Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

My hopeful theory is that Bronn going north was Tyrion’s idea and that he and Cersei are indeed working together.

Bronn will know Tyrion promised to beat any price Cersei offered so will go to him before trying anything. Tyrion gets an assassin close to him he knows he can trust. Tyrion starts making moves on behalf of the Lannisters – He was the closest to Tywin in personality after all and Tywin was all about family legacy. It would explain Tyrion acting like an idiot, explain Cersei trying to kill them after literally just passing up the chance to kill them both and explain the ominous stare from Tyrion to Jon/Dany and from Bran to Tyrion while not betraying his character.

I was completely convinced heading into this season Tyrion would turn on Dany so I have to do mental gymnastics to get the Bronn move to fit. :lol:
I think you're giving this current version of the show too much benefit of the doubt when it comes to scheming.
If the admittedly rather boring dragon riding scene hadn't been there then a million internet critics would be whinging when Jon rides the dragon to fight later in the series; 'Oh my god, this show sucks, they expect us to believe he knew how to ride a dragon from the very first moment'.
I don't think anyone says the scene shouldn't have been there, more that it shouldn't have played out like a teen rom com. It was done so poorly.
I missed the part where Bronn is instructed to kill Jamie too.

Is that instruction really from Cersei? Or is Qyburn playing his own game of thrones?
Euron Cersei dialogue and scene was sleezy, cheap, let's throw sex somewhere there stuff.

I don't get how Theon got to the ship to save Yara. They were all asleep there? I mean it was so piss easy.

I enjoyed the episode but that was probably the biggest let down. I was expecting something much more dramatic and also for it to happen later in the series. Book Euron would have done some pretty despicable things to Yara and I half imagined that Theon might have been too late in rescuing her.
I think you're giving this current version of the show too much benefit of the doubt when it comes to scheming.

Yeah, none of that will happen.

Bronn will team up with Jaime & Tyrion, there will be some cheesy reference like 'I thought we weren't friends!' and some heartwarming music will play in the background.
I don't think anyone says the scene shouldn't have been there, more that it shouldn't have played out like a teen rom com. It was done so poorly.

Fair enough and I mostly agree but I have seen some people say it was unnecessary altogether which is wrong.
Yeah, none of that will happen.

Bronn will team up with Jaime & Tyrion, there will be some cheesy reference like 'I thought we weren't friends!' and some heartwarming music will play in the background.
Nailed on Bronn kills neither of them. He probably dies saving them.
I missed the part where Bronn is instructed to kill Jamie too.

Is that instruction really from Cersei? Or is Qyburn playing his own game of thrones?
He was given the crossbow by Qyburn and there was an unspoken instruction implied by the line: "But in the event that they do... She has a keen sense of poetic justice."
Excellent writing.
Nah, also a better actor and way more fleshed out as what he was. Euron was a rushed villain who was basically added to compensate for other villains being killed off
Joffrey was just cruel. There was hardly anything else to him.

Euron has ambition, a plan for marriage/children to cement his position and a proper strategy to lead the Iron Born to the top of the tree. I can also see him taking part in further political intrigue at some point. I mean, he did fool everyone by walking away from the dragon pit and then ambushing Yara/Theon.

There's a lot more going on with Euron as a villain thanks to the superior writing of recent seasons. Joffrey was little more than a caricature.
Joffrey was just cruel. There was hardly anything else to him.

Euron has ambition, a plan for marriage/children to cement his position and a proper strategy to lead the Iron Born to the top of the tree. I can also see him taking part in further political intrigue at some point. I mean, he did fool everyone by walking away from the dragon pit and then ambushing Yara/Theon.

There's a lot more going on with Euron as a villain thanks to the superior writing of recent seasons. Joffrey was little more than a caricature.
:lol: nice WUM.
Just went on youtube and watched the old Tywin and Arya scenes (where they meet in Harrenhal).

If you're in any doubt over how much the writing/acting has gone downhill since the early seasons, go back and watch those scenes. Incredible performance from Charles Dance and Maisie Williams absolutely bounces off that and is great and engaging herself.

It's a shame. I do think the younger cast members miss some of the veterans because their presence seemed to raise everybody's game. Now they're being carried by at best average actors/actresses and the quality drop off is very, very obvious.

