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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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I'm quite disappointed in much of the Labour party over this referendum. Corbyn has been far too quiet on reflection and the leadership challengers past and present have been very poor voices in the debate. Kendal particularly I can't remember hearing anything from her despite her being a strong proponent of having a referendum.
Nick any argument that boils down to 'we can leave the EU and turn a blind eye to the problem and pretend that its gone away' must surely be seen as a nonsense, if it is presented as a solution.

If you're happy with that then fine, but dont pretend like its actually a solution to the issue in question and not just a handwashing 'well its nothing to do with me' attitude.

If that is truly how you perceive Brexit, then it is little wonder that we are on opposing sides. For even on the most basic emotional level, the descriptions you reach for are negative. We are not turning a blind eye to the EU's faults. we are simply acknowledging that there are irreconcilable differences and seeking a more fulfilling and harmonious existence (with the nature of visitation rights yet to be determined ;)).

Britain can take away those things it has gained through membership, but roll back the organisation's excesses in an attempt to find a third way. Individual countries with a global outlook, which i think sums up the United Kingdom, can strive to be leaders by example. Very likely this will take time to be fully realised, however the country has waited over 40 years for the opportunity and such ambitions must be considered in that context.

Brexit comes at a very opportune moment politically too, what with the tensions gripping both Labour and the Tories. A vote for Remain will bolster the established order, of which even Caroline Lucas is now a part, whereas Leave could be the cause of great change.

I also really, and this is not the first time I've accused you of this I don't think, struggle to think that you actually care. I've never seen you post about animal welfare or show any interest in farming practices. It's just a convenient stick to beat the EU with (it also completely undermines the argument that the UK should leave the EU to regain control if on the other hand you argue that the EU is so ineffective that it can't enforce its laws, which one is it?) if the EU had a flawless track record on animal welfare (and actually I would argue the record of the EU is not at all bad) would it sway you to vote for remain? I doubt it.

If memory serves, you last made such a claim with regard to TTIP? You were wrong then, as was borne out by my post history, and are likewise in error on this occasion.

Cannot the EU be ineffective on the one hand, but the advocate of bad laws and practices on the other? We see it in other aspects of its governance after all.

MP leaves the leave campaign over the lies they are peddling

Perhaps she has been offered the job of fellow Remainer, Jeremy Hunt...

Her words either make her sound like a fool, or an irrational turncoat. She could still back the principle of Leave without standing by the 350m claim, others are doing so. I would also question the sincerity of her claims about truth, considering that she is now endorsing the Treasury's wild economic predictions.

What is this, a fecking movie? This 'destiny into your own hands' is nothing but a load of bollocks bravado just like 'make the UK great again'. What does it actually mean? The square root of nothing. Let's see some actual plans for how we're going to survive and move forward post Brexit. I'd rather not base my future and my future childrens future on your hope that we are going to see leadership change. What we're going to see is Boris fecking Johnson as PM who should be nowhere near scissors let alone politics, who wanted to charge people to use the NHS and Michael Gove who wanted to privatise it. Instead of 'I hope' let's see some plans. Nick said he had loads earlier in the thread but when I asked him for them he went AWOL. Maybe you can put some out.

An amicable trade deal with the EU, an endeavour encouraged by Brussels' own Lisbon Treaty. The offer of freedom of movement up to a certain number of migrants, after which point controls come into effect. Withdrawal from unnecessary and unsatisfactory centralised initiatives: primacy of the ECJ (but not the ECHR), the EAW, CAP, CFP, TTIP e.t.c.

And no longer should our taxes be spent on European government ministries with responsibility for foreign affairs and international development; the former amounting to a competing power base, whilst the latter having been shown to be a corrupt and wasteful indulgence.

