French National Elections

The left won the last elections, and the president, as a guardian of the constitution, should have named a PM from the left. It's honestly that straightforward and anything else stems from watching too much BFM TV or Cnews. Anything beyond that is unimportant, whether there's a motion de censure after the first vote, whether they struggle to form a majority text by text (which is the approach the left said they would have). No idea why you're throwing in the RN, but neither Castets nor Tondelier are LFI so your point is irrelevant.

So yes, Macron stole the election from the left.

That you think the headline from today is Mélenchon or Le Pen is frankly insane.

Since I don't watch BFMTV or CNews it's all good. I'm saying about both Mélenchon and Le Pen because they've both come straight out and said it.

PS I'm not a fan of Barnier as a french politician.
Macron masterclass (unironic)

Crucially, though, Barnier secured tentative support from Marine Le Pen's far right National Rally (RN), though with strings attached that mean Barnier will likely find himself under pressure from all sides.
"We will plead for the major emergencies of the French - the cost of living crisis, security, immigration - to finally be addressed, and we reserve all political means of action if this is not the case in the coming weeks," the RN's party president, Jordan Bardella, tweeted.
The left won the last elections, and the president, as a guardian of the constitution, should have named a PM from the left. It's honestly that straightforward and anything else stems from watching too much BFM TV or Cnews. Anything beyond that is unimportant, whether there's a motion de censure after the first vote, whether they struggle to form a majority text by text (which is the approach the left said they would have). No idea why you're throwing in the RN, but neither Castets nor Tondelier are LFI so your point is irrelevant.

So yes, Macron stole the election from the left.

That you think the headline from today is Mélenchon or Le Pen is frankly insane.

This is up to interpretation, I agree with you that he should have named the Left candidate to respect the tradition. But we all know that a left government would have been thrown out quickly. Macron by appointing a PM from Republicains has secured the support of that group and de facto making his coalition the biggest in the Parliament. Furthermore, he knows that the far right will tolerate a right wing PM rather than a left wing one...

166 + 47 = 213 Which is bigger than the left's 193...

It was:
Left 193
Center 166
FRight 142
Right 47

Now :
Center+Right 213
The Left 193
Far Right 142

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This is up to interpretation
It's really not.

This is the first time since like the end of the 19th century that this has happened. It's absolutely insane. Macron doesn't get to play political calculation games - if the government gets thrown out immediately, that's fine (it actually wouldn't have happened but whatever), but you still follow what the spirit of the constitution requires. He's meant to be the guardian of these institutions!

Also don't let anyone fool you into believing he's doing this for the good of France or for stability or any other bogus reason - he's doing it to hopefully preserve his legacy bill on pension reform (which would have been the first to go under a left wing government, and which 80% of the population want), and because Barnier is a notoriously incompetent fool who won't be a threat to him, and who will maintain his right wing, liberal policies - and, importantly, was rubber stamped by the extreme right wing: let's not forget that throughout his entire absurd audition process, he'd call Marine le Pen to ensure she was ok with the candidates.

Let's also not ignore that his stupid party only did "so well" in the last elections thanks to the "front républicain" and a concerted effort with the Nouveau Front Populaire (left wing) and that they'd have been obliterated without it. Using that to fear monger, playing hide and seek for 51 days after losing the election (and hiding behind ridiculous reasons such as "the Olympics"), and then coming up with Michel fecking Barnier of all people is a big middle finger to the French people and shows he has no issues with the extreme right wing, but just with the left wing, and more importantly that he doesn't give a shit about the institutions he's meant to protect (though in fairness, you didn't need to wait until 2024 to see this). He's a puppet of the billionnaires who've propped him up, and he's just making sure that the next few years go as smoothly as they can for them (read: ultra-liberal policies).
Team up with the left to keep Le Pen out of power and immediately team up with Le Pen to keep the left out of power. I'm not sure if its really clever or hideously stupid.
Clearly only serves his own personal interests and completely disregards the publics wishes, you'd expect it to have consequences in future elections.
Team up with the left to keep Le Pen out of power and immediately team up with Le Pen to keep the left out of power. I'm not sure if its really clever or hideously stupid.
Clearly only serves his own personal interests and completely disregards the publics wishes, you'd expect it to have consequences in future elections.

He's not teaming up with Le Pen. For future elections it won't involve Macron - he can only serve two consecutive terms.

