Frenkie de Jong | The last muppeting lap

Frenkie to United?

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Correct, but the correct moral thing to do would be to reimburse him for some of his sacrifice for the club that he did in good faith.

For me, the moral point of view is not that easy. Football players or in general in every sport athletes getting payed with what fans and spectators are willing to spend on the sport in merchandise, tickets or tv. (We exclude oil money here)
Frenkie signed his contract, as every other player with the obvious knowledge people will pay money in the future to see them, but that wasn't possible for a year for the stadiums were closed during covid.
So why should the club be morally obligated to pay the full amount if a big part of the income wasn't there for a long time? I'm standing on moral grounds here, not legal. Covid wasn't the clubs fault.
Again and again and again.

We want Frenkie to stay, but FFP means we need to sell him, or he needs to sign a new deal.

If he signs that deal he’s a moron, because no, FFP means they could just, you know, stop signing new players and pay him as per his contract.

Everything points to there being zero chance of him staying on his current deal, it’ll be a new one, or gone to United.

They're desperate and about to blink.

If they're not desperate they would have just shut up.

I'd say we'd swallow the bullet, agreed for half/half payment with Barcelona under or over the table. FDJ would come here on a big wages and big signing bonus that doesn't need to be disclosed. Barcelona off course would pull the trigger and say it to his face he's not wanted.
If they took that approach then yes. But I've not seen or heard of anything like that. Instead I'm seeing them tweeting photos of de Jong and him 'working hard' plus the fact they took him on tour. It doesn't feel at all like he's being pushed out, at the moment.
Yep that's fair, they have accepted an offer mind so you assume they want him gone.
Barca is not withholding any money. Every player gets payed on what was agreed on so far. It would be nice if this misinformation would stop somewhere along the line.

According to reports, Barcelona have -144m balance from the spending done last season and also require 560m to for their squad’s salary in order to pass the la Liga regulation of new players registration. You had received 500m from tv rights. If you don’t sell FDJ, any idea how and where you can get the remaining 200m?
FDJ staying will not cripple the club. It simply means Barcelona loses the gamble and probably pays his 10M and made him known that he's not wanted at the last minute. We wouldn't say no to that.
Maybe not but if Barca don't convince him to take a pay cut and he firmly refuses to leave regardless of playing time or how he's treated, then they're not in a good way at all are they?

As you say I think he's gone before the window shuts regardless, question is how long are United willing to wait
Of course they can, they show him he’s no longer considered a starter and that he’ll be spending lots of time on the bench. Probably starting with their first pre-season game.
That may still happen and most likely will as he’s not in Xavi’s primary plans.
For me, the moral point of view is not that easy. Football players or in general in every sport athletes getting payed with what fans and spectators are willing to spend on the sport in merchandise, tickets or tv. (We exclude oil money here)
Frenkie signed his contract, as every other player with the obvious knowledge people will pay money in the future to see them, but that wasn't possible for a year for the stadiums were closed during covid.
So why should the club be morally obligated to pay the full amount if a big part of the income wasn't there for a long time? I'm standing on moral grounds here, not legal. Covid wasn't the clubs fault.
Feck me, where to start with this one. Covid effected everyone. Barca are not alone in this and as far as I’m aware every other football club on the planet managed to pay their players correctly.
Barcas financial issues have very little to do with Covid and started a loooong time before the virus reared it’s ugly face.
The point is that FDJ should have been paid as per his contract, but accepted a deferral to help the club in it’s time of crisis. It’s just good faith to reimburse him and say thanks for your help. Instead your club is trying to screw him out of 17m by pushing him out of the club and claiming it owes him nothing as per his contract renewal. Mes que un crooks.
Come to club and have a wage of 200k! Oh wait actually, we're going to reduce your wage to 100k because we've spent too much money on shite, we'll pay you back I promise. Actually, feck that, you're being sold so we don't have to pay you the money. Thank you for playing for Barcelona!

It will be activated in a few days I think. In any case they do need "healthy money" and to sell some of their players of which Frenkie is most valuable while still replacable within the team.

