Explosions reported at Brussels airport.

Tbf us non-Muslims largely hate those platforms too. Problem is, even when people arise that might be able to remove the criticism is Islam away from far-right propaganda, like Salman Rushdie or even Maajid Nawaz, they face a barrage of fire and an existential threat. It's hard to take the cries of Islamophobia seriously when critics of Islam literally have to fear for their life.

Nobody should fear for their life for criticising something. I'm not really referring to them, more the far right (Robert Spencer, Pam Gellar, Britain First types). And by the way they are not the only ones who are fearful of their life. Muslims have been murdered for being muslims, Sikh's have faced violence for looking like what racists perceive to be Muslims. Hate crimes have resulted in deaths. Thats not to mention fire-bombing of mosques along with death threats.

Islamophobia has lead to people being murdered too, it too should be taken seriously. Our fear of terrorism has led to occasionally some pretty morally dubious realpolitik where civilians have lost lives in wars. It isn't just critics of Islam who fear for their life.
against islamophobia. the west will turn to right wing nutters. it's started already.

Islam is an incredibly conservative/right wing ideology. And yet those who are opposed to it (even when doing so on left wing/liberal grounds) are referred to as right wing nutters?

I may be a tad emotional but this has really upset me. My thoughts are with the family and friends caught up in this tragedy. We fly out to Florida in a couple of weeks and I'm scared of something like this happening now.

The only people who will attack you in Florida are gangbangers, methheads, druglords with chainsaws, old people who are really awful drivers...then there's the gators, pythons and sharks.

Other than that you should be OK. Oh, and don't put any valuables in your suitcases if you are going through Miami airport. The baggage handlers are notorious for stealing from luggage.
The only people who will attack you in Florida are gangbangers, methheads, druglords with chainsaws, old people who are really awful drivers...then there's the gators, pythons and sharks.

Other than that you should be OK. Oh, and don't put any valuables in your suitcases if you are going through Miami airport. The baggage handlers are notorious for stealing from luggage.

Safe travels, @QuackQuack.
Islam is an incredibly conservative/right wing ideology. And yet those who are opposed to it (even when doing so on left wing/liberal grounds) are referred to as right wing nutters?


Islam is not a singular ideology. In Sunni Islam there is Hanafi, Hanabli, Maliki, Shafi. Then there are branches in Shia Islam, then of course sufi-ism. And within each of those sects you have variability in people holding different views, different practises, differing levels of adherence, different interpretation, and the usual person-to-person variability.

I was born a Muslim, I consider myself agnostic and have voted either Lib-dem or Labour my entire life. I am in favour of LGBT rights. So again where do I and many others fit into your "Islam" is a conservative/right wing ideology?
In the west the majority of Muslims probably are, if you look at Muslims from all countries though they're the minority.
Really mate? How come you're "probably" sure that western Muslims are overwhelmingly #5, yet Muslims from other countries are only minority #5. I mean there are quite a number of Muslim countries that fall in the non-western column.
Islam is an incredibly conservative/right wing ideology. And yet those who are opposed to it (even when doing so on left wing/liberal grounds) are referred to as right wing nutters?


no - those who oppose islam for the sake of it being different to their beliefs are nutters. those who attack radical islam or any violently radical group(s) could be right wing or left wingers or even centrists and they'd be correct to do so.
Nobody should fear for their life for criticising something. I'm not really referring to them, more the far right (Robert Spencer, Pam Gellar, Britain First types). And by the way they are not the only ones who are fearful of their life. Muslims have been murdered for being muslims, Sikh's have faced violence for looking like what racists perceive to be Muslims. Hate crimes have resulted in deaths. Thats not to mention fire-bombing of mosques along with death threats.

Islamophobia has lead to people being murdered too, it too should be taken seriously.
I'm not sure if it's anywhere near the same scale. The EDL/Britain First types are practically a joke, and tend to be easy enough for the police to deal with before anyone dies. Never even heard of Robert Spencer, and I wouldn't have heard of Pam Gellar either if it weren't for people trying to kill her. Fire bombing mosques is obviously bad, but the anti-Islamic extremists in Europe haven't had anywhere the impact that Islamic extremists have. They're almost tame by comparison.

