Frenkie de Jong | The last muppeting lap

Frenkie to United?

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If you sign a contract with wages agreed, how can Barcelona need to reduce it, when Bury went out of business why didn't they just reduce wages of all players as they had too, maybe a bad example but hopefully point I'm trying to make comes across, wages should be paid to guys who had contracts signed, there should be a transfer ban of incoming players rather be told of wage reduction
Except he doesn't. He wants to stay at Barcelona, even if they pay his salary after he retires.
No way. He wants the money he is owed sooner rather than later, and quite rightly. If this issue can be resolve he’ll be happy to come to Utd on guaranteed money. He’s not going to take another salary deduction on top of being owed about 17m - besides Barca need to get him off the books to register new players.
Ugh. This f*****g thread.

I click it mostly out of muscle memory at this point. Nothing like waking up in the morning to two whole pages development. You just know it's the same recycled bullshit you read yesterday.
God knows there's plenty to do, but no. I come to this thread. Again and again. It's like an anti-dopamine hit. Life's too good? Go to the FDJ thread.
One of Barca's most reliable journalists was reporting that relations between Barca and De Jong's agents are "very bad", and today his agents don't want to speak with any other clubs but them.

Feck knows what is going on with this saga any more. :lol:

Frenkie & his agents are calling Barca's bluff. Let's see who blinks next.
I think that's just being petty. The probability Barca won't exist in two years is nill.

They'll exist but default is high probability, eventually.

Recklessly mortgaging their future...

They should be playing 50%+ La Masia players, copy Bilbao partly...

Don't need reckless spending to succeed. Bilbao do it with zero non basques.

If the academy is setup properly should be a production line of talent.
I think it's a mixture of forgoing the amount he is owed along with reducing his 250k pw wages to something closer to what he was the past 2 seasons (aka make his reduced, deferred rate his permanent rate). Its bullshit from Barca.

Appears they wanna offer him something shite like 3m instead of the 17m owed and as you say, also to then make his wage permanently reduced to 150k or so.

It’s basically trying to feck him for an absolutely outrageous sum of money over the length of his contract.

His original contract wasn’t even outrageous, it was 250k /week, for 5 years, with bonuses for trophies and loyalty payments to be added.

Over the course of the current deal, which would now take him to 7 years, at 250k /week that would be 91m in basic wage. Barca are trying to reduce that to something like 55m, or 7.6m / year, 146k /week.

Not only is it a massive sum of money they want him to forgo (35m or so), they are asking a footballer, for all his prime years, to accept a salary way below the going rate for a top player at a top club.
No way. He wants the money he is owed sooner rather than later, and quite rightly. If this issue can be resolve he’ll be happy to come to Utd on guaranteed money. He’s not going to take another salary deduction on top of being owed about 17m - besides Barca need to get him off the books to register new players.

For the millionth time, Barca CAN register players without a sale of Frenkie, you will see. It depends on economic levers, that is why this saga shall continue until windows end. The players desire is remaining at club and is waiting on the financial situation. Xavi likes Bernardo as the upgrade for Frenkie but if this is impossible, expect a meeting of the agents and Laporta soon to discuss the situation. United are the plan B and he knows ETH will be desperate to sign him so the option is there. Chelsea link is a bs and put together since they and Barca had a meeting yesterday.

I come here in peace also as it is heated, no disrespect to Manchester United and apologies for my english. I dislike how my club is treating Frenkie and other players, for the foreigners it never seems to end well. Laporta is trying to clean up a big mess left by Bartomeu but should act with class.
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God knows there's plenty to do, but no. I come to this thread. Again and again. It's like an anti-dopamine hit. Life's too good? Go to the FDJ thread.
I don't think anybody has so perfectly captured the essence of my own relationship (and I presume yours and many others on here as well) with transfer news as you have with "anti-dopamine hit".

I know it'd be more enjoyable for me to entirely ignore all of this and maybe check in with the headline news on occasions to see if any deals have been done. Alas, I am instead incessantly refreshing the transfer threads to check which out-of-context quote the aggregators have hoisted from a journalist I've never heard of people are getting excited/worried about, like a gambler at a casino searching for their next big win.
No way. He wants the money he is owed sooner rather than later, and quite rightly. If this issue can be resolve he’ll be happy to come to Utd on guaranteed money. He’s not going to take another salary deduction on top of being owed about 17m - besides Barca need to get him off the books to register new players.
That wouldn't make sense. If you have been working on promises made of salary being paid later and then later they ask you to reduce your salary as well, you get the feck out of there and then sue them to give pending salary. You don't keep working in hope that the money will come some day later.

