European Super League

Do you want the ESL to happen?

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So apparently downtrodden fans savior Mancity abandoned them

The club that gave every downtrodden fan the dream of being bought by an oil-rich state

Jesus, the fact that clubs are being bought out by Oil rich sovereign states is partly why this Super League is happening.

Also imagine that being your dream.
Go to Leeds or Birmingham, do a quick survey of the people there and ask them how they would feel if United resolved. Let us know how you get on

I have absolutely no need to, because that would be exactly as relevant as your idiotic and blinkered point.

I know you probably love winding everyone up and that, but it would probably be reasonable if you tottered off now. No one needs this bullshit at this point in time.
Melissa Reddy: Players weren't insulted and aren't keen. Club staff don't like it. The overwhelming majority of fans don't want this. It's on the owners.
Who knew that billionaires and greedy corporations would use any means they can to line their pockets even more :rolleyes: Not gonna say I’ll stop watching United but this is hugely disappointing.

I think this sums it up quite well. I also can’t understand why any United fan is not finding Arsenal and Liverpool potentially missing out on CL football one of the highlights of the season. Why the hell would you want an alternative reality where that can never happen?!

I don't think it sums it up well at all. Americans don't have the concept of rich and poor teams because they operate onder a salary cap, every team is equal and has the same amount of money to spend. Franchises are valued differently but in essence no team is richer than another one in the same league.
Because you seem to think they've been gifted this by some sort of lottery, whereas I see it as giants of the game being asked to compete against each other for our entertainment
What makes a giant of the game? Surely its the team that won the league last year? What is the point if you're Leicester or someone like that now? What about if you're a supporter of a div 2 club that dreams one day of Champions League glory - fighting against the old aristocrats of Real Madrid and so on. Thats been deprived of people now. This idea kills dreams - for a fecking exhibition of some commercially relevant, rich clubs in a competition with no meaning.
UEFA are saying that the founding member teams will be banned from all its affiliated competitions. That includes the premiere league.
The leagues will come around though, whether UEFA does or not. There's no way the PL would want to lose their 6 biggest and most watched clubs. It is even more skewed when it comes to La Liga.

I think this sums it up quite well. I also can’t understand why any United fan is not finding Arsenal and Liverpool potentially missing out on CL football one of the highlights of the season. Why the hell would you want an alternative reality where that can never happen?!

The correct analogy would be - can't understand why popular/important teams have to play no-marks.
They've just released the official logo for the competition:

Not being able to play for your country might be the biggest argument that FIFA and UEFA still can invoke. The World Cup stays the pinnacle of football for many fans and I guess players too.
So you are fine with the giants of this moment completely securing their position for the future by taking merit out of the equation. Now Spurs will never have to fear being overtaken financially by maybe Leicester or Everton.

Oh wait, your response will be that Leicester or Everton may be included in this group of exclusive clubs who automatically qualify.
I don't know what else to say to you anymore. Yes, I'm perfectly fine with the notion of a SL, I hope it goes ahead. I watch football to be entertained and this will be entertaining, therefore I'm in.
The leagues will come around though, whether UEFA does or not. There's no way the PL would want to lose their 6 biggest and most watched clubs. It is even more skewed when it comes to La Liga.
Your delusional mate. I'm amazed by the naivety and plastic nature of fans on this website.
The only reason PSG owners aren't for it is it will completely mess up the 2022 world cup which they've just spent however many billions organising.

""PSG are also worried that the initial novelty of a Super League may wear off after a couple of seasons while sources also said the involvement of breakthrough clubs such as Atalanta or Leicester City must be protected if football’s competitive spirit is to be maintained. On a more personal level, PSG’s President, Nasser al-Khelaifi, is a member of the UEFA board and also the ECA. Sources close to the PSG president insisted on Sunday he would be reluctant to publicly knife Ceferin in the manner that Agnelli has been accused of doing by some of his peers.