The problem is that it doesn't seem Barcelona is contractually obligated to pay his deffered wages if transfer happens (pure negligence on Frenkie's agent part), so normally they will try to make that sum as low as possible.

Frankie is about to enter the period where his biggest salary kicks in, so he will just go on with it if he doesn't get the money. Even if he receives the offer, he might say no and go with the current contract. The chances that Barcelona will freeze their most valuable asset for a year are close to zero and he will be again on the market next season. This part goes against the logic of us still chasing him, but you never know.

Something has to give and logic tells you it is Barcelona paying and pushing him out of the door as they will still get a big amount from our fee. Then again, the feckers might activate their 4th leverage (or whatever they call this fraudulence they are pulling off) in 10 days and go with de Jong into the season. Maybe sell some other assets (Memphis, Puig, Mingueza...).

Two things are certain imo.
Barcelona have ways to go on into the season without selling de Jong and it's a shitshow.

Great summary, thanks!
That's pretty damn shady, though. He deferred the payments in this way to aid Barca and they are now trying to force him out without paying him what he's owed because of the way the payments are structured. Just pay the man.

Wouldn't call it shady. It's more severe negligence from the FdJ side having signed a new contract without a clause ensuring he gets his deferred wages in the case of leaving Barcelona before the end his contract.
Only his agent is to blame for here.
Selling off TV rights, merchandising rights etc if i understand correctly. Basically a very short term fix for a long term problem which will likely cost them hundreds of millions in the long run.
Pretty pointless really but keeps them going for a while
Ah so they’re papering over the cracks again then… so they’ll be in the same position next season
Barca are not officially owing FDJ. The deffered payment wasnt a deffered perse. My guess would be that FDJ in covid times agreed to a paycut with barca offering an incrementally larger wage in year 3 to account for covid. Maybe 100k 200k and 300k after 2nd year onwards.

I also assume there's no legal binding or penalty accrued since it's practically a new contract made before the wages are accrued so it's not officially a debt.

Morally speaking Barcelona are owing FDJ money sure. Perhaps.

FDK would probably lose some potential earning if he moved to United in his 2nd year since the big wages would start to kick in in the 3rd year.

Barcelona do not officially force FDJ out. And up to this point hasnt made a move that can be categorised as forcing a player unethically. Like benching him or sending him to train with kids like we did with BFS. So when it comes to court there's no legal standing in Barcelona trying to force him out. Vague comments made by media arent submittable officially. Barcelona did accept a formidable bid by United, and that's not the same with forcing a player out. At least legally.

FDJ would love his money, rightly so. In no condition of being forced out. Was brought touring, and probably would continue to get game time if he stays.

Barcelona also in no hurry to sell or go bust. They got that covered somehow with their leverage. Stupid moves? Who cares. Laporta is save for a good few years ahead.

Barcelona probably had a decision to just accept the bid. It's a win win. FDJ move they saved money. FDJ stays, no problemo. They might even force United to cover his wages. It's a right logical move since their survival dont hinge on FDJ being sold.

Fantastic post. I was going to add that i was extremely confused about how his new contract worked but it finally clicked. You're right. When he took wage reductions is was simply a new contract, nothing about wages owed or even being deferred. There was likely an "unspoken" and moral discussion had that if FDJ signed a reduction, the wages increasing over the life of the contract would essentially be a "repayment". But this would not have featured in any of the legal wording. It simply would have been an agreed waged structure that both parties agreed.

Now this is where we find ourselves. Barcelona know there is no language about "owed" money. They are legally paying him what is due. Barcelona have agreed a deal with us because they can then 1. get the enormous wages off the books (and unpaid upcoming wages) if he leaves (as it's simply ending a contract with a sale), 2. force him into ANOTHER new contract which will be ANOTHER wage reduction and likely a lowering of his year 3..4...5 wages. So FDJ not only sees this as "morally" owed wages not being paid, but also, they are trying to feck him on a new contract and pay him even less.

