Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

I’d have rather he died last week. The Iron Fleet just being there hidden by a small rock was pathetic.

I hate the way he went out in a cheap death to make Jack look relevant.
They insult the Night King further even after his death. Now not only his body count of named characters is pathetic, also his biggest feat of killing a dragon is repeated effortlessly.
There is only one person to blame for all the negatives this season and that's Martin himself. Book was suppose have been done already....the creators didn't sign up to write a show, they signed up to adapt a set of books into a series and because of this the season is shortened and aspects of it are suffering. I'd expect this booklast to be quite different from this last season.
I'm confused....I thought they were at Dragonsrone but that was after the fact....went back and watched the attack scene, they had arrived at DS where Euron was waiting.
I'm confused....I thought they were at Dragonsrone but that was after the fact....went back and watched the attack scene, they had arrived at DS where Euron was waiting.
Yeah. It’s right outside Kingslanding. That’s where his fleet would be. There is no way a thousand ships would fit in Kingslanding harbour.
Oh wait, Euron's ironborn are destroying ships with the scorpions too :lol:
I still underestimated Qyburn, not only stabilized machine gun ballistae, they are actually firing rockets :lol:

Why do they always have to make their bad boy of the moment into invincible cartoon villains? Ramsey, Cersei, the Night King, now Euron... it gets really boring.
shit, shit the feck anyone still overlooks the ridiculousness going on in this show right now is beyond me. i felt completely indifferent throught the episode and didn't really give a shit what happened, partly because of the bad writing and partly because of pacing. Might as well be chronicles of narnia or something, it's like they ain't even trying to make any sense out of it.

P.S if killing the dragon was that easy i don't know what anyone really was that worried about. Euron is perhaps an invisible wraith who can sneak up on people with his massive fleet and ambush them unawares.
Why didn't Dany just come from the side/back of the ships and burn down the entire fleet? She's on a fecking dragon
shit, shit the feck anyone still overlooks the ridiculousness going on in this show right now is beyond me. i felt completely indifferent throught the episode and didn't really give a shit what happened, partly because of the bad writing and partly because of pacing. Might as well be chronicles of narnia or something, it's like they ain't even trying to make any sense out of it.

P.S if killing the dragon was that easy i don't know what anyone really was that worried about. Euron is perhaps an invisible wraith who can sneak up on people with his massive fleet and ambush them unawares.
I think he’s got a Klingon cloaking device set on all his ships.
I thought it was a good episode overall although there were also a few poorly written passages.

- I know it's not possible to do it any other way but the way they're travelling back and forth between the North and King's Landing is still annoying me, it used to take forever to do that;
- What was the point of Missandei yelling "Dracarys"? She could've pledged her loyalty to her true queen one more time or something like that, but this just seemed dumb;
- Killing off Rhaegal in such an easy fashion was underwhelming. The whole point of Dany's strong claim to win in the end is based on the fact that dragons are nearly invincible;
- Jon used to be inseperable from Ghost en now he abandons him like that? Just seems weird.

A few things I did really like, such as Cersei being ruthless as she is, shows that there are only two options for her: win or die, she doesn't want to live in a world ruled by Dany or anyone else. Fits her character to do such a cruel, pretty pointless thing. Varys choosing for the best ruler instead of who he pledged his loyalty to in the first place was great as well and fits his character too. I'm still torn on Jaime: yes, it would be a nice end to his development if he had chosen to stay in Winterfell, but he's always had his thing with his sister. Thought it was very well acted by Coster-Waldau and it explains why he goes back for me - he just does inexplicable things for Cersei, that's the end of it.

I'll enjoy the battle next week for sure, but I'm not expecting too much either. Just gotta take it for what it is right now and not for what isn't (anymore, sadly).
Good point being made by others regarding Danys dragon, we were made to think they were invincible and they've been taken down easily.

Given how many of those machines Cersei has, how does anyone think her dragon can do anything? Attacking Kings Landing, her dragon won't be able to get close without being rained on by those deadly spears, given how easily they killed the other dragon.
That bron scene would feels like perhaps the most shoehorned part of the whole series... Which is quite a feat.

I'm not sure things had to feel this rushed... They could have just made ten episodes
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Oh wait, Euron's ironborn are destroying ships with the scorpions too :lol:
I still underestimated Qyburn, not only stabilized machine gun ballistae, they are actually firing rockets :lol:
Now this is an odd thing to complain about. They’re firing heavy bolts at wooden ships, they’re going to do some damage.
Why would Cersei let Tyrion live though? They're on the doorstep of a war and she has the opportunity to kill off her opponent's Hand of the Queen, plus she's always hated him. Seems weird to not just annihilate him, it's not like she was going to show or create any goodwill after killing Missandei like that anyway.
Probably the last time we see Tormund & Ghost :(
There would be a post-credit scene with Tormund and Ghost sucking giantess' tit in the sixth episode. Not sure if I should spoiler it.
Fantastic episode. I didn't think they could top last week but they did, somehow.

Euron is a fantastic villain. He's added an important dimension to Cersei's push against Dany. Speaking of Cersei, she is arguably the perfect character. Everyone hates her, but we relate to her too.

Bronn is the character we don't know how to feel about, and this episode captured that perfectly. His scene with Tyrion and Jamie was gold.

The character development between Jamie and Brienne was brilliant. And Arya rejecting Gendry was perfect. The writers did a fantastic job in staying true to the characters and pushing the boundaries with them.

Best of all is how they develop the cunning side of Sansa and the despotic side of Daneris. It will be interesting to see how that plays out. It's poised on a knife's edge with 1 dragon left, dwindling support for Dany, loyalty divided with Jamie, and the North tired from the war.

