EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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Yes I am biased as I want us to leave the EU but I do agree everyone should be given the opportunity to vote. But there is a deadline for a reason and the frustration is that if it was the older population registering late who are more likely to vote leave than you can bet there wouldn't of been an extension.

These late comers obviously have little interest in the referendum and are probably going to vote for petty reasons due to being uninformed.

No, you literally can not bet that.
I can bet anything given the utter nonsense Cameron and co talk repeatedly. They will do anything to win this referendum.
Young people aren't good at remembering to register for things. It really doesn't mean they don't care or aren't informed.
I can bet anything given the utter nonsense Cameron and co talk repeatedly. They will do anything to win this referendum.

It's an utterly ridiculous reason to oppose it.

I hope to god I never see you complaining about how the EU is undemocratic again.
Well if they are informed they will know that if they care enough to vote they need to register.
Honestly it's not difficult is it

Depends, I had no idea the deadline was today or yesterday (Luckily I had registered long ago). I can't say it was highlighted on a regular basis.
Well if they are informed they will know that if they care enough to vote they need to register.
Honestly it's not difficult is it
Yeah, it is. I had no idea when the deadline was until the day. I'm a weirdo who watches Newsnight pretty much every night, Question Time, This Week and Andrew Marr's thing. The deadline date isn't something that is made clear at all until the last moment.

Fortunately in my case I've been at my current address for a while and I am already registered. For a lot of young people, that is not the case, and even if they commit the terrible sin of procrastinating registering then they should be able to rely on the website not to crash.

EDIT - Forgot Daily Politics. Will pop that on now. Got three to catch up on.
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I can bet anything given the utter nonsense Cameron and co talk repeatedly. They will do anything to win this referendum.
Our resident chemtrail sniffer and hunter of the lizard overlords worried about people talking nonsense, I would say you couldn't make it up but you'd have to go and disprove me.
Reminds me - Lots of people quite rightly making the point that all these old people are voting on something that they'll barely feel the effects of whilst us young people have to live with the decision for a lot longer.

A vote should be given points, based on the difference between your age and the average life expectancy in the country. We'd probably have Harry Styles as PM but it would be fairer.
So you admit nothing is going to change with non-EU but at present you can't do anything about the EU immigrants, only an aversion to Europeans then - if the Uk leave the same people who were previously within the circle will then be outside the circle but you'll still let them in as you can't change - makes zero sense

What is so difficult to understand about bringing your destiny into your own hands, if we vote out the EU we'll see leadership change that will address the whole shop (hopefully).
What is so difficult to understand about bringing your destiny into your own hands, if we vote out the EU we'll see leadership change that will address the whole shop (hopefully).

In theory sounds good, the reality is something else, lot of wonderful theories floating about, this is where there is the problem, cloud cuckoo land doesn't exist.
If the leadership of the British government changes, ie Labour get in, but they're on the whole pro-EU so another conflict of interest. What exactly are people voting for?
Reminds me - Lots of people quite rightly making the point that all these old people are voting on something that they'll barely feel the effects of whilst us young people have to live with the decision for a lot longer.

A vote should be given points, based on the difference between your age and the average life expectancy in the country. We'd probably have Harry Styles as PM but it would be fairer.

So if the young people who voted happen to die before the older people, does their vote get annulled?
What is so difficult to understand about bringing your destiny into your own hands, if we vote out the EU we'll see leadership change that will address the whole shop (hopefully).

What is this, a fecking movie? This 'destiny into your own hands' is nothing but a load of bollocks bravado just like 'make the UK great again'. What does it actually mean? The square root of nothing. Let's see some actual plans for how we're going to survive and move forward post Brexit. I'd rather not base my future and my future childrens future on your hope that we are going to see leadership change. What we're going to see is Boris fecking Johnson as PM who should be nowhere near scissors let alone politics, who wanted to charge people to use the NHS and Michael Gove who wanted to privatise it. Instead of 'I hope' let's see some plans. Nick said he had loads earlier in the thread but when I asked him for them he went AWOL. Maybe you can put some out.
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In theory sounds good, the reality is something else, lot of wonderful theories floating about, this is where there is the problem, cloud cuckoo land doesn't exist.
If the leadership of the British government changes, ie Labour get in, but they're on the whole pro-EU so another conflict of interest. What exactly are people voting for?

You assume a change from Conservative to Labour leadership, I think the Conservative leadership will change if we vote out. People are voting for whether we remain in the EU.
What is this, a fecking movie? This 'destiny into your own hands' is nothing but a load of bollocks bravado just like 'make the UK great again'. What does it actually mean?
The square root of nothing. Let's see some actual plans for how we're going to survive and move forward post Brexit. I'd rather not base my future and my future childrens future on your hope that we are going to see leadership change. What we're going to see is Boris fecking Johnson as PM who should be nowhere near scissors let alone politics, who wanted to charge people to use the NHS and Michael Gove who wanted to privatise it. Instead of 'I hope' let's see some plans. Nick said he had loads earlier in the thread but when I asked him for them he went AWOL. Maybe you can put some out.

In your post you seem quite angry, and emotional. UK did exist before it joined the EU, what is the movie bit, that we can't survive outside the EU, that's a movie? It sounds like you have no confidence in the UK to govern itself, fair enough, I'm the opposite, I think the UK can govern itself, and sovereignty is massively important.
Our resident chemtrail sniffer and hunter of the lizard overlords worried about people talking nonsense, I would say you couldn't make it up but you'd have to go and disprove me.

You're boring mate.
It's an utterly ridiculous reason to oppose it.

I hope to god I never see you complaining about how the EU is undemocratic again.