So FDJ is looking at either losing out on "morally owed" wages, or staying and taking a PERMANENT wage cut that he'll never recover. What a mess.
For me, the moral point of view is not that easy. Football players or in general in every sport athletes getting payed with what fans and spectators are willing to spend on the sport in merchandise, tickets or tv. (We exclude oil money here)
Frenkie signed his contract, as every other player with the obvious knowledge people will pay money in the future to see them, but that wasn't possible for a year for the stadiums were closed during covid.
So why should the club be morally obligated to pay the full amount if a big part of the income wasn't there for a long time? I'm standing on moral grounds here, not legal. Covid wasn't the clubs fault.

Purely from a moral point of view you would have a point, if Barcelona weren't spending on new players like there is no tomorrow.

Is there any club which had spent more money than Barcelona so far? I doubt it.
So @Brownie85 & @Berbaclass I had a long hard think about this during my lunch run and the only scenario that makes logical sense to me when you put together the events and comments* from all parties and from the media in Spain and the UK is the following.

*Comments about “we are ready when this player is made available”, or “he is an important player, but FFP means we may have to sell” etc. Or even that logic informs us that Ten Hag and de Jong simply must have spoken about this. Also the brief that United will wait even after the season starts.

• Barcelona desperately want to keep the player, but desperately want and need him to forgo tens of millions on his current deal.

• In May 2022 Barcelona requested a meeting with de Jong and his agent to renegotiate his contract. At this point the agent informed them that they will not take any meeting regarding this, and that the player’s preference is to stay at Barça but only on his current deal. If the club cannot honour that, then they request that they negotiate his sale with his preferred choice, a reunion with Ten Hag at Manchester United.

• June 2022: Barcelona reluctantly opened up negotiations with United, finally a deal was agreed weeks later.

• Normally at this point, the player would be allowed to start talking to the buying club, but that hasn’t happened, because as yet, Barcelona are still holding out hope that he will eventually sign a renegotiated deal.
Barcelona have not yet made him “available”.

• Barça get their Spanish press friends to do a number on United in the media, to make out de Jong would be a moron to go there. Thus putting more pressure on the player to ignore United and sign a new deal.

• de Jong goes on tour, the club reiterate daily that he’s important and they want him to stay, but FFP blah blah blah

Barcelona are holding out hope to the last minute that he wants to stay so badly that he’s been bluffing with United and will sign.

One of two things needs to happen now, he has been bluffing and will eventually sign (although that’d be a fecking weird way to treat his old manager and would show a man with zero self worth). Or Barcelona make him available for sale, and it’ll go quickly then.

Or… Barcelona have been bluffing and will agree to keep him on his current wages, which sounds nuts, but can’t be ruled out.
So @Brownie85 & @Berbaclass I had a long hard think about this during my lunch run and the only scenario that makes logical sense to me when you put together the events and comments* from all parties and from the media in Spain and the UK is the following.

*Comments about “we are ready when this player is made available”, or “he is an important player, but FFP means we may have to sell” etc. Or even that logic informs us that Ten Hag and de Jong simply must have spoken about this. Also the brief that United will wait even after the season starts.

• Barcelona desperately want to keep the player, but desperately want and need him to forgo tens of millions on his current deal.

• In May 2022 Barcelona requested a meeting with de Jong and his agent to renegotiate his contract. At this point the agent informed them that they will not take any meeting regarding this, and that the player’s preference is to stay at Barça but only on his current deal. If the club cannot honour that, then they request that they negotiate his sale with his preferred choice, a reunion with Ten Hag at Manchester United.

• June 2022: Barcelona reluctantly opened up negotiations with United, finally a deal was agreed weeks later.

• Normally at this point, the player would be allowed to start talking to the buying club, but that hasn’t happened, because as yet, Barcelona are still holding out hope that he will eventually sign a renegotiated deal.
Barcelona have not yet made him “available”.

• Barça get their Spanish press friends to do a number on United in the media, to make out de Jong would be a moron to go there. Thus putting more pressure on the player to ignore United and sign a new deal.

• de Jong goes on tour, the club reiterate daily that he’s important and they want him to stay, but FFP blah blah blah

Barcelona are holding out hope to the last minute that he wants to stay so badly that he’s been bluffing with United and will sign.

One of two things needs to happen now, he has been bluffing and will eventually sign (although that’d be a fecking weird way to treat his old manager and would show a man with zero self worth). Or Barcelona make him available for sale, and it’ll go quickly then.