Our fear of terrorism has led to occasionally some pretty morally dubious realpolitik where civilians have lost lives in wars. It isn't just critics of Islam who fear for their life.
Tbf, even when it was happening millions of us said it's bullshit and with time passing almost everyone else has realised those wars were awful disasters. Even the current #1 ranking racist Donald Trump has criticised middle eastern involvement. The only people who still publicly defend them are the guys who'd get hung for war crimes if there was any justice in the world.
If you justify terrorist acts such as this one or Paris with "well, we were terrible to them in the ME", I have to ask if you would you be comfortable with the west doing revenge actions in the ME targeting civilians as a result of the attacks in Paris or now Brussels? It implies an-eye-for-an-eye is an acceptable tactic.

It's such an awkward argument to me. Maybe especially in this instance with Belgium, are they really doing anything all that terrible post-Leopold II? And in the Islamic world specifically? Even if they did, would it be agreeable to punish civilians in this manner?

To me it seems like some perverted form of original sin. "We are to blame, if we only would have shown a bit more compassion... "

At some point Europe is going to get fed up and I am very afraid of the future of democracy as we know it. A contributing factor is the weak "liberalism and tolerance" and a lot of people are now seeking answers among the far-right. Tolerance is an interesting subject and I particularly agree with Karl Popper's "Paradox of Tolerance" in this instance:

Karl Popper said:
Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.

Basically, Europe or "The West" need to make tough decisions and stand up for itself. If it doesn't, I fear the return of authoritarian/totalitarian states and that's not a very pleasant proposition for anyone.
If you justify terrorist acts such as this one or Paris with "well, we were terrible to them in the ME", I have to ask if you would you be comfortable with the west doing revenge actions in the ME targeting civilians as a result of the attacks in Paris or now Brussels? It implies an-eye-for-an-eye is an acceptable tactic.

It's such an awkward argument to me. Maybe especially in this instance with Belgium, are they really doing anything all that terrible post-Leopold II? And in the Islamic world specifically? Even if they did, would it be agreeable to punish civilians in this manner?

To me it seems like some perverted form of original sin. "We are to blame, if we only would have shown a bit more compassion... "

At some point Europe is going to get fed up and I am very afraid of the future of democracy as we know it. A contributing factor is the weak "liberalism and tolerance" and a lot of people are now seeking answers among the far-right. Tolerance is an interesting subject and I particularly agree with Karl Popper's "Paradox of Tolerance" in this instance:

Basically, Europe or "The West" need to make tough decisions and stand up for itself. If it doesn't, I fear the return of authoritarian/totalitarian states and that's not a very pleasant proposition for anyone.

I don't think anyone on this site is justifying murder. the heads of IS might. you're second point is scary. and this will never end.
I don't think anyone on this site is justifying murder. the heads of IS might.

Justifying might be a strong word, but there's definitely a tendency to "understand" the motivations behind such terrible acts among a lot of people, not least over here in my country.
Never even heard of Robert Spencer, and I wouldn't have heard of Pam Gellar either if it weren't for people trying to kill her.
You might not of heard of them nor given them any importance, but I assure you, the majority of the the world's Muslims have heard of them and scarily their opinions are taken to be the opinions of the vast majority of the west. A bit like how ISIS ideology is seen as a representation of Muslims in the west.
If you justify terrorist acts such as this one or Paris with "well, we were terrible to them in the ME", I have to ask if you would you be comfortable with the west doing revenge actions in the ME targeting civilians as a result of the attacks in Paris or now Brussels? It implies an-eye-for-an-eye is an acceptable tactic.
I'm not sure it does imply justification, or an eye for an eye type of mentality. It merely states the context out of which the nightmare has arisen.

By the way, the West is bombing the ME into the ground as we speak, so your question about revenge attacks on Paris is pertinent.

Justifying might be a strong word, but there's definitely a tendency to "understand" the motivations behind such terrible acts among a lot of people, not least over here in my country.

