Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

Wants Mata to sign a lifetime contract and calls Ygritte the worst. You know nothing!

Her accent was dreadful... I guess it's more pronounced to me considering I have and live around that accent... but yeah, it sounds exactly like when someone hear's my Yorkshire accent and tries to mimic it (i.e - dreadful)
The series had started to lose steam when they made the White Walkers the main enemy and Jon as the main protagonist IMO. The ice zombies are too generic as villains, Jon is the typical savior like Harry Potter or Frodo with no evil in him, etc. It shifted the focus away from the brilliant politics of the first 3 seasons where no one person was truly good and everyone had shades of grey. However, it is still fantastic entertainment overall and there are some fascinating loose ends to be tied up, like the fate of Tyrion, Cersei, Daenerys etc.

agree with this actually, although i still love the show. but that's on Martin really, not necessarily the show runners.

which is why i'm hoping Jon dies. it would at least be something different, if he ends up ruling the seven kingdoms at the end it will be really lame.
Why do people get so defensive when other people think something was a bit shit? Exactly the same in the Walking Dead thread.

Cut them some slack. They've devoted their lives to the show, following everyone on social media, reading all sorts of theories and fan fiction, memorising the family trees of every single character that ever has appeared on the show and whatnot. They're so invested in it that if you say anything critical about the show they take it very personal.
A lot of them aren't great actors but I put most of the blame on the terrible writing and directing - that sample dialogue above is wretched. Most of the acting in the early seasons was passable to good and most of them have put in a decent performance along the way. If you had a proper drama-orientated team around we'd be getting much better results I have no doubt. This sub Michael Bay rubbish will show up any acting limitations, and no one seems to have the directorial or editing skills (or care) to mask them.
Her accent was dreadful... I guess it's more pronounced to me considering I have and live around that accent... but yeah, it sounds exactly like when someone hear's my Yorkshire accent and tries to mimic it (i.e - dreadful)

Yeah fair enough. I'm the same with Tormund being from the same place as him, find his Norwenglish accent horrible.
So apparently you can't criticise the show on here now? I seem to recall people saying the same with The Walking Dead.

I find it bizarre that people love a TV show to the point where it feels like you're insulting their wife.
I miss when the supposedly smart characters actually used to seem smart rather than just having other characters tell us how smart they are, or acting extra dumb in their presence so they seem more intelligent by default
A lot of them aren't great actors but I put most of the blame on the terrible writing and directing - that sample dialogue above is wretched. Most of the acting in the early seasons was passable to good and most of them have put in a decent performance along the way. If you had a proper drama-orientated team around we'd be getting much better results I have no doubt. This sub Michael Bay rubbish will show up any acting limitations, and no one seems to have the directorial or editing skills (or care) to mask them.

I assume you mean by the current crop? 'Cos a lot of the acting by the veterans (Sean Bean, Mark Addy, Charles Dance etc.) was always fantastic.

So apparently you can't criticise the show on here now? I seem to recall people saying the same with The Walking Dead.

I find it bizarre that people love a TV show to the point where it feels like you're insulting their wife.

I reckon people would actually be less bothered if you insulted their wife.
Cut them some slack. They've devoted their lives to the show, following everyone on social media, reading all sorts of theories and fan fiction, memorising the family trees of every single character that ever has appeared on the show and whatnot. They're so invested in it that if you say anything critical about the show they take it very personal.

Not really, I couldn’t give a feck for the actors, fan fiction, always skipped the intro credits thingy or whatever else you mention.
It’s still tiresome constantly seeing people crtisicing acting and ‘pointless’ scenes. I’m sure this thread since that episode is more criticising than discussing what’s gone on.
I havnt even noticed bad acting to be honest, I just watch it for what it is. TV.
It shifted the focus away from the brilliant politics of the first 3 seasons where no one person was truly good and everyone had shades of grey.

That's one of the big problems. The moral ambiguities of the early seasons allowed for character and relationship complexity. Now the show runners have settled on a broad, conserevative morality that they love to signpost at every opportunity.
I assume you mean by the current crop? 'Cos a lot of the acting by the veterans (Sean Bean, Mark Addy, Charles Dance etc.) was always fantastic.

I reckon people would actually be less bothered if you insulted their wife.
:lol: fair point.

I love GoT and the books and everything but I can still appreciate when a show is nothing on what it used to be. If anything it helps to vents because it's so disappointing to see a show I've invested so much damn time in drop in quality so badly. I guess others are in the denial camp and don't want to admit to themselves that their missus has gone off and fecked the gardener.
I assume you mean by the current crop? 'Cos a lot of the acting by the veterans (Sean Bean, Mark Addy, Charles Dance etc.) was always fantastic.

