folks are going to shit on their favorite TV shows' last season no matter what. Conclusions to them are by and large always going to leave people dissatisfied. I'm one of those who doesn't understand all the complaining...they clearly should ve added at least another episode for proper pacing I feel but it is what it is. I'm still glued to the screen.
Only interesting bits were finding out Bran told Tyrion who told Varys and Arya not intending to return north again. No goodbye scene with Sansa? I’d say whether she dies or just leaves to travel that’s a pretty big thing to leave out.

I’m hoping there’s something left for Bran/3ER to do otherwise his arc will feel lacking. Although I guess that’s what happens when you end the 8 seasons in the making existential threat to humanity in a single episode. Genuinely thought this entire season would be about the WW with the throne being rebuilt and taken at the end as they attempt to rebuild Westeros. Instead we’ve got Cersei and Aldi Jack Sparrow. Cersei’s been a great character but her on her own just lacks gravitas for me.
I've come to the conclusion that a significant portion of folks are going to shit on their favorite TV shows' last season no matter what. Conclusions to them are by and large always going to leave people dissatisfied.

On the other hand, maybe some are so invested in tv shows and those worlds that they refuse to accept just how daft they really are so act out towards anyone who hoped for just that little more.
Also, unless I'm missing something obvious, was the whole opening scene not a massive continuity error?

How are there corpses like Lady Mormont - shouldn't they have all risen when the NK did his hand waving crap, and then subsequently shattered when he died?
feck it dany for the throne seen as this show needs some sort of pay off. I genuinely can’t believe how bad some of the writing has gotten over the last few seasons. It’s very much spectacle over substance which detracts heavily from the spectacle.
Sigh I miss Tywin and Stannis.

Hopefully Tormund goes back north of the wall realises the WW have resurrected and they come back and kill everyone.

The show ending on Tormund and Ghost coming across white walker. Just as the show had begun.
Also, unless I'm missing something obvious, was the whole opening scene not a massive continuity error?

How are there corpses like Lady Mormont - shouldn't they have all risen when the NK did his hand waving crap, and then subsequently shattered when he died?

Not really if you see episode 3 only the top tier blew into ice cubes while rest just fell down to the ground.
Also, unless I'm missing something obvious, was the whole opening scene not a massive continuity error?

How are there corpses like Lady Mormont - shouldn't they have all risen when the NK did his hand waving crap, and then subsequently shattered when he died?

The wights didn't shatter, only the WW and the King.

In other words, don't ask as the "EVERYTHING IS BRILLIANT!!!" crowd will soon be here to point out how wrong you are. Poindexter style.
Yes that was deliberate.
On the other hand, maybe some are so invested in tv shows and those worlds that they refuse to accept just how daft they really are so act out towards anyone who hoped for just that little more.
Maybe those people should take a step away from the screen for a bit then and smell the roses. It's kinda silly to me how people suddenly act as if this season is the one that offers major plot holes etc alone. Don't forget this is the show that had Gendry rowing for several seasons without people wondering where the feck he was.
Maybe those people should take a step away from the screen for a bit then and smell the roses. It's kinda silly to me how people suddenly act as if this season is the one that offers major plot holes etc alone. Don't forget this is the show that had Gendry rowing for several seasons without people wondering where the feck he was.

Everyone wondered where the feck he was. Maybe not in the show, but us viewers did.

Answer me this: if we are to accept that they'd allow all those dothraki's to charge and die just because of how great it looked, and it did, what's the reasoning for having to accept Cersei wouldn't have just wiped the floor with that pitiful display at the end? Visuals? Storyline? What?

Why, exactly, are we to suspend belief in one way, only for the exact fecking opposite to happen next episode and ask that of us again?
Meh it was OK, nothing great but I like Danny's slow descend into madness. Agree that the show has become more about shock value and set pieces rather than proper storytelling. Ever since they show overtook the books, it has gotten worse and worse. Even today that Dragons death was done for the sole purpose of shock value. Just like little fingers death and much more.

Also in the teaser for the next episode, they have this scene in which Euron in on his ship and there's a dragon coming and he's looking at it with an expression of oh shit but they never show the dragon. I fully expect them to fashion the dragon an armor of some sort which will make people go 'Oh, wow!!, didn't see that coming'
Why is Dany angrier about losing Mel, than she is either of her 'children' btw?
I think it's a culmination everything that happened in that episode. I don't think they have the time to show her going through every single emotion and so we will have to deduce what she's going through which has been discussed to lengths in the posts above.
As we all expected, 6 episodes were never going to be enough. And to make things worse, they are rushing through the important things and giving way too much time to stuff that don't really matter like that 40 minute feast. It reminds me of that Harry Potter movie, Goblet Of Fire IIRC, where the movie decided to focus on their teenage live and some Ball and dance instead of the Triwizard Tournament
I think there's a chance the 2nd dragon is still alive, at least I hope.
I guess Qyburn will send scuba divers with big fecking chains and they pull him up from under the sea and he makes a zombie dragon out of him. Wouldn't that be a cool original twist?

So anyway. It has already been established in season 6 or 7 that Euron's iron fleet is invisible, so it makes perfectly sense they can sneak attack dragons in flight. Also nice one from Qyburn to invent a gyroscopically stabilized machine gun ballista for Euron, it really comes in handy for sniping down dragons from a ship at sea. What weak bitches dragons are, too, shoot all of them I say.
Apart from that, while many characters don't feel like themselves, things getting messy in camp Daenerys at the end probably feels the most thronesy the series has done in the last two seasons.
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I could maybe understand Euron's ships managing to sneak attack the Dornish people back in season 6, when he killed the Sand Snakes (though still unlikely because it's not as if you are completely blind in the dark, your eyes manage to adjust to the dark in a few minutes and you can actually see quite a lot) but how did he managed to sneak them in plain daylight, with dragons patrolling?!

Also, how the hell did Euron know she was coming there? I hope they reveal there's a spy in Dany's camp otherwise it won't make sense at all.
I guess Qyburn will send scuba divers with big fecking chains and they pull him up from under the sea and he makes a zombie dragon out of him. Wouldn't that be a cool original twist?

So anyway. It has already been established in season 6 or 7 that Euron's iron fleet is invisible, so it makes perfectly sense they can sneak attack dragons in flight. Also nice one from Qyburn to invent a gyroscopically stabilized machine gun ballista for Euron, it really comes in handy for sniping down dragons. What weak bitches dragons are, too, shoot all of them I say.
Apart from that, while many characters don't feel like themselves, things getting messy in camp Daenerys at the end probably feels the most thronesy the series has done in the last two seasons.
Qyburn should be dead first thing next episode
When Viserion was killed by the NK in season 7 it had an impact because it made the latter seem formidable as a foe.

Now it’s easy to kill one of them and any pirate with a few ships can do it. Rhaegal’s death was fairly meh for me.
I’d have rather he died last week. The Iron Fleet just being there hidden by a small rock was pathetic.

I hate the way he went out in a cheap death to make Jack look relevant.
I could maybe understand Euron's ships managing to sneak attack the Dornish people back in season 6, when he killed the Sand Snakes (though still unlikely because it's not as if you are completely blind in the dark, your eyes manage to adjust to the dark in a few minutes and you can actually see quite a lot) but how did he managed to sneak them in plain daylight, with dragons patrolling?!

Also, how the hell did Euron know she was coming there? I hope they reveal there's a spy in Dany's camp otherwise it won't make sense at all.

Wasn't Yara protecting that island?