You have to try to understand -- that's how peace occurs.
so it's a never ending cycle - bomb for bomb. crazy world. when exactly did we have peace?
I'm not sure if it's anywhere near the same scale. The EDL/Britain First types are practically a joke, and tend to be easy enough for the police to deal with before anyone dies. Never even heard of Robert Spencer, and I wouldn't have heard of Pam Gellar either if it weren't for people trying to kill her. Fire bombing mosques is obviously bad, but the anti-Islamic extremists in Europe haven't had anywhere the impact that Islamic extremists have. They're almost tame by comparison.

Tbf, even when it was happening millions of us said it's bullshit and with time passing almost everyone else has realised those wars were awful disasters. Even the current #1 ranking racist Donald Trump has said criticised middle eastern involvement. The only people who still publicly defend them are the guys who'd get hung for war crimes if there was any justice in the world.

There is a man who has a significant chance of becoming the president of the United States who advocates banning Muslims from entering a country and killing families of terrorists (which is a war crime) and he there is a chance he might win.

I think you underestimate the extent of the rise of far right parties in Europe who have leaped on anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim fears for political gain. Islamophobia may not be anywhere near the mortality of Islamic extremists but that doesn't make Islamophobia any less dangerous or pernicious. There has been an increase in the the number of hate crimes (even if the majority are non-lethal) and that should concern us all.

And saying something is bullshit after the fact is kind of meaningless really. Particularly as I'm not sure we are doing enough to really change some of the most ineffective, morally dubious and counterproductive aspects to our foreign policy with regards to airstrikes, drone strikes and what not. I do appreciate there is a general increased skepticism among the populace regarding wars post-Iraq war.

Incidentally just today Ted Cruz said law enforcement needs to "patrol and secure Muslim neighbourhoods". This is a man running for office in the most consequential role in the world and he's considered by some to be the saner one compared to the guy who has called for registrations, ID badges, war crimes and outright banning from the country.
There is a man who has a significant chance of becoming the president of the United States who advocates banning Muslims from entering a country and killing families of terrorists (which is a war crime) and he there is a chance he might win.

I think you underestimate the extent of the rise of far right parties in Europe who have leaped on anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim fears for political gain. Islamophobia may not be anywhere near the mortality of Islamic extremists but that doesn't make Islamophobia any less dangerous or pernicious. There has been an increase in the the number of hate crimes (even if the majority are non-lethal) and that should concern us all.

And saying something is bullshit after the fact is kind of meaningless really. Particularly as I'm not sure we are doing enough to really change some of the most ineffective, morally dubious and counterproductive aspects to our foreign policy with regards to airstrikes, drone strikes and what not. I do appreciate there is a general increased skepticism among the populace regarding wars post-Iraq war.

Incidentally just today Ted Cruz said law enforcement needs to "patrol and secure Muslim neighbourhoods". This is a man running for office in the most consequential role in the world and he's considered by some to be the saner one compared to the guy who has called for registrations, ID badges, war crimes and outright banning from the country.
Yeah, America's getting a tad fascistic at the moment. But everything suggest's they're going to elect a relatively liberal woman, so, it's likely Ted Cruz and Trump will just be footnotes in history and the topic of post apocalyptic what if novels.
I dunno, maybe if we stopped bombing them they wouldn't think of us as terrorists anymore.

20 European people get killed in Europe and we should nuke Middle East. Kill a few million Arabs in the last hundred years (be it directly, or indirectly) and no-one here gives a shit.

The Western politics in ME have been shocking and sooner or later it was going to backfire.

Obviously, destroying ISIS is a must, but then not trying to 'democratize' Middle East, in addition to not trying to find weapons of massive destruction, and not initiating civil wars would help a lot. Otherwise ISIS will transform to something else, similar to how Al Qaeda got transformed to ISIS.