Admittedly a rough and ready starting point, however you get the general idea.
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I'm quite disappointed in much of the Labour party over this referendum. Corbyn has been far too quiet on reflection and the leadership challengers past and present have been very poor voices in the debate. Kendal particularly I can't remember hearing anything from her despite her being a strong proponent of having a referendum.
I'm so disappointed. I hope this is the last vote he has the chance to lead the party through.
If that is truly how you perceive Brexit, then it is little wonder that we are on opposing sides. For even on the most basic emotional level, the descriptions you reach for are negative. We are not turning a blind eye to the EU's faults. we are simply acknowledging that there are irreconcilable differences and seeking a more fulfilling and harmonious existence (with the nature of visitation rights yet to be determined ;)).

Britain can take away those things it has gained through membership, but roll back the organisation's excesses in an attempt to find a third way. Individual countries with a global outlook, which i think sums up the United Kingdom, can strive to be leaders by example. Very likely this will take time to be fully realised, however the country has waited over 40 years for the opportunity and such ambitions must be considered in that context.

Brexit comes at a very opportune moment politically too, what with the tensions gripping both Labour and the Tories. A vote for Remain will bolster the established order, of which even Caroline Lucas is now a part, whereas Leave could be the cause of great change.

I think you know I was referring to the argument presented in the article and nothing else. If you want to infer that thats my feelings on Brexit too then fine, but thats not what was written.
Brexit comes at a very opportune moment politically too, what with the tensions gripping both Labour and the Tories. A vote for Remain will bolster the established order, of which even Caroline Lucas is now a part, whereas Leave could be the cause of great change.

This is an interesting point, are politicians , and I include all sides, just using this vote to change the system in the UK and using the EU as an excuse.
We will never agree on the pros and cons of the EU, but I would like your honest opinion on this issue
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This sort of reply is repeated endlessly on here not just by you by also by your other mates, and you're accusing me of being an idiot -everything is boring if you don't sign up to fantasy world

I presume you mean this, nothing to do with it

BringNaniBack said:
I can bet anything given the utter nonsense Cameron and co talk repeatedly. They will do anything to win this referendum.

My response about them being boring was to this:

Our resident chemtrail sniffer and hunter of the lizard overlords worried about people talking nonsense, I would say you couldn't make it up but you'd have to go and disprove me.

I have said the same to others who keep bringing up the conspiracy theory crap out of the blue. I wasn't in any way trying to dodge a brexit argument or responding to something to do with brexit, Cameron etc. It was purely to respond to the pointless mention of me apparently being a tin foil hat merchant, which isn't really relevant to this discussion. Sorry if you misunderstood.
If that is truly how you perceive Brexit, then it is little wonder that we are on opposing sides. For even on the most basic emotional level, the descriptions you reach for are negative. We are not turning a blind eye to the EU's faults. we are simply acknowledging that there are irreconcilable differences and seeking a more fulfilling and harmonious existence (with the nature of visitation rights yet to be determined ;)).

No offence, but what you say is just a fancy politically correct way of saying exactly the same thing that @NinjaFletch said bluntly.
Yes I am biased as I want us to leave the EU but I do agree everyone should be given the opportunity to vote. But there is a deadline for a reason and the frustration is that if it was the older population registering late who are more likely to vote leave than you can bet there wouldn't of been an extension.

These late comers obviously have little interest in the referendum and are probably going to vote for petty reasons due to being uninformed. If they actually cared about this issue they would have been registered long ago.
Apt tagline :lol:
Blair and Major out in force today with the ridiculous "leaving compromises our safety" claims, bringing Northern Ireland into it now. Fecking ridiculous. I'd like to see some good, proper arguments in this campaign instead of the laughably hysterical nonsense that's being peddled. When are PM's and former PM's going to realise that arguing your case by forecasting doom isn't a good tactic?
[QUOTE="Nick 0208 Ldn, post: 19312585, member: 8698]

And no longer should our taxes be spent on European government ministries with responsibility for foreign affairs and international development; the former amounting to a competing power base, whilst the latter having been shown to be a corrupt and wasteful indulgence.[/QUOTE]

If you're going to make these type of accusations then I suggest you back them up with hard proof, as one could do in the occasions of corruption and indulgence of politicians and councils in the UK
Blair and Major out in force today with the ridiculous "leaving compromises our safety" claims, bringing Northern Ireland into it now. Fecking ridiculous. I'd like to see some good, proper arguments in this campaign instead of the laughably hysterical nonsense that's being peddled. When are PM's and former PM's going to realise that arguing your case by forecasting doom isn't a good tactic?

