Explosions reported at Brussels airport.

I don't really feel today has done much for their cause. On the whole, people (that I come across) seem to have just taken the line that it was always expected that Belgium would be hit in some way and that actually this was a rather feeble effort. A few people freaking out but for the most part I doubt it's had the affect desired.
Don't understand the anti-tolerance stuff, what are we being tolerant about, where have we practised tolerance? It's not like peace-talks have been ongoing with extremists, the west isn't tolerating ISIS and the like, they're bombing them, deporting clerics etc. Not saying diplomacy is possible with ISIS or even necessarily desirable mind.

Blaming Islam as a whole is missing the point too, these kind of nutters, from fecked up backgrounds, have been screwed up to the point they would always find a reason (be it nationalism, religion, race, whatever) to hate and try and harm people. Remember the way people used to talk about the Irish over here during the period the IRA was active, fecking disgusting. That's changed a lot since*, it's a different situation for sure but it's something that gives me some hope.

(*ok not everywhere, Belfast etc. can be as rough as)
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Yeah, it's zionist lizard bullshit like this...

Jihadist attacks killed more than 5,000 people in just one month, an investigation by the BBC World Service and King's College London has found

The data gathered by the BBC found that 5,042 people were killed in 664 jihadist attacks across 14 countries - a daily average of 168 deaths, or seven every hour.

About 80% of the deaths came in just four countries - Iraq, Nigeria, Syria and Afghanistan, according to the study of media and civil society reports.

Iraq was the most dangerous place to be, with 1,770 deaths in 233 attacks, ranging from shootings to suicide bombings.

Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan... not like the West has bombed those places to shit recently, is it?

By the way -- define Jihadist.* Then you can allot attacks which meet the requisite tenets of the term. However, you must first look at the antecedent information, contextual background, etc.

*It's actually relatively interesting -- the report from King's College, that is.
@Fearless I congratulate you on your dedication to the truth by not only keeping a running score but also taking the time to type that all out, because you obviously didn't .Rossi that from anywhere.

Are you going to stand shoulder to shoulder with your fellow brethren when your anticipated final showdown occurs?
@Fearless I congratulate you on your dedication to the truth by not only keeping a running score but also taking the time to type that all out, because you obviously didn't .Rossi that from anywhere.

Are you going to stand shoulder to shoulder with your fellow brethren when your anticipated final showdown occurs?

No - I'm going to keep the lights on for the Germans.
Yeah, it's zionist lizard bullshit like this...

Jihadist attacks killed more than 5,000 people in just one month, an investigation by the BBC World Service and King's College London has found


The way you've lumped everyone together, shouldn't the above quote say "Jihadist attacks killed more than 5,000 other jihadists in just one month, an investigation by the BBC World Service and King's College London has found"
man on the TV says French blaming the Belgians for the problem of not being diligent enough
All day I have listened to absolute bullshit about this on Fox news, CNN, SKY and even BBC. I've heard war mongering wankers like Ted Cruz and Wanker Trump talk insane and uninformed shite about ISIS and the USA and the rest of the world and their reaction. I've heard Obama be slated by nearly everyone for being in Cuba and not getting the first flight home to sort out this problem. Countless people just talking inane shite, then Cenk comes on The Young Turks and has just had a 40 minute rant about it and hit every nail on the head and restored my faith in common sense, rational thinking and the way forward to deal with this problem on a global scale. It's like a breath of fresh air. I've been watching TYT for over 10 years now, and it's days like today that make me realise why.
That phrase is just what I have been saying to people for a while, although nowhere near as eloquently as Karl Popper has said it.

We are a very tolerant nation who pride ourselves on our tolerance but realise now that we have been too tolerant for too long. We have reached a stage where we feel our tolerance has been badly abused and now we want the government to be firmer and we want to be firmer too. So many on here are failing to understand this and so continually just opt to lash out with the usual racist/UKIP/right wing stuff. We are becoming less tolerant of those sort of comments too.

Agree completely. The Caf is incredibly middle-class left wing. I say this as someone who grew up in a communist middle-class household and it takes one to know one.

