Frenkie de Jong | The last muppeting lap

Frenkie to United?

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last message of the day as i only have 5 per day

good news is that you accept that you have 0 knowledge about barça. that's a beginning. you just said that barça couldnt use collateral and that is why barça loan rates are sky high. well, both things are false. now, instead of answering to my response to you, you are talking about a 100 different things. it says something about.

club says that it wants to have all the squad in the salary pyramid. period. the disinformation you can find here is minimum at the same level.

i have never said that "everything is rosy". laporta has never said that either. it is actually the opposite, laporta has said a million times that he doesnt like the "levers", but it just need to be done for the future of the club. it is mindblowing that you follow every single phrase of laporta, barça and media and you are still following the narrative that the club is selling this like a genius movement. it is not actually mindblowing, it is just hate and follow the narrative you want to follow. that's all.

by the way, i dont know why laporta has to explain YOU, a united fan, anything. if something, he has to inform barça fans.

the simple truth is that barça has sold 5% of the current revenues (and the % will decrease) and that's all. barça can live confortably with 5% less money for some time.
truth is that the most part of the money has gone to pay debt that comes with an interest too but you don't take that into the equation. barely 100M has been used to buy players from the over 500M barça has received from levers.
barça does not have money today for that, but it can have it in 5 years. the wage bill has already been reduce dramatically and will be 100% healthy in 2 years tops.
simple truth is that this decision is more conservative that just paying the debt with loans. if situation improves barça pays more money, if situation worsens barça pays less money. i dont know how revenue dependent payments is more risky than paying same money no matter what.

but time will tell, and you can find a thread from a decade ago stating basically the same... that barça was doomed.

barça situation is MASSIVELY BETTER than 1 year ago, you like it or not. that is different from being perfect, but you just don't (want to) understand that there are tones between black and white.

pd: im going to give you credit for spelling laporta correctly... a lot of people here keeps pushing for "laporte" :lol:

100% false, but if you are going to be happier thinking that...

another one with the same story... barça pays and has always paid its players. if barça does not pay, barça gets relegated. simple as that.

apparently you don't know how to read, as nobody ever said that thing.
hilarious to read about "cults" from chelski fans... hahahahahaha.
Barca are an absolute mess. This is one of the many delusional fans who are too dense to see the state of it.

Love is blind.

I love this post. Everything about it is perfect. My favourite thing is the username choice. Can't be arsed choosing a name, but want to show your love for Barca. It's perfect. I can imagine you crying whilst typing that post. Your salty tears mixing with 1/3 desperation and 1/3 snot. I also imagine that you have a Barcelona lunch box that you take to work. Also, the lack of fecks given for capital letters throughout, a real "I love Barcelona and will not let punctuation stand in my way" stance. It's beautiful.

We get 5 more of these tomorrow. We're so blessed. :lol::drool:
What page number will this thread get to before we sign this fecker? Closest gets a Kenwood juicer apparently.

I will go 1362.
What page number will this thread get to before we sign this fecker? Closest gets a Kenwood juicer apparently.

I will go 1362.
I need a new Kenwood juicer, the last one I got on the caf broke.

Rumor has it that Barca still has several "levers" they can implement. The next one involves inserting hoses up the backside of players to harness their methane and sell it to the city who will use it to power shuttle buses to the Camp Nou.
Yeah but that will require that they feed their players a lot of beans. Not sure they can afford it. Maybe they will ask lingard to lend them a few.
What page number will this thread get to before we sign this fecker? Closest gets a Kenwood juicer apparently.

I will go 1362.

Is it the first Fab 'here we go', BBC, or Utd official confirmation?
Because there'll be surely 200 pages in between those tweets.
Don't be daft, your club is hilarious. Can't pay your players their wages, but signing new ones every day.

Barcelona pays players on the agreed date. In the 21/22 budget there was more than €100M in deferred salaries and other bonuses.
We will see how the economic accounts are when they are published.

Their fans are cultists who will regurgitate anything Laporta does as a good thing. You cannot reason with them.

Apparently asset stripping is a good thing. In the next few years this fire will grow into a closing down sale, hopefully.

Selling tv rights is a bad option. Not doing so is a much worse option. You lose income and the top players don't want to come.