That said, there's little anybody can do with dialogue like 'keep your queen warm' and 'what do dragons eat?' 'ANYTHING THEY WANT MWAHAHAH I'M EVIL -- WAIT NO IM NICE? IDK'.
Those are my favourite scenes in the entire series.

She never said that in the show. It was only in the books.

Shame. Shame. Shame.
She didn't say the death bit. She said she would have three kids though.
I think you're giving this current version of the show too much benefit of the doubt when it comes to scheming.

Oh I know. Hence it’s more of a hopeful theory.

It would explain a lot of the more inexplicable stuff going on with certain characters but it’s hard to explain much else that goes on these days.
I'm a bit all over the place, I wrote one part then edited in others as I remembered stuff, so it might look a bit choppy.
Can't think of all the characters and their stories.
Honestly believe they'll make Dany go the same route as the mad queen. She's too power-hungry and stubborn.
Once she gets to know that she doesn't have a Targaryen claim to the throne but Jon does, she'll start with her paranoia and try to burn everything to the ground (everything being the alliance, metaphorically speaking), just like how Cerseis paranoia pushes everyone away from her.

I found it a bit weird that Cersei would use Bronn to kill off her brothers. I mean, the guy has a good relationship to both and has already shown earlier in the series that he won't fight a battle he belives there to be a chance of losing. Could see him try to view the battle between the living a bit before taking action either way. On the other hand, as others suggest it doesn't feel like Tyrion has much left to do in the show, especially if Dany goes mad. Hell, if Bronn assassinates Tyrion, her hand, then it could very well help put her spiraling down into madness. Had to double-check that the syfillis girl wasn't the one grinding on Bronn. :lol:
If I remember correctly, people have mentioned that Cersei hates Tyrion because she thinks he will murder her due to some prophecy? I'm on shaky ground there as I haven't read the books myself and I think people might be reaching, but if that part is true I could see Jamie reacting to a assassination of his brother by killing Cersei or at least playing a huge role in her downfall. But then Tyrion & Jamie could have switched roles in this scenario without it feeling much different.
I would prefer Jamie to survive with Brienne as I think she's cool and could do with a good ending, finally being a lady and a knight.

I don't think Arya will die. Her list and personal story has been given so much time and we're in the final season now, so I think it will play out to some degree at least before she could bite the dust. I think she'll end up killing the mountain at the very least. I think it would make more sense to kill of the likes of the hound, Sam, Jamie, Tyrion, Sansa, the Greyjoys, Dany & her entourage with how their stories are done or almost done.
Out of those I'd believe the Greyjoys to be more likely to survive just for the end-picture being them back on the Iron Islands.
With Theon going up north I'd say he could be one to kill off amongst the Greyjoys.
Of course I assume Cersei won't win the game of thrones, so she and her group won't make it. They did a nodge in the opening back to that dragon-killing ballista. Might end with Cerseis team taking down a dragon or two.

I have no clue what they'll do with Gendry. I don't feel like he should die. He might end up with Arya if she survives the series?
On a last thought, maybe Sansa ends up as Jons hand if he wins the throne? He could do with someone to tell him what is realistic and what isn't. She's been groomed by Littlefinger in more ways than the creepy one after all.

Doesn't really hold as criticisim. The show was also very much about the need to band together in the face of an existential threat. At some point that's going to see the vaguely reasonable characters on the same side. Once that threat is over it's not particularly hard to imagine various characters (Dany, Sansa, Tyrion, Jamie, whoever) turning on other members of Team Winterfell as their moral ambiguities still exist.

Hell, even in this episode we see the ground being set for potential division between Jon & Dany, as well as Sam outright questioning the morality of Dany's decision to burn prisoners alive. Something that Tyrion had qualms about at the time too. That stuff hasn't gone away.
Wait are Gendry and Podrick two different characters?! Has anyone ever seen them in the same room?
My hopeful theory is that Bronn going north was Tyrion’s idea and that he and Cersei are indeed working together.

Bronn will know Tyrion promised to beat any price Cersei offered so will go to him before trying anything. Tyrion gets an assassin close to him he knows he can trust. Tyrion starts making moves on behalf of the Lannisters – He was the closest to Tywin in personality after all and Tywin was all about family legacy. It would explain Tyrion acting like an idiot, explain Cersei trying to kill them after literally just passing up the chance to kill them both and explain the ominous stare from Tyrion to Jon/Dany and from Bran to Tyrion while not betraying his character.