Al-Khelaifi also heads up beIN Media Group, the Qatari television networks that has the rights to broadcast UEFA’s Champions League. This tournament would of course be grossly devalued should a Super League emerge independently of UEFA. “Nasser has his critics,” explains one friend of the president, “But he is a very loyal person. He is not a two-faced bastard. He is friends with Ceferin and has been on the UEFA board for a long time. If you are Nasser’s friend, he looks out for you. So, yes, there is a personal loyalty to Ceferin but also integrity to his job on the board of UEFA.”

Both PSG and Bayern are conscious of the impact on their own domestic leagues and that public opinion is firmly against a breakaway movement. One source in the United States, who has worked with both clubs, said the opposition is also rooted in a fear the Super League would not be as successful as its advocates propose. “It’s like Brexit Day,” says one critic. “The bus says ‘Look at the £350m, it will be amazing’ but it turns it is a big lie and economically, you are out of your own domestic league and you are screwed.”"
The World Cup 2022 is in Qatar. I think they don't wanna piss off FIFA already and they'll join after that.

Don't they also have some board members in FIFA executive functions? Not sure.
Ahhh, makes sense, thanks. Says it all really how one has to consider all sorts of geopolitical logic nowadays in football matters :lol:
Bayern München, the best ran club in world football.

Leave it to the Germans and French to show some spine.

Imagine being such impossible bellends that you make PSG out to be morally superior.
We shall see what Bayern ultimately do (i reckon they'll come aboard), but come on, PSG have made a completely self serving decision, no different to the one made by the 12/15.
Hopefully this trash will be squashed in short order, not only is it the most transparent show of greed ever it also sounds like the most boring concept I've heard.
This will be the one time I won't get annoyed at anyone wanting to change club allegiances.

Personally, although I can't say for sure, this might be the end for me as a fan.
I don't think it sums it up well at all. Americans don't have the concept of rich and poor teams because they operate onder a salary cap, every team is equal and has the same amount of money to spend. Franchises are valued differently but in essence no team is richer than another one in the same league.

They can’t understand the concept of spending a lot of money buying/investing in a “franchise” but ending up not being allowed to compete in the most lucrative competition (because the team is fecking shit)
I don't know what else to say to you anymore. Yes, I'm perfectly fine with the notion of a SL, I hope it goes ahead. I watch football to be entertained and this will be entertaining, therefore I'm in.
You are OK with fundamentally breaking the nature of organic growth and competitiveness. Now these 15 clubs have secured their financial power for the future.
We shall see what Bayern ultimately do (i reckon they'll come aboard), but come on, PSG have made a completely self serving decision, no different to the one made by the 12/15.

They most likely won't, unlike the British clubs Bayern still has their major revenue in domestic BL football. A move like that would hurt them more than, say City or Chelsea.
UEFA are havinga meeting. Some possibility that the breakout clubs will be banned from the european competitions.

Would be nice if Premier Leauge levied some real punishment on the big6 as well. The more points deducted the better.

Enough to help Sheffield United stay in the Prem.

Surely banning them doesn't make any sense. Then there is no reason for then to not proceed.
I have absolutely no need to, because that would be exactly as relevant as your idiotic and blinkered point.

I know you probably love winding everyone up and that, but it would probably be reasonable if you tottered off now. No one needs this bullshit at this point in time.
Not sure why United fans are all of a sudden concerned about the fidelity of the lower league teams. No one was balling their eyes out when City got relegated, or Leeds failed to qualify to the PL. As a fan of football and Manchester United I want what's best for United and the sport but I couldn't give a shit about these teams that don't want us to exist but all of a sudden need us
Yeah you're right, how dare the best teams play the best teams. Disgraceful. I came here to see FC Cluj lose 7-0 to Barcelona and I'm not leaving until it happens
The best teams? You mean the richest teams? This has absolutely feck all to do with the "best teams".