Nick any argument that boils down to 'we can leave the EU and turn a blind eye to the problem and pretend that its gone away' must surely be seen as a nonsense, if it is presented as a solution.
If you're happy with that then fine, but dont pretend like its actually a solution to the issue in question and not just a handwashing 'well its nothing to do with me' attitude.
If that is truly how you perceive Brexit, then it is little wonder that we are on opposing sides. For even on the most basic emotional level, the descriptions you reach for are negative. We are not turning a blind eye to the EU's faults. we are simply acknowledging that there are irreconcilable differences and seeking a more fulfilling and harmonious existence (with the nature of visitation rights yet to be determined

Britain can take away those things it has gained through membership, but roll back the organisation's excesses in an attempt to find a third way. Individual countries with a global outlook, which i think sums up the United Kingdom, can strive to be leaders by example. Very likely this will take time to be fully realised, however the country has waited over 40 years for the opportunity and such ambitions must be considered in that context.
Brexit comes at a very opportune moment politically too, what with the tensions gripping both Labour and the Tories. A vote for Remain will bolster the established order, of which even Caroline Lucas is now a part, whereas Leave could be the cause of great change.
I also really, and this is not the first time I've accused you of this I don't think, struggle to think that you actually care. I've never seen you post about animal welfare or show any interest in farming practices. It's just a convenient stick to beat the EU with (it also completely undermines the argument that the UK should leave the EU to regain control if on the other hand you argue that the EU is so ineffective that it can't enforce its laws, which one is it?) if the EU had a flawless track record on animal welfare (and actually I would argue the record of the EU is not at all bad) would it sway you to vote for remain? I doubt it.
If memory serves, you last made such a claim with regard to TTIP? You were wrong then, as was borne out by my post history, and are likewise in error on this occasion.
Cannot the EU be ineffective on the one hand, but the advocate of bad laws and practices on the other? We see it in other aspects of its governance after all.
MP leaves the leave campaign over the lies they are peddling
Perhaps she has been offered the job of fellow Remainer, Jeremy Hunt...
Her words either make her sound like a fool, or an irrational turncoat. She could still back the principle of Leave without standing by the 350m claim, others are doing so. I would also question the sincerity of her claims about truth, considering that she is now endorsing the Treasury's wild economic predictions.
What is this, a fecking movie? This 'destiny into your own hands' is nothing but a load of bollocks bravado just like 'make the UK great again'. What does it actually mean? The square root of nothing. Let's see some actual plans for how we're going to survive and move forward post Brexit. I'd rather not base my future and my future childrens future on your hope that we are going to see leadership change. What we're going to see is Boris fecking Johnson as PM who should be nowhere near scissors let alone politics, who wanted to charge people to use the NHS and Michael Gove who wanted to privatise it. Instead of 'I hope' let's see some plans. Nick said he had loads earlier in the thread but when I asked him for them he went AWOL. Maybe you can put some out.
An amicable trade deal with the EU, an endeavour encouraged by Brussels' own Lisbon Treaty. The offer of freedom of movement up to a certain number of migrants, after which point controls come into effect. Withdrawal from unnecessary and unsatisfactory centralised initiatives: primacy of the ECJ (but not the ECHR), the EAW, CAP, CFP, TTIP e.t.c.
And no longer should our taxes be spent on European government ministries with responsibility for foreign affairs and international development; the former amounting to a competing power base, whilst the latter having been shown to be a corrupt and wasteful indulgence.
Admittedly a rough and ready starting point, however you get the general idea.