Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

I think people make too big a deal out of Dany burning the Tarlys. I think in the world of GoT it's perfectly normal to expect a pledge of fealty from defeated enemies, especially since Tarly was supposedly such a powerful general, someone you can't just allow to walk back to your enemy. Someone who reads as much as Samwell should probably understand this as well.
Sam has no business being angry considering how his father treated him
Samwell has to be the biggest dork in television history.

Dany: "I can't thank you enough for curing Jorah. I'll give you anything you want in return"
Sam: "I stole two books from the nerd library, could you please pardon me"

Live a little you complete borefest.
I think people make too big a deal out of Dany burning the Tarlys. I think in the world of GoT it's perfectly normal to expect a pledge of fealty from defeated enemies, especially since Tarly was supposedly such a powerful general, someone you can't just allow to walk back to your enemy. Someone who reads as much as Samwell should probably understand this as well.

I agree. She gave the prisoners a fair choice and it's not like she has the time or resources to drag around captured enemies. Tarly didn't surrender properly so he had to die.

The manner of it was unnecessarily brutal though. Lop off their heads and be done with it, don't burn them alive as an exhibition. Powerful statement made but makes you look a bit mad queenesque.
Why do people assume that nobody had heard about the dragon being revived and the wall being destroyed until Bran mentioned it?

Tormund and Beric were literally there when it happened and ravens are a thing.
Sam has no business being angry considering how his father treated him

I think he was angrier about his brother.

You could see when she said his dad is dead he was sad (despite the way he was treated, it was still his dad) but not devastated and accepted it. When she also told him she cooked his brother alive, that was when he burst in to tears and I'm guessing that fuelled his anger.
Samwell has to be the biggest dork in television history.

Dany: "I can't thank you enough for curing Jorah. I'll give you anything you want in return"
Sam: "I stole two books from the nerd library, could you please pardon me"

Live a little you complete borefest.

Ffs :lol:
Agreed. Everyone who lays claim to the throne has been portrayed to have faults. Dany is the best of the lot, but she is prone to fits of rage and ego, and also has a cruel streak as was highlighted by her burning Sam's family alive. She wants absolute submission like an obedient slave despite being the "breaker of chains" herself.

In contrast, the two people who don't want the throne are the best suited for it - Jon and Tyrion, who are both portrayed as fair, just and wise. And now Jon is obviously going to claim the throne. I think this is paving the way for an enmity with Dany leading to her eventual death (by White Walkers) with Jon inheriting the dragons.

This is a good point, it's a strange dichotomy that could be the undoing of her.

I think blowing up a sept and missing (in all your delight about seeing hundreds of people die) that your son is going to be deeply depressed about it is kind of losing touch with reality. I'd say facing the prospect of either fighting an army of elite Eunuchs and Dragons united with the north or an overwhelming zombie apocalypse with no one but a mercenary company and a dodgy pirate by her side should make her desperate, but she isn't which to me is another sign of delusion.
It's true that from a modern point of view she faced adversity all her life, but at the same time, being a Lannister and being the queen she was always very powerful, giving her some measure of control over her situation and when she was young she could dream about being queen, when she was Robert's queen she could dream about getting him out of the way, when she was queen regent she could dream about creating a dynasty, etc. I think she's getting closer to the end of the line that regard.
Not that long ago she was completely outraged at the suggestion of being married to Loras, who being gay and a bit simple, would've probably been quite easy to manage/ignore. Now she's having to feck Euron (who shares a lot of bad qualities with her late husband) at his demand. That got to eat part of an already stressed soul and it signifies her loss of power.

Dany definitely has a strong feeling that being queen is her birthright and destiny and a certain harshness that comes with it, but on the other hand unlike Cersei she's also acted mercyfully and benevolent. She won't like Jon's claim, but I think it's pretty open what stance she will take after the inital shock.

I think Danaerys started off with a sense of mercy and benevolence, even humility because she has been enslaved in the past too, but as her power grew and she got command of her dragons, she's lost her empathy - similar trajectory to her father.
I just fail to see how she will willingly submit all her power (and at least 1 dragon) to someone who is half Stark. It's not impossible of course, but it doesn't seem likely - she wants nothing but absolute submission from everybody these days, and is willing to kill if she doesn't get it.

I may be wrong on this but why did the mad king go mad anyway?
He kept hearing voices and just wanted to burn everything - he surrounded himself with people who encouraged his ideas & frenzy, and he grew paranoid at the idea of not being the true ruler, plus genetic predisposition to mania as a result of hereditary incest.
That sounds more similar to Danaerys, but could apply to Cersei too.
I feel like Cersei will be the mad queen. I can imagine that facing impending defeat, she is mimicking the mad king screaming "burn them all!" etc. I can also imagine her then being dispatched in the exact same way that the mad king was (with Jaime perhaps then taking his own life afterwards).

Jon/Dany will beat back the White Walkers within the next 2 episodes. They cant really delay longer than that because they still have to leave time (in the show) to go back down south and deal with all that drama with Cersei.