This is the new left, who don't preoccupy itself with working class issues, but instead middle class ones. Abandoned and isolated, the original working class is turning towards authoritarian solutions as the "left" is preoccupied with the colour of their skin and their guilt in terms of what colonialists from other parts of their society did hundreds of years ago. And they are now making a sharp turn right.
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It's interesting that the report by King's College uses the BBC as its primary source, whilst the BBC uses the report from King's College as its primary source.
All day I have listened to absolute bullshit about this on Fox news, CNN, SKY and even BBC. I've heard war mongering wankers like Ted Cruz and Wanker Trump talk insane and uninformed shite about ISIS and the USA and the rest of the world and their reaction. I've heard Obama be slated by nearly everyone for being in Cuba and not getting the first flight home to sort out this problem. Countless people just talking inane shite, then Cenk comes on The Young Turks and has just had a 40 minute rant about it and hit every nail on the head and restored my faith in common sense, rational thinking and the way forward to deal with this problem on a global scale. It's like a breath of fresh air. I've been watching TYT for over 10 years now, and it's days like today that make me realise why.
Give me the link to Cenk's piece bro. Cheers
All day I have listened to absolute bullshit about this on Fox news, CNN, SKY and even BBC. I've heard war mongering wankers like Ted Cruz and Wanker Trump talk insane and uninformed shite about ISIS and the USA and the rest of the world and their reaction. I've heard Obama be slated by nearly everyone for being in Cuba and not getting the first flight home to sort out this problem. Countless people just talking inane shite, then Cenk comes on The Young Turks and has just had a 40 minute rant about it and hit every nail on the head and restored my faith in common sense, rational thinking and the way forward to deal with this problem on a global scale. It's like a breath of fresh air. I've been watching TYT for over 10 years now, and it's days like today that make me realise why.

Well post the damn video if it's that good
I was listening to Hannity and some UKIP bloke said there are over 80 Sharia law courts in the UK. What's that all about then?
It sounded like bollocks. How can he get away with claiming it?
Well, it's the same as the Jewish courts which operate in the UK. They settle community issues, but have no legal authority. You just don't hear a lot about the Beth Din courts.

It's a Daily Mail favourite, and never needs to be backed up, or proved.
I may be a tad emotional but this has really upset me. My thoughts are with the family and friends caught up in this tragedy. We fly out to Florida in a couple of weeks and I'm scared of something like this happening now.

This is probably the safest time to go. Security will be at its tightest at the moment.
They're not puzzled at all. The media and the average citizen are puzzled but the guys who make the decisions are not.
Well if you mean actual lobbyists and persons who profit from all that, then i am inclined to agree, but politicians - that's another thing. For example Obama in one of the recent interviews basically said that Libya is a mess and he is not sure how it all got that way, that he supposed that European leaders would have this thing covered and they did not. It shows that people in politics that should balance the interests of industrial groups and stuff like that with the ones of common people they elected to represent actually don't have much clue as well.
Everytime there's one of these attacks the media make sure to give it the Hollywood treatment, it's sickening. There's always posters on here who seem to get off on the emotions of such an event as well and use it to confirm their prejudices.
I was listening to Hannity and some UKIP bloke said there are over 80 Sharia law courts in the UK. What's that all about then?
There are, and if I'm not mistaken there is a report being done on it at the moment, for the government. They deal with minor things such as divorces apparently and one of the complaints has been that women in sharia divorce courts get the raw end of the deal. That's about as much as I am aware of other than a few years ago (7 or 8) I met a female solicitor (Asian) who was taking an extra course on sharia law because she said that was going to be the "big thing" now in England.
Everytime there's one of these attacks the media make sure to give it the Hollywood treatment, it's sickening. There's always posters on here who seem to get off on the emotions of such an event as well and use it to confirm their prejudices.
I tend to agree with you, but I'd add that it's not everytime there's an attack, they are quite selective with the coverage.
There are, and if I'm not mistaken there is a report being done on it at the moment, for the government. They deal with minor things such as divorces apparently and one of the complaints has been that women in sharia divorce courts get the raw end of the deal. That's about as much as I am aware of other than a few years ago (7 or 8) I met a female solicitor (Asian) who was taking an extra course on sharia law because she said that was going to be the "big thing" now in England.

They deal with religious matters -- they have no authority over the actual courts.
I'm pretty sure I've heard that about the divorces. (1-2 months ago in fact).
Yeah, they can make suggestions within the communities that they preside over, but when it comes to actual law, they have zero credibility or power. Whether or not they are a bad social influence (particularly against women) is a different matter. But they don't possess any legal power whatsoever.
I read somewhere that in the Islamic calendar we're right now in the 14th century. It's not surprise that the ME resembles medieval Europe.

On the plus side most of the rest of the world has moved (to varying degrees) from this religious bullshit. But, Muslims happen to be concentrated in a region where the great powers prefer despots -- their chosen despots-- holding power, so economic/political problems will always be an easy recruitment tool for religious nutters.
I read somewhere that in the Islamic calendar we're right now in the 14th century. It's not surprise that the ME resembles medieval Europe.

On the plus side most of the rest of the world has moved (to varying degrees) from this religious bullshit. But, Muslims happen to be concentrated in a region where the great powers prefer despots -- their chosen despots-- holding power, so economic/political problems will always be an easy recruitment tool for religious nutters.
These attackers were probably French and Belgium, just like the Paris ones.