Or… Barcelona have been bluffing and will agree to keep him on his current wages, which sounds nuts, but can’t be ruled out.

I genuinely think FDJ is looking at either losing out on "morally owed" wages (not technically owed) should he leave and Barca refuse a payout package, or staying and taking a permanent wage cut that he'll never recover. And he doesn't know how to deal with it, hence the saga.
Wouldn't call it shady. It's more severe negligence from the FdJ side having signed a new contract without a clause ensuring he gets his deferred wages in the case of leaving Barcelona before the end his contract.
Only his agent is to blame for here.

It probably never crossed his mind that he would want to leave. Which is apparently the case. He doesn't.
This looks like far from ordinary transfer, I don't think this thread title is accurate because it suggests we're close to signing him, what is clearly not true?
It probably never crossed his mind that he would want to leave. Which is apparently the case. He doesn't.

True from the player's perspective. However, that's the reason all these players have agents who also make millions of USD to make sure the contracts protect the rights of their clients from all angles.
So @Brownie85 & @Berbaclass I had a long hard think about this during my lunch run and the only scenario that makes logical sense to me when you put together the events and comments* from all parties and from the media in Spain and the UK is the following.

*Comments about “we are ready when this player is made available”, or “he is an important player, but FFP means we may have to sell” etc. Or even that logic informs us that Ten Hag and de Jong simply must have spoken about this. Also the brief that United will wait even after the season starts.

• Barcelona desperately want to keep the player, but desperately want and need him to forgo tens of millions on his current deal.

• In May 2022 Barcelona requested a meeting with de Jong and his agent to renegotiate his contract. At this point the agent informed them that they will not take any meeting regarding this, and that the player’s preference is to stay at Barça but only on his current deal. If the club cannot honour that, then they request that they negotiate his sale with his preferred choice, a reunion with Ten Hag at Manchester United.

• June 2022: Barcelona reluctantly opened up negotiations with United, finally a deal was agreed weeks later.

• Normally at this point, the player would be allowed to start talking to the buying club, but that hasn’t happened, because as yet, Barcelona are still holding out hope that he will eventually sign a renegotiated deal.
Barcelona have not yet made him “available”.

• Barça get their Spanish press friends to do a number on United in the media, to make out de Jong would be a moron to go there. Thus putting more pressure on the player to ignore United and sign a new deal.

• de Jong goes on tour, the club reiterate daily that he’s important and they want him to stay, but FFP blah blah blah

Barcelona are holding out hope to the last minute that he wants to stay so badly that he’s been bluffing with United and will sign.

One of two things needs to happen now, he has been bluffing and will eventually sign (although that’d be a fecking weird way to treat his old manager and would show a man with zero self worth). Or Barcelona make him available for sale, and it’ll go quickly then.

Or… Barcelona have been bluffing and will agree to keep him on his current wages, which sounds nuts, but can’t be ruled out.
I agree with all you've said here. I agree we're at a stage now where it's a case of who blinks first?

Does Barca hold strong and hope that de Jong comes to the table and says "You know what, I really want to stay and I'll take that pay cut to remain here" that is very unlikely by all accounts and he really doesn't want to enter into anymore negotiations about a reduced wage contract.

Does de Jong refuse leave, giving Barca huge concern that they're going to be left with a player they don't really want there, on a wage that they really can't afford to pay, so they pay what's needed to get him to leave and then proceed on with their current plans.

The problem is, Barca can pressure their Spanish media friends into saying what they like about United, and I believe if ten Hag wasn't in charge he'd absolutely flat our refuse to come here. To the point where he goes public with a firm refusal to come. Ten Hag is our wild card here. They get on well, they have a great relationship and I do believe de Jong would love to work with Ten Hag again.

Regarding the saying he's important and want him to stay... I think Barca would be subtly pushing him out the door to be fair. Agreeing the fee with United, saying that FFP requires them to sell a player or two even though the lever has been activated... its just a mess.