Unless of course you are desperate to work there.
Looks like you just sat @ZolaWasMagic down, gave him his dinner then tucked him in to bed.
oh that old bastian of truth, Marca. Whereas the most reliable in Spain, say he prefers us. But hey, when they report what you wana hear ;). And lest we forget, he actually wants to stay

I genuinely could not care if we got him, we have too many mids right now, but seeing the panic in here is mildly amusing
Appears they wanna offer him something shite like 3m instead of the 17m owed and as you say, also to then make his wage permanently reduced to 150k or so.

It’s basically trying to feck him for an absolutely outrageous sum of money over the length of his contract.

His original contract wasn’t even outrageous, it was 250k /week, for 5 years, with bonuses for trophies and loyalty payments to be added.

Over the course of the current deal, which would now take him to 7 years, at 250k /week that would be 91m in basic wage. Barca are trying to reduce that to something like 55m, or 7.6m / year, 146k /week.

Not only is it a massive sum of money they want him to forgo (35m or so), they are asking a footballer, for all his prime years, to accept a salary way below the going rate for a top player at a top club.
Remember Pogba said we offered him nothing contract. Apparently, Barca is trying to force him sign a negative contract.
oh that old bastian of truth, Marca. Whereas the most reliable in Spain, say he prefers us. But hey, when they report what you wana hear ;). And lest we forget, he actually wants to stay

I genuinely could not care if we got him, we have too many mids right now, but seeing the panic in here is mildly amusing
The most reliable in Spain?? You mean the ones who are just repeating what Barca tell them to say? From all accounts this evening there is no bid or contact from Chelsea, just interest.
So you think we should broadcast our alternatives so the whole world knows and the price increases? Plan B kicks in when plan A fails and it hasn’t yet so no need.
That makes no sense whatsoever. Of course we need a plan B. This one has a fairly large chance of falling through.
This is essentially where we are at according to the guys from the Athletic yesterday. Fee is agreed, they want to sell him despite all noise to the contrary and he is happy to come in the circumstances. Problem is they owe him something like 17M in deferred wages and have taken the stance that they are not going to pay it and that if we are buying him we should pay it which is obviously nonsense. Now we wait because if they don't sell then eventually they will have to pay up and be stuck with a player they don't want to pay. I hate the waiting but honestly it is the right thing to do when Barca are being so utterly stupid about the whole thing. Barca think that by posturing they will either browbeat us into paying the money or FDJ will agree to write it off, neither of these things has even a tiny possibility of happening and they need to stop living in a fantasy world where they invent financial rules as they go along.

This sums it up perfectly. Wise like your name sake
I don't think anybody has so perfectly captured the essence of my own relationship (and I presume yours and many others on here as well) with transfer news as you have with "anti-dopamine hit".

I know it'd be more enjoyable for me to entirely ignore all of this and maybe check in with the headline news on occasions to see if any deals have been done. Alas, I am instead incessantly refreshing the transfer threads to check which out-of-context quote the aggregators have hoisted from a journalist I've never heard of people are getting excited/worried about, like a gambler at a casino searching for their next big win.

And then we sign someone we've invested a lot of time in, and we go, "Yes! It was worth it!" - only to discover that the player was actually being overhyped and doomed to never live up to our expectations.

Gamblers have it good compared to us feeble refreshers
So you think we should broadcast our alternatives so the whole world knows and the price increases? Plan B kicks in when plan A fails and it hasn’t yet so no need.
Not saying what you say isn't correct but don't you think, in this particular case, it would help to re-assure Barcelona that we aren't there for the taking but we follow our own plan? Surely I don't expect the clubs twitter account to post a tweet saying, that tomorrow after lunch there will be a meeting discussing alternatives, but just like Barcelona we could make use of journalists feeding them stories how we are after this guy or that guy.