In addition, not blaming Islam for this, is around as ridiculous as not blaming US-Europe politics on ME. All (Abrahamic) religions are as fascist as any ideology can be, but Islam gets taken more seriously from Muslims than Christianity from Christians and Hebraism from Jews.
Yeah, America's getting a tad fascistic at the moment. But everything suggest's they're going to elect a relatively liberal woman, so, it's likely Ted Cruz and Trump will just be footnotes in history and the topic of post apocalyptic what if novels.
Not sure of this. Assuming America doesn't lose it's shit and elect Trump, I think his run could be seen as the first major signs of what may be a rather long lived anger of white American working class men.
Not sure of this. Assuming America doesn't lose it's shit and elect Trump, I think his run could be seen as the first major signs of what may be a rather long lived anger of white American working class men.
They'll be the minority before too long and it'll be too late for a proper race war. It's more like one last Hurrah for the racists.
They'll be the minority before too long and it'll be too late for a proper race war. It's more like one last Hurrah for the racists.
Quite possibly. I find it believable they could become the ones who take out their frustrations violently, with guns/bombs, for a period though.
I always thought it's kind of a dumb thing really, USA, EC, Russia export billions of weapons to Middle East where obviously wars happen like every couple of years not without some direct involvement from said states of course and where countries have very feeble foundations at best and then they are puzzled when terrorist group spring out one after another and come back to attack them.
It's no rocket science really.
Yeah, America's getting a tad fascistic at the moment. But everything suggest's they're going to elect a relatively liberal woman, so, it's likely Ted Cruz and Trump will just be footnotes in history and the topic of post apocalyptic what if novels.

Let's hope
Nothing much liberal about Hillary Clinton (in terms of foreign policy, at least). Other than the fact that her name isn't Donald Trump...
Nothing much liberal about Hillary Clinton (in terms of foreign policy, at least). Other than the fact that her name isn't Donald Trump...
Relative to the messianic Ted Cruz and the narcissistic Donald Trump she might as well be Ghandi. Ted's the kind of guy who wants to bring about the rapture and Don's the kind of guy who'll start a war if you mention his little baby hands.
Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.
That phrase is just what I have been saying to people for a while, although nowhere near as eloquently as Karl Popper has said it.

We are a very tolerant nation who pride ourselves on our tolerance but realise now that we have been too tolerant for too long. We have reached a stage where we feel our tolerance has been badly abused and now we want the government to be firmer and we want to be firmer too. So many on here are failing to understand this and so continually just opt to lash out with the usual racist/UKIP/right wing stuff. We are becoming less tolerant of those sort of comments too.
I think the emphasis was on the 'relative' and at what she's relative to.

Relative to the messianic Ted Cruz and the narcissistic Donald Trump she might as well be Ghandi. Ted's the kind of guy who wants to bring about the rapture and Don's the kind of guy who'll start a war if you mention his tiny baby hands.

Points taken. I didn't even consider Cruz. That would be frightening.
Islamist terror - Last 30 days (excluding todays Belgium horror show)