Lots to unpack here, most of it head-in-the-ground, it'll-all-work-out-I-hope-please-god stuff, but I'll focus on this. Now I'm confused; what exactly do you mean by 'pay their players'? Don't Barca STILL owe the likes of Busquets and Pique, not to mention Messi, eight figures EACH? I mean, they 'pay' them by getting them to defer to a future date (hopefully when I'm gone, thinks Laporta), but still ...

Barcelona will pay the corresponding amount on the date indicated. We will have to wait to know if Barcelona owes something to Messi or not.

Kinda funny how quickly Barça fans forget about signing bonuses when it involves their club, I heard this term far more last year when PSG signed Messi :lol:

Signing bonuses, due to the Spanish FFP, are included in the annual salary.
Instead of paying Kessie €10M, he is given 2M each year integrated into the salary.

How much do you owe Pique, Messi etc that have not been paid?

Barcelona made payments of more than €100M in deferred salaries and loyalty bonuses. We don't know if Messi's are included there.
Pique signed a new contract as FDJ, he will be paid when indicated in the contract.
What page number will this thread get to before we sign this fecker? Closest gets a Kenwood juicer apparently.

I will go 1362.
2121. A thread and transfer saga as glorious as this one needs to go out on a high. Fitting end as De Jong joins on 2121 and gets the number 21
it is astonishing that you keep saying that barça cannot pay players.

barça can pay its bills. barça has always done that. if barça couldn't, barça would be relegated. revenues are increasing after covid and the wage bill has reduced considerabilly. we are already close to 400M in wage bills (560 of last year included some deferral and 1 time payments). it will take 1 or 2 extra years to be 100% free of toxic contracts.

barça had almost 1000M revenues before pandemic (i think it topped to 990). united debt is 600, not 400. barça debt will be closer to 1bn (if not less) by next year. it was 1.35bn but included some provisions that will not be paid (among other things).

of course barça can use its assets as collateral. barça can even sell them!

barça last loan (short to long term loan) with goldman sachs (last year) was closed at 1.98% (pretty decent rate from my point of view, dont you think?) and it included 90% of laliga tv revenues as collateral. that is why the "levers" were done in 2 stages of negotiations. first 10% (without gs), second 15 (including rights used as collateral with gs, that is why barça paid 100M to GS to pay part of the loan)

barça debt is, worst case, doubling united (united debt is almost 600M euros).

only a small part of the money from the levers has gone to players. the net spending in players is way lower than this forum thinks.

barça has sold 5% of the current revenues, that % will lower in the future. not good, but far from catastrophic.

explanations are, best case, incomplete.
barça fans prepared a censure motion the former president (who should be in jail) and we have a new board.
the situation has MASSIVELY improved in the last year.

spanish ffp has been longer than that. it was covid (radical decrease of revenues) + criminal structure wages bartomeu put in placed combined what put barça near collapse (it is not there anymore).

I was mainly explaining why being in debt is not the same as not being able to cover your costs.

Why did they defer the wages if there was no problem to pay them? According to some sources, it’s over €150 000 000.

You wrote it yourself, Bartomeu put them near collapse.
I’m more interested in how often we as a club have asked our players to forgo wages for us, whilst simultaneously spending a feck tonne on new players, all on big wages themselves?

Every time you don't play champions 25%. The last few years very often.
City losing Silva, Sterling and Jesus in one transfer window leaves them much thinner on the ground. Great news for us. Silva would be their biggest loss by far.
They are absolute cnuts. They are meant to take the owed wages out of the OG fee but are essentially asking us to pay his services for a period he was a Barca player. We should tell them to piss off and if ETH doesn't understand where we're coming from should lose the extensive transfer privileges we're affording him. Being asked to pay the owed amount is so insulting. Not sure I'm more disgusted by Barca conducting this kind of business or the fact we're even entertaining them. They have literally no leverage over us beyond our total lack of imagination for signing midfielders. No way FDJ is the only player in world football that can both improve us and work with ETH. Start lining up alternate targets.
The thing is, we haven't demonstrated we're able to target players outside of ETH's own Dutch/Ajax bubble.
So it makes sense for Barca and Ajax to test us and see how desperate we get.
Every time you don't play champions 25%. The last few years very often.

In Spain you have 3 teams guaranteed a Champions league place.

In England it's 2 guaranteed at the moment, and a bun fight between 4 for the other two spots.

Barca, Real Madrid, and Atlético are shoe ins every year.

For the last 10 years the same top 3.

Non competitive league!
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