Yeah I just mean the worst of those who are stinking up the screen right now. It's clear now who the really capable actors are and were, but the likes of Jon and Sansa and Dany have done well enough in the past.
Why couldn’t they do this last season justice for fecksake and do two hour episodes, or just do 10 episodes like they used to so they didn’t have to rush through so many scenes. I mean john finding out he’s a Targaryen should have had a much bigger impact but it piterally felt like just a few head nods. Sam gave a shit about his brother being burned alive for like 5 minutes before being completely fine. That dragon flying scene was so boring aswell.

I recently rewatched seasons 1-4 and it realy brought home how poor the episodes are now in regards to the depth they were able to go in to in the earlier episodes.
it was a decent welcome back to the show but it felt too rushed in parts

When Bran interrupted the meeting with his news on the night king/dragon this could have been developed further - it should have been startling news

the Theon bit was very rushed - potential there to develop that storyline and event

feels like they are painting Dani in a certain light in contrast to John....should be interesting

even the Umbers - I liked how it was done but it could have even shown the army bearing down on their castle and maybe the start of an attack

overall good but it's a little bit frustrating that they are trying to tie up so many loose ends in 3/4 episodes considering there are bound to be 2/3 heavy battle scenes
Really enjoyed episode 1. Thought it was a good start to the season though it should pick up pace now the reintroductions are done. Think it was only the Jon, Dany and Bran interaction at the start which felt a little rushed which disappointed me but didn’t ruin the episode.

No quarrels with the direction the show has gone in. I loved the political and moral sparring of previous seasons but as it story is coming to a close there really isn’t much time for that anymore, it’s all about realising the big set pieces the show built towards over the last 8 years.
The ‘Sansa is so clever/Tyrion is an idiot’ complete 180° is also pretty irritating and definitely signposting the direction this storyline is taking.


Really is. Sansa hasn't done even much to earn it, it makes no sense at all.

Will be interesting where the story is heading with Tyrion though, he seems to just there at the moment.
I love GoT and the books and everything but I can still appreciate when a show is nothing on what it used to be. If anything it helps to vents because it's so disappointing to see a show I've invested so much damn time in drop in quality so badly. I guess others are in the denial camp and don't want to admit to themselves that their missus has gone off and fecked the gardener.

problem is that the majority of people use the thread to vent, and it becomes a bit tiresome to read through. i don't think anyone is under the illusion it's as good as what it was at the start, but for me, it's still a really good watch. i guess i don't take it quite as seriously as others though. it is what it is.
I still don't understand the whole dragon riding scene. Doesn't really add to the story, was boring and doesn't fit the show at all.
I still don't understand the whole dragon riding scene. Doesn't really add to the story, was boring and doesn't fit the show at all.

it's obviously important for later on in the story. this is part of the problem with criticism, no one has the patience to see how things fit into the narrative, it's just criticism because things don't immediately make sense.
That's one of the big problems. The moral ambiguities of the early seasons allowed for character and relationship complexity. Now the show runners have settled on a broad, conserevative morality that they love to signpost at every opportunity.

it's obviously important for later on in the story. this is part of the problem with criticism, no one has the patience to see how things fit into the narrative, it's just criticism because things don't immediately make sense.
What does it or could add to the story?
It was ok episode. Expected slow build. Hopefully things go up a gear soon. Sansa is still a cnut.
What does it or could add to the story?

Jon's relationship with his dragon. i could see the dragon switching allegiances to jon at some point, knowing that he is the true heir. it was done in a kinda lame fashion, but this scene is likely designed to help set that up later on. i could be wrong of course, just a theory.
I don't have an issue with the slow build up, but the dialogue wasn't great and some scenes dragged.
Then dont watch it... jesus, everyone is so eager to be negative.

People are always more likely to express their views when they dislike something, hence the majority of the comments being negative despite the majority of people enjoying the show.

There are loads of people complaining it's too slow-paced and loads of people complaining it's too fast-paced. It's an impossible job.
Jon's relationship with his dragon. i could see the dragon switching allegiances to jon at some point, knowing that he is the true heir. it was done in a kinda lame fashion, but this scene is likely designed to help set that up later on. i could be wrong of course, just a theory.

I really can't see that, they see Dany as their mother. It just shows Jon can ride a dragon into the battle, that's all.
Got to admit the Ned Umber death completely passed me by, didn't realise it was the same kid that Sansa had sent to gather his army.
The lack of reaction on Bran announcing that there's a dragon on their side too was totally astonishing :lol:
This would have been a good opportunity for Clarke to show us her acting skills. She should have been crying then getting angry but like you said, it meant nothing apparently