Time will tell but I do think he'll end up here, but overall, a great summary there!
Wouldn't call it shady. It's more severe negligence from the FdJ side having signed a new contract without a clause ensuring he gets his deferred wages in the case of leaving Barcelona before the end his contract.
Only his agent is to blame for here.

He doesn't really need one. His guarantee he gets those wages is the fact he can just say to Barca "i'm not leaving unless you pay me". Hell, even if he put a clause in his contract it wouldn't stop him from refusing to leave.
Point being we are not still chasing them/insisting on the transfer, I think.

Well we wouldn't be chasing if they have said 'no', would we ....the point with FDJ seems to be no one has said a definite 'yes' or 'no', we seem to just have to wait around until he has sorted things out with Barca, but with no public encouragement from Frenkie that he wants to come to United. We don't seem to be getting an answer either way and like 'groupies' we are hanging around the Camp Nu hoping we get a chance to meet our hero ... and get his autograph!

Of course negotiations take time, but there is clearly some sort of 'mexican standoff' between Frenkie and Barca and we are left dangling, unable it seems to do anything about it.

Just what are we waiting for?

If its just 'the money' then say we want you so much Frankie we will even pay you what Barca owes you... just sign the dammed contract and get into pre-season with us now!
True from the player's perspective. However, that's the reason all these players have agents who also make millions of USD to make sure the contracts protect the rights of their clients from all angles.

I suppose it was pitched as a form of loyalty bonus.
So @Brownie85 & @Berbaclass I had a long hard think about this during my lunch run and the only scenario that makes logical sense to me when you put together the events and comments* from all parties and from the media in Spain and the UK is the following.

*Comments about “we are ready when this player is made available”, or “he is an important player, but FFP means we may have to sell” etc. Or even that logic informs us that Ten Hag and de Jong simply must have spoken about this. Also the brief that United will wait even after the season starts.

• Barcelona desperately want to keep the player, but desperately want and need him to forgo tens of millions on his current deal.

• In May 2022 Barcelona requested a meeting with de Jong and his agent to renegotiate his contract. At this point the agent informed them that they will not take any meeting regarding this, and that the player’s preference is to stay at Barça but only on his current deal. If the club cannot honour that, then they request that they negotiate his sale with his preferred choice, a reunion with Ten Hag at Manchester United.

• June 2022: Barcelona reluctantly opened up negotiations with United, finally a deal was agreed weeks later.

• Normally at this point, the player would be allowed to start talking to the buying club, but that hasn’t happened, because as yet, Barcelona are still holding out hope that he will eventually sign a renegotiated deal.
Barcelona have not yet made him “available”.

• Barça get their Spanish press friends to do a number on United in the media, to make out de Jong would be a moron to go there. Thus putting more pressure on the player to ignore United and sign a new deal.

• de Jong goes on tour, the club reiterate daily that he’s important and they want him to stay, but FFP blah blah blah

Barcelona are holding out hope to the last minute that he wants to stay so badly that he’s been bluffing with United and will sign.

One of two things needs to happen now, he has been bluffing and will eventually sign (although that’d be a fecking weird way to treat his old manager and would show a man with zero self worth). Or Barcelona make him available for sale, and it’ll go quickly then.

Or… Barcelona have been bluffing and will agree to keep him on his current wages, which sounds nuts, but can’t be ruled out.

That's how i've been viewing this. I don't think you can blame United for anything relating to this transfer saga. Moving onto an inferior player would have been stupid. Hope we stick with this until deadline day and call their bluff.

It's just revealing Barca to be a den of snakes.
Well we wouldn't be chasing if they have said 'no', would we ....the point with FDJ seems to be no one has said a definite 'yes' or 'no', we seem to just have to wait around until he has sorted things out with Barca, but with no public encouragement from Frenkie that he wants to come to United. We don't seem to be getting an answer either way and like 'groupies' we are hanging around the Camp Nu hoping we get a chance to meet our hero ... and get his autograph!

Of course negotiations take time, but there is clearly some sort of 'mexican standoff' between Frenkie and Barca and we are left dangling, unable it seems to do anything about it.

Just what are we waiting for?

If its just 'the money' then say we want you so much Frankie we will even pay you what Barca owes you... just sign the dammed contract and get into pre-season with us now!