Not only would that add a bit of pressure on Barcelona - it would also help to calm our own fans, showing them, the current team has control over things and is ready to react.
I didn’t say we haven’t got one, I said it’s not needed yet because this deal is grinding slowly toward completion. I’m confident he will be a United player in the next season.
With all due respect, you make it sound as if that would be objective of the summer. Just to bring in a particular player. But that isn't the case, ETH needs to assemble a working squad, FDJ alone won't really change the fate of the club - lots of people in the club should be on overhours right now. Wasting more and more time on FDJ will cost us something, even if he joins us in the end.

It seems to be the case that this Messiah-complex thing is still strong around this place. There is one guy who shall guide us to the promise land... Maybe it is just me being a pragmatic German but I don't think that this has any place at United at this time.
Not saying what you say isn't correct but don't you think, in this particular case, it would help to re-assure Barcelona that we aren't there for the taking but we follow our own plan? Surely I don't expect the clubs twitter account to post a tweet saying, that tomorrow after lunch there will be a meeting discussing alternatives, but just like Barcelona we could make use of journalists feeding them stories how we are after this guy or that guy.

Not only would that add a bit of pressure on Barcelona - it would also help to calm our own fans, showing them, the current team has control over things and is ready to react.
Thing is, this deal is basically agreed. It’s an issue between FDJ and Barca holding it up. I don’t see the need to pressure Barca - all the noise is from Spain and is designed to appease their own fans. All reports from the UK say we are relaxed and confident. Frenkie and Erik are in regular contact and Murtough is talking to the Barca board. It’s only fans losing their shit believing every little negative noise from Spain that is blowing this outta proportion.
With all due respect, you make it sound as if that would be objective of the summer. Just to bring in a particular player. But that isn't the case, ETH needs to assemble a working squad, FDJ alone won't really change the fate of the club - lots of people in the club should be on overhours right now. Wasting more and more time on FDJ will cost us something, even if he joins us in the end.
It kinda is objective of the summer, he is the player ETH wants above all others as the pivot for the rest of our ’wheel’ to spin around. He’s going to be the player that controls our play style and makes us press resistant. This like I said earlier is an opportunity not to be missed because he is available, we have the attraction of ten Hag at our club and nobody, not even Chelsea is properly interested in him. This deal is bloody complicated but it will happen.

the spanish reporting is quickly descending into a muddled farce, seemingly almost matching the ludicrousness of Laporta himself. I don't think they have much more to contribute to this. Romero got the big scoop at the beginning and now it's random shit thrown out there for needless discussion. I'm going to limit myself to Credible Manchester linked reporting now (BBC/Tele)
Thing is, this deal is basically agreed. It’s an issue between FDJ and Barca holding it up. I don’t see the need to pressure Barca - all the noise is from Spain and is designed to appease their own fans. All reports from the UK say we are relaxed and confident. Frenkie and Erik are in regular contact and Murtough is talking to the Barca board. It’s only fans losing their shit believing every little negative noise from Spain that is blowing this outta proportion.
Look mate, I am totally fine with your stance on that. Having an opinion is alright. But you act as if you would know all that. But thats not the case, it is what you made of all the tweets and information bits flying around at the minute. Nothing is fact - other than the player is being pursued for quite some time and he still isn't with our squad. All your optimistic theories sound plausible - they should, we are fans hoping for the best. But the club doesn't have this comfort, they have to face realities. And if ETH identified a need so big, that he is ready to spunk a large chunk of our summer budget on, than we have to act and be prepared for all eventualities. Being fixated on one player is bad. Because sometimes transfers don't work out (Di Maria) and players can get injured. I find it astonishing that you put so much expectation on the player but resort to "we have to wait and hope" as only strategy to deal with it. We might risk the whole season if we feck up the recruitment and right now, this is definitely on the cards.

Lets face it, midfield could certainly do with more than one improvement, so maybe going for an alternative would serve more than one purpose.
Take anything from Barca with a huge pinch of salt....

They are a circus.... owing a fortune to players and selling away the future of the club for short term impact. They wont compete with Madrid next season anyway.

So cash strapped they havent been able to register Kessie or Christianson. Yet they are rumoured to be buying Raphina/Lewandowski/Kounde/Silva etc.... its nonsense

After the issues they've had and how they crippled themselvss financially Barca should really have taken a step down for a year or two and endured short term pain for long term gain.

