French National Elections

Holy feck. That's amazing.

How has this happened - is this because the 3rd place candidates of centrist/left parties dropped out?
That’s part of it. The other part: there are enough people in France who don’t want RN. We saw indications of that last week, and we got a better measure today. The country doesn’t seem ready for RN.
Those who have followed this more closely/know more about the French system, what happens next? Presumably negotiations between parties to reach the number of seats with Macron's party playing kingmaker?

Whilst the tactical voting method has worked to keep National Front out (phew!), I imagine there will be many feeling aggrieved at what they inevitably end up with?

We don't really know but basically NFP is made of parties that have no common ideologies, RN is kind of futile and then you have Ensemble who are supposed to be fairly close to NFP especially if Attal and Phillipe manage to steal enough deputies from NFP and LR.
That’s part of it. The other part: there are enough people in France who don’t want RN. We saw indications of that last week, and we got a better measure today. The country doesn’t seem ready for RN.

And french electors have the habit of performing a "vote sanction". The first round wasn't necessarily representative of what people actually wanted.
I thought there will be a third round with only the top two to see who gets 59% majority, that was my understanding of the system in France.
One more point: I need to see how Paris and other big cities voted. Le Pen benefited in 2022 from relatively low turnout in Paris.

And french electors have the habit of performing a "vote sanction". The first round wasn't necessarily representative of what people actually wanted.
Yes, the famous “faire barrage” can be important in the second round.

RN were well beaten today. No question about that.
I thought there will be a third round with only the top two to see who gets 59% majority, that was my understanding of the system in France.

No There can be three as there were in my constituency and the winner when there is 3 needs to get at least 35% to win. If there are 2 then it's just 50%+
That’s part of it. The other part: there are enough people in France who don’t want RN. We saw indications of that last week, and we got a better measure today. The country doesn’t seem ready for RN.
And french electors have the habit of performing a "vote sanction". The first round wasn't necessarily representative of what people actually wanted.

Love to hear it. Big relief
Holy feck. That's amazing.

How has this happened - is this because the 3rd place candidates of centrist/left parties dropped out?
The French seem to be really good at coming together for a cause. It happened because 9 times out of 10 "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité" beats "le foren basterds av eaten too many of our baguettes sacre bleu!"

I've watched Léon about ten times so I'm an expert on French stuff.
The French seem to be really good at coming together for a cause. It happened because 9 times out of 10 "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité" beats "le foren basterds av eaten too many of our baguettes sacre bleu!"

I've watched Léon about ten times so I'm an expert on French stuff.

The only reason "The French Revolution" isn't succeded by "which one?" is that the one in 1789 was such an earth shattering event. And even that one is really more like two or three revolutions.
The only reason "The French Revolution" isn't succeded by "which one?" is that the one in 1789 was such an earth shattering event. And even that one is really more like two or three revolutions.
Yeah but it's French so obviously they see the three revolutions as just different acts from the same play, the artsy wankers that they are.
Yeah but it's French so obviously they see the three revolutions as just different acts from the same play, the artsy wankers that they are.

He says while sword dancing in a skirt and pretty socks.
We don't really know but basically NFP is made of parties that have no common ideologies, RN is kind of futile and then you have Ensemble who are supposed to be fairly close to NFP especially if Attal and Phillipe manage to steal enough deputies from NFP and LR.

So who will likely govern next? The left alliance need to a kingmaker to form a government, but would the centrists want that affiliation? How many seats are needed to form the next government?
So who will likely govern next? The left alliance need to a kingmaker to form a government, but would the centrists want that affiliation? How many seats are needed to form the next government?

Honestly, I have no idea. We will have to wait for the large cities results to come out and then how big is the gap between Ensemble and NFP, after that the parties within NFP will have to talk and find a common ground while Ensemble and Horizon will try to steal deputies from both NFP and LR.
First Reform going from 13 seats projected to just 5 and now the French version going from 1st to 3rd.... thank feck...
Eat shit Le Pen.

The main problem though is if Macron manages to make a deal with the left coalition (probably Melenchon as PM), or if there will be chaos. The second problem is that if there is chaos, that probably means Le Pen wins the next presidential election with Macron out of politics.

Nevertheless, we can enjoy that far right got screwed again.
Eat shit Le Pen.