Because FDJ is looking at either losing out on "morally owed" wages (not technically owed) should he leave and Barca refuse a payout package, or staying and taking a permanent wage cut that he'll never recover. And he doesn't know how to deal with it, hence the saga.
He doesn't really need one. His guarantee he gets those wages is the fact he can just say to Barca "i'm not leaving unless you pay me". Hell, even if he put a clause in his contract it wouldn't stop him from refusing to leave.
It's so weird that the "negligence from his agent" gets repeated here like some sort of a gospel, despite the fact that he has all the power and can outright refuse any Barcelona attempts to move him or renegotiate terms if he wants to.
It's so weird that the "negligence from his agent" gets repeated here like some sort of a gospel, despite the fact that he has all the power and can outright refuse any Barcelona attempts to move him or renegotiate terms if he wants to.

and Barca can make his life a living hell. Yes, he can sit there and collect massive wages. Does a prime Netherlands international want to start on the bench every game? Come on, all the power? The club can literally sit him in the stands for a season...yes pay him....and his entire future is cratered. It's not so simple.
and Barca can make his life a living hell. Yes, he can sit there and collect massive wages. Does a prime Netherlands international want to start on the bench every game? Come on, all the power? The club can literally sit him in the stands for a season...yes pay him....and his entire future is cratered. It's not so simple.
And what football player has ever had a contract that protected against that? How would that even look?
And what football player has ever had a contract that protected against that? How would that even look?

no contract can. But "all the power" is a gross simplification. This is the reason it's a damn saga.....there's about fifty different agendas and twists-turns in play.
And he doesn't know how to deal with it, hence the saga.

Then we should pull out right away, if he can't make his mind up we should do it for him.... its no way to run a football club transfer policy, getting 'shafted' by both the 'target' player and his club...and in full public view... Ooh the shame of it!
Then we should pull out right away, if he can't make his mind up we should do it for him.... its no way to run a football club transfer policy, getting 'shafted' by both the 'target' player and his club...and in full public view... Ooh the shame of it!

well considering its being alleged that we threw out the scouting for ETH's list, I'm having to go with "FDJ or Bust". may it end in tears? Good chance. But ETH is a man possessed for some De Jong.
Wouldn't call it shady. It's more severe negligence from the FdJ side having signed a new contract without a clause ensuring he gets his deferred wages in the case of leaving Barcelona before the end his contract.
Only his agent is to blame for here.
Can't it be both? By all accounts Barca went to the players cap in hand begging for them to defer their wages. It was unprecedented and perhaps the likes of De Jong should have been more cynical (though players like Pique would have known they'd never leave and would therefore be paid eventually, years down the line). Barca were the ones that used COVID/their own financial incompetence to get out of paying the players when originally agreed and it is now Barca asking De Jong to leave the club. It's pathetic.
and Barca can make his life a living hell. Yes, he can sit there and collect massive wages. Does a prime Netherlands international want to start on the bench every game? Come on, all the power? The club can literally sit him in the stands for a season...yes pay him....and his entire future is cratered. It's not so simple.

Actually Barcelona have to play him at least 10% of games he is available for, otherwise he will have the right to unilaterally break his contract after the last game of the season.
If the player doesn't want to come and wants to stay at Barca even though they can't pay him his dues and are trying to actively sell him, then forget about him and move on.
Actually Barcelona have to play him at least 10% of games he is available for, otherwise he will have the right to unilaterally break his contract after the last game of the season.
hyperbole side, i think the broader point is still valid.
hyperbole side, i think the broader point is still valid.

It is but it's important to mention it because Barcelona failed to remember that Thiago had to play a minimum amount of games otherwise his release clause would become very cheap. :D
no contract can. But "all the power" is a gross simplification. This is the reason it's a damn saga.....there's about fifty different agendas and twists-turns in play.
The post you quoted was addressing the "his agent was grossly negligent" point that repeatedly pops up in this thread without much deeper explanation and I don't see how it challenges that. That being said, yes, "all the power that a football contract can reasonably grant a player in a situation where a club is determined to get him out without his full agreement" would be a much more precise way to phrase it.
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