2016.03.22 Bangladesh Kurigram A Christian convert is stabbed to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2016.03.19 Iraq Mosul A mass grave is discovered containing the remains of seventy female Yazidi victims of ISIS torture and execution.
2016.03.19 Turkey Istanbul An ISIS suicide bomber murders four people along a city street, including two American tourists.
2016.03.18 Syria Aleppo Two children, a boy and a girl, are reduced to pulp by a series of Sunni rockets on their neighborhood.
2016.03.17 Pakistan Smagal A woman and her child are among four souls obliterated by a suicide bomber.
2016.03.16 Pakistan Peshawar Fifteen people are torn to shreds when Jihadis bomb a bus carrying commuters.
2016.03.14 Syria Busayrah A young man is shot in the head for 'mocking religion'.
2016.03.14 Bangladesh Jhenaidah Radical Muslims assassinate a 'polytheist apostate' (ie Shia cleric).
2016.03.12 Afghanistan Khanashin A child is disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2016.03.10 Syria Wilayat al-Khayr The Islamic State executes two terrified men by blowing them up.
2016.03.09 Iraq Husseiniya Terrorists place a bomb under a bus that kills a passenger.
2016.03.09 Iraq Taza A 3-year-old girl dies from an ISIS chemical attack that left hundreds injured.
2016.03.09 Thailand Narathiwat Muslim terrorists murder two members of a guard patrol for teachers.
2016.03.09 Somalia Mogadishu Four people bleed out following a suicide car bombing outside a café.
2016.03.08 Uruguay Paysandu A Jewish man is stabbed to death by a Muslim convert 'following Allah's order'…
2016.03.08 Iraq al-Hadar Four sex slaves are executed for trying to escape captivity in the caliphate.
2016.03.08 Iraq Baghdad Three people are left dead following a Mujahideen bombing.
2016.03.08 Thailand Si Sakhon A man on a motorcycle is ambushed and killed by Muslim terrorists.
2016.03.08 Turkey Kilis A 4-year-old and his mother die when Sunni extremists hit their car with a rocket.
2016.03.08 Israel Jaffa Palestinians stab an American tourist to death.
2016.03.08 Afghanistan Maiwand Two men clearing landmines are executed by suspected fundamentalists.
2016.03.08 Syria Aleppo Devout Muslims implement the 'Rule of Allah' by shooting an 'apostate' in the head.
2016.03.08 Thailand Tak Bai A Muslim 'insurgent' walks up to a man in a crowd and fires a bullet into the back of his head.
2016.03.08 Iraq Fallujah Fifty civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.03.07 Iraq Kirkuk Five young people are torn to shreds by an ISIS bomb blast.
2016.03.07 Pakistan Orangi Town A young couple is shot to death by conservative relatives for marrying of their own free will.
2016.03.07 Tunisia Ben Guerdane A 12-year-old girl is among nineteen others who lose their lives during an Islamist assault on a small town.
2016.03.07 Somalia Beledweyne A bomb hidden in a laptop detonates at an airport.
2016.03.07 Pakistan Shabqadar A Jamatul Ahrar suicide bomber murders seventeen people at a courthouse, including two children.
2016.03.07 Afghanistan Shindand Three civilians are blown to bits by a Taliban bomb blast.
2016.03.07 Egypt al-Arish Two local cops are pulled into pieces by Muslim bombers.
2016.03.07 Syria Hasakah A woman loses her life to an ISIS explosive device.
2016.03.07 Chechnya Grozny Video surfaces showing religious radicals executing a man with a shot to the head.
2016.03.07 Iraq Abu Ghraib Three people at a market are sectionalized by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2016.03.06 Iraq Hillah At least sixty people are incinerated when a suicide bomber in a fuel tanker detonates outside a town.
2016.03.06 Iraq al-Jahash A dozen people are executed by a Sharia court.
2016.03.06 Syria Aleppo Jaish-al-Sunna terrorists send mortars and rockets into a busy market, massacring over a dozen shoppers.
2016.03.06 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid Fundamentalists ambush an ambulance and machine-gun a medic and two injured patients.
2016.03.05 Syria Jarablus A teen is beheaded for apostasy after missing Friday prayers.
2016.03.05 Yemen Aden Sectarian terrorists fire on a vehicle, killing two occupants.
2016.03.04 Yemen Aden Militant Muslims storm a Catholic retirement home and murder sixteen, including four nuns and the elderly residents.
2016.03.03 Iraq Abu Ghraib Two civilians are killed when terrorists sent mortar shells into a market.
2016.03.03 Thailand Yala Militant Muslims shoot a rubber tapper to death, then set his body on fire.
2016.03.03 Libya Surman Two Italian hostages are killed while being used as human shields by ISIS.
2016.03.03 Syria Kafriya Sunni militants machine-gun a civilian in his home.