The main problem though is if Macron manages to make a deal with the left coalition (probably Melenchon as PM), or if there will be chaos. The second problem is that if there is chaos, that probably means Le Pen wins the next presidential election with Macron out of politics.

Nevertheless, we can enjoy that far right got screwed again.

Mélenchon may want to be PM but few apart from himself want that, not even the left.
Mélenchon may want to be PM but few apart from himself want that, not even the left.
You think Macron will talk with the individual parties on the left coalition to try to build a government, or he will talk with the left coalition as a whole.

I know that left coalition is a coalition of lots of parties from center left to far left, but Melenchon is kinda its leader, right?
Honestly, I have no idea. We will have to wait for the large cities results to come out and then how big is the gap between Ensemble and NFP, after that the parties within NFP will have to talk and find a common ground while Ensemble and Horizon will try to steal deputies from both NFP and LR.

Thanks - appreciate the update. It seems like the vote today was more a vote against a particular group rather than for anything tangible. Whilst it's great Le Pen's mob got dismantled, I imagine something similar may have happened re an alliance in the second round of voting in the instance a far left party was on the verge of winning outright?

If no alliance can be agreed upon, do they go back to the polls?
Thanks - appreciate the update. It seems like the vote today was more a vote against a particular group rather than for anything tangible. Whilst it's great Le Pen's mob got dismantled, I imagine something similar may have happened re an alliance in the second round of voting in the instance a far left party was on the verge of winning outright?

If no alliance can be agreed upon, do they go back to the polls?

No, the country is just effectively impossible to govern through parliament.
You think Macron will talk with the individual parties on the left coalition to try to build a government, or he will talk with the left coalition as a whole.

I know that left coalition is a coalition of lots of parties from center left to far left, but Melenchon is kinda its leader, right?

There are still results to come in from all the big cities to know the final count. Possibly a deal with the left but Mélenchon heads the LFI, he's not quite so popular with the other left parties.
You think Macron will talk with the individual parties on the left coalition to try to build a government, or he will talk with the left coalition as a whole.

I know that left coalition is a coalition of lots of parties from center left to far left, but Melenchon is kinda its leader, right?

The short answer is no, he isn't their leader, they don't have one. He tries to act like one but it's amusing to see pretty much every other parties leaders insist on the fact that he isn't speaking for them.
That's mad :lol:

But Macron still covers foreign and defence matters?

Right now, Macron can control the executive, he can choose a Prime Minister from his party or the center, I don't know if it's a good idea but since no one actually controls parliament or is remotely close to do it, he strangely has lots of freedom but also lots of future headaches.
Heard, what seemed like, a pretty good summary from a political commentator earlier who explained by as last week essentially being a referendum on Macron and this week as a referendum on Le Pen.

Don't know enough about French politics to know how accurate that it, but the guy seemed to know his onions.
Absolutely bloody brilliant. Now lets watch the centre-right and the left eat each other alive :lol:
Current seats:
Left coalition: 175
Macron's center: 154
RN: 140
Republicans: 45

26 seats remain to be called.

There's no leader for the left coalition. They formed it quickly in a few days to stop the RN. I don't think they are ready. i don't think they can even agree on who the prime minister will be!

Can anyone analyze to us the bloc? I understand there are Greens, Socialists and Communists. Do we know already how many seats each group got?
highest turnout in 40 years, Centre-right and leftists keep the far right out of government, and the far right crying "its not fair".

What a result.
God what a great week in politics! Don’t think I have ever said that before.
Current seats:
Left coalition: 175
Macron's center: 154
RN: 140
Republicans: 45

26 seats remain to be called.

There's no leader for the left coalition. They formed it quickly in a few days to stop the RN. I don't think they are ready. i don't think they can even agree on who the prime minister will be!

Can anyone analyze to us the bloc? I understand there are Greens, Socialists and Communists. Do we know already how many seats each group got?

Wow - and I thought the UK was divided! France is absolutely nuts. Could a coalition between Macron and the Republicans get them to the required number to govern? They hard left would go mad and riot but they seem to be doing that anyway even with their victory so much of a muchness there :lol:
Wow - and I thought the UK was divided! France is absolutely nuts. Could a coalition between Macron and the Republicans get them to the required number to govern? They hard left would go mad and riot but they seem to be doing that anyway even with their victory so much of a muchness there :lol:

With such numbers, impossible. You need 289 seats for a majority.