Instead, and probably because of the presidential system and individuals promising things to fans, they will end up creating more issues down the line.... im not sure they are that foolish and I think they are posturing. I think they will sell De Jong - it really depends on how they resolve the deferred wage issues. I think it will be a long saga though as they try and squeeze Frenkie and United.
Look mate, I am totally fine with your stance on that. Having an opinion is alright. But you act as if you would know all that. But thats not the case, it is what you made of all the tweets and information bits flying around at the minute. Nothing is fact - other than the player is being pursued for quite some time and he still isn't with our squad. All your optimistic theories sound plausible - they should, we are fans hoping for the best. But the club doesn't have this comfort, they have to face realities. And if ETH identified a need so big, that he is ready to spunk a large chunk of our summer budget on, than we have to act and be prepared for all eventualities. Being fixated on one player is bad. Because sometimes transfers don't work out (Di Maria) and players can get injured. I find it astonishing that you put so much expectation on the player but resort to "we have to wait and hope" as only strategy to deal with it. We might risk the whole season if we feck up the recruitment and right now, this is definitely on the cards.

Lets face it, midfield could certainly do with more than one improvement, so maybe going for an alternative would serve more than one purpose.
You lost me at Di Maria :rolleyes: :nono:

The information we have is rated as to the reliability of the source, so we can paint a pretty accurate picture and ignore all the other noise. One thing we don’t know is what’s happening behind the scenes at United because it hasn’t been reported. Pretty sure we have alternative we are talking to on the DL ad a back up option. If you choose to believe we are sat around twiddling thumbs waiting for Barca to call then that’s up to you. Personally, I don’t hope for a deal, I expect one based on available information.
We won't get bellingham that would rely on us being a better team, which with mcfred as our midfield we aren't.

Tielemans and anyone from mcFred is just as bad as mcFred, will get mullered in midfield by any team above 9th

If we save our money then fans cannot expect him to get above 10th, with a decimated squad, and no striker, then you would have to reduce your expectations to a midtable side.
I think that’s a bit hyperbole. We finished 6th last season with the worst manager the club has seen for 50 years. Ten Hag has shown that tactically, he’s a very smart coach, albeit in a lower league.

As I said, it looks really unlikely that FDJ is going to join us. I’m hoping we have a plan B, but if not, I feel we have decent chance to reach top 4.
i think we are seeing just how Barca work the local media. Big legitimate updates might break in Spain, but quickly get confirmed from Tier 1-2 journos all around Europe. Barca try throwing out political red meat for the fans, gets a run in local circles, everyone else is quiet. No Tier 1 chelsea journo's touched this with a barge pole, section of the spanish media alter the story to cover. I'm not saying this is a Spanish v UK thing, internal UK reporting has the same problem because you've got the Mirror/Sun/Express etc just throwing shit at a wall to see if it sticks, but you know stuff is happening when the BBC/Tele report breaking transfer news.

I think I mentioned this couple days ago, if you just took the BBC update from two weeks ago (live update from Stone saying we agreed a fixed fee), Ducker's update from early this week and the Athletic podcast (Whitwell) from a couple of days ago, this deal is actually well on the way to being a massive win for us. Yes, when you are refreshing every 30 seconds all day every day, 2 weeks feels like 6 months, and i fully admit that this is dragging out, but the credible journos that get things right have all been extremely positive in their updates. It can obviously fall over, Barca are currently acting like a bunch of gambling addicts looking to solve their debts with a final spin at the roulette table, so nothing is "done" with those maniacs, but it's all looking very positive.
Take anything from Barca with a huge pinch of salt....

They are a circus.... owing a fortune to players and selling away the future of the club for short term impact. They wont compete with Madrid next season anyway.

So cash strapped they havent been able to register Kessie or Christianson. Yet they are rumoured to be buying Raphina/Lewandowski/Kounde/Silva etc.... its nonsense

After the issues they've had and how they crippled themselvss financially Barca should really have taken a step down for a year or two and endured short term pain for long term gain.