Do people really think they’ll sweep the walkers out of the way early in the season? The major event that the entire series has been building towards just being a walk in the park before focusing on dethroning a queen who’s got about as much authority as Theresa May?

Can’t see it happening and if it does it’d be the ultimate anti-climax.
Do people really think they’ll sweep the walkers out of the way early in the season? The major event that the entire series has been building towards just being a walk in the park before focusing on dethroning a queen who’s got about as much authority as Theresa May?

Can’t see it happening and if it does it’d be the ultimate anti-climax.

I just dont see how else they can do it, given the time constraints. The alternative is (roughly) episode 5 is the big battle against the walkers, leaving all of one episode to resolve.....everything else. If nothing else, the very fact that they do it like that would be a complete giveaway for how episode 6 would pan out - a Stannis style defeat where they dont even bother to show the battle...and that would be an anticlimax.
I have no issue with Arya saying that Sansa is the smartest person she knows cos of all the people that she knows (that are still alive), it leaves who?
Sansa, Hound, Gendry, Jaqen? Who else does she really know?

Bronn? For now?
Also Dany isnt exactly an angel - when you compare her from freeing slaves and giving them a choice to go or join, to now.

My hopeful theory is that Bronn going north was Tyrion’s idea and that he and Cersei are indeed working together.

Bronn will know Tyrion promised to beat any price Cersei offered so will go to him before trying anything. Tyrion gets an assassin close to him he knows he can trust. Tyrion starts making moves on behalf of the Lannisters – He was the closest to Tywin in personality after all and Tywin was all about family legacy. It would explain Tyrion acting like an idiot, explain Cersei trying to kill them after literally just passing up the chance to kill them both and explain the ominous stare from Tyrion to Jon/Dany and from Bran to Tyrion while not betraying his character.

I was completely convinced heading into this season Tyrion would turn on Dany so I have to do mental gymnastics to get the Bronn move to fit. :lol:
Funnily enough, Was thinking and discussing this with somebody else and came up with something really similar. First I was thinking Qyburn acted on his own thinking that was what Cersei wanted, but part of me is thinking it was a way to get Bronn to Tyrion, without looking to sinnister (he can be bought after all)

But then I thought, nah, its not going to be that much thought put into it :lol:
I just dont see how else they can do it, given the time constraints. The alternative is (roughly) episode 5 is the big battle against the walkers, leaving all of one episode to resolve.....everything else. If nothing else, the very fact that they do it like that would be a complete giveaway for how episode 6 would pan out - a Stannis style defeat where they dont even bother to show the battle...and that would be an anticlimax.

There’s not really much else to resolve really. I imagine very few of the main cast will be left at the end of it.
The one thing I wish they touched on more and put more thought into is Jons character after he came back. No man should be the same after dying and coming back to life. Apart from a pony tail, there hasnt been much difference. He should be vicious or something when it comes to fights, almost like he craves blood. Something, anything? I dunno.
I have no issue with Arya saying that Sansa is the smartest person she knows cos of all the people that she knows (that are still alive), it leaves who?
Sansa, Hound, Gendry, Jaqen? Who else does she really know?

Sansa is no match for Jaqen though.
Bran really annoys me. effectively a tree with no emotions.

Yet he has it all worked out hasn't he? Told Sam to tell Jon about his lineage. I do think he knows the fate of a few characters and will knowingly sacrifice someone if it means they have a better chance of winning. I'm not sure he would be able to wrag Viserion though?
I only remembered Ghost because of a post on Reddit. A 20 second reunion with him would satisfy me more than a 5 minute dragon flight scene.
back to the Euron/Yara/Theon storyline

this was obviously rushed. They really should have Euron in the same level of nastiness as Ramsey there was a character who brought the terror and suspense especially as Yara is a character who is well liked

an episode of torturing her would have been a good development to the story and would have made the rescue a better watch. The rescue itself could have been more than a single scene too....

slightly worried about what I just typed!
back to the Euron/Yara/Theon storyline

this was obviously rushed. They really should have Euron in the same level of nastiness as Ramsey there was a character who brought the terror and suspense especially as Yara is a character who is well liked

an episode of torturing her would have been a good development to the story and would have made the rescue a better watch. The rescue itself could have been more than a single scene too....

slightly worried about what I just typed!

Seen a few people say that but I remember the character being criticised a fair bit when she first turned up. Wonder when she became more popular?
I think Danaerys started off with a sense of mercy and benevolence, even humility because she has been enslaved in the past too, but as her power grew and she got command of her dragons, she's lost her empathy - similar trajectory to her father.
I just fail to see how she will willingly submit all her power (and at least 1 dragon) to someone who is half Stark. It's not impossible of course, but it doesn't seem likely - she wants nothing but absolute submission from everybody these days, and is willing to kill if she doesn't get it.

