EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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Just tuned in to the ITV debate and the first thing i hear is a Remainer misleading the public. I don't know she is, but the claim that EU trade is gong to be of increasing value in the years ahead, is quite simply false. The curve is in fact downward one.

So that is a no on both counts.

Ridiculously misleading facts are coming from both sides, though.
The phrase "Lets take back control" is getting increasingly tiring to hear. Incredibly meaningless without stating what you actually mean. Take control of our laws? Immigration? As is the phrase, "As a mother", which has just been used yet again, as if having a child - like much of the population - somehow makes your view more qualified.
Regardless of the previous day's result, will June 24th see the launch of the referendums on both the monarchy and House of Lords? Or will Boris' half of the Tories' new found quest for democracy disappear as soon as the polling stations close?
These debates are shambolic, emotion driven, mud flinging contests. I suppose it's too much to expect our politicians to provide logic and evidence to help inform the voting populace. Goons.
Regardless of the previous day's result, will June 24th see the launch of the referendums on both the monarchy and House of Lords? Or will Boris' half of the Tories' new found quest for democracy disappear as soon as the polling stations close?

Indeed. Democracy my arse.
The phrase "Lets take back control" is getting increasingly tiring to hear. Incredibly meaningless without stating what you actually mean. Take control of our laws? Immigration? As is the phrase, "As a mother", which has just been used yet again, as if having a child - like much of the population - somehow makes your view more qualified.
Vapid is as vapid does.
So that is a no on both counts.

Norway, Switzerland and the other members of the EEA have agreements in place with the EU regarding free movement for example. Switzerland are part of Schengen. To be honest, I wouldn't know how to more specific with my facts. I can't say the same when I read your scaremongering sound bites.
These debates are shambolic, emotion driven, mud flinging contests. I suppose it's too much to expect our politicians to provide logic and evidence to help inform the voting populace. Goons.

They've always been pointless. I don't know why we have them, its an American thing and plays in to the personality politics that everyone says they hate, but then get influenced by anyway.
Trump - Ban all Muslims from the country, build a wall.

Boris - Writes articles about the Alhambra, suggests an amnesty for illegal immigrants.

We're not quite literally equating them to be identical in their politics. But there is a weird similarity there: someone with a bit of a nasty side who likes to portray themselves as a sort of funny and wacky but (trying to be) ultimately honest figure, with a slightly funny hairdo.
That Gisela Stuart woman reminds me of an evil Germaine Greer. The fecking debate is been replayed in 'highlight' format on the news now:(
Ridiculously misleading facts are coming from both sides, though.

Oh i wouldn't deny that, not at all, indeed this has been the most distasteful campaign of which i have been a part (every party will be tainted by it). I do think that Remain have been the greater culprit mark you, and must own the majority of the blame for dragging the debate down. Whilst i accept that negativity was an easier option for them than showing Brussels in a positive light, the extremes to which they have resorted have turned things so very bitter.
I've not watched any of the debates. I would be interested to know if there is one (or another video or article) that is considerably balanced.

If the vote was tomorrow, I'd vote in, but keen to read up on the stronger arguments from both sides before the vote.
Oh i wouldn't deny that, not at all, indeed this has been the most distasteful campaign of which i have been a part (every party will be tainted by it). I do think that Remain have been the greater culprit mark you, and must own the majority of the blame for dragging the debate down. Whilst i accept that negativity was an easier option for them than showing Brussels in a positive light, the extremes to which they have resorted have turned things so very bitter.

Both sides have been as bad as each other, to be honest. Cameron's constant fearmongering and suggesting that Brexit will lead to global disharmony, World War III and other such nonsense are ridiculous, as was Major and Blair's intervention today in Northern Ireland, but Leave continue to repeat certain lies such as the figures of how much we pay into the EU, despite the fact that it's been disproven. Certain prominent Leave figures were also incredibly quick to start babbling nonsense about Obama's Kenyan heritage, and how that somehow influenced his views on Britain's position in the EU when, again, it bore no relevance to the discussion itself and was mere conspiracy. That's before we even get onto the fact that figures like Boris Johnson are largely acting out of complete self-interest.
I've not watched any of the debates. I would be interested to know if there is one (or another video or article) that is considerably balanced.

