Everyone should calm their tits for now, the way UEFA and the media are driving their own narrative screams of hypocrisy. They give zero fecks about the fans and it's always about the money.
UEFA are obviously no saints and have come up with so many stupid ideas in the past. But now is not the time to shit on them and I can’t understand why some people are doing this.
Real life incarnations of Mr. Burns (The Simpsons character) are threatening our very principles and traditions of football. How many leagues are there across Europe? These billionaire owners that bought historic clubs that they didn’t help build are now trying to suck the game dry like leeches. Creating a competition where this randomly selected group of “founding fathers” are breaking away from the rest of European football in order to maximize their profits. They’re basically trying to turn European football into what would essentially be the American sports franchise system. They’re basing their positions on sporting achievements of historic teams from the past. None of these billionaires have anything to do with those historic successes.
15 clubs that for no objective reason would now be exempt from relegation and are just trying to cheat themselves ahead of competition. Leicester are potentially qualifying for the CL this season. “So what” say Arsenal. If Arsenal for example can’t qualify based on their sporting performances, they’ll just join a new competition where their performances don’t matter and they can never not make it. Meanwhile Leicester’s ambitions, all they achieved in the last 10 years to establish themselves through good work, is rendered meaningless because their competitors are just switching to a new competition where they get granted automatic qualification.
What happens to a league’s race for European qualification when barely any of the top clubs want to participate in the regular European competitions from now on. CL and EL would become a joke? But they can’t be scrapped either as then the other clubs just have nothing left to play for.
There are only 5 spots for additional teams from all leagues across Europe. For the next 23 years!!! What about the other leagues that are fighting themselves up the 5 year ranking in order to be granted more European qualification spots.
Why would one league out of all of Europe’s leagues be granted almost a third of the total amount of spots within the super league through automatic qualification. Then the other English teams could presumably still fight for a 7th qualification slot as well. How is it a European competition with 7 English sides but none from 95% of Europe’s other countries.
Greedy bastards, the lot of them. Taking away the dreams ambitions of the smaller teams because the hundreds of millions that they make are still not enough.