2016.03.02 Egypt Khariza An Islamist bomb claims one life.
2016.03.02 Iraq Hawija Six people are beheaded and crucified by the Islamic State.
2016.03.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad Four suicide bombers target the Indian consulate, killing two civilians.
2016.03.02 Iraq Nineveh A 12-year-old girl is forced by the caliphate to execute five women, including a doctor.
2016.03.02 Syria Quneitra Two suicide bombers massacre eighteen bystanders.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Noorshah Two women are murdered over 'doubts about their character and lifestyles'.
2016.03.01 Iraq Haditha Eight Iraqis are blown up by four Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Peshawar Two employees at the US consulate bleed to death following an Islamist bombing.
2016.03.01 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri Religious extremists hit a house with a rocket, killing three family members.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Sheikhupura An Ahmadi religious minority is stabbed to death for his faith.
2016.03.01 Russia Moscow A woman beheads a child, saying that it was revenge for 'spilled Muslim blood' in Syria.
2016.03.01 Somalia Alamada An al-Shabaab bomb produces five dead bodies.
2016.03.01 Egypt al-Arish Fundamentalists behead a man and shoot his son to death.
2016.03.01 Philippines Datu Salibo Bangsamoro Islamists kill one other person during an ambush.
2016.03.01 Philippines Zamboanga An assassination attempt on an anti-ISIS preacher outside a university hall leaves two dead.
2016.02.29 Iraq Mosul Two dozen Iraqis are rounded up and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.02.29 Iraq Muqdadiya A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a funeral, sending at least forty mourners straight into their own afterlife.
2016.02.29 Iraq Hawija Three youth are beheaded for putting up anti-ISIS posters.
2016.02.29 Yemen Aden A Shahid suicide bomber snuffs out four other souls.
2016.02.29 DRC Ntombi Four women are among thirteen villagers found hacked to pieces by ADF Islamists.
2016.02.29 Nigeria Badarawa Suspected Boko Haram surround a group of villagers gathered to watch a video and pour machine gun fire into them, killing at least fifteen.
2016.02.29 Syria Deir ez-Zor Three men are crucified by a Sharia court for crimes against Allah.
2016.02.29 Afghanistan Farah Three children are disassembled by a Taliban IED.
2016.02.29 Afghanistan Uruzgan Four locals are shot to death by the Taliban
2016.02.29 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two religious clerics are murdered by their more radical brethren
2016.02.28 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah Three souls are snuffed out by an explosive device planted by Sharia proponents.
2016.02.28 Afghanistan Qads A tribal elder is tortured to death by religious extremists.
2016.02.28 Iraq Abu Ghraib Two dozen Iraqis are shot or blown apart during a Fedayeen suicide attack by ISIS.
2016.02.28 Iraq Baghdad Seventy-eight people at a packed market in a Shiite area are exterminated by two Sunni suicide bombers.
2016.02.28 Egypt al-Arish A man is shot to death in front of his home by the Islamic State.
2016.02.28 Somalia Baidoa At least thirty civilians and first responders are slaughtered by a twin suicide attack near a restaurant.
2016.02.27 Egypt Rafah Two local security personnel are cut down by an Islamist bomb.
2016.02.27 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 9 Jihadis bomb an outdoor market, killing two patrons.
2016.02.27 Iraq Baghdad A series of Mujahideen blasts leave five dead.
2016.02.27 Syria Ajila A suicide car bomber takes out two village guards.
2016.02.27 Afghanistan Bolan The Taliban wipe out two local police with a roadside bomb.
2016.02.27 Afghanistan Asadabad A dozen people lose their lives to a suicide blast along a city street, including three brothers.
2016.02.27 Afghanistan Nangarhar Taliban bombers take out a civilian.
2016.02.27 Syria Salamiya An ISIS suicide bomber takes at least two others with him.
2016.02.27 Afghanistan Kabul A suicide bomber targets a bus, killing fifteen passengers and bystanders.
2016.02.27 Syria Teeba Four villagers lose their lives to an Islamic State suicide bomber.
2016.02.27 Syria Deir Ezzor Three children are disassembled by Sunni mortars.
2016.02.27 Pakistan Qayum A Muslim shouts a religious slur and fires into a Christian home, killing a 17-year-old boy.
2016.02.26 Germany Hanover A 'radicalized' teen girl stabs a female police officer.
2016.02.26 Somalia Mogadishu Holy Warriors attack a 'Youth League' hotel with bombs and gunfire, laying out fourteen innocents.
2016.02.26 Syria al-Zahra A child is killed by Jabhat al-Nusra.