Best episode of the season and top 4 of all time GoT.

I guesss it's true what they say about opinions, because I think that was a genuinely terrible episode, on the back of a pretty poor one, for many of the same reasons you seem to like it.
- Jon used to be inseperable from Ghost en now he abandons him like that? Just seems weird.
He has a dragon as a pet now. Well, he had a dragon as a pet.

It's probably symbolic as well. Direwolf is of the North, and he's his connection to the Stark family. He's going South never to return, as a newly-found Targaryen, he doesn't need his direwolf there. Direwolf is of the same nature as the Old Gods, who have no power there.
Thought it as Ok.

Bronn scene didn’t seem natural at all. Don’t mind the dragon been downed by the giant cross bows, that’s been evident since Kyburn first appeared.

The last bit felt the most game of thrones in the whole season.
Why would Cersei let Tyrion live though? They're on the doorstep of a war and she has the opportunity to kill off her opponent's Hand of the Queen, plus she's always hated him. Seems weird to not just annihilate him, it's not like she was going to show or create any goodwill after killing Missandei like that anyway.
It would mean sacrificing her own Hand, who was closer to Dany's army than to the city? And he's probably has a big role to play in the upcoming siege.
Decent episode that. Nothing surprising though so not a lot to say about it.

They've obviously set up Danerys to go full mad queen after that one and reiterated that Jon is the hero that the 7 kingdoms needs despite him not wanting it.
It would mean sacrificing her own Hand, who was closer to Dany's army than to the city? And he's probably has a big role to play in the upcoming siege.
Qyburn should be dead regardless if anyone of Dany's army could get to him while staying out of the archers' reach tbh - Dany should have no intentions to let him get away unharmed after Cersei has killed one of her earliest and most trusted advisors.

I don't doubt that Tyrion will be instrumental in the siege, but Cersei of all people shouldn't care about that. On the contrary, she should know that he's valuable to Dany and her war strategy, so killing him would make since imo.

I think we'll know everything by the end of the next episode, the last one being about the life after all the wars have finished (hopefully).
Qyburn should be dead regardless if anyone of Dany's army could get to him while staying out of the archers' reach tbh - Dany should have no intentions to let him get away unharmed after Cersei has killed one of her earliest and most trusted advisors.

I don't doubt that Tyrion will be instrumental in the siege, but Cersei of all people shouldn't care about that. On the contrary, she should know that he's valuable to Dany and her war strategy, so killing him would make since imo.

I think we'll know everything by the end of the next episode, the last one being about the life after all the wars have finished (hopefully).
I mean that Qyburn would be instrumental to Cersei, not Tyrion, with the wildfire, zombies, anti-dragon missiles and general strategy.

Sending negotiators is a historical norm — and the safety of one is guaranteed by the safety of the other. Missandei is not a part of that equation, more so, Dany was warned that she would die if Dany won't surrender.
Great episode. Wasn’t perfect, felt some scenarios could have been handled better but it doesn’t take away from the spectacle.

I kind of guessed this was the direction the show would take in terms of Dany and Jon’s story. It’s starting to take shape now.
Tormund will love him more than that prick ever will. Imagine the fun they'll have? That should be one of the spin-offs.
Rhaegal's body was pushed up North by strong currents or something. Tormund and Ghost realised that the easiest way to Hardhome is through Eastwatch instead of Castle Black so they go North East and find the washed up corpse of Rhaegal. Tormund pours giants mill over the dead dragon and he comes back to life. Now Tormund and Ghost spend their days flying about on Rhaegal, and they live happily ever after.
I'll be bappy when this is all over and I don't feel this weird obligation to watch it until the end anymore. This has gotten so bad.
I find it hilarious how all the moaners and complainers are up at 2am watching the episode as it airs, and I'll bet they'll be there next week as well, popcorn in hand to complain about the next one.

Throw logic out of the window and just enjoy it for what it's become now. The less you try and read into every little nuance/ foreshadowing/ subtlety the better. That was all lost from season four onwards.
I actually really liked the episode. It's all falling into place and they managed to show Cersei as a formidable foe, as well as increasing the divide between Jon & Dany. Good stuff.
It's not that bad. It's bad in comparison to earlier seasons
It's got some bad things but it's got some really really good stuff too.

The stuff with dany is fascinating as is the varys/tyrion stuff
Well imo

This isn't walking dead bad nor Dexter final season bad. This is still enjoyable and entertaining and Still on a whole better than most TV right now
I’ve accepted that they won’t reach the levels of dialogue they had when the show was still within GRRMs books. Season 5 is pretty much the start of it so it’s more interesting to see how the story set pieces play out from what is essentially GRRMs winds and dream books in bullet point form and seeing how they fill the story in from there.

Time will tell whether D&D have fanficced the last few seasons of GOT. It does seem ludicrous how many deus ex machina moments and super plot armour moments have happened since Season 6 or so though. Possible even too many early season callback moments too.

This episode was decent for me. It had the political intrigue that I like and watch GoT for. I’m confused when people say they watch GoT for the action and battle scenes and ending GoT with some grand good vs evil battle would be the worst thing the show could possibly do.
Jaime going back to Cersei is one of the weirdest decisions. All of his redemption story thrown out of the window.
Cersei is fantastic. The Lannister’s have always been the MVPs of this show.

Its interesting how they’ve lined this all up, I think it’s fair to say that either Daenerys or Jon will die.

I think Daenerys will go fully mental in pursuit of revenge and they’ll realise she’s everything they’ve come to hate - they’ll get rid.

Jon will go north and leave Sansa in charge.

I guess Brienne wasn’t worth it after all.