She has developed a bit of an ego and her desire to be the undisputed queen seems very rigid. That much is definitely true. I find it hard to gauge whether she's lost her empathy though, because for quite a while now we have only seen her in war mode I think and demanding people to "bend the knee" when you see yourself as the only rightful queen is only logical in GRRM's world.
I very much disagree with the last part. Tyrion, Varys and Jon have their own strong opinions, she makes up her own mind more and more as the story progresses, but she still values diverging opinions. Letting Jon ride one of the dragons, which after all are what she's always derived her power from, is also the opposite of that. It's showing trust and a willingness to share (the source of her) power.

I think how she deals with the revelation of Jon's true parentage is the big question of the season. On one hand she's been uncompromising about her being the queen, which points towards conflict. On the other hand until now everyone was either a pretender or a usurper in her eyes. Jon would be the first one with a valid claim. That,the dragon riding and screwing would point towards some form of compromise.

I may be wrong on this but why did the mad king go mad anyway?
He kept hearing voices and just wanted to burn everything - he surrounded himself with people who encouraged his ideas & frenzy, and he grew paranoid at the idea of not being the true ruler, plus genetic predisposition to mania as a result of hereditary incest.
That sounds more similar to Danaerys, but could apply to Cersei too.

Afaik he got super paranoid and had some sadistic obsession with napalm. That doesn't fit to Dany imho. She's very adamant about people bending the knee to her, but aside from that she never struck me as paranoid. The whole fire thing doesn't fit either. She has real dragons and she uses them in war, but she doesn't randomly burn people.
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this was obviously rushed. They really should have Euron in the same level of nastiness as Ramsey there was a character who brought the terror and suspense especially as Yara is a character who is well liked

There was a time he wasnt liked as he wasnt a 'proper villain like Joffrey'
Is this a wind up? Millions of people rejoiced when Joffery died. If he died very few would bat an eyelid.
Joffrey had one single aspect to his personality and no interesting contributions to the story.

Euron has much more rounded character, and has already contributed to several twists and clever political plays.

Joffrey was mostly about the hype.
Joffrey had one single aspect to his personality and no interesting contributions to the story.

Euron has much more rounded character, and has already contributed to several twists and clever political plays.

Joffrey was mostly about the hype.

Calling him one-dimensional is fair, but his character was very well used to advance the story, as he and his sadistic tendencies kept creating conflicts and escalating tensions.
Joffrey had one single aspect to his personality and no interesting contributions to the story.

Euron has much more rounded character, and has already contributed to several twists and clever political plays.

Joffrey was mostly about the hype.
I don't agree.

Euron is too Pirates of the Caribbean for me. I really don't like him as a character. I find him to be clumsily written and badly acted. I find him vapid and shallow.

Joffrey was a classic psychotic narcissist I found him to be well written and beautifully acted.
I don't agree.

Euron is too Pirates of the Caribbean for me. I really don't like him as a character. I find him to be clumsily written and badly acted. I find him vapid and shallow.

Joffrey was a classic psychotic narcissist I found him to be well written and beautifully acted.

Yeah. I think there are few characters on TV which made so many people hate them with such a passion.
Joffrey had one single aspect to his personality and no interesting contributions to the story.

Euron has much more rounded character, and has already contributed to several twists and clever political plays.

Joffrey was mostly about the hype.

What in the hell? He killed Ned Stark ffs. Pretty meaningful contribution.:lol:

Joffrey was a brilliant character who’s sadism and insecurity played off each character individually. The way he could go from feared tyrant around Sansa to spoiled brat around Tywin was a testament how well the characters were written.

Euron has been written as a pirate with a boner for the Queen. There’s nothing to him.
Euron is by far the worst villain.

Even the Sourpuff girls were better than him...


Does Cersei still have Ellaria in prison?
Joffrey wasn't exactly the most three-dimensional character but he was played superbly and often helped to add to the complexity of the story around him. He created plenty of tension in Tyrion/Cersei's battle to control and manipulate him early on, and essentially functioned as a pawn to Tywin, albeit one who occasionally challenged him. He was important to the characters around him so served a useful function in that regard. And the extent of his evil was only gradually revealed too which allowed him to grow nastier as the show progressed: at first he's a cnut, but you're not really aware he's capable of full-on murder until the end of the first season.

Euron's sort of just boring though. Nobody likes him or cares about him at all and so he doesn't extend beyond being a plot device in Cersei's story.
Anybody else notice Ed Shearan got killed off then?

I've not opened the spoilers granted.
If that was their intention then the writers need to be taken out the back and shot. Keep the universe within the universe, stop tugging yourselves off with all of the fandom shite. When Tyrion's dialogue goes from things like "I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards and broken things" to this season and "lol u hav no kok" and everyone becomes a mouthpiece for exposition related to Jon or Dany, or they say nothing at all and are just window dressing for our two heroes then I keep losing hope. Sure, the plop might still turn out decent but the characters and writing really is like your average run of the mill TV show now.
Euron is by far the worst villain.

Even the Sourpuff girls were better than him...


Does Cersei still have Ellaria in prison?

Too far man, too far.

Euron's bad and a total caricature but he's not .. sand snake bad. And at least he killed the sand snakes, which instantly makes him far better.

In fact, that whole boat ambush sequence was pretty good, and being involved in a pretty good scene instantly puts you above them.