2016.02.26 Egypt Giza Fundamentalists open fire on two traffic cops, killing one.
2016.02.25 Somalia Mogadishu 4 8 Four civilians lose their lives to an al-Shabaab attack.
2016.02.25 Iraq Baghdad Two Sunni suicide bombers detonate at a Shiite mosque, slaughtering at least fifteen worshippers.
2016.02.24 Syria Dayr al-Zawr 2 14 Sunni rockets take out two civilians.
2016.02.24 Syria Aleppo Seven children are among ten civilians disassembled by two Sunni mortar rounds.
2016.02.24 Iraq Mosul An imam is beheaded by Religion of Peace rivals.
2016.02.24 Libya Sabratha A dozen local security agents are captured and beheaded by ISIS.
2016.02.24 Mali Timbuktu Islamists attack a checkpoint, killing three defenders.
2016.02.24 Afghanistan Kabul The Taliban kill seven Afghans over a 24-hour period.
2016.02.24 Nigeria Agatu 0 Radical Islamic mercenaries sweep through a series of Christian villages and slaughter over three hundred, including pregnant women and children.
2016.02.23 Iraq Fallujah A dozen Iraqis are caught trying to flee the caliphate, marched to the city center and executed.
2016.02.23 Syria Hamidiya Two teenage girls are stoned for adultery.
2016.02.23 Iraq Hawija Four young people are executed by ISIS after members call for 'repentance'.
2016.02.23 Syria Deir Ezzor 4 Two civilians are pulled apart by a Sunni mortar blast.
2016.02.23 Iraq Yusufiya Terrorists bomb a vegetable market, killing one person.
2016.02.23 Syria Raqqa Radicals execute a man for 'apostasy'.
2016.02.22 Philippines Tugaya Muslim terrorists murder a local soldier guarding a village
2016.02.22 Iraq Ramadi Eight people are killed in their own homes by ISIS booby-traps.
2016.02.22 India Pompore Three more people are killed by Lashkar-e-Toiba.
2016.02.22 Iraq Ramadi An ISIS assault leaves six town defenders dead.
2016.02.22 Afghanistan Jabba Religious fundamentalists murder two local cops.
2016.02.22 Afghanistan Parwan A suicide bomber detonates near a clinic, taking thirteen other souls with him.
2016.02.22 Afghanistan Baghlan A Taliban rocket takes out an Afghan citizen.
2016.02.21 Thailand Pattani 'Insurgents' shoot a Buddhist couple to death.
2016.02.21 Pakistan Navi Mandi Four displaced persons are disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2016.02.21 Iraq Kirkuk ISIS members target fleeing families, killing four members.
2016.02.21 India Pulwama Islamic militants open fire on a bus, killing three passengers.
2016.02.21 Bangladesh Deviganj A Hindu priest is hacked to death and beheaded by Muslim extremists outside his temple.
2016.02.21 Iraq Kirkuk Two more people are publicly beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.02.21 Syria Zahra A double-bombing by ISIS along a commerical strip leaves nearly sixty dead and two-hundred burned and battered.
2016.02.21 Syria Damascus 83 178 Children are among the eighty-three destroyed by a horrific suicide bombing outside a Shiite shrine and school.
2016.02.21 Philippines Butig 3 6 Moro Islamists fire on a group of soldiers guarding a town, killing three.
2016.02.21 Egypt al-Arish 2 10 Two civilians are taken out by an Islamist IED.
Are the facts wrong?
They don't cite their facts. That's the first problem, from an academic viewpoint.

Their site is quite clearly anti-Islamic propaganda, that's the second problem.
I always thought it's kind of a dumb thing really, USA, EC, Russia export billions of weapons to Middle East where obviously wars happen like every couple of years not without some direct involvement from said states of course and where countries have very feeble foundations at best and then they are puzzled when terrorist group spring out one after another and come back to attack them.
It's no rocket science really.
They're not puzzled at all. The media and the average citizen are puzzled but the guys who make the decisions are not.