That's quite the comprehensive rebuttal of their claims.
I hate any political argument that starts with "as a mum". Either they actually think that makes their opinion more important or they think other mothers would be so easily led by this shared motherhood.
It's the idea they think any money will be saved at all that gets me.
What is this, a fecking movie? This 'destiny into your own hands' is nothing but a load of bollocks bravado just like 'make the UK great again'. What does it actually mean? The square root of nothing. Let's see some actual plans for how we're going to survive and move forward post Brexit. I'd rather not base my future and my future childrens future on your hope that we are going to see leadership change. What we're going to see is Boris fecking Johnson as PM who should be nowhere near scissors let alone politics, who wanted to charge people to use the NHS and Michael Gove who wanted to privatise it. Instead of 'I hope' let's see some plans. Nick said he had loads earlier in the thread but when I asked him for them he went AWOL. Maybe you can put some out.

This is pretty much how I'm thinking. I'm thinking of the future of my children and the state of my small business that provides for them in the mean time.

I've seen no actual plan or even talk of one for the brexit. I'm simply not willing to take a chance based on half truths at best (from both sides) on what's going to happen. I'm not in a position to gamble on the future and I won't be doing that.
The U.K. in the EU


The U.K. out of the EU

Do leavers seriously belive Gove et al would use any money saved from Brexit to fund more public spending?

The problem is Leave are pretty useless at arithmetic, let's really stretch our imagination and actually believe they are going to save £8.5bn by not paying any fees whatsoever to the EU. Then we really stretch our imagination to the maximum and incredulously believe that the Trade defecit will remain at £68bn , the loss on exchange rate already, let alone what the future will do, has already wiped out what they are supposed to be saving, there will not be more money, there's less already, let alone investments, loss of jobs and so on.
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Not at all, more amused. The UK did exist before it joined the EU you're right. This is another pointless statement that actually means nothing, but seems to appeal to emotive people who don't use reason to get to the bottom of something and just go from how good the statement sounds. 'Yeahhhh we did it once, we can do it again!!' Well great, but is that it? Are we just making statements and not backing them up?

The movie bit is you talking about destiny and holding our own destiny, is this Hollywood? The world doesn't work on destiny, it works on reason and logic. On actual plans. On the strength and conviction to carry out those plans. Do you have any plans? More than half of the country have no confidence in the Tory party to govern the UK as part of the EU let alone on its own. That's before you even begin to look at the actual potential dangers of leaving and the economic crisis that we could encounter. You have this blind faith seemingly that we're going to be okay and that none of the stuff that could happen, will do. Can you back this up with any kind of plan? That's the core issue here, is that you seem to be pinning not only your future, but my future, my childrens future and the future of everybody else on some kind of 'well that sounds pretty good on paper' and absolutely nothing else. Some of us need something more than hopes and personal opinions when it comes to securing our future.

What do you mean by plan, me personally?
Just watched the Leave NHS ad after the c4 news. :lol: kin ell. They've got some stones I'll say that.

I wonder if anyone from Brexit has ever visited France. You know that EU country that has probably the finest or at least one of the finest health services in the world. Odd that.
Ignorance is bliss I suppose.
ITV debate is fairly dull. Entertaining to see Rudd going at Johnson though...will be awkward if he's her party leader eventually.
I think you know I was referring to the argument presented in the article and nothing else. If you want to infer that thats my feelings on Brexit too then fine, but thats not what was written.

Well i don't think turning a blind eye to European animal welfare was an accurate interpretation of the article either. And reading your reaction, i didn't see why it would not apply more broadly. If on other hand you believe that the motivations of Leavers are to create something better (albeit that you disagree with their route to such), then i would pull back from that more general conclusion.