If the vote was tomorrow, I'd vote in, but keen to read up on the stronger arguments from both sides before the vote.

Would you vote on the recommendation of someone who is impartial?
Would you vote on the recommendation of someone who is impartial?
I wouldn't vote on the basis of any one person, I just want to read or watch a few of the sensible opinions on those who want to leave, stay or even those who are indifferent

All I've really heard so far from the leave side is moaning about the immigrants and how the EU is a massive financial burden on us and that we'll be better off alone, without any real clarity as to how and why.

From the stay side, all I've heard really is how we will crumble economically if we leave, which I consider a massive exaggeration.
I've no idea if we would be more beneficial staying or leaving?
What do the conservatives want, then I can vote the opposite?

Anyone wanna buy my vote for £5?
Both sides have been as bad as each other, to be honest. Cameron's constant fearmongering and suggesting that Brexit will lead to global disharmony, World War III and other such nonsense are ridiculous, as was Major and Blair's intervention today in Northern Ireland, but Leave continue to repeat certain lies such as the figures of how much we pay into the EU, despite the fact that it's been disproven. Certain prominent Leave figures were also incredibly quick to start babbling nonsense about Obama's Kenyan heritage, and how that somehow influenced his views on Britain's position in the EU when, again, it bore no relevance to the discussion itself and was mere conspiracy. That's before we even get onto the fact that figures like Boris Johnson are largely acting out of complete self-interest.
Agreed and sums up my earlier points that the whole thing has potentially disengaged millions from politics forever.
What, then, will happen to the money we no longer send to Brussels?

The money we send to the EU is a minor factor compared to the potential affect on our economy.

We contribute 0.5% of our National Income, the likelihood of losing more than that is more probable than not.
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Agreed and sums up my earlier points that the whole thing has potentially disengaged millions from politics forever.
The best way to carry on with the business-as-usual gravy train is to disengage the public from political interest. ;)
I wouldn't vote on the basis of any one person, I just want to read or watch a few of the sensible opinions on those who want to leave, stay or even those who are indifferent

All I've really heard so far from the leave side is moaning about the immigrants and how the EU is a massive financial burden on us and that we'll be better off alone, without any real clarity as to how and why.

From the stay side, all I've heard really is how we will crumble economically if we leave, which I consider a massive exaggeration.

Not from one person, but numerous people or groups of people who have nothing to gain, nothing to lose, have no political affinities and no agenda. I wouldn't listen to anyone on the Remain side or on the Leave side, try to find some independent opinions.
I have no political views or agenda but people think I have, but there others like me , this is so important - obviously all logic points to Remain but don't just listen to one person
Take back control, and hand the power to a group of right wing lunatics
Who was it saying earlier that clearly Gove et al will clearly pump all that money straight into public services?

Eddie bloody Izzard.
The best way to carry on with the business-as-usual gravy train is to disengage the public from political interest. ;)
Apathy/torpidity- the new opium of the masses.
Agreed and sums up my earlier points that the whole thing has potentially disengaged millions from politics forever.

True. Although I suppose such disengagement often benefits the Tories, and will be exactly what they're looking for on both sides of the spectrum.
At what point do people think immigration should actually be controlled? I don't get why it gets conflated with whether we should actually have immigration or not, well I do and it's because they want to change the argument to suit.

Discussing that yes they could control non-European immigration but they've fecked it up might be a better tactic than ignoring the issue.
At what point do people think immigration should actually be controlled? I don't get why it gets conflated with whether we should actually control or not, we'll I do and it's because they want to change the argument to suit.

I do think net figures of hundreds of thousands each year are a bit concerning and potentially unsustainable, but at the same time, I fail to see how leaving the EU will address it. We already have the power to control immigration in regards to those outside the EU, yet hundreds of thousands still come every year. So, what's going to change with Brexit? We continue to hear of this Australian style points system, but why aren't we using it at the moment to determine non-EU migration?
I do think net figures of hundreds of thousands each year are a bit concerning and potentially unsustainable, but at the same time, I fail to see how leaving the EU will address it. We already have the power to control immigration in regards to those outside the EU, yet hundreds of thousands still come every year. So, what's going to change with Brexit? We continue to hear of this Australian style points system, but why aren't we using it at the moment to determine non-EU migration?
Are you writing David Dimbleby's lines tonight?
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