I was completely convinced heading into this season Tyrion would turn on Dany so I have to do mental gymnastics to get the Bronn move to fit. :lol:

I don't think that's likely at all. Tyrion was close to his father in terms of intelligence and scheming, but not in terms of character. He killed his father and went into battle against his own house ffs, why would he suddenly make a 180, stop caring about WW and all that stuff to aide a house that basically only consists of Cersei who has been horrible to him all his life, thinks he killed her son and wants nothing more than see him dead? What tied him to the Lannisters were Jaime, Tommen/Myrcella and perhaps some desire to win his father's approval after all. All of those factors are gone now.
If he abandons Dany it will be for an even more benevolent ruler (Jon).
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None of these names mean anything to me.

Am I the only person on the caf who has managed to watch/enjoy multiple seasons while only remembering the bare minimum of detail about who everyone is, who they are related to etc?
No I did a rewatch recently and picked up loads I never noticed the first time round.
None of these names mean anything to me.

Am I the only person on the caf who has managed to watch/enjoy multiple seasons while only remembering the bare minimum of detail about who everyone is, who they are related to etc?
I've had to watch it several times before I learned just some of the names. :p
Nailed on Bronn kills neither of them. He probably dies saving them.
I’m still trying to figure out why Cersei would go from not killing Tyrion in Season 7 when she had the perfect opportunity, to deciding that he needs to die in Season 8. Something isn’t right about that. Could Qyburn be going against her?
None of these names mean anything to me.

Am I the only person on the caf who has managed to watch/enjoy multiple seasons while only remembering the bare minimum of detail about who everyone is, who they are related to etc?

No this was me until like season 6 tbh

Their names are so unusual, baratheon this, lannister that, lord whatsit of which landing etc.
It wasn't until a substantial amount of people died that I could keep up with the various references :lol:
None of these names mean anything to me.

Am I the only person on the caf who has managed to watch/enjoy multiple seasons while only remembering the bare minimum of detail about who everyone is, who they are related to etc?

My missus is like this, she can’t remember anything beyond the broadest outline season to season, or anyone except the main characters, and she thinks the entire show is fantastic.
I’m still trying to figure out why Cersei would go from not killing Tyrion in Season 7 when she had the perfect opportunity, to deciding that he needs to die in Season 8. Something isn’t right about that. Could Qyburn be going against her?
Well, there were 2 dragons and an army right outside that he is the hand of the queen for.
Could be a bit stupid to have a war between themselves before she lets the other side deal with the dead.
If Cersei killed Tyrion in S7 then she wouldn't have been able to fool Jon/Daenerys in to believing she was joining with them, and the likelihood is Kings Landing would have been burned to the ground.
Cersei had the perfect opportunity to have the Mountain kill Jaime though, just as Jaime was leaving. This whole plan to now kill him and Tyrion is just an excuse to get Bronn involved.
I’m still trying to figure out why Cersei would go from not killing Tyrion in Season 7 when she had the perfect opportunity, to deciding that he needs to die in Season 8. Something isn’t right about that. Could Qyburn be going against her?
This level of logic is long gone from the show. Be prepared for a revelation of absolutely nothing behind this.
Cersei had the perfect opportunity to have the Mountain kill Jaime though, just as Jaime was leaving. This whole plan to now kill him and Tyrion is just an excuse to get Bronn involved.

I think the idea is that she simply couldn't watch him die and in that moment wasn't prepared to do it.

The more time passes, the lower and more twisted Cersei is getting. She is truly becoming the 'Mad Queen' and the fact she's now willing to killing Jaime is a testament to that. She doesn't care any longer.

((i'm probably wrong and it is just an excuse :lol:))
No this was me until like season 6 tbh

Their names are so unusual, baratheon this, lannister that, lord whatsit of which landing etc.
It wasn't until a substantial amount of people died that I could keep up with the various references :lol:

Probably why I'm one of the few who is enjoying this season so far. All the main characters are all in the same place at the same time and all on the same side. Appeals to a simple soul like me who just wants to see sword fights, boobies and dragons burning shit up.
The ‘Sansa is so clever/Tyrion is an idiot’ complete 180° is also pretty irritating and definitely signposting the direction this storyline is taking.

Agree. That scene came across as extremely forced. Nobody thinks of her as the smartest person. Come on now.