Most people don't want Mélenchon nor Le Pen near power for different reasons. Unfortunately they're the two current biggest rivals to Macron. Hoping for better in 2027.
Maybe Mélenchon , currently 73 will take his own advice and retire at 60, what a joke.
Team up with the left to keep Le Pen out of power and immediately team up with Le Pen to keep the left out of power. I'm not sure if its really clever or hideously stupid.
Clearly only serves his own personal interests and completely disregards the publics wishes, you'd expect it to have consequences in future elections.
It's extremely dangerous and frankly irresponsible. I seriously hate him so much and his legacy will be absolutely terrible.

To think he initially ran on a platform of change and breaking traditional politics.
He's not teaming up with Le Pen. For future elections it won't involve Macron - he can only serve two consecutive terms.

Most people don't want Mélenchon nor Le Pen near power for different reasons. Unfortunately they're the two current biggest rivals to Macron. Hoping for better in 2027.
Maybe Mélenchon , currently 73 will take his own advice and retire at 60, what a joke.
He's selected a candidate acceptable to her. He's dependent on her support to avoid a vote of no confidence. Its a much more significant alliance than an electoral one.
The left didn't nominate Melenchon.
He's selected a candidate acceptable to her. He's dependent on her support to avoid a vote of no confidence. Its a much more significant alliance than an electoral one.
The left didn't nominate Melenchon.

The left nominated the Director of Finances of the City of Paris as Prime Minister. She has never been a politician ever in her life. Seriously?
The left nominated the Director of Finances of the City of Paris as Prime Minister. She has never been a politician ever in her life. Seriously?
She's not Melenchon, who the left didn't nominate because a lot of them dont support him. So it seems an unreasonable stick to beat them with. Her lack of experience is a fair criticism but personally i wouldn't consider recent experience in politics a positive selling point in the overwhelming majority of cases.
She's not Melenchon, who the left didn't nominate because a lot of them dont support him. So it seems an unreasonable stick to beat them with. Her lack of experience is a fair criticism but personally i wouldn't consider recent experience in politics a positive selling point in the overwhelming majority of cases.

She is supposed to run the government of a large country with no experience and has never been voted for by anyone ever in her life. Imagine the reaction of foreign powers and the majority of France. If Macron or anyone else anywhere had done the same they would have been castigated.

Mélenchon would have loved to have been nominated and yes, that would never pass anybody other than the faithful of the LFI.
Multiple home owner and multimillionaire Marxist Mélenchon. Too many M&M's.
She's not Melenchon, who the left didn't nominate because a lot of them dont support him. So it seems an unreasonable stick to beat them with. Her lack of experience is a fair criticism but personally i wouldn't consider recent experience in politics a positive selling point in the overwhelming majority of cases.
It's also not true, she was in politics over 10 years ago, as part of the PS. And anyway, not being a "politician" should work in her favour, it's not a prerequisite and she's incredibly qualified (so much more than Barnier, the notorious moron).

And all this is besides the point anyway!
Macron unveils new right-wing French government
French President Emmanuel Macron has unveiled his new government almost three months after a snap general election delivered a hung parliament. The long-awaited new line up, led by Prime Minister Michel Barnier, marks a decisive shift to the right, even though a left-wing alliance won most parliamentary seats.

Despite the partnership between Macron’s centrist party and those on the right, parliament remains fractured and will rely on the support of other parties to pass legislation.
He absolutely shat on the results of the last elections and got now one of the most conservative french governments in recent history.

Can't wait to see how this is going to unfold.

Now that is democracy at work.
Call a snap election, where the left won a majority.
Wait for 3 months and pretend that the country voted for a right wing government.
Now that is democracy at work.
Call a snap election, where the left won a majority.
Wait for 3 months and pretend that the country voted for a right wing government.

The left didn't win a majority, they've barely got a third of the seats.

The centrists + the republicans together have more seats than either the left or the far right and the government is mainly made up of those parties.
The left didn't win a majority, they've barely got a third of the seats.

The centrists + the republicans together have more seats than either the left or the far right and the government is mainly made up of those parties.
Barely a third is more than the centrists or right. The centrists and republicans could have campaigned together during the election. They didn't because they'd lose. Macron is a shithead who's insured that there wont be cooperation from the left and centre to keep facists out of government again.
Barely a third is more than the centrists or right. The centrists and republicans could have campaigned together during the election. They didn't because they'd lose. Macron is a shithead.

It's fairly evenly spread between the left , the centre and the far right.
I don't think the Tories and LibDems campaigned together for the 2010 Uk election either. Nor do they in other countries when alliances are made after the elections.