This is an interesting point, are politicians , and I include all sides, just using this vote to change the system in the UK and using the EU as an excuse.
We will never agree on the pros and cons of the EU, but I would like your honest opinion on this issue

I doubt whether many of them are thinking in such far reaching terms as the future political landscape (these are politicians after all), however we've certainly got some internal party maneuvering at work here, as well as a more individualistic trading of support to enhance promotion prospects. One might suspect these influences in the choices made by May and Javid.

Were Corbyn a bolder and more assured leader, his support for Leave could well have reinvigorated the transcendent movement which brought him to office.

If you're going to make these type of accusations then I suggest you back them up with hard proof, as one could do in the occasions of corruption and indulgence of politicians and councils in the UK

Certainly, are you not aware of the billions of European Union aid lost in Egypt and the Palestinian Authority?

I would also make the same request of, however; can you point to any evidence to corroborate your repeated assertions that full freedom of movement is the only outcome of Brexit negotiations?

Do leavers seriously belive Gove et al would use any money saved from Brexit to fund more public spending?

Yes, for they have little choice in the matter. It is worth remembering that Gove et al, are already spending more on the NHS than the left-wing alternative pledged to. Moreover, any savings we make shall be a windfall for the Labour government which succeeds them, be it in 2020 or 2025.

It's the idea they think any money will be saved at all that gets me.

What, then, will happen to the money we no longer send to Brussels?
Lots of bluster and posturing. Not sure we're learning anything new.
Boris is such a dick. He's a clown that should be pitied and laughed at not a high profile politician. Anyone that listens to and then follows him is a fanny who, again, should be pitied and laughed at.
I doubt whether many of them are thinking in such far reaching terms as the future political landscape (these are politicians after all), however we've certainly got some internal party maneuvering at work here, as well as a more individualistic trading of support to enhance promotion prospects. One might suspect these influences in the choices made by May and Javid.

Were Corbyn a bolder and more assured leader, his support for Leave could well have reinvigorated the transcendent movement which brought him to office.

What, then, will happen to the money we no longer send to Brussels?

Thanks for your answer, in answer

to the question of the money(believing it has been saved but hasn't)
The problem is Leave are pretty useless at arithmetic, let's really stretch our imagination and actually believe they are going to save £8.5bn by not paying any fees whatsoever to the EU. Then we really stretch our imagination to the maximum and incredulously believe that the Trade defecit will remain at £68bn , the loss on exchange rate already, let alone what the future will do, has already wiped out what they are supposed to be saving, there will not be more money, there's less already, let alone investments, loss of jobs and so on.
Boris is such a dick. He's a clown that should be pitied and laughed at not a high profile politician. Anyone that listens to and then follows him is a fanny who, again, should be pitied and laughed at.
Yeah but look at his hair, it wobbles when he speaks and he uses latin phrases every now and then too! Ohohohohoh.

Ignore his views on workers rights and the NHS, his issues with race and how he likes the idea of turning water cannons on protesters, focus on the hair.
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Certainly, are you not aware of the billions of European Union aid lost in Egypt and the Palestinian Authority?

I would also make the same request of, however; can you point to any evidence to corroborate your repeated assertions that full freedom of movement is the only outcome of Brexit negotiations?

You accused the EU of corruption and indulgence. Proof it with hard facts.

Any trade deal with the EU, whether it's Switzerland, Norway, Albania or the UK for example, (will) involves agreements on free movement of EU citizens AND refugee numbers.
Boris is such a dick. He's a clown that should be pitied and laughed at not a high profile politician. Anyone that listens to and then follows him is a fanny who, again, should be pitied and laughed at.

He's the poundland version of Donald Trump.
Just tuned in to the ITV debate and the first thing i hear is a Remainer misleading the public. I don't know she is, but the claim that EU trade is gong to be of increasing value in the years ahead, is quite simply false. The curve is in fact downward one.

You accused the EU of corruption and indulgence. Proof it with hard facts.

Any trade deal with the EU, whether it's Switzerland, Norway, Albania or the UK for example, (will) involves agreements on free movement of EU citizens AND refugee numbers.

So that is a no on both counts.
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