Instead, and probably because of the presidential system and individuals promising things to fans, they will end up creating more issues down the line.... im not sure they are that foolish and I think they are posturing. I think they will sell De Jong - it really depends on how they resolve the deferred wage issues. I think it will be a long saga though as they try and squeeze Frenkie and United.
I mean, clearly, that douche Laporta is a walking shitstain full of lies. He waited until the last minute to tell the fan base they couldn’t afford Messi. I grant you that he didn’t necessarily cause the financial shithole, but he plays pretty dirty. I do think he is well aware that they won’t be able to bring in most of the players they are linked to because financially it doesn’t work. He’s happy to do that because it means his competition can’t sign these players while they wait to see if the Barca dream materialises.

On the other hand, I’m delighted he is pre-selling eggs that the golden goose lays. I’m sure there are massive clauses in there I case they don’t make CL, etc. These hedge funds and venture capital groups do not feck around. They are going to be seriously handicapped in bringing in top talents because they won’t be competitive from a wage perspective.

If it means we eventually get De Jong, great. Not optimistic as LaPorta is a clown and may bungle the whole thing over deferred wages.
Not getting De Jong isn't as big an issue as the fact that we wasted a large portion of the window chasing him.

These transfers that take this long in recent history haven't worked out with us, at least in that particular window. See Griezmann, Sancho etc.
You lost me at Di Maria :rolleyes: :nono:

The information we have is rated as to the reliability of the source, so we can paint a pretty accurate picture and ignore all the other noise. One thing we don’t know is what’s happening behind the scenes at United because it hasn’t been reported. Pretty sure we have alternative we are talking to on the DL ad a back up option. If you choose to believe we are sat around twiddling thumbs waiting for Barca to call then that’s up to you. Personally, I don’t hope for a deal, I expect one based on available information.
We can agree on Di Maria not being a success here right? What I say is, not every transfer works out. Sometimes because of outside factors sometimes on coincidences. Which is why I'd never put as much weight on single persons shoulder. Don't know if you do it but the way you described FDJ's meaning for ETHs system (that we don't really have an actual idea on at the moment) sound like it.

Lets leave it at that, still have the feeling that you are just choosing what to believe and what not. Obviously this doesn't look like it from your perspective because everybody sees himself as the pinnacle of reasonable'ness (that isn't a word, isn't it?).

I'd be interested, in case this doesn't go through in the end, who would be the one who should take accountability? Would it just be bad luck because you seem pretty secure that we did everything we can?
This isnt happening anymore.

Yeah and only got ourselves to blame for not having a plan B, maybe then this might have actually moved quicker.

I also wish his agent took some bloody action instead of just sitting back and letting his client be robbed of £17m he's owed by his "dream" club.
Not getting De Jong isn't as big an issue as the fact that we wasted a large portion of the window chasing him.

These transfers that take this long in recent history haven't worked out with us, at least in that particular window. See Griezmann, Sancho etc.
I agree.

On Sancho though - do you guys remember how Dortmund went on about it in the first summer? They set a deadline and when it passed and we tried stuff they just told us to FO. They put their season preparation above transfer activity (sure, thats easier when it is about giving a player away than bringing one in). I thought, that kind of consequential behaviour was admirable. We should learn from that, right now we are putting our season preparation on the line for what seems to be 17 million quid... Dortmund knew, it was the season that mattered, we act as if the transferwindow and the season can be won independently from each other.

(for the protocol: a) no, I don't think, we should spent 17 million more to get it done and b) for most top teams pre season doesn't have the same meaning as it does for us this year.)
The most reliable in Spain?? You mean the ones who are just repeating what Barca tell them to say? From all accounts this evening there is no bid or contact from Chelsea, just interest.
Yhe youre probably right in that its a slight exaggeration of the truth, but they actually are spains most reliable, Relevo.

For Barca news i think Mundo are considered better than Sport, who are pretty much the Spanish Daily Star. Marca are good for Real [dependant on author] but meh otherwise, and that isnt because they said Fdj wants Utd not Chelsea before people claim that, it's just fact. Relevo have their reputation as the best in Spain because 3 of the most reliable journos Mate Moretto, Albert Roge and Toni Juanmarti are the only journos they have, iirc.

El Chringuito [especially] ,and the rest are pretty shite. Tbh i think it's still more likely he stays, but if he does leave itll be to Utd
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