Mélenchon's mouth is the problem.
It's fairly evenly spread between the left , the centre and the far right.
I don't think the Tories and LibDems campaigned together for the 2010 Uk election either. Nor do they in other countries when alliances are made after the elections.

Mélenchon's mouth is the problem.
Fairly even isn't even. The left have the most vote %, the most seats. A narrow win but a win
Melenchon's mouth didn't put the voters off and macron (or your) opinion on him isn't relevant. And he wasn't fecking nominated as Prime Minister!
If you want to talk about the UK then the left would be forming a goverment, not the president.
Fairly even isn't even. The left have the most vote %, the most seats. A narrow win but a win
Melenchon's mouth didn't put the voters off and macron (or your) opinion on him isn't relevant. And he wasn't fecking nominated as Prime Minister!
If you want to talk about the UK then the left would be forming a goverment, not the president.

The Centrists + the LR (without Ciotti) have more seats than both the NFP and more than the RN+Ciotti.
The Uk currently have a "left" government because they have a majority and more seats than anyone else despite only having a third of the vote.

We have a PS (Labour MP) - fine - but don't want Mélenchon anywhere near power.
The Centrists + the LR (without Ciotti) have more seats than both the NFP and more than the RN+Ciotti.
The Uk currently have a "left" government because they have a majority and more seats than anyone else despite only having a third of the vote.

We have a PS (Labour MP) - fine - but don't want Mélenchon anywhere near power.
You keep saying that. French voters dont agree with you. Twisting numbers and the french method of forming government into stupid knots to manufacture that requirement is dumb.
You keep saying that. French voters dont agree with you. Twisting numbers and the french method of forming government into stupid knots to manufacture that requirement is dumb.
I am a French voter.
What was manufactured was the alliance between the NFP parties which was thrust upon France and together still only represent a third of all seats. Two thirds of seats are not NFP.
Mélenchon's LFI only won 72 seats.
I am a French voter.
What was manufactured was the alliance between the NFP parties which was thrust upon France and together still only represent a third of all seats. Two thirds of seats are not NFP.
Mélenchon's LFI only won 72 seats.
More irrelevant numbers. a french voter =/= french voters.
You want to seperate the left out into all its constituent parts for the vote share but lump them all together as supporters of Melenchon. I find the manner your discussing this dishonest. Spin, bullshit and whataboutism.
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What are you talking about? Numbers of seats don't matter? Most French voters don't want Mélenchon.
Yeah im done discussing this. You want to drag the conversation into irrelvant tangents and cant admit basic shit like the left won the election so theres no basis for conversation.
Yeah im done discussing this. You want to drag the conversation into irrelvant tangents and cant admit basic shit like the left won the election so theres no basis for conversation.

But the left are not supporters of Mélenchon, a large part of them don't like him. We now have a Labour MP but if the candidate was LFI , the NFP wouldn't have a chance here as would be the case in many other seats. It's a false alliance.
The left didn't win a majority, they've barely got a third of the seats.

The centrists + the republicans together have more seats than either the left or the far right and the government is mainly made up of those parties.

Ok. But the Left Wing coalition won the most seats, compared with Macron centrist alliance and the NF. That is correct isn't it.
But the left are not supporters of Mélenchon, a large part of them don't like him. We now have a Labour MP but if the candidate was LFI , the NFP wouldn't have a chance here as would be the case in many other seats. It's a false alliance.
Exactly! So why fixate on Melenchon?
Ok. But the Left Wing coalition won the most seats, compared with Macron centrist alliance and the NF. That is correct isn't it.
The four main groups - The NFP won 193 seats, Centrists won 166 , LR won 47 and the Le Pen + others won 142. There were some other seats;.Total 577 seats.

NFP won almost exactly a third with 193. Macron has obviously an agreement with LR 166+ 47= 213 . Le Pen 142.

There's going to be trouble all the way because everyone claims they won. The biggest party was RN (Le Pen) with 126.
It's fairly evenly spread between the left , the centre and the far right.
I don't think the Tories and LibDems campaigned together for the 2010 Uk election either. Nor do they in other countries when alliances are made after the elections.

Mélenchon's mouth is the problem.
God you really have no idea what you're talking about.
Sigh you know what he’s done though right? No way the left has its candidates withdraw next time to block the far right, essentially ensuring the far right has a much bigger chance of coming into power if we run into more three ways