I don't oppose it. I'm saying I don't think it would be allowed if it was the other way around if older voters were trying to register which may benefit the leave side. Because it is known that it is mainly young voters registering late who are more likely to vote remain, Cameron has made sure registration time is extended. Registration website crashes for 2 hours, so Cameron extends registration for 2 days. What is the point in having a deadline in the first place.
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In your post you seem quite angry, and emotional. UK did exist before it joined the EU, what is the movie bit, that we can't survive outside the EU, that's a movie? It sounds like you have no confidence in the UK to govern itself, fair enough, I'm the opposite, I think the UK can govern itself, and sovereignty is massively important.

Not at all, more amused. The UK did exist before it joined the EU you're right. This is another pointless statement that actually means nothing, but seems to appeal to emotive people who don't use reason to get to the bottom of something and just go from how good the statement sounds. 'Yeahhhh we did it once, we can do it again!!' Well great, but is that it? Are we just making statements and not backing them up?

The movie bit is you talking about destiny and holding our own destiny, is this Hollywood? The world doesn't work on destiny, it works on reason and logic. On actual plans. On the strength and conviction to carry out those plans. Do you have any plans? More than half of the country have no confidence in the Tory party to govern the UK as part of the EU let alone on its own. That's before you even begin to look at the actual potential dangers of leaving and the economic crisis that we could encounter. You have this blind faith seemingly that we're going to be okay and that none of the stuff that could happen, will do. Can you back this up with any kind of plan? That's the core issue here, is that you seem to be pinning not only your future, but my future, my childrens future and the future of everybody else on some kind of 'well that sounds pretty good on paper' and absolutely nothing else. Some of us need something more than hopes and personal opinions when it comes to securing our future.
You assume a change from Conservative to Labour leadership, I think the Conservative leadership will change if we vote out. People are voting for whether we remain in the EU.

For sure the Conservative leadership will change and pretty safe to assume there will be a general election . People are supposed to be voting whether the UK remains in the EU, but are they?
Not at all, more amused. The UK did exist before it joined the EU you're right. This is another pointless statement that actually means nothing, but seems to appeal to emotive people who don't use reason to get to the bottom of something and just go from how good the statement sounds. 'Yeahhhh we did it once, we can do it again!!' Well great, but is that it? Are we just making statements and not backing them up?

The movie bit is you talking about destiny and holding our own destiny, is this Hollywood? The world doesn't work on destiny, it works on reason and logic. On actual plans. On the strength and conviction to carry out those plans. Do you have any plans? More than half of the country have no confidence in the Tory party to govern the UK as part of the EU let alone on its own. That's before you even begin to look at the actual potential dangers of leaving and the economic crisis that we could encounter. You have this blind faith seemingly that we're going to be okay and that none of the stuff that could happen, will do. Can you back this up with any kind of plan? That's the core issue here, is that you seem to be pinning not only your future, but my future, my childrens future and the future of everybody else on some kind of 'well that sounds pretty good on paper' and absolutely nothing else. Some of us need something more than hopes and personal opinions when it comes to securing our future.

The other movie bit is where 28 countries stand around while they all agree on what they want to do and this works out well. I think I saw this movie and it was called The Day the Earth stood still for a very long time.
I'm sure his plan would be based on average life expectancy rather than individual projections. So an untimely death would be covered by people in that generation who live too long.

You didn't read his reply then, so if a 19 year old boy racer who kills himself in a car crash has more voting rights than someone who is say 50 and lives to 100, sounds reasonable to me
Is this the standard response from Brexit

If you would take a second to read what I was responding to you wouldn't write such an idiotic reply, but you never do. The post I was replying to was nothing to do with Brexit, it was to someone implying i'm a tin foil hat wearer which is getting very boring now.
If you would take a second to read what I was responding to you wouldn't write such an idiotic reply, but you never do. The post I was replying to was nothing to do with Brexit, it was to someone implying i'm a tin foil hat wearer which is getting very boring now.

This sort of reply is repeated endlessly on here not just by you by also by your other mates, and you're accusing me of being an idiot -everything is boring if you don't sign up to fantasy world

I presume you mean this, nothing to do with it

BringNaniBack said:
I can bet anything given the utter nonsense Cameron and co talk repeatedly. They will do anything to win this referendum.
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Aren't you already registered from the last election?
Should be if you were registered in the 2015 GE or the local elections this year.
I registered last year. I also got a letter saying I had registered. If you haven't registered by now it's your own fault
Reminds me - Lots of people quite rightly making the point that all these old people are voting on something that they'll barely feel the effects of whilst us young people have to live with the decision for a lot longer.

A vote should be given points, based on the difference between your age and the average life expectancy in the country. We'd probably have Harry Styles as PM but it would be fairer.
That's a slippery slope suggestion! Next you'd have people being judged on their contribution to the economy. Poor, disabled people would be out straight away.
On the registering to vote issue, normally you need to amend or confirm and return the form that periodically comes through the door. If you are registered to vote, you need to keep confirming the names of the occupants of your household when they request you to do that.
That's a slippery slope suggestion! Next you'd have people being judged on their contribution to the economy. Poor, disabled people would be out straight away.

I thought people were trying to drag the Uk back into the 1950s, but I suppose there were more immigrants then than now, so must be the 1930s
That's a slippery slope suggestion! Next you'd have people being judged on their contribution to the economy. Poor, disabled people would be out straight away.
As long as we stop those pesky cancer victims from voting, I'm all for it!
That's a slippery slope suggestion! Next you'd have people being judged on their contribution to the economy. Poor, disabled people would be out straight away.
Not when the world is controlled